The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Seeing these two really gave me Ogre vibes.
They’re quite large and the armor and such…I could picture Death Knight Ogres looking something like this.


Death Knight Ogres would be pretty awesome, and it’d be well in keeping with the Lich King’s desire to recruit new warriors into the fold; particularly against whatever new threats may come forth past Shadowlands.

I don’t think we’re getting Allied Races at all in Shadowlands, though it’d certainly be a pleasant surprise if we do.



I have wanted ogres for a very long time. Now that the high elf request is effectively complete I throw my full support behind ogres.

I plan To make a warrior, mage, warlock, and shaman if they are ever added.


Ogre DK’s from WoW TCG.



From my understanding they wouldn’t be doing them at launch but somewhere after which I take to be 9.1 or later.


Ah, I miss the WoW TCG.


Okay well.

I know what my ogre is going to be now…


I added a new section in the first post about who the leader of the Stonemaul Clan should be. That of course would be Tharg:

Tharg is hinted at the end of the Stonemaul Ogre questline being the next leader by Draz’Zilb, a very smart two-headed Ogre Mage in the clan who also mentions he would make a great leader. Tharg’s age and injuries were mentioned as concern, however:

“Mok’Morokk is not fit to lead us. Tharg would make an excellent leader but is hindered by his injuries and age.”

Regardless, Tharg seems like the best choice for the Stonemaul Leader. He has a good heart, and even is angry at Mok’Morokk at caring about power over the clan:

“Mok’Morokk was made Overlord by Rexxar. He care more for power than he care for ogres.”

As such, I don’t expect Tharg to become yet another corrupted leader of the Stonemaul Clan. Maybe the Horde could give him some stuff to help with his injuries, or maybe a nice relaxing hot spring somewhere to soak in would work.

Interestingly, his Wowpedia page mentions him having a deceased wife:

Said wife was killed by the Black Dragonflight, likely when they chased the Stonemaul from their home.

What this means is that the Stonemaul Clan does have female Ogres within it, despite only showing male Ogres in-game. So we now have another instance of female Ogres existing in Warcraft.

I’ll have to look at all the quests and flavor text regarding the Stonemaul at some point to see where it mentions Tharg’s wife, as I don’t recall seeing it being mentioned in-game. Might have just been something I missed, though. So far, that seems to be the only mention of female Ogres in the Stonemaul Clan, but if anyone knows of any other mentions, please share!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I like this idea of a playable Ogre race! Question is…can we have two-headed Ogres, as well?


I am surprise that Ogres are not yet playable.


And they had the perfect opportunity to introduce them in WoD. IIRC, some of the cut content was an entire ogre zone and Highmaul was just a small piece of it.


Would they be sharing Orgrimmar with everyone else or do they have their own city? Is it in Duskwallow or Feralas?

I personally prefer Feralas to Duskwallow. With Theramore ruins (?) in Duskwallow it would be one of the first places an Alliance force would probably hit if they ever planned on taking it back or rebuilding it. Don’t want ogres wiped out before I even get to play one or as soon as I get to play one. Though, it would definitely set up the ogres to ask the Horde for help if said action did happen.

Feralas on the other hand is far enough away from the Alliance and close to Dire Maul which is almost nothing but ogres. I would actually LOVE to have Dire Maul get turned into the ogre capital city tbh. In the quest chain to unlock them we could help them conquer Dire Maul or even recruit some of the ogres there to help take it.


It’s Dustwallow.


Female ogre dance.

Lol, oops. Dusk sounds better since it’s a swamp. No dust there. Thanks for the catch.


The Stonemaul home is in Dustwallow Marsh, so that would be the most likely racial hub if they’re put in like allied races.

The only thing with Feralas I could see is if the Horde does manage to take Dire Maul over and it is used as a starting racial hub for multiple Ogre clans that make up the playable Ogre faction. Potential clans are Stonemaul, Dunemaul, and even the Gordunni, which I’ve mentioned in the old Ogre megathread of them joining when a member of the Horde, likely one of the Stonemaul Ogres, could take over as the Gordok leader instead of outright slaughtering them.

I’ll likely mention my Gordunni idea in more detail again in the near future.

I’ve heard the rumors that Ogres were considered as a Horde race for WoD. It makes me wonder if they would’ve been AU Ogres from Draenor, in which I’d feel a bit bad for the Stonemaul being left behind. I also would have wondered what the Alliance would’ve gotten as well.

Playable Horde Ogres would’ve helped that expansion, as WoD is my current most disliked expansion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:



Don’t you mean a swamp?

In all seriousness, don’t you hate it when you keep mistyping?


Lol, yea. Though the Duskwallow was intentional. Dustwallow doesn’t sound as good to me and I don’t spend much time down there. Another reason I’d prefer Feralas to it for ogre capital.

Why not just take over the entire map of Feralas for ogres and have a crap ton of clans living there? Forget Orgrimmar as Horde capital it is now Ogrela (pronounced ogre - la) as the new, more popular capital in Feralas. :slight_smile:


Yet instead WoD gave us the oh so lovely absolutely nothing on the new race/class front. :cry:


I would love that. Feralas is a beautiful zone, but it really isn’t used for much of import at the moment. Turning it into a vast Ogre jungle would be quite interesting.