The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’ve done the majority of Stonemaul Ogre related quests I am aware of in TBC Classic Dustwallow Marsh. Didn’t find too much of interest, though that was to be expected.

The quests are more or less the same things you’re doing on Retail servers for the most part. Not a whole lot has changed, and you still beat up Mok’Morokk to send him running while the Stonemaul plan to elect a new leader, possibly Tharg still, and proceed to get too busy to help out in BC or WotLK by sitting around and…doing nothing to get their home back. Come to think of it, WotLK was a pretty serious world (of Warcraft!) ending event, and I’m pretty sure the Stonemaul didn’t come with us to Northrend to help out. A shame, as they would’ve been useful to fight against the Lich King.

I did come across a quest I didn’t recognize from Retail, however. It involves you gathering murloc heads for a hungry Ogre who demands you give him food or he’ll eat you:

The Ogre in question is this guy:

Fun bit of trivia according to Wowhead comments: Apparently this guy is named after an Ogre Warrior that was in Jeff Kaplan (Tigole)'s guild in Everquest 1. Hopefully, we’ll be able to make Horde Ogre characters in WoW someday…

He seems to be in Retail, though it sounds like he may not offer that quest or any quest at all there:

I checked on him in Retail, and he was just sitting there. As far as I can tell, there are no quests offered, it doesn’t seem like he is part of any quests, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t take any quests from him, so he’s just relaxing. Guess he’s full from all the adventurers in Vanilla and just needs to digest.

So far, that is all I’ve seen of interest in TBC Classic, which I assume is roughly the same as Vanilla Classic. I’ll continue to keep an eye out for anything else of interest to report on Classic servers. I was going to check out Feralas, though I don’t believe the Stonemaul Clan have gone there until Cataclysm. The Dunemaul Clan in Tanaris also kinda joined the Horde during Cataclysm, so I don’t know if there is anything of interest there on Classic servers. Still worth checking out just to see, though.

At any rate, I’ve helped the Stonemaul Clan twice in two different time periods. Maybe I’ll become an honorary member or something at the rate I’m going…assuming we see them in a future expansion, hopefully.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Playable two headed ogre where one player is a tank and controls movement/left side and the other is a mage and controls casting a la Gho’Gall from HOTS.

Also, I think the ogres reproduce slowly, their numbers constantly seem to be in decline.


Truth be told, I didn’t actually read the extensive OP.

That aside, I truly wish Stonemaul Ogres could become playable.


Let’s make it happen, Cap’n!


You should, there is a lot of good stuff there.

Ogres for the Horde!


Doing some of the Dustwallow Marsh quests again, I feel like giving my Ogre character the goal of bashing bad dragons in revenge for what happened to their home previously would be very fitting to his backstory and give him a goal.

One of the rumored future expansions involves Dragon Isles, which I assume would have dragons of some kind (shocking, I know). It’s also likely that several of Onyxia’s offspring may have been taken and hidden by her minions, since there were quite a bit of eggs that we didn’t destroy in that one quest. It’s also unclear if the Stonemaul Clan have been able to get their home back and whether any of Onyxia’s minions are still around there and squatting on the property.

Since many of the Stonemaul Clan were slaughtered and sent packing from their home, it stands to reason that the Stonemaul Ogres wouldn’t be too happy with the cut of their jib still, likely making them their mortal enemy. This would be a good reason to get at least the MU Stonemaul Clan a more active role in becoming adventurers.

I thought about giving my Ogre character I had in mind of setting out to make sure all of Onyxia’s offspring and minions were destroyed as a form of revenge and to make sure they don’t attack them or any Horde allies. Of course, with Wrathion leading the black dragonflight, it means not all members would be evil like Onyxia was, but as I mentioned, it is very possible that not all of her eggs or minions were killed and are in hiding still. Not to mention that island expeditions in BfA can have dragonkin that resemble that of the black dragonflight, who claim to be “earth warders,” so it’s possible evil black dragonflight members could still be somewhere.

This isn’t to say that the Stonemaul Clan would hate all dragons, though I can understand them being uneasy around them in general. It’s mostly just making sure the ones responsible for killing their clan members and kicking them from their home are destroyed.

Thus, if the playable Horde Ogre faction has the MU Stonemaul Clan as part of it (which is definitely should, whether it’s the sole faction or if the other Horde Ogre clans are part of it), that would be a good reason to have Horde Ogre adventurers out in the world (of Warcraft!) along with serving the Horde to repay their debt for saving the MU Stonemaul Clan multiple times.

It sounds like something that would be workable. Especially if the pre-expansion event I’ve mentioned and written a scenario about before would involve bring back the evil part of the black dragonflight coming back in some fashion. This would lead into giving the MU Stonemaul Clan a reason to be active and traveling the world (of Warcraft!)

Besides, beating up evil dragons for loot is a pastime for many players across various MMORPG’s. It would feel like old times to be able to do that again. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Been trying to think how my Ogre would view the world.

Since I have him designed as a Monk and a sumo wrestler style setup… I imagine hes got a lot of traditional things that he does especially before a known battle. As well as things he does in the his morning and evenings.

I’m not sure he’d be concerned with revenge or even with the majority of his peoples worries. Hes more there for his continued journey as a warrior.

Still working it out. I want to do more research on the things sumo wrestlers do in general before I really solidify anything. Try to keep to that and mix it with Ogre concepts.

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Another thing to consider would be which of the Ogre clans your Ogre character would come from.

Having all three Horde Ogre clans as part of the playable Ogre faction would be great for roleplaying, as well as adding any others like the Gordunni idea I’ve mentioned before. Even if the MU Stonemaul is the only clan to become playable, you can always RP your Ogre to be from either the Dunemal Clan, AU Stonemaul Clan, or elsewhere.

My Ogre will be from the MU Stonemaul Clan, of course. Already have a bit of the backstory with him worked out in my head, along with his goal of slaying the remaining minions and offspring of Onyxia. It just fits really well, IMO.

I will also state again that regardless of what is done with playable Horde Ogres, the MU Stonemaul Clan need to be part of the playable Horde Ogre faction. They are very important to the Horde, having been part of it since Warcraft 3, and should not be forgotten. I also would prefer that the other Horde Ogre clans not be forgotten either, but the MU Stonemaul Clan is the most important one!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think I’d have mine from MU Stonemaul but have him really into their history and very fascinated with the AU ogres who came thorough.

He’s fascinated with what they lost and those ogres are very close to what they lost.

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It seems like it’d be pretty easy to justify being an MU Gordunni. It isn’t clear which faction killed the King so some naturally would think it was the Horde. Besides, what’s stopping the Stonemaul from taking over Dire Maul?


I really like the idea of the Stonemaul, Dunemaul, Gordunni (maybe the Crushridge if I get my Alteraci humans to join the Horde?) and AU ogres taking Eldre’thalas for themselves now that no Shen’dralar live there.


Isn’t that the million dollar question? Sadly, there has been no answer to this one, and I’ve ranted about it several times as I wonder what the MU Stonemaul Clan are up to and what is going on in Feralas.

The MU Stonemaul came to Feralas to help with the Gordunni threat, as they were causing problems for the Horde there. The Gordunni, at least the higher ranked members, were settled in Dire Maul.

At some point during the Traveler book series, the Gordunni left Dire Maul, and I assume the majority of the Gordunni in the surrounding area also came with them. This would’ve left Dire Maul empty, and as a result, you would think the MU Stonemaul and the Horde forces there would go to capture Dire Maul for various reasons. It doesn’t sound like that happened, for whatever reason.

As far as I can tell, the Gordunni headed back to Feralas and Dire Maul, where they decided only Ogres could become their leader. This fact is one of the reasons why I thought that if a trusted MU Stonemaul Clan member became the Gordok leader, that would be a good way to get the Gordunni as part of the Horde then. It’d be a lot easier (and more fun) than having to constantly slaughter them, and it would give troops to take care of Horde territory in Feralas.

I’ve talked about the idea before, and it seems simpler to do that with the Gordunni and also bringing back the whole Gordok thing from before into play. Then you can make Dire Maul a potential racial hub for Ogres if you go the multiple clan route.

It is mentioned that the Crushridge Clan has some relation to the Stonemaul Clan. Reuniting them would make for an interesting questline, as well as seeing what would be done with Mug’thol. Especially since he likely would love some revenge against Sylvanas for enslaving him in Warcraft 3.

Those two are the only other clans I could see becoming part of the Horde Ogre clans. I can’t think of any others at present, but there is a lot to work with them Gordunni and Crushridge clans if Blizzard went with the mutiple clans route for playable Horde Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I previously speculated on if Ogres were a core race in Vanilla, how it could’ve played out, and since Ogres were confirmed to be considered for Cataclysm as a playable Horde race, I thought I would speculate some on that idea.

Before I begin, I want to again reintegrate that I am not sour that Goblins ended up playable. I’m happy they did become playable in general, and I have some Goblin characters I really like a lot. The only thing I really grumble about is that Ogres have allegedly been considered several times, only to get kicked to the curb each time and then forgotten.

I’ll also refer to the MU Stonemaul Clan as just the Stonemaul Clan. It’s easier to type, and the AU Stonemaul Clan wouldn’t be a thing yet, so there is no confusion. I’ll also assume that future expansions would be roughly the same, just with some story elements slightly changed.

Now for this version of Cataclysm, I’m going to go under the assumption that Worgen would’ve still been the Alliance race chosen, but without Goblins as a Horde race at this point, quite a bit would change. Gallywix may not have become a thing until either much later, or Gazlowe would lead a NPC faction of Goblins that could eventually become the playable Goblin race faction.

Assuming that the same expansions happened, some story elements might have changed slightly, but otherwise wouldn’t have too much of an impact. Maybe the Goblins would’ve joined during BfA as an allied race. Maybe Gallywix would’ve been a regular Goblin that rises through the ranks and gains power that way. Maybe Megs Dreadshredder is part of Gazlowe’s crew as an assistant, and will recruits the Dunemaul Clan into the Horde. Who knows? There is a lot to speculate with this, but I’m going to focus on the playable Horde Ogres for now.

Now for the playable Ogre faction, I see no reason why it wouldn’t be the Stonemaul Clan. They were already part of the Horde, and with Deathwing being the main baddie of Cataclysm, would’ve had a reason to have them get involved. In fact, it seems fitting to have them involved regardless, since they would have a vendetta against him and the evil members of the Black Dragonflight in general. Another missed opportunity in our timeline, sadly…

As for the racial leader, likely it would be Tharg. We sent Mok’Morokk packing in Vanilla, and it was hinted that Tharg would be voted in despite his age and injuries. We could say that he managed to get some medicine to help, or maybe he found a really nice hot spring to soak in with relaxing music or something, but he seems the best choice. Not to mention with his wife having been killed by dragonkin in the area and previously losing his home once before, he would fit well with the Stonemaul Clan storyline.

Now, since Worgen would’ve still had their own starting area, the question is: How would the Stonemaul Clan’s starting area have gone?

First, I see no reason why new Ogres would not have started off in Dustwallow Marsh. For our timeline, Deathwing’s actions had an effect on both the Worgen and Goblin starting areas, so Deathwing having an effect on Dustwallow adds more to the area since Onyxia and her minions and offspring are in the area.

My guess would be that starting Ogre newbies would start in the Stonemaul home, where you’d get quests to work on rebuilding your home, killing the local pests, maybe some skirmishes with Theramore and their spies also. However, I would see eventually Deathwing coming and causing chaos in the area, maybe in the middle of a battle with Theramore or maybe Onyxia’s minions. It could cause damage to the Stonemaul home again, and this time the dragonkin mount another savage attack on the area afterwards.

This causes the Stonemaul Clan to retreat back to Brackenwall Village, where maybe a siege could happen that you help defend against, leading to a bit of a stalemate in the area with the dragonkin mobs once again taking residence in the Stonemaul home. Eventually, you’d be sent to Orgrimmar to report what happened to Garrosh.

Not too happy with losing territory, Garrosh tasks the Stonemaul Clan to go out and do stuff for the Horde, calling in the debt the Stonemaul clan owes the Horde. Doing so will give them training, in which he’ll consider helping the Stonemaul Clan in Dustwallow after they help some. This line of thinking will give the Stonemaul Clan some resentment towards Garrosh, which will play out in Pandaria and give them a reason to side with the Horde when Garrosh goes mad with power. Not to mention that Garrosh likely isn’t fond of Ogres, so aside from wanting territory back, isn’t as concerned and likely thinks the dragonkin in the area would keep Theramore busy and weaken them, which would allow the Horde to attack whoever the victor of the area would be.

As such, the Stonemaul Clan have some things going for them that gives them a reason to go off adventuring:

The first is doing stuff for the Horde, since they have a bit of debt for them. Garrosh utilizing this in a not-so-respectful way just plays out for future events, and the Stonemaul Clan will get respect later on after Garrosh gets the boot. This also could explain the Stonemaul Clan being moved to Feralas to help out there in the meantime.

The second is getting their home back again. Whether it is destroyed or just taken over again, the Stonemaul Clan have a goal of eventually reclaiming their home yet again, this time hopefully for good.

The third is to kill Deathwing and any remaining evil members of the Black Dragonflight. There would still be members in Dustwallow, even with Onyxia dead, and even then, Deathwing is still a threat not just to the Stonemaul, but to the entire world. The Stonemaul would realize the Horde could also lose their home, and helping the Horde would be a way to both repay their debt and also get revenge.

I likely only scratched the surface of this line of thinking, and certainly it isn’t perfect, but this is generally what I think could’ve happened if we got Ogres in Cataclysm. As I said, assuming the expansions stayed the same, some story elements would’ve been different. I’m sure Goblins would’ve eventually become a playable race still, though the circumstances may have been different. I’d be surprised if we went through BfA without playable Goblins, and the Goblin megathread in that timeline having arguments of neutrality and stuff being a hot topic. But hey, our timeline has playable Horde Goblins, and that is a good thing.

Even if Dustwallow Marsh would’ve still be timelocked, where we get the Stonemaul home back but there is still dragonkin squatting in the area, at least we’d have playable Horde Ogres and there would be an assumption that they would get their home back eventually. Or maybe that would be an event at some point during the zone’s questing, and it would get reclaimed again. Not sure which is more likely here.

At any rate, it’s fun to speculate another timeline, but I still hope we’re in the timeline where playable Horde Ogres do eventually become a thing. We’ll see where the future takes us, but hopefully, we’ll see the MU Stonemaul Clan show up and help out the Horde again soon!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


While I haven’t quested in Classic Tanaris yet, I did look at a list of quests on Wowhead to see what all involved the Dunemaul Clan. I came upon this quest, which was apparently removed when Cataclysm launched:

It’s a standard quest to kill jobbers, which from what I can tell is pretty much all the Dunemaul Clan is during the Classic era since Megs Dreadshredder doesn’t recruit them to the Horde until Cataclysm. There is a bit of interesting quest text from the quest above, though:

“Just recently, a large band of nomadic ogres arrived in Tanaris.”

The Dunemaul not being native to Tanaris can make some sense, since I believe that the majority of Ogres came from Draenor unless I’m mistaken. But the question is…where did they come from right before arriving in Tanaris?

Were they in another area on Kalimdor before? Are they wandering nomadic Ogres? Are they seafaring possibly and came from the sea? Can they see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Sadly, not a lot of lore in-game for the Dunemaul Clan exists that I have found, Classic or Retail.

I did look quickly through the quest list for Classic Tanaris, and didn’t notice much else involving them. I didn’t expect much to begin with, and maybe with an alt I’ll level there sometime to see. In the meantime, however, I’d rather not mess with them at the moment. They could end up being Horde player characters someday in the future. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ogres were native to Draenor not Azeroth. All ogres came from Draenor during the First War.

I like the idea that they wandered from the EK at some point.

Ogres being in Kalimdor isn’t odd cause they were great shipbuilders so them ending up anywhere is expected.

Perhaps they wandered from the Barrens into the thousand needles then finally Tanaris.


Full endorsement.


It’s possible that the Dunemaul Clan could’ve sailed from the Eastern Kingdoms, which is where I think the Ogre clans arrived via the dark portal when the original Horde invaded Azeroth. I’d be curious where they would’ve landed on Kalimdor, since I don’t recall seeing any ship related parts around their residence in Classic or Retail, and any shipwrecks or otherwise could be from several other factors. Given they landed “recently” in Classic, it’s likely they landed elsewhere and wandered eventually to Tanaris.

If they are capable shipwrights, as most Ogres would be, it could give them something to do for Megs Dreadshredder. IF you recall from the beginning of her Dunemaul recruitment quest, she says the following:

“As I may have mentioned, I’m trying to get these Dunemaul ogres to join the Horde…and work for the Bilgewater Cartel as cheap local labor.”

It’s possible that she could have them helping to make ships for the Bilgewater Goblins, the Horde in general, or maybe a fleet for herself for…reasons. Then again, she could be having them do other stuff, though what she has been having them do is still a mystery.

But at the very least with this line of thinking, both the Dunemaul and MU Stonemaul Clan would know how to build ships. I’m sure the AU Stonemaul would also know how to build ships as well, given there was an Ogre island of some sort on Draenor. Yet another reason the Horde would find them very useful to make full members of the Horde! :ship:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Tortollans have infinitely more potential as a future playable race than anything else, including Ogres.

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Go make a post in their thread then.


I don’t see why we couldn’t have both Tortollans and Ogres. Tortollans would make for a fun playable race, especially since we could use some playable reptilian races in general, and I’d happily roll one up! Turtles are also my favorite animal, so I’d be happy to seem them playable. :turtle:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: