The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

With the recent revelation that 9.1 has new “starting” armor textures buried within it, and thinking back to one of Legion’s patches accidentally including the textures for one of Kul Tiras’ questing robes, I’m beginning to think the idea that another old-world revamp is in the works might have some weight to it.

While I’ll remain skeptical that they’re doing something of that scale, such an event would definitely give them a shining opportunity to add a new Core Race for each faction.


An old world revamp has been one of the bigger rumors going around for what could be next. It’s something that I would personally love to see happen.

Not to mention that the Horde Ogre clans would have to be addressed in this type of revamp in some way. Preferably by getting a spot on the Horde side of that character creation screen of course. The MU Stonemaul Clan at the very least have done a lot for the Horde to at least become official members of it and have their clan members have a chance of helping out the Horde more in the future…and making some of them Horde champions too! :smiley:

There is a lot of potential for an old-world revamp in several ways, but we’ll see what direction the next expansion goes when it gets announced. While my expectations will be tempered, I’ll always keep my fingers crossed and hope for playable Horde Ogres!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Gods I hope so, this would be great. There needs to be life breathed into Azeroth. I want to fight on Azeroth, back home, not in some realm off nowhere that I have no connection to and will leave.


A revamp of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms is very much needed at this point, in my opinion.

The old worlds are still stuck in Cataclysm, with many stories or situations either resolved and stuck in certain situations perpetually (Sentinel Hill still being on fire) while other areas likely have changed by now. Seeing an update to them would be refreshing to work with something more familiar while giving a better starting place to put new players after they finish the new player area. Moreso than just thrusting them into some cosmic place like the afterlife, IMO.

Not to mention the possibilities of making some new playable races in the meantime. Ogres and Forest Trolls (Revantusk Tribe) could work well with the Horde in the old areas while Wildhammer Dwarves and something like Furbolgs could work well for Alliance. I’m sure there are other races that would make sense, but some could also be put in there as well. San’layn in the Ghostlands and maybe even Saurok in Un’Goro Crater (an idea from Hearthstone) as playable Horde could also work if you want to be creative. Each of them could even have events similar to the lead-in to Cataclysm to promote their officially becoming playable, too.

Hopefully if there is an old world revamp, it might be something that would work as an expansion neutral setting. Something that you don’t have to worry too much editing NPC’s of while keeping the timeline still in the past.

At any rate, I’ll be happy if the next expansion takes place back on Azeroth, but the possibilities of an old world revamp really sound intriguing the more I think about it. We’ll see what happens in the future as it comes, I guess. Hopefully, it’ll be a bright future.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Well, the month of August is almost done (is it just me, or did this month really crawl by slowly?). It’ll be September soon, and then after that, it will be October. If you recall, October 9th is when the one year anniversary of this megathread will take place!

Outside of a speech-like post, I haven’t really been able to think of much else to do. Likely, I’ll think of some things to do throughout the month of October, which happens to be a favorite month of mine for various reasons. Nice weather and Halloween being a few of them. :ghost:

I’m still interested in doing an in-game event sometime, but until I can get employed and know how my schedule is, I won’t really be able to set a specific time and date for it. Being a responsible adult can be frustrating, but when I feel more like I can put down a definitive time and date, I’ll explore the idea of an in-game event again.

If anyone has any ideas of how to celebrate our one-year anniversary, I am open to ideas of course. Hopefully, it won’t be several more years before we see playable Horde Ogres in the future. Especially if Blizzard is potentially taking our feedback into consideration! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


My hubby loves Halloween. I just love chaos. We do these treat bags with candy, pencils, little erasers, plastic spiders and some form of loud calamitous device to annoy their parents.

Last year it was Kazoo’s.

We’ll be waiting with baited breath! Hoping I can be there for it!

Rock throwing contest in front of Orgrimmar or in Dustwallow!

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i wanna be a dual-heads ogre mage on the alliance side

would like if it had will to survive racial :slight_smile:

I’m with you, even if I disagree with the side, up until giving it the human racial. lol

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A shame there isn’t a way to have player collision in the game somehow, because otherwise we could set up sumo matches in game. I wonder if there could be other things to use as a makeshift way to knock people out of a predefined ring. Also curious if there is something that gives an animation that could pass off as throwing salt in the ring area.

Also, I have you to thank for getting me into sumo wrestling. It has been really enjoyable to see the tradition that goes on between matches and the matches themselves. I still think WoW could use some sumo wrestling, and Ogres really seem fitting to get that started in Azeroth. Maybe it’s something they and the Pandaren can come up with. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I was actually just kinda thinking about this. rofl.

Honestly if I can figure out a way to do it I might just start gathering folk for fun anyways ogres or no…

You’re welcome!

Its an amazing sport and I love all of it. The ceremonies the process, the fights. NHK often has clips on their youtube channel or you can find their highlights reels during the season on their app.

I could very much see ogres and Pandaren coming up with that. Imagine a brewfest like event but its sumo. Pandaren and Ogres started it and then other races got in on the fun…

I need to go submit a suggestion excuse me.

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As I said in another thread, it looks like they’re passing on suggestions. I know many Horde players would like playable ogres, and there’s some really rich lore potential as well. Dreaming big for you folks! Hope to see some good news in this case sometime for everyone here.


I need my Ogre Monk blizzard.

Gotta bring sumo to the world… I mean… I need the Stonemaul to finally take their place within the Horde!


Since Blizzard is taking feedback off the forums more closely, it may be a good idea for me to take a look at revamping and adding to sections on the main post of both my megathreads. I figured it would be a good idea to make sure our Saurok/Ogre research is in order and more presentable, along with making it easier to find stuff we’ve discussed in the megathread.

For Ogres, I am thinking a sumo section might be a good thing to add. It’s very fitting for Ogres and would bring some fun gameplay to the game. I’ll likely have to do a post that shows off the rules of RL sumo wrestling and some sample videos at some point to go with it, along with tying the whole thing into Ogres and the Horde in general. As I said before, I assume the Alliance either would get their own version of it or something else to go with it so they don’t get left out.

I also want to do a “posts of interest” section, filled with…well, posts of interest. Things like artwork posts (both fan artwork and links to artwork I’ve shared for inspiration), writings, important Ogre information, and so on. I’ll need to go over posts I’ve made both here and in the previous Ogre megathread, where I’ll repost anything of interest I made here, and set that up.

That is about all I can think of at present of what to do for the main post of this megathread. I am open to suggestions on things to add or sections to revamp, of course. I’m unsure when the next update will be, but hopefully I’ll be able to find some time soon to add to it and update the main post.

It’s unclear of what to expect for the future of WoW, but I am hoping that the Horde Ogre clans appear again in the game and that it would lead into playable Horde Ogres in the future. It is long overdue and would make the Horde feel more complete to see that happen. I’ll always keep hope for that!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Big bump for a race that’s been a big part of the franchise going all the way back to the very first Warcraft game! The Horde was very much formed by Ogres as it was by Orcs.


I bping this in support for ogres. DO EET BLIZZ!


Assuming that Blizzard is collecting feedback from the forums, my hope is that they would be open to adding Ogres as a playable Horde race.

Part of me feels like they might be since Ogres allegedly had multiple considerations in the past. Cataclysm being the biggest chance while rumors of Vanilla and WoD having them also are around. As I said before, if they were considered several times, I want to think that Blizzard has an interest in them as a playable race and that it’s a possibility in the future. I’m sure new playable races are still in the cards, and I would hope Ogres get another consideration.

There is also the fact that Ogres have been wanted since Vanilla. It may not be anywhere near Elf levels of popularity, but people have been at it when supporting them as a playable race since the game came out. There is some popularity of them, and I still believe that it would be big news to see Ogres finally playable. Moreso if two-head customization options became a thing, as well as curiosity of what is done with female Ogres.

Not to mention that they’re already part of the Horde and had importance in Warcraft 3. Making them playable will make the Horde feel more complete, as well as being a bit of a connection to the RTS games. The MU Stonemaul Clan in particular has been loyal and a big help in many ways, so hopefully they will get some recognition and become full members of the Horde at least, along with the other two Horde Ogre clans.

At present, I still think playable Horde Ogres have a good shot of becoming a reality still. I realize a lot of work would go into designing them as a playable race, but I do think it would do a lot for the game while offering something fresh for the character creation screen. The more variety there is in playable races, the more potential players you could attract in the long term is how I see it.

I’ll continue to keep at my support for playable Horde Ogres, and will continue to dream of the day I can recreate my Ogre Berserker from Everquest 1 and 2 as an Ogre Fury Warrior that is a champion of the Horde and a savoir of the world (of Warcrat!). I hope he’ll be able to adventure in Azeroth someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We’re long ogredue for them.


Bringing this up as this is the thread that actually has a ton of good work in it and an OP that is very kind, as opposed to the abandoned one absent of both :stuck_out_tongue:


Ogres have long been requested and would add not only some more muscle and magic to the Horde but a bit of nostalgia for older members of the warcraft community!

Also I need my sumo wrestler ogre monk…


I’ve been going through TBC Classic some to explore Dustwallow Marsh and see what the area was like during the old Vanilla days, and it got me thinking a bit more about the rumors that Ogres were considered as a race for Vanilla back in the day. I wanted to think some more on that line of thinking.

When looking back at Ogres during Vanilla, it is said that Blizzard debated between them and Tauren, the main factor being that they wanted a big race and development time couldn’t lead to them both getting in at launch. Tauren were ultimately chosen in the end, but if they weren’t, I do wonder if Thunder Bluff would still be in the game as a capital city at the time. I assume Tauren would still be part of the Horde as a NPC race, and it’s hard to imagine access to Mulgore being locked until a future expansion happened. Maybe Cataclysm (assuming this timeline has the same expansions albeit with some potential feature differences like playable races) would’ve been the latest we’d see Tauren playable, but that is quite a bit of time having passed for them to not be playable given their importance to the Horde.

If Thunder Bluff were still a capital city, then I wouldn’t really expect the Stonemaul Ogres to have their own capital city. Maybe the Darkspear Trolls would’ve had a capital city that was farther located from Orgrimmar, and the Ogres would be the race that lost their home still to the dragonkin that sent them running in our timeline. Dustwallow Marsh could still be for the most part the same, maybe with an Ogre starting area there still or maybe they’d start with the Orcs, who want to help them get their home back so they don’t take over all the land in Durotar.

Otherwise, we’d see the Stonemaul home become a capital city. A bigger, more grand area in Dustwallow Marsh where they didn’t lose their home, but have to contend both with Theramore and Onyxia’s minions. In a way, it could be fitting since the Horde vs Alliance theme was still a main factor of the game.

I assume that Dustwallow Marsh would be where starting Ogre players would’ve started. Maybe a short distance away from their capital city, starting off in an enclosed area where newbie Ogres go to bash stuff and get ready to be an adventurer. I can only imagine the type of quests there, which could involve Theramore spies in the area among other things.

For the racial leader, I’m sure it would’ve been Mok’Morokk still, who Rexxar put in charge. The question would be whether he would still have been corrupted at some point and replaced with Tharg in the future, or if he would’ve stayed loyal to the Stonemaul Clan…at least for awhile unless they did something with him in a future expansion like with most Horde racial leaders. Maybe he would’ve become a Horde hero and still be the Stonemaul leader during Shadowlands, maybe he would’ve become a raid boss at some point, maybe he would’ve cooked the best darn cookies you could ever find on Azeroth and end the Horde and Alliance war as a result. Who knows? It’s hard to know if Tharg would’ve been a character in this timeline also, especially if Mok’Morokk stayed good.

There are other aspects to consider in such a timeline where we got Ogres instead of Tauren at first, but those are some that stick out in my mind. This isn’t to say I’m complaining that we got Tauren instead, far from it. It’s just something fun to speculate on, and of course Tauren are an important member of the Horde. I can’t imagine a timeline where we didn’t get Tauren at all and we’d have a Tauren megathread on here to try to get them playable.

If I think of anything else to type about regarding if Ogres became playable during Vanilla, I’ll type my thoughts out some more. In the meantime, I’m still hopeful we’re in the timeline where playable Horde Ogres become a reality, of course!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: