The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’m still wanting to create my male one-headed Ogre Fury Warrior. A dream that I hope becomes a reality, someday.

I’ve seen many people mention the type of Ogre character they want to create, both on these forums and other websites. There seems to be a general interest with them, since people have requested them since Vanilla. Of course, I don’t expect elf level of player numbers, but I think there would be a decent amount of Ogre players, whether it’s mains or alts. Not to mention that it just adds more flavor to the character creation screen while making the Horde feel more complete.

As such, I continue to keep some hope for the future for playable Horde Ogres. I’ve talked about this before a lot, but I do think it would be pretty exciting news for various reasons. Moreso if two-head customization options were there, which I’m sure most people would expect in some fashion (much as I’m sure it would be a challenge to code). Still, if it can be done, it would be huge news and something unique compared to other MMO’s.

Also, Ogre sumo wrestling sounds like it would be a really fun mini-game event in the game. I’d be really curious to see how that would be done now. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I would love this… So much.

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There are a few ways you could put in sumo wrestling in the game, and I’ll ramble on that a bit.

Thinking on it, assuming it’s a Horde invention, it could be something that Megs Dreadshredder comes up with to give the Dunemaul Clan something to do and also train them. Of course, this could give her the idea of capitalizing it by bringing it to the Horde and making it a sport.

It could become another trial of the MU Stonemaul Clan. which would be something different from the usual arena combat fighting. It also could be open to other Horde races, which could become a fun mini-game with rewards and such for players. You could even be silly and have a sumo champion be a female Vulpera, who you really don’t want to mess with.

I assume Alliance would either copy this somehow or get something different, but with the Horde’s theme of honor, I can see sumo wrestling fitting quite well with them. For Ogres, it just gives them a way to train while having some form of fun. Not to mention that having Ogre sumo wrestlers could be very useful against enemies in warfare.

Seems like there is quite a bit you could do with sumo wrestling in WoW. It would be another fun thing that playable Horde Ogres could bring to the game!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I’m going to post this in both my megathreads, albeit with some text changes to fit the theme.

If you recall last Blizzconline, there was a huge backlash against Blizzard announcing that they would not be adding any further customization options for races, despite promising that new customizations would be added throughout Shadowlands. Well, recently, it was announced that they changed their mind and we would see customization options being added starting in 9.1.5 and in the future:

Now, what does this have to do with Ogres? Well, there is a bit of hope in me that this might be a sign that player requests, such as requested races, could be a bit more open for consideration as a result. Granted, it isn’t a guarantee and just me speculating (and wishful thinking, I will admit), but it’s something to consider.

For playable Horde Ogres, they have been a race requested since Vanilla. They’re one of the missing Horde races that would make the Horde feel much more complete. I also think it would be huge news to see them finally playable, especially if they get two-head customization options working and also to see whatever is done with female Ogres.

As I said, it’s possible this is just wishful thinking that player feedback will be gaining more consideration, and we’ll need to see what happens in the future to see if such consideration will continue in the future. Giving the Horde Ogre clans some love and a spot on the Horde side of that character creation screen would be a great start!

At present, despite it having been a long journey, I still feel it is worth it to keep in support for playable Horde Ogres. As such, I’ll just continue as best as I can for now, and hope others do so for the races they want playable. It’s not a guarantee we’ll see dreams become a reality, but it’s still a dream worth marching for, in my opinion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With luck Blizzard is indeed reconsidering many player requests and actually shifting focus to things players are saying they want and not what the devs think we want.

What floors me is that they shouldn’t have to choose.

They’re Blizzard… they’re a big company. It should have been nothing to them to have a team working on non-endgame systems and content all this time.

Eh… I’mma rant if I keep on… so I’ll shush now.


The continuation of customization options is good, but I’m hoping that Blizzard will be thinking in the long term of player requests like that, as opposed to this just being a bone thrown at us one or two times and then promptly forgotten.

To be clear, my expectations are being tempered, since I need to see what is actually done long-term. However, there is a hope that there is feedback being gathered from players in things we want to see. It’s not something I’d see a bunch of things added at once, of course. I don’t really expect 10+ new races in an expansion again like in BfA, for example.

However, seeing requested features being added gradually would make me feel a bit better in the grand scheme of things. A sign that they’re listening and considering feedback. There are a lot of good ideas out there that would be pretty cool to see implemented. Not to mention the potential for world-building in WoW is pretty big and can really add to the gameplay experience.

As I said, it gives me a bit of hope seeing customization options continue to be added. Granted, it is cautious optimism, but it has given me some more motivation to continue onward supporting my wanted playable races. So I’ll continue on as best as I can. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It’s been a long while since I last checked in on this thread, glad to see it’s still going! And the upcoming new customization options do look promising …hopefully there will be even more coming! And playable Ogres next expansion would be pretty damn good.


Yep! I’m still going with my Ogre and Saurok megathreads!

Seeing the recent customization announcement has me a bit more motivated to continue onward, albeit with cautious optimism. I’m planning to keep going as long as I play WoW. Playable Horde Ogres and Saurok are a dream I still feel worth supporting to potentially become a reality sometime.

Granted, I really don’t know what to expect for the future. I’m hoping there is a bright rainbow after this huge storm we’ve been in, but we’ll see what is to come when it comes. All I can really do is temper expectations and see where the ship takes us.

Also for this Ogre megathread, we’re coming to our one year anniversary in October. We’re still going strong, and we’ll keep going as best as we can in hopes of seeing the Horde Ogre clans come back and hopefully get a spot on the Horde side of that character creation screen! :muscle:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Ogres in the horde?

I second that motion! … WITH A VENGEANCE!!


Let us all second that motion! Ogres for the Horde!


Hopefully that motion will be granted someday! The Horde Ogre clans deserve better than to be forgotten and left out of all the action. Let them have a chance at being champions of the Horde and saviors of the world (of Warcraft)! :man_judge:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

I know I posted on Fezzy only a few days ago but I wanted to post again to keep this where Blizzard can see it. Ogres are a long time coming.

I’m aware they’re not gonna be soon, but I hope Blizzard doesn’t forget theres a lot of folk who want them.

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Bumping because I’d go back Horde in a heartbeat to play an Ogre-Mage.


Mines gonna be a monk… I imagine him as a sumo wrestler sort.

Love that sport.


Just wanted to say, I’m still waiting for the day to create my Ogre Shaman, as mentioned above, perhaps with this shift of focus going back to customisations, perhaps they are truely taking on players feedback and suggestions.

One day we’ll get Ogres, hopefully sooner then later, especially with so much content drought and downtime in Shadowlands, it’s seriously the perfect opportunity to introduce new races to level and gear…

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Also, I’d love it if Ogres got a racial called “Runic Trap” where they could place down a small patch of runes that when something walked into it, it exploded dealing arcane damage to everything hostile in the proximity. It’d be a nice little call back to WC2.

I mean, it’d be hilarious and absolutely fitting if the Runic Trap could damage and or kill the caster / friendly party members who accidentally set it off, but that’d prolly be too much, or get abused to grief players.


Not a bad idea honestly…

Yeah that would be… too easy to cause issues with. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Blizzard released an update preview of 9.1.5, and while nothing really Ogre related is shown off, there are quite a bit of community requests being implemented:

It’s good to see several community requests becoming a reality, though I hope that this isn’t a one-time thing and that player feedback will be more openly received in the future. We’ll see what happens in that regard as time passes.

At any rate, I do feel a bit more motivated to keep on marching for playable Horde Ogre support. Moreso if Blizzard is taking note of player feedback in general. It isn’t a guarantee of course, and it might be awhile before we see new races of any kind appear, but it still seems like a good time to keep up the feedback.

As such, I’ll be continuing the march for playable Horde Ogre support as best as I can. We’ll see what happens in the future, of course, but with any luck, our dreams may become a reality someday. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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My dream class right now is basically Ogre Necromancer. Exiles Reach teases too much.

Otherwise, if Ogres ever come out I’m definitely race changing my Death Knight to one.


Hoping there will be good news for the Allied Race communities going forward, Ogres for the Horde would be a great addition!