The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Since Draenei are an Alliance race, I don’t really see how that would’ve affected Ogres since they would be a Horde race.

I’m not sure for the most part if any race really costed us getting Ogres. At least from Vanilla through Cataclysm and maybe even WoD, Ogres seemed to be on the cards as a possible playable Horde race several times. Sure, at one point Goblins were chosen over them for Cataclysm, but it wasn’t like it was dooming Ogres to never become playable. It seemed like something that was inevitable to happen in the future, and it still feels inevitable to a certain extent currently (albeit with diminishing returns, I will admit).

I still keep hope that the Horde will remember they have three clans of Ogres within their ranks and welcome them onto the Horde side of that character creation screen. It can get hard to keep that hope alive as time goes on, I will admit, but it’s something I still feel is important to keep supporting as best as we can. You never know what it’ll lead to as opposed to just silently hoping.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ogres were considered for vanilla too.


We should try and sneak Ogres in as a playable race.

Dey never suspect a tree.

In dis we are unanimous.


Thinking on this leads to an interesting point:

If they were going to be added to Vanilla, it would mean that the devs at the time viewed the Stonemaul Clan highly enough to be a part of the Horde with a presence. I’d be curious to see what all would’ve changed had they made the cut and what they would be doing as we went through the various storylines in each expansion. Maybe the Stonemaul Clan would’ve been chased out of Dustwallow Marsh to another starting area, and your storyline involves you wanting to reclaim your home and gives you a good incentive to bash Onyxia and claim her head as revenge. Quite a lot to speculate around this.

Another thing is that they must’ve had some form of love or interest since they were considered several times. They got close with Cataclysm, of course, but if they did come up a lot, then they must’ve had support of some kind internally.

Of course, them being forgotten during BfA makes me worried that they outright forgot the Horde Ogre clans altogether. I hope the support of Ogre fans since Vanilla help to show that while not in elf numbers, there are a decent amount of people who would love to make a Horde Ogre character in the game someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I feel like if ever there was a time for Blizzard to refocus the scheme they’ve got going on its now.

The systems are not working player interest is falling. Other realms while neat are not what most players care for. We want to fight for Azeroth and see the characters and world we all love.

I still hope the next expansion is a rebuilding of the World of Warcraft. A return to Azeroth to repair rebuild and revitalize the peoples and regions there. Where we finally end the conflicts left over all these years and stabilize the main zones of the Horde and the Alliance.

In the doing so I hope Blizzard adds many if not all of the races people have been requesting and further improves the sub races added through customization with options to actually make your toon that sub culture.

Further I hope to see us having that as the catalyst to give us actual player housing and Guild Halls at long last.

And actually adding in all the remaining Heritage armors, and excessive amounts of new customizations. (as well as promising it to be an ongoing feature of all further expansions.)

I think all of that would give Blizzard back at least a modicum of respect and player trust again… but even that will take time and actual effort…

To say nothing of their real life scandal they’re currently embroiled in. Oi.

Long rant just to say Ogres should be a part of that. lol :cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


It was hard to imagine what would be involved in the next expansion…and honestly, it’s hard to know what will happen period with recent events.

I do think a complete old world revamp would be great and refreshing, as well as working as a bit of a reboot in a sense. There are several things you can do with the older zones that could really use an update, older storylines that need closure or continuation, and of course the possibility of new playable races would be good.

However, I don’t know how likely that will be. It took a lot of resources to revamp the old world for Cataclysm, with mixed results. I don’t know if the budget, resources, or passion will be there for another old world revamp. Though to be honest, I’ll be happy if we at least were back on Azeroth next expansion and not in some cosmic area like the afterlife.

At least with an old world revamp, the Horde Ogre clans would get addressed in some fashion:

Ideally, the MU Stonemaul Clan at least would finally become playable and we’d get some updated storylines for them with all the loose threads. Them getting their home back, assisting in Feralas leading to something (which can also lead to the Gordunni Clan becoming part of the Horde, which I’ve talked about before), dealing with whatever Mok’morokk is up to, and so on.

The AU Stonemaul just need text or a scene somewhere of them joining the MU Stonemaul, and that would be the easiest thing to do with them and integrating them into the MU Stonemaul Clan is the best thing for them, in my opinion. There is plenty else you could do with them, especially in terms of their Roman aesthetics and themes, but I don’t see much else they could do. Joining with the MU Stonemaul Clan makes sense and gives players some backstory RP opportunities if they’re part of the playable Horde Ogre faction.

The Dunemaul Clan can either be part of the playable Horde Ogre faction, which is preferable, or would just act as NPC guards for Megs Dreadshredder for whatever project she is utilizing them for. Even if they work with the Stonemaul Clans, I see Draz’Zilb, the smart Ogre mage in the MU Stonemaul Clan, making sure she doesn’t abuse Ogre labor at their expense at all.

I’ve gone into detail about the loose ends of all the Horde Ogre Clans, which I hope all would get resolved in a satisfactory fashion. However, as I said, I don’t know what to expect in the future. It seems all I can do is temper expectations and hope for the best.

Seems like all we can do is wait and see what happens. An old world revamp has been rumored for quite awhile, but I don’t know how realistic it is, nor do I know what I can expect at all for the future. In the meantime, I’ll keep up the playable Horde Ogre support as best as I can.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


+1 for ogres


I will be posting this in both my megathreads with a bit of edited text in some sections to relate to the megathread’s theme.

I’ve been very busy finishing up my class, which should be ending soon with an official grade. As I mentioned before, I should be graduating with the degree program I’m in, and I’ll likely be busy trying to find employment of some kind. So posts might be slow for awhile still.

As of this post, I’m still planning to stick with the game…at least for the moment. Though I still enjoy playing the game, I’m wanting to see what direction the game goes in the future, which a lot seems to be in question for various reasons. Speaking only for myself, a lot will depend on how the next expansion will be handled (whenever that is) and of course the quality of content forthcoming. This does not mean that I have playable Horde Saurok and Ogres as an ultimatum to my staying with the game, nor would I ever issue such a thing. It does, however, remain to be seen if the rainbow that awaits after this huge storm is based on good or bad fortune.

As i mentioned before, as long as I keep playing the game, I intend to keep up support best as I can. Granted, it has gotten a bit hard to maintain that stance given those workplace production allegations going on in Blizzard. Despite that, I do feel that I want to continue forward with an open mind and at least an understanding that what I do could not guarantee playable Horde Saurok and Ogres (which I’ve kept in mind when I started both of my megathreads).

For Ogres specifically, this has been something that I felt should’ve been playable a long time ago. The combination of allegedly being considered for playable status several times to being forgotten period has been some of the big reasons I even started my playable Horde Ogre support. I still want to continue in hopes that at least the MU Stonemaul Clan aren’t forgotten, and that they get some more development into becoming full members of the Horde…which they should have been since their role in Warcraft 3. To be forgotten is a fate worse than death, and I don’t want the Horde Ogre clans to be forgotten.

I again want to thank everyone who has supported this endeavor. I cannot guarantee we’ll see success, but maybe we’ll get lucky. Who knows? For the chances of playable Horde Ogres becoming a reality, it still feels worth trying to me. In the meantime, I’ll continue to dream of seeing Horde Ogres players running around Orgrimmar.

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It’s official, folks. I’ve finally finished my current degree program and am graduating finally! Huzzah! \ ^ o ^ /

As I mentioned before, I’m now going to be in the process of working on my resume and seeking employment. This will likely eat up a lot of my free time, so posts will likely continue to be on the slow side for a bit.

Despite that, I’m still currently planning to continue onward with playable Horde Ogre support. I feel that I am one of the main driving forces of support for playable Horde Ogres, and as I’ve said before several times, the Horde Ogre clans deserve better than to just be forgotten. They’re one of the races that would make the Horde feel more complete, also.

It has been a long march for playable Horde Ogre support, but it’s still a path I want to take. It’s unclear what’ll happen in the future, but I’ll do the best I can to show off support for them. Gotta keep the dream alive somehow!

In the meantime, I’ll hope for a brighter future and march forward as best as I can for playable Horde Ogre support!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’ve talked about the MU Stonemaul Clan having trials, which come from Warcraft 3, previously and mentioned the idea of having them as potential micro holidays of sorts. Maybe something that opens for a few days and takes place in Dustwallow Marsh, where members of the Horde can engage in several trials for rewards and prestige!..well, whatever Ogres consider as prestige anyway.

I wanted to look at the two trials we know of from Warcraft 3, turning them into events you could see in WoW, and also have thought of a couple others to go with them. To my knowledge, these trials were originally open only to Ogres (or beings with Ogre blood like Mok’nathol), but I don’t see why the MU Stonemaul Clan wouldn’t open these to others as a celebration of sorts.

It also could be a thing where Goblins capitalize on this to make a bit of profit, whether it’s the nearby neutral Goblins or if Megs Dreadshredder has a stake in this, and this would open it to members of the Horde for fun…and profit!

Of the two from Warcraft 3 (from what I remember):

Trial of Strength- In Warcraft 3, Rexxar had to run a gauntlet and slay a bunch of strong beasts to win this trial. This could potentially be used in a similar fashion, where a group has to run a gauntlet. Perhaps with similar strong beasts, pests in the area (like a spider cave). or maybe some captured enemies like the dragonkin that ran the MU Stonemaul Clan out of their home. Perhaps some scoring could take place against other groups to make it more interesting, but still rewarding regardless of who wins. “Who can bash da most and da fastest?” type of competition!

Trial of Blood- This is where Rexxar had to battle Kor’gall to take over the MU Stonemaul Clan. This trial could be both PvP and PvE. An arena of sorts against various strong foes, whether they’re big bad mobs or a group of mobs. Maybe with traps, crowd favors for buffs, or obstacles to make things interesting and unique. It also could be used for PvP, whether it is 1 on 1 or up to full groups. Maybe even raid groups if we want to go crazy-go-nuts! Lots of potential here and ways to make it more unique to other arenas you can participate in.

These trials are ones I thought of off the top of my head, in thinking of how Ogres would likely have trials to show off their abilities:

Trial of Hunger- Ogres have a huge appetite and likely eat and drink a lot. So why not turn this into an eating contest? The goal is to eat as much as you can without losing your lunch. It isn’t that simple, however, as you have to time your eating, avoid getting too drunk from drinking ale and passing out, and using tactics like belching to throw off your opponents. The competition can be fierce here, so try not to choke!

Trial of Foot- When it comes to Ogres, being able to punt small objects across distances would become a fun pastime. The goal of this trial could be used to either punt an object (balls or even captured Gnomes would likely work very well here) as far as you can. Maybe across a field, across a chasm to the other side, or even a full form of Ogre golf complete with par scores. The Horde will get a huge kick out of this one!

That’s all I thought of for now. I assume the Alliance would get a similar micro event with one of their playable races, so they wouldn’t get left out. If anyone has any ideas for other trials, feel free to post! I’ll post more if I think up any more.

Honestly, having these events in the game in some fashion would be a great callback to Warcraft 3 and would be both fun and also have some potential for neat rewards and achievements of some kind. Have it as a micro holiday for about a week or so, and I’m sure it’ll be something players would enjoy doing if done right. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Nova Goria continues to support this thread, its mission, and to advocate for the well-being of Ogre Role-players everywhere. On the unlikely happenstance that Blizzard should see this thread, I want them to see the dozen Ogre role-players in this picture, and let them see how many of their players are committed to Ogres.

Dozens of Reflecting Prisms were lost in the making of this roleplay.


This thread, Bagzak and Nova-Goria have this old druids full support.

Ogres for the Horde!

:cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:




The moment I can’t eat garlic because of heart burn I decided I was too old. T_T

Life was not meant to last this long. rofl.

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I was thinking you were only mid/late 30s-early 40s and you might be, but now you sound like 50s.


I love this. I wish I found this post earlier

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It’s unclear whether anyone at Blizzard does pay attention to race megathreads on here. Granted, I’ve been also referring to here in the in-game suggestions feedback as well as considering other avenues of showing off support for playable Horde Ogres. So hopefully, people at Blizzard are aware and also interested in such feedback from the race megathreads in general on here.

In addition to that, one of my purposes of making this megathread was to have a place for Ogre fans to voice their support as well. Whether they stay and join in discussions or just pop in briefly to show their support and interest in playable Horde Ogres, it’s all valuable and important to show that there is an interest in playable Horde Ogres. Moreso given that Ogres have been requested since Vanilla.

As I’ve mentioned, I don’t really know what to expect in the future of the game, but I still feel like showing off support of some kind is important. So long as I keep playing the game, I’ll keep marching as best as I can for both Ogres and Saurok for the Horde. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Having received an Amazon gift card as part of a graduation present from my parents, I decided to use some of it on that Exploring Kalimdor book that is coming out in the future. Normally, it goes for $25, but it is on sale at the time of this post on Amazon US for $20.65.

As I mentioned before, there will be a focus on several Horde Ogre related areas, including Dustwallow Marsh, so I’ll be looking into if the book elaborates on what the Horde Ogre clans are up to. Also of interest is that Rexxar is suppose to be a big part of the book, so we could see some interesting insights with him. There is a lot to potentially look forward to, although I will attempt to temper my expectations.

I’m also curious if for Feralas, we’ll read any about the Gordunni Clan. If the Gordunni are still around Dire Maul, then it means that they came back to it after leaving it in the Traveler book series…which begs the question of why the Horde didn’t go to take Dire Maul over, since that was one of the reasons the MU Stonemaul Clan went there (aside from dealing with the Gordunni threat) and it was suppose to be empty when the Gordunni Clan left. Who knows what was going on there? :man_shrugging:

I’m not expecting a lot of questions answered, but at the very least some acknowledgement of at least the MU Stonemaul Clan and what they’ve been up to would be a welcome sight. I don’t know if there will be anything about Megs Dreadshredder and the Dunemaul Clan, or if the AU Stonemaul Clan will be acknowledged at all. Still, it’s something potentially exciting to look forward to.

The book is currently stated to come out Oct. 15th (the same month we’ll be hitting this megathread’s anniversary date!), which is coming up fast. As soon as I get the book, I’ll be going through it and reporting any Ogre stuff of interest here. So expect some Ogre research to occur in the very near future!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I remember this thread. I still want a two-headed ogre Mage and Warlock :frowning:


I was recently convinced that I want a Ogre Monk.

Styled after a Sumo wrestler. (Which is my favorite sport to watch these days)