The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It would be cool to see the Dragonmaw train other members of the Horde how to ride their mounts. Nothing like having an angry Ogre in a battle frenzy riding a fire-breathing drake zooming quickly into battle!

I’m sure they would get some version of their own proto-drakes, but I wonder what their racial land mount would be. Closest thing I can think of possibly are bears of some kind, which seems a bit fitting.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :meat_on_bone::japanese_ogre:


Dragonmaw, Vrykul and Ogres can all have the same type of mount just having different looks. No harm in that.

Dragonmaw use black proto-drakes mostly it seems, and Vrykul seem to favor either red or blue ones. Ogres could maybe use bronze?

Honestly its the sort of thing the Dragonmaw would do.

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Ogre use red because red Horde color


What if both ogres and vrykul join horde?

Speaking of colors, I imagine unarmored male player character Ogres would start with a red loincloth, with female Ogres likely wearing red clothing of some sort as well. The majority of the MU Stonemaul Ogres have red loincloths, so I would say that would be their preferred color in their wardrove.

As long as we got Horde Ogres, I’d be fine with wherever Vrykul would go. Granted, my own personal preference is that they fit the Alliance better for various reasons. Honestly, just give me my Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn as playable Horde races, and I’ll be really content!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I feel like vrykul would just be more of the same thing Alliance already has personally but I’m also not against it in any way.

I’ve seen a few request them for Horde cause they’re more barbaric… Which I can see.

Still though, ogres Saurok and San’layn are big picks for me for Horde.

Also Kelfin.

Ogres for the Horde!

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You can certainly make an argument for Vrykul on the Horde. I lean more towards them on Alliance, myself, for various reasons I’ve mentioned before.

Honestly, if I can at least get Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn on the Horde, I’m open to most other races joining whatever faction even if I have a personal preference for some joining a specific faction. A lot of races I do want to see playable in general, regardless of what faction they would join. I usually try to focus my strong feelings on just my most wanted races. Those three in particular I feel have good reasons, Ogres in particular, to become Horde races.

Some do have a specific faction tied to them though, like Ankoan/Jinyu for Alliance and Kelfin for the Horde. Others could go either way. Regardless, for several races, I want to see them appear on that character creation screen someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I hope every race will one day be there.

The concept of subraces as a separate option that changes racials and the name plate and maybe classes is also growing on me for the ones we got as customizations.


Wowhead made an article about the upcoming “Exploring Azeroth - Kalimdor” book that is coming out in the near future. There is an interesting part of the book that I did notice.

First, the article with some preview pages:

The interesting part of this is that Rexxar plays a part in the book as a guide and guard to Zekhan, who is exploring Kalimdor.

“Join famed hunter Rexxar, his animal companions, and Horde Ambassador Zekhan as they make the perilous journey across the lush and vivid reaches of Kalimdor to learn the secrets of the realm. Leave no stone unturned and no tracks unfollowed as Rexxar and Zekhan reveal lore, insights, equipment, and breathtaking landscapes from the ramparts of Orgrimmar to the golden plains of Mulgore to the wilds of Un’Goro Crater―and share one final kindness with a friend along the way. Featuring stunning, immersive artwork and new insights crafted by Blizzard’s own loremaster, Sean Copeland, Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor is your next step in a remarkable journey across Azeroth.”

This includes areas such as Dustwallow Marsh, shown in the images on Wowhead, and I would assume Feralas and Tanaris would also be visited in the book. All of which have Horde-Ogre interests. Moreso with Rexxar tagging along, who could offer some insights on at least the MU Stonemaul Clan. It’s good to see him up to something, since he kinda disappeared without word during BfA’s ending.

According to Amazon US, the book is currently scheduled for release on October 15th. It seems like something I should check out to see if anything Horde-Ogre related gets mentioned. While interests would be if it mentions the MU Stonemaul Clan, their activity in Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas, but maybe there is a chance we’d see what Megs Dreadshredder would be up to with the Dunemaul as well. I don’t really know if the AU Stonemaul Clan would get a mention at all, but I can only hope.

Will the Horde Ogre clans actually get anything of substance or at least a mention in this book? Hard to really know, but it’s likely worth a look and a potential report on it in the future. I wouldn’t expect anything that would be in huge detail on the Horde Ogre clans, but having something on their activity that would also show they haven’t been forgotten would be nice to see for once.

Rexxar being a part of the book gives some potential. In particular with the Dustwallow Marsh part, since we could get both a history of the MU Stonemaul Clan joining the Horde and some insights on what has been going on with them since Cataclysm (and technically MoP with that one emissary the MU Stonemaul sent to Pandaria).

I don’t want to give my hopes up, but I still am excited about potential of something Horde-Ogre related being shown. At the very least, maybe we’ll be shown that the Horde Ogre clans haven’t been forgotten at all. I’ll likely keep an eye out on this book to see if anything of interest does show up, though I will try to temper expectations.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


As someone who struggles with the Kul Tiran, I feel like an Ogre of any stripe is going to yield the same results. Small adoption. That said, if they don’t have to be unlocked they might not be a waste.

Can you elaborate on this please?

I keep race changing to them and back. I’m probably sending my warrior back to be a KT, but anything that moves quickly - a monk, a warrior, etc. - I can’t do it. The gut tells me they wouldn’t be able to leap/chi torpedo/whatever and the armor set really matters when playing them. In the right plate they look effing awesome. Without it…fat farmer sent to war.

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Hello, Bagzak! I check the server forums fairly often, but for some reason don’t check General Discussion much. I somehow managed to miss this thread! I’m from Nova Goria, an Ogre-themed Roleplaying guild on Wyrmrest Accord. We’ve existed for almost a year now, but recently had a big resurgence of activity in the last month. We’d love to give you our full support. Ogres FOR DA HORDE!

Also, I think the idea of an Ogre rally is a great one. We here in Nova Goria look out for each other. We sort of have to, really. As you might be able to guess, we use a great deal of illusions and prisms in our roleplay. And it’s created a culture where people help each other and watch out for each other by helping keep their Ogre illusions up or assisting new members in delving into this detailed world of lore of ours. We have an entire Guild bank filled with nothing but Ogre Disguise items and our members are welcome to help themselves to them. We’d be more than happy to provide Brutal Brews, Gordok Ogre suits and any other means of appearing as an Ogre if it would help. Get in touch with me! Let’s see what we can do!


It’s really cool to see a Ogre RP guild out there. Do you happen to have albums of screenshots of your guild events? I’d love to look at them, especially if it helps to show how playable Ogres could look in several areas.

As for the rally event, that’s still up in the air. I was originally planning to look into the summer tentatively, but my summer class has become more work than I expected (I recently had a full long day working on an assignment and wasn’t done until late night, for example). Right after that, I need to job hunt, so I won’t really have static free time for awhile. If I get to a point I can schedule dedicated time to forming an event, I’ll be sure to post it here.

I’m hoping to be able to do some Ogre events in the future. It’s just frustrating being a responsible adult, much as I really want to do WoW stuff and show off some playable Horde Ogre support. At least I can still do stuff for this megathread to do that.

Hope to hear more from you soon. I’d love to see the type of stuff your guild does!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We sure do have a nice gallery, Bagzak. I’d love for you to see it. Here’s a few choice ones. I hope this link works.

Also, I’d love for you to check out our Ogre community! We’re open to everyone, both Ogres and Ogre enthusiasts, and I’m sure someone as passionate as you would be a big hit! Maybe we can talk about doing some stuff together!


I really liked the screenshot album! I did notice the number 1 at the end of the album title, so if there are other albums, I’d love to see more. :smiley:

Stuff like this is what I really like to see in MMO’s. When you get players passionate about something like races in the game and that passion gets shown off in various ways. It’s something I don’t really see much nowadays, but it’s really neat when it does come up. Seeing screenshots like that also helps to imagine NPC races as a playable race, which I feel is very important to do for race megathreads in general. It’s a reason I try to take screenshot art, myself.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to make actual Ogre player characters someday. I’ll still work to keep that dream alive as best as I can!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Bagzaaaaaaak. Come check out our Discoooooooord. I will bribe you with further Nova Goria screenshots! Embrace the Ogre.

Here’s Album number 2.


Bagzak, you’re being hunted. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve been incredibly busy trying to prepare for the final for my summer class (A “final final” since it’s my last class for my current degree). So posts may be slow for a bit. After I finish my class, I’ll of course be busy seeking employment, but I’ll be trying to keep up support for both my megathreads as best as I can.

In the meantime, I found this neat video from Nobbel87 that talks about the Ogre Ninja from Hearthstone (Note that he pronounces ninja as “nin-ya” since that is how it is pronounced in Dutch according to the comments section of the video), which you can see here:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You wanna know an example of Blizzard’s oh so infamous Retconning costing us something?

Ogres should have been a playable race instead of the Dreanai