The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It unlocks account wide once you get it, so all your characters will be able to fly once one of your characters unlock it.

Blizzard also clarified that you don’t need to purchase anything afterwards for your alts to fly here:

We won’t be able to fly in Korthia, the new area, to my knowledge, and flying is just for the four regular zones. So we’ll have to explore that one on foot, though I would guess that would mostly consist of the Jailer’s mooks, along with the covenant members assisting us.

Still, flying will be useful both to explore and for alts. I’ve been holding off leveling most of them until I got flying, so that’ll be something to look forward to. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Wonderful thank you.

Also ogres for the Horde!

(also this is Fezzy)

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Since Ogres have been requested for a long time and most people mention the type of Ogre they want to create, I thought I would take a poll to see what people were interested in making with regards to class, spec, gender, and the number of heads.

For me, I only plan to make one Ogre, but a very important one: Male Ogre Fury Warrior with one head.

As I said before, this is based off my Ogre Berserker character from Everquest 1 and 2, who was one of my favorite characters. I figured with the Fury spec, it would go with the Ogre logic of two weapons means “twice da bashin’!” I don’t really know what weapon types to go with him, but I’m sure I could find something if I played around with transmog options.

This of course is one of my dream characters and one of the big reasons I’ve gotten into supporting playable Horde Ogres so much. I hope for the day to recreate my Ogre in this game, and it’ll be amazing if that dream ever becomes a reality. We’ll see what happens, but I’ll always keep that dream. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Monk,… Honestly can’t ever remember their specs… Dps?, male, one head.

Might also make a warlock, destruction, male, two heads.

Just for fun.

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Windwalker Monk is the DPS spec. Personally, the Brewmaster tank spec seems to be kinda fitting. Something about an Ogre getting drunk to punch things sounds really amusing. Especially when they break kegs over enemies. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Posts might slow down a bit thanks to my class, which has been keeping me really busy and really sapping a lot of my energy. For example, I recently finished a hefty exam with lots of calculations and a bit of a strict time limit, so I’m working hard to make sure I’m ready for the next one. I still want to do posts to keep up the support, though some of them might be on the smaller/simple side for a bit unless I happen to get the time to do more elaborate posts.

For this post, I came across another pretty neat artwork on Deviant art involving an Ogre Spellbreaker. This one was created by TheRabidOgre and was uploaded on February 2nd, 2021.

Ogre Spellbreaker by TheRabidOgre on DeviantArt

The description goes into detail about Spellbreakers and tying it into Ogres. I’ve seen Spellbreakers as a speculated class a long time ago, though I don’t really see them talked about these days. For Ogres, there are Magic Breakers, though canonically there is apparently only one that had almost complete immunity to magic.

Magic breaker information can be found here:

When I think of Ogre Spell/Magic Breakers, the first thing that comes to mind is an Ogre bashing a Mage casting a spell with a club to get them to stop casting. Obviously, Spell/Magic Breakers would be much more involved with that, but still is an amusing idea.

As for the artwork, it is pretty awesome. It’s especially cool to see an Ogre with a shield, which is something I don’t think I’ve seen much of in-game. The concept of an Ogre Spellbreaker is neat too and purple seems to go decently as an Ogre skin tone. The idea of Spellbreakers sounds neat as well, along with the exploration of magic in Ogre society which would have a lot of potential. It would be interesting to read how two-headed Ogres are formed as well.

I’ll continue to look for other things to inspire some playable Horde Ogre ideas and show off how awesome they would be as a playable race. Hopefully I’ll be able to do bigger posts in the near future, as I do have a few ideas.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So with 9.1, there is a lot of talk and focus on how the Covenants are going to team up and help us take on the Jailer’s minions. But is that really the answer? I mean, they keep asking us to do stuff for them and squabbled among themselves for a long time. Not good at all, nosiree! We need something more to be able to succeed!

In this case, I’m more of the type to just roll up my sleeves and lead my own army. After all, the fate of the living world (of Warcraft!) is in jeopardy and to have denizens from there come to help would tip the scales in a much better direction. With the Horde likely very busy battling undead across the land, I think I know some better groups to unite for such a cause!

So let the covenants take care of the Shadowlands for now. I’m sure they can handle it while I go off to get some champions from different tribes, clans, and so on to help me save the world (of Warcraft!) once more! I’ll seek champions from the following:

Horde Ogre Tribes
Saurok Tribes (I’ll entice them with meat lovers pizzas)
San’layn Covens
Kelfin and the Unshackled
Revantusk Forest Trolls
Forest Hozen

And possibly some other races. Maybe my Alliance main would be doing something similar for Alliance races also. The more the merrier!

All likely to a montage with this as the music:

I’ll lead them into the Maw itself as a huge army and we’ll take on the Jailer’s forces head-on! Not even the Jailer himself could withstand a pack of rabid monkeys pouncing on him while Ogres drop kick some of his minions at him! Victory will likely be swift as we conquer the Maw completely!

Then after all is said and done, I’ll offer the races I recruited official full membership to the Horde (and the Alliance for those my Alliance main would recruit) and we’ll host a huge party afterwards! Sounds like a win-win scenario for everyone involved to me! It’s the perfect master plan!

…makes me wish I was actually able to do this in 9.1. Ah well, a Darkspear Troll can dream…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


After a bit of off and on casual leveling in TBC Classic, I finally got my main classic Horde character to a level where I can explore Dustwallow Marsh! So now I can kinda see how the Stonemaul Ogres were during the Classic era.

So far, the majority of quests appear to be the same. NPC’s like Tharg are still there, Mok’Morokk is still thinking he’s a smart Ogre for abandoning the Stonemaul home, and the Ogres in general are still lamenting losing their home. I didn’t notice any new particular quests that aren’t on Retail so far, which I more or less expected. I’m guessing it’ll mostly be the same, only without some questlines that let you do things like send Mok’Morokk packing and such, but I’ll be leveling in that area to see if I find anything else of interest.

As far as I can tell, Brackenwall Village seems bigger than on Retail. It feels more spacious, with a few entrances seemingly reinforced with another wall. It also seems like there are more Ogres in the area there than on Retail. Maybe the Cataclysm did some damage to the area that caused some needed repairs to Brackenwall Village, and maybe the extra Stonemaul Ogres either went to Feralas (another area I want to check out on Classic) during Cataclysm or they went on vacation or something. I’ll have to compare both areas when I can.

As I mentioned, I wasn’t really expecting a whole lot, but it is cool to see how the Stonemaul Clan was during Classic. Moreso interesting when considering that they were allegedly considered as a playable Horde race at WoW’s launch. I’ll be leveling in the area to see if there is anything of note that may have gotten lost from Vanilla going to Cataclysm.

Also I know I’m a bit late to the Classic party, since this is TBC Classic and not Vanilla Classic. I suspect the majority of the area to be more or less the same in both eras, minus a Blood Elf quest giver possibly. Maybe if I play on the Vanilla Classic servers, I’ll see if there is anything of interest sometime. Gotta leave no stone unturned when it comes to researching Horde Ogre stuff!

And speaking of, I will check out Feralas when I can to see if the Stonemaul Ogres went there already in Classic or if that was a Cataclysm thing. I seem to remember it being during Cataclysm, but I could be wrong. Investigations will be underway regardless!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


As I posted in my Saurok megathread, coming up with character names, while very important, can be very annoying. Sometimes you come up with something and it’s already taken or you just can’t think of any names. It can be a very frustrating process. Not to mention getting disconnected from “inactivity” off the character creation screen, where you have to remake your character again and then try to figure out a name.

In such cases, I search for name generators online for inspiration, and I came across a website that offers name generators for several different fantasy brands and worlds:

And as luck would have it, it does have a few Ogre name generators on there. I thought I would share them for anyone interested in coming up with Ogre names in case we’re lucky enough to get playable Horde Ogres someday!

Warcraft Ogre Names (Male and female!):

Unsure how they came up with female Ogre names, but still cool to see that as an option!

In-General Ogre Names:

Warhammer Fantasy Ogre Names:

Magic the Gathering Ogre Names:

So far, that is all I found on the web site for Ogre name generators.

If Two-headed Ogres are an option, I imagined the idea of some players combining two names into one to represent each head. You would only be able to have one name, due to how the game is coded, so I could see some name combinations being used in such a manner. It would be pretty cool for roleplaying possibilities, too! I can imagine both heads having different personalities, for better or worse.

As for me, I already have an Ogre name in reserved that I got from the Everquest 1 character creation name generator and is very important to me, as my Ogre Berserker was one of my favorite characters. I hope for the day I get to remake him in WoW, which would be a dream come true to be able to roam the world (of Warcraft!) with him as a champion of the Horde! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I was thinking some about Brackenwall Village and was wondering how it was utilized these days in the current timeline for Retail.

Assuming that the MU Stonemaul Clan got their home back, I’m going to guess that the majority of the Stonemaul may have moved back there. The Stonemaul pretty much wanted to get their home back, and likely would’ve done so at the point where it gets reclaimed. I would guess that some would still be back at Brackenwall Village to act as guards.

For Brackenwall Village, I would say that it would be in use, but it may be more of a general Horde outpost as opposed to being specifically inhabited by Ogres. At least during MoP, it was still in use since the Stonemaul sent an emissary from there. As I mentioned, it likely would have some Ogres there for guards, though they’d likely be happier knowing their home is back under their control again.

Having both Brackenwall Village and the Stonemaul home is useful for a few reasons.

There are still several threats in general still around. At any point, the remnants of Onyxia’s forces could come back and attempt something. It likely would put the Stonemaul on edge if it happened, since those dragonkin are the reason why they lost their home in the first place. There is also the possibility of any Theramore reclaimers who might try something, whether it’s resettling there or attempting to get some revenge still. It’s good to have a few outposts there to keep an eye on it.

Also given that Dustwallow Marsh is connected to the sea, there is a threat of naga attacks. Queen Azshara is still out there, and if one outpost were to fall, there would be another that could send a message for reinforcements.

If Dustwallow Marsh were to get revamped again, I suspect both Brackenwall Village and and the Stonemaul home would act as quest hubs. Maybe the Stonemaul home would be the racial hub for starting Ogres, if they’re treated like allied races. It could still be a quest hub in general for Horde players.

I see no reason why Brackenwall Village would go away or be abandoned these days, so I would guess it is still being utilized in the current storyline. Unfortunately, unless we see the zone get updated, we won’t know if the Stonemaul did get their home back officially and what they and Brackenwall Village are up to these days. Hopefully we get an update someday, and with luck, it would lead to playable Horde Ogres finally.

Still, it’s fun to speculate, much as it is frustrating to not know what is up with the Horde Ogre clans. <- <

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The AU Stonemaul Clan, despite standing with the Mag’har Orcs in being inducted into the Horde, is a pretty big omission (in more ways than one) in BfA, since they don’t appear at all during that big war. It’s something I talked about before, but I wanted to look at it again for this post.

We know that some of the AU Stonemaul Clan were loyal to the Mag’har Orcs despite the latter subduing the former and making them…do stuff? Maybe they treated them better than the AU Stonemaul’s leader at the time. Speaking of what is it with leaders of the Stonemaul Clans going corrupt and leading the clan to ruin? Seems like a theme even across universes. Maybe Tharg will fare better luck with the MU Stonemaul Clan.

Anyway, I would guess that a legitimate reason for some of the AU Stonemaul Clan to be loyal to the Mag’har is because the AU Stonemaul leader, Kor’gall, decided to make his clan join with Yrel and the Lightbound. Obviously, this was really low on most of the AU Stonemaul Clan’s list of fun, happy, and healthy activities, so survival would seem better with the Mag’har. Maybe the Mag’har also treated them better than their leader ever did as well.

We know that members of the AU Stonemaul Clan came with the Mag’har during their unlock scenario. We see this in the following video (Timestamp is roughly 30:53 if the video does not take you there automatically) shown here:

At the timestamp, we do see two Ogres right before everyone gets teleported to the AU Azeroth, where we do see two Ogres still standing around.

While there are only two Ogres, something to mention is that this isn’t 100% everyone and everything that came with the Mag’har. If you think about all the Mag’har player characters, all the creatures used in some of the world quests in BfA, and so on, there would be a lot more that came with them than shown. Likely, it was limitations to not show all of Durotar filled for miles with all the beings that came with us.

As such, there should be more than just two of the AU Stonemaul Ogres that came with the Mag’har. Furthermore, they stood with the Mag’har when getting inducted into the Horde, and I see no reason why the AU Stonemaul Clan would run off to try to survive on their own as opposed to getting shinies, food, shelter, and being able to bash stuff. As such, the AU Stonemaul Clan should be a part of the Horde.

Of course the question remains: What happened to the AU Stonemaul Clan that came with the Horde? They played no part in the BfA war from what I saw, despite the Mag’har using other creatures from Draenor.

The easiest way to explain this is to just say that the Horde sent them to join the MU Stonemaul Clan to help them with something. Maybe they needed more help in Dustwallow Marsh or maybe they went to help out in Feralas. Having them join up with other Ogres would help them feel more at home likely, and would give them a trial period to make sure they would be loyal to the Horde after the fact.

Assuming that Blizzard makes just the Stonemaul Clan the playable Ogre faction, this can be mentioned briefly in a flavor text to explain that some of the Stonemaul Clan are from Draenor, which of course opens for some Ogre player character role-playing. It also gives the MU Stonemaul Ogres the ability to have some of the Draenor Ogre armor designs and buildings, based off Roman themes, which the AU Stonemaul Clan can help share that knowledge with the MU Stonemaul Clan. You can still have a mixture of MU and AU designs, but it explains why there would be both and even the heritage armor being Roman themed as well.

As I mentioned, I see no reason why the AU Stonemaul Clan, loyal to the Mag’har Orcs, would just turn against the Horde. If they were like the MU Stonemaul Clan, they might miss their home on Draenor, and it’s always possible that Yrel and the Lightbound can become a thread in a future expansion, so in some ways they can relate to the MU Stonemaul Clan. It can add a bit to the world-building to bring this up if we ever fight against the Lightbound, with the MU Stonemaul having sympathy for the AU Stonemaul while being happy to help both them and the Horde. It also gives the AU Stonemaul Clan a place in the world (of Warcraft!) being members of the Horde.

As such, the AU Stonemaul, along with the MU Stonemaul and Dunemaul Clans, deserve better than to be forgotten. So hopefully, we’ll see all three stand proud as members of the Horde someday. Hopefully with a place on the Horde side of that character creation screen, of course! There is plenty you can do with the AU Stonemaul Clan, and I hope they and the other Horde Ogre clans get their chance someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I kind of like the idea, as long as the ogres are short enough to get through doors and such.

Problem is, there’d need to be an equivalent Alliance playable race that’s just as big: the Tauren got the Draenei to balance out the big races, the Gnomes got the Goblins to balance out the small races…you get the idea. Maybe those dwarven Golems would work: the soul of a departed dwarf gets infused into a golem, and then they can fight on for the alliance!

Wanted to wish everyone in the USA a happy Independence Day. I hope y’all get to eat lots of good food and enjoy some neat fireworks! :us:

My own personal opinion is that Vrykul would work really well as an Alliance equivalent for a few reasons:

  1. Both are big, savage races.
  2. They both make their own ships (Orc ships are designed from Ogre ships) and make excellent shipwrights.
  3. They are both the progenitors of Humans (Vrykul) and Orcs (Ogres).

To me, it feels like Vrykul would fit better with the Alliance theme-wise, given the structure of their culture. I think of it like Barbarians from Everquest, where while they are a tribal race, they aren’t primitive and would fit fine with what is considered civilized races.

As I said, it’s my own personal opinion. I just find them to be a pretty neat contrast to Ogres for a variety of reasons.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Would totally play a two-headed ogre warlock.


That’s way better than my idea, for even more reasons than you’ve listed:

  • vrykul can get diseases and can be poisoned and can bleed; golems can’t, so they make more sense gameplay-wise
  • vrykul already fit several playable classes while golems don’t

There’s probably even more reasons why they’d fit so well, but I can’t think of them. Thanks for pointing this out!


Hoping ogre fans get what they want sometime :slight_smile: Rooting for you folks. They would be a great addition to the horde.


Managed to earn Shadowlands flying! Really happy to finally have it, as it’ll help me level alts more easily. I’ll have to fly around the covenant areas to see if I notice anything of interest. I took a quick flight and didn’t see anything in Maldraxxus, but I’ll look more thoroughly when I can.

I’m assuming Ogres, at least from Draenor, would utilize rylaks as flying mounts. I’m not too sure what else they would attempt to use…assuming there were other beasts that would be able to support their weight…and stand their attitude at times.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The Flagon of mead toy is a great height. I’ve seen no door issues and it’s still considerably taller than the other races.


Proto-drakes like the Dragonmaw do these days?

Hard to say.


I think those should go to the Vrykul :slight_smile: