The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Or both.

Thats fine. Not everyone has to.

Mok’Nathal is a clan made up of orcs, ogres, and half breeds.


Is one head a Warlock and the other a Mage? If so, that is a little too OP imo. Hybrid two classes into one would get the forums really going.

Is there any two-headed warrior ogres? I can only remember magic using ones. More specifically, warlock and mage. Imagine a warrior mage (spellsword?) that could leap onto you and blink away and meteor your a#$, lol.

And when I typed in WoW two-headed ogres I got something that said barbarian, warrior, mage, bonecrusher (RPG), hunter, witch doctor, shaman, warlock (WoW), priest, mauler (WC3), brewmaster (monk), death knight (TCG). Average height 6’5" - 7’5" males, 6’2" - 7’2" females. Seems short to me but they would fit in the game if that is their height.


… no.

I was saying I would love to race change my Warlock and Mage into two-headed ogres. And no I don’t think there are two-headed non-magic using ogres.


Then would two-headed only be an option for magic using ones? I could see Blizz pulling that.

On to more possible racials. Ogres are known for their strength so would giving them 1% to their main stat be a problem? It’s only 1% but players complained about 1% on other races before.

Would also like to see a themed/novelty racial like vulpera got with their tent. Allow ogres to setup an ogre arena to fight other ogres in some fun type of game. Do they gamble on crab fights or something? Snail racing? Battle pet racing?

Another racial option could be “tough as nails” where you take 1% less damage from all sources. Could call it “thick as a tree” also because people think they’re dumb, lol.

And for cosmetics I’d like to see rock or crystal beards and hair. They come from the rock elemental Grond so it fits plus that is how I draw my ogres. Plus, mine have a nose ring and the giant holes in the ear earrings.

Here’s a couple old pics of my ogres:







I’m happy to see a lot of support. I apologize for it taking so long, as I was trying to finish up my exams this semester (being a responsible adult leaves little free time).

I have to admit, I really liked doing this as well. It got me into playing the game and working on reps daily, while getting me excited to plan out character ideas. I like making several characters in a MMORPG, and new races are the most exciting feature of expansions to me.

This is something I want to open a discussion on and add ideas to the main post. It’s something I need to think more on, though since I usually focus on character flavor as opposed to balancing for PvE or PvP, I’m not sure I’m the best to do that.

I actually have a character slot and name reserved for a male one headed warrior character, myself. It’s modeled after my Ogre Berserker from Everquest 1 and 2. I really like the idea of being a big, dumb, and strong character that just bashes things in an angry rage.

Also, I did look at your notes you left me for making this thread. I plan to look at them more as I make edits to the first post. Currently, I just wanted to try to get the megathread up ASAP to get discussions going. I do really appreciate the suggestions, and please free feel to make some more suggestions. :smiley:

Nothing wrong with this at all. Some races appeal to some but not to others. I think people having different interests in races of different types makes for a great community. It’s cool to see the passion people have for different races and seeing what backstory and such they come up for them.

For me personally, I really like playing a big, dumb, and strong character. It’s fun to RP as and often can be a hilarious time for other players if done right. I’d also be amused at an Ogre Warrior becoming the Horde Champion that has slain powerful beings possibly in a similar way the Hulk did with Loki in that one particular Marvel movie. Not too far off from players who make a female Gnome Monk with pink pigtails slaying giant dragons and gods. Some people want serious storylines and others just want to be amused at sights like what I mentioned. We all have different interests, and as I said before, it’s pretty cool to see what people come up with.

I’m of the opinion that the more options there are in character creation, the better it is for us players. Having the option to choose between something like an elf to things like an Ogre or Lizardman just adds flavor and some really unique culture and storylines you wouldn’t see in other races.

just my personal opinion, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Hoping the Gorian Ogres that came over with the Mag’har can show them a thing or two.


Dumb how? Intelligence dumb? That’s not true for several ogres, some ogres are extremely smart. Dumb as in a stupid race that you don’t like? Subjective, and considering ogres are easily one of, if not the largest Horde requests ever, there’s plenty of people who’d disagree with you.

So are quite a few races in WoW, and other fantasy universes, people still play them.

That’s fine, others do.

My current main is headcannoned as a Mok’nathal, which is why he uses this yellow-green skin tone since it’s the closest to beige, I’d love them too. I want both.

Melee tauren are my favorite tauren, they’re one of my favorite races for melee as whole.

Part of the Horde since it’s foundation, part of Thrall’s Horde since WC3, still not playable, for some reason. The non-playable race in the Horde longer than any other non-playable race, or post WC3 race. Not having them is even worse because Metzen said they were a possibility for Cata but they went with goblins instead, we were so close.

Indeed he did, here for anyone curious:

Edit: I had the timestamp in the link but YouTube here links broke recently. 7:43 is where he says it.


So recently, I’ve noticed that youtube videos linked on the forums, both in old posts and in newer ones, aren’t embedded for some reason. This has happened to multiple people, where it currently appears as a still image you have to click to load the youtube page as opposed to being able to play it on the forums.

Oddly enough, I’ve seen at least one thread where the videos are embedded. I’m not sure if it is a new forum change or just a bug, but I’ll have to remember to mention to click the image to see the video whenever I post one. Hopefully, it’s just temporary and will be fixed soon.

I’ve found some mentions that allegedly, Ogres were considered for one of the starting core races in vanilla WoW. I assume it would’ve been the Stonemaul Ogres if this is true.

For Cataclysm, I do know they were heavily considered as well, in which I assume it would be the Stonemaul again. A lot of quests involving them seem like things that would’ve worked for their starting area, not to mention enforcing the idea that they are part of the Horde, such as when they help your Horde character fend of Cho’Gall in Feralas.

To be clear, I’m happy that we have playable Goblins, but my annoyance is that Ogres seemed to have gotten the short end of the stick a few times. They also seem to have been forgotten as time went on, missing several important events to help out the Horde along with missing the entirety of the war in BfA, which I’ve ranted on many times in the past and likely will continue to do so.

It seems odd that for the Stonemaul, who owe the Horde quite a bit for rescuing them from two corrupt leaders and supposedly helping them get their home back, to be completely absent in anything. You’d think the Horde would utilize their debt in helping them for some things, and the Stonemaul are happy to be part of the Horde that I don’t see why they wouldn’t be willing to help out even more.

Speaking of debt, it still bugs me that the Horde doesn’t utilize the Stonemaul’s debt to them, but would instead jump through hoops to bend time and space to go back to the alternate universe Draenor to demand that the Mag’har, who may or may not have their own thing going, stop what they’re doing and be fine and dady with going to help out in a big war that could kill most of them that don’t really involve them. Let alone that some members were previously Iron Horde and their descendants. I could go on and on about the issues I have with this in general, but to go with this over other options and not consider the Stonemaul Ogres’ debt at all seems…really odd from a storyline point of view. This after Rexxar was involved, and even with Tharg as the leader, I don’t see why he couldn’t help rally the Stonemaul into helping. I’m sure they’d follow him into battle.

Let me be clear again in that I’m happy Mag’har are playable, as many people wanted them. It’s just the circumstances of how they joined the Horde I find to be a bit…questionable and out there in some ways.

It just bugs me that not even as NPC grunts, we don’t see any Stonemaul Ogres around. I’m assuming Megs is utilizing the Dunemaul for her own gain somewhere, so it is likely that they would just remain as a bodyguards for various Goblins in some place at best.

As I said before, I don’t expect the Stonemaul to be the heroes of a story, nor do they have to have starring roles of any sort. I’ve ranted about this many times to the point where I could write a thesis paper on it, but it still makes me wonder when the Horde will remember they have Ogres within their ranks.

Assuming the Stonemaul actually got their home back, the only logical thing I can think of is that they’re helping defend territory in Dustwallow Marsh again both Theramore reclaimers and also potential naga attacks. I have no idea if they’re still trying to get Dire Maul for the Horde in Feralas, as nothing has come up regarding it. However, if they’re willing to give several of their members to help out in Feralas, I don’t see why some wouldn’t be used in the BfA war, given how useful they would be in many combat situations.

Here is what the mention is from the video at that timestamp:

“We could have done a lot of things. We could’ve added…Ogres, Goblins, and Naga. Theres all sorts of cool races in Warcraft that I want to get to one day. And that would be a lot of fun to play. All these races have cool, you know, histories and a lot of character”

With any luck, several races people would like to see playable would still be considered for the future. I know I’ll continue to support Ogres and Saurok for the Horde! :japanese_ogre: :crocodile:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I remember hearing this too. Supposedly they already had decided on Tauren, and didn’t want two “big guy” races on one faction, so they decided not to go with Ogres.


If they were to only have four races on each faction, I could at least understand the choices. Each of the four starting races were important to the story at the time and had big roles while also having their own capital cities. At the very least, expansions were planned and many races would’ve been great as expansion features.

Though, if Ogres were playable in vanilla WoW, I do wonder if they would’ve had something similar to the Tauren plainstriding/plainsrunning, since the arguments of Tauren not being able to ride mounts then consist roughly of some arguments of Ogres on mounts.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I might need the Altar of Storms if my current, mwahaha, plan doesn’t work out. I can let you know what it is since you’re all ogre fans.

I made a deal with Queen Fallynn of the San’layn that if I get Invincible this go around I’ll server her in the after life. Right now I’m sitting at 0/13 tries this go around with 9 more attempts to go. If they all fail I’ll be around 270+ lifetime runs without the ONLY mount I’ve ever really wanted. I did however get the Necromedes after 5 tries, 7 lifetime, so I thanked her for that gift.

That being said, I’m willing to serve the ogre nation for a shot at some luck from the Altar of Storms. Do we have a deal?


If I recall correctly, they were considering not going with Trolls. I can’t even imagine WoW with no playable Trolls.


Yes. Dumb as in unintelligent.

Exception, not the rule.

And there is a difference between cunning and smart.

I don’t dislike Ogres, I love Ogres!

Killing them is as satisfying as killing Undead, just in different way :grin:.

And yet no one has been able to explain it.

Which gives me the impression there is no good reason, that folks just want them because they are not available, like murlocs and furbolg.

Sort of moot since the the player character is always the exception, considering the playable humans are never the “eh wot izzit?” workers, nor playable orcs the “my poop come out sideways!” peons. Playable ogres would ideally sound dumb, but be perfectly capable.

They’re big, burly, and have fun personalities. A lot of people love the “dumb, lovable brute” archetype (ie, Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove, The Incredible Hulk for most of his existence, the Dinobots from Transformers, Ed from Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy, Heavy Weapons Guy from TF2, the list goes on), and we don’t really have that with any playable race yet.


I’d prefer to have Ogre and Saurok supporters support our cause of their own free will as opposed to potentially been condemned into eternal servitude. If I think of anything to help give some luck, I’ll be sure to send that luck your way. No need for anything in return.

I…can’t imagine that at all either. Darkspear Trolls are one of my favorite races, and with them playable, I was able to recreate my Troll Beastlord character from Everquest 1. It honestly wouldn’t make too much sense to not include them in the beginning, in my opinion.

Well, races being unplayable is a reason I want a few specific ones, granted it’s not the sole reason for wanting them playable.

For Ogres in particular, they’ve been part of the Horde since Warcraft III and have a chance of some really fun gameplay with the whole “big, dumb, and strong” type of character. It’s something that would likely put smiles on people’s faces just to see them in combat or just dancing around in Orgrimmar. I can even imagine several voice-lines, both for PC’s and NPC’s, being really amusing as well.

Different strokes for different folks. Some people have fun being an elf that can shoot a mosquito with an arrow, some people like being a rowdy Dwarf with a keg of ale always handy, and some just want to be an Ogre who likes to drop-kick the enemy off cliffs and speaks in broken English. As I said, it makes for a fun community to see people really get into their characters, and more options are always a good thing in my opinion. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


What are you looking for in an explanation?

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This put it better than I would’ve.

I’d add ogres have lorewise been a part of the Horde since it’s inception, and have been portrayed since WC2, even making it into one of the WC2 cinematics.

In WC3:TFT they joined the current Horde.

This is a seriously no bueno version of WoW

I would hate this


I want them because I like ogres. There, I think that’s sufficient explanation.


I’d sell my soul right about now for Invincible because I am seriously tired of running ICC for it. Use to love that place but if I never see it again it will be too soon.

If all else fails I’m trying this stupid thing.

And to answer Silverleigh about why I like ogres it is because they are a core Horde race in my mind. They are a personal race I want because of my WC & WC2 days. They are part of the identity of the Horde, at least to me they are. Without them it just doesn’t feel like WC, WC2 & WC3 are part of our past because no ogres in current WoW. It’s just a subjective want on my part.

To each their own.