The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Hadn’t experienced anything like that yet…I’m thinking we stopped in this one town that had a bunch of spiders. Probably half way through the zone, so who knows. Think it’s a bit before you find the big gnarly tree.

It’d be neat to see some new starting areas if they added some new races, but yeah, like you said, I wonder how likely that is now they’ve got the generic starting zone for all.

Then again, I’d kinda like to see a whole range of heritage quests that better convey the story of the various races and let anyone play through them. Shows more of the background and why they are the way they are and such.


It still irritates me that Quel’Thalas isn’t on the Eastern Kingdoms server proper, especially since it was put there in a PTR, but never made it in live because they couldn’t be bothered to update Silvermoon for flying. :rage:


Come to think of it, they could finally update both the Blood Elf and Draenei starting areas and reattach them to the continents with another old world revamp. We could also see Silvermoon finally rebuilt and brought up to speed as a capital city, too.

Here is an idea: Have the Horde Ogre Clans come to help move the rubble and rebuild Silvermoon. They can do the physical labor while the Blood Elves direct them and design the repairs, likely with some funny moments to go with it. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Sin’dorei named Solo: No! That one goes there this one goes here!
Ogre named Chewie: grumbles and gesticulates as they go back to work

I’m not weird.

(Also ignore that it’s probably a droid Han is talking to in that scene not Chewie…)



can you imagine more rp elements in this rpg that we play?

can you imagine?

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Had a fun image in my head for if we ever run into Megs Dreadshredder again.

I imagined her appointing a Dunemaul Ogre as the leader of the clan, maybe that “emissary” of the Dunemaul would be a top candidate. I could see her riding on their shoulders to both carry her around and so she is in their ear all the time, so to speak. She’d likely have a gun of some sort equipped as well to go with it.

This would work well whether the Dunemaul are a NPC clan or part of the playable Horde Ogre faction. I do have to wonder what she has them doing for the Horde…and probably more accurately, what they’re doing for her. Hopefully we’ll see more of her and the Dunemaul Clan someday.

Much as I do focus on the Stonemaul Ogre Clans, the MU and the AU versions, I don’t want the Dunemaul to be forgotten. I assume Megs still has them employed as members of the Horde, so hopefully they’ll still be a part of it as we go on in the future. Hopefully we’ll hear from both her and the three Horde Ogre clans sooner than later.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I talk a lot about playable Horde Ogres, however I haven’t talked as much about what could be for the Alliance to pair Horde Ogres with.

The most notable Alliance race I’ve seen suggested to go with Horde Ogres would be the Vrykul.

I’ve seen this pairing mentioned quite a few times, both here and on other forums and media like Youtube. It seems like a bit of a popular combo to suggest, and it’s a pretty fitting combo based on a few points:

  1. Both are big, savage races.
  2. They both make their own ships (Orc ships are designed from Ogre ships) and make excellent shipwrights.
  3. They are both the progenitors of Humans (Vrykul) and Orcs (Ogres).

Now, people can make some cases for Horde Vrykul, though I personally view them more as an Alliance race. Not really because they’re bigger humans in a sense, but thinking about their culture. The Vrykul culture is savage related, but I wouldn’t say it would be primitive, like how people might view some Horde race cultures. There is a sense of order and a type of civilization, having titles like Thanes and such, that seems like it would be more fitting in the Alliance.

It’s kinda like Barbarians in Everquest. They live in the wild and are Shamanistic, but they often worship The Tribunal (gods of justice) and aren’t really primitive despite being tribal. You could see them in human cities interacting and such just fine.

To me, they make a good contrast to Ogres. Not to mention that if Blizzard gets a good size for playable Ogres, then it could be applied to Vrykul. Not to mention that both the Horde and Alliance getting a big race would be…well, huge news. It would make for some great marketing artwork to go with whatever expansion this pairing would go on.

All the above is of course my own personal opinion. Vrykul don’t have much connection with the Alliance, though things could always be written or introduced with some Vrykul more open to them. New races also don’t necessarily have to have any relation to each other when being paired and becoming playable. It can be cool if it is done right though.

I just wanted to ramble some on the pairing in general. I’m sure other points could be made to support it, but that’s all I can think of at the moment. It does seem like a fitting pairing the more I think about it, but that is just me.

Whatever the Alliance gets, the important thing would be playable Horde Ogres, of course!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy mother’s day to any mothers out there. I’ve made sure to do some stuff for my mom, since she is part of the reason I exist. :smiley:

I got some inspiration to take a screenshot involving the Shadowlands starting area using glyph of disguise:

An Ogre champion of the Horde answers the summons to see how dire the situation is and prepares to enter the Maw.

Wanted to show off how Ogres could look like at the beginning of the Shadowlands intro scenario. It was a bit hard to take any other screenshots, since everyone is verbose and you have to sit there while they keep talking (only 5 minutes on glyph of disguise’s timer). Not enough time to really do as much as I wanted. x- x

Luckily I had the Kovork toy to use afterwards! It uses the Draenor Ogre model, so it should have more animations than the other regular Ogre model.

Connecting the helm pieces doesn’t have any special animation. The Ogre just walks regularly without holding anything.

However, going to the Maw…

…does have an animation of sorts. Even more surprising…

The illusion from the toy appears in the in-game cut scenes. Something that didn’t seem to work in BfA cut scenes, though I don’t know if it is because this is the toy as opposed to a glyph of disguise illusion and whether that affects the in-game cut scenes or not.

Glad I was able to think about doing this and remembering I had the Kovork toy. Maybe someday, we’ll be able to make our Horde Ogre characters and take them through this and “bash sum baddies in da Maw!”

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I really love your commitment to this and want to show my support for Ogres as a playable race one more.


The problem with Ogres is the overwhelming majority of us don’t want to look like supersized horned sumo wrestlers.

I’d argue that’s more personal opinion. There’s a large community of players out there that do want playable Ogres, as made evident by the fact they’ve been one of the top requested races for years.

If you don’t like them that’s fine, there’s nothing wrong with that. You wouldn’t be forced to play them. Let’s not advocate for players not getting something though because you (not you specifically) don’t like it. Let people have things they enjoy, it will cause you zero harm in the long run. I don’t like Mechagnomes so I don’t play them, but I know others do so I go about my day and let people have fun.


So I tried the Kovork toy with the end cut scene in the Shadowlands into scenario and it didn’t show up, instead showing my actual character. I suspect that some in-game cinematics that use in-game assets, like the ending to the Shadowlands Intro scenario, are coded different than ones like the entering the Maw cut scene. That one transitions into gameplay immediately, which may explain why illusions show up.

On the bright side, I’ll be paying attention to in-game cut scenes now. With the Kovork toy, I could use it on any character to see if the illusion will show up or not. Might lead to some interesting screenshot possibilities! :smiley:

I’m always happy to see others like the work I do and showing their support as well. I’m still marching as best as I can in support for playable Horde Ogres. In fact, come October, we’ll be hitting our 1 year anniversary! Playable Horde Ogres have been long overdue, and I’m hoping we won’t have to wait years to see it become a reality.

We’ll see what happens in the future, but so long as I play WoW, I’ll keep going as best as I can! I’ll always keep hope!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Well I for one want to play such a character.
I love Orgres. They are great and a OG Horde race.


Ogre bois would be amazing. But knowing Blizzard they’ll just give us more elves.

Seeing as Ogres have been requested since Vanilla and were speculated as an eventuality many times, I do think there would be a decent number of people excited for them. Not elf levels of excitement, of course, but it would be a pretty big deal to see playable Horde Ogres, finally.

There is also excitement to see what customizations would be like also. Especially if they get two-heads working on player models, which would be a pretty amazing feat. Theres also Ogre women which will likely horrify some people, but it and two-headed Ogres would cause some huge marketing buzz if done right.

Ogres aren’t for everyone, of course. There would likely be people complaining if Ogres did become playable…but then again, there would be complaints of some fashion regardless of whatever race becomes playable. I don’t think there would be a race becoming playable that would please everyone and not have someone grumbling about it for whatever reason. I do lean towards “the more the merrier and more options are always good!” line of thinking when it comes to playable races in a MMORPG. Having a variety of playable races in a MMORPG is a good thing so that people can create the type of character they want.

At any rate, with all that space on the new character creation screen, there is plenty of room for races people want that would also fill in some niches the game doesn’t have. I’m hoping to see some races I really want on there but also hope to see races people have been requesting as well. As I said, I’d love to see some dreams become true for people, like how the Vulpera and MechaGnome megathreads celebrated when they became playable. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Something I recently discovered is that the Kovork Kostume toy lasts through combat. This makes it a bit more versatile and gives me more options for screenshot taking as opposed to the Glyph of Disguise method, which breaks upon combat.

As such, I might keep an eye out for opportunities of using it in general, like introduction scenarios to expansions. I might do a bit more with making a screenshot story with the Shadowlands starting scenario on one of my Warriors, in which the weapon would be more fitting than a couple of daggers.

It does have a bit of a long cooldown, sadly, so I’d have to take breaks if I am doing something that takes awhile so I can reapply the buff. But hey, it’s worth it to show how awesome playable Horde Ogres would be!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With TBC Classic approaching, I had some memories of when I first joined the game and remember keeping a character for if Ogres became playable.

I had originally quit Everquest 1 thanks to a decision to change Troll Beastlord pets from Alligators, the whole reason I made one and who became my favorite character, to this awful looking basilisk without telling anyone about it. I could rant about this for paragraphs in greath detail, but I’ll spare some words of advice to anyone who works on a MMORPG: Do not mess with people’s pets in terms of aesthetics.

So having soured greatly over Everquest, I opted to try out WoW, which was shortly after BC launched, since I could tame a variety of beasts, including crocolisks. I happily remade my Troll Beastlord into this character I’m posting as. I enjoyed the game and wound up remaking a bunch of previous characters with a slot saved for what I hoped was eventually Ogres becoming playable.

I’ve mentioned before that one of my favorite characters from Everuqest 1 was an Ogre Berserker. The idea of a raging Ogre speaking in broken English was really fun. Having been new to Warcraft in general, I found that there were Ogres part of the Horde already from Warcraft 3. I figured more races that had importance to both factions would be added in the future, which that belief got stronger as we got Goblins and Worgen in Cataclysm and also Pandaren in MoP, which were a race I particularly wanted playable and was excited about.

I kept thinking Ogres would be an eventuality at the rate we were going and they, along with Saurok, were at the top of my list of playable races. Ogres being considered for Cataclysm helped to strengthen my belief. Then time passed…and more time passed…and more time passed…expansion after expansion, I kept watch at the announcement trailers hoping to see Horde Ogres finally appear. Even with BfA I had hoped to see them join what was suppose to be this big war between the Horde and Alliance.

…and they were MIA, sadly.

Now, I did enjoy my other characters a lot, with the majority of them based on characters I made previously, so it wasn’t like I forgot them and put all my focus on playable Ogres. But I still hoped that Ogres would eventually come. I did try to play the character I had in mind as an Orc, pretending he was a peon that just became stronger and figured I could race change in the future…but it never really fit or felt right.

Seeing TBC Classic reminded me of several memories, mostly good of course. It did remind me of how I’ve kept a character slot in reserve for in case Ogres did become playable since then, and this was previously when there were only 8 slots per server at the time. It’s something I wouldn’t normally do for just any character, especially if it seemed like a race didn’t have a huge chance of becoming playable. But for Ogres, it felt like it was just a matter of time.

One thing I’ll give WoW is that it is capable of having a variety of race types, which is something I really like to see in MMORPG’s. Add in a few more types and it’d be just about perfect in that regard for me. It’s also one of the reasons I try to help support races people want playable in general, as I do feel the more options the better.

BfA did jumpstart my being vocal for supporting playable Ogres and Saurok for the Horde, and despite waiting all this time for Ogres in particular, I still feel like marching on. It’s something I have passion for at this point, and so far I haven’t felt like it is entirely pointless or hopeless. It certainly doesn’t seem like an impossibility to me, otherwise I wouldn’t be here on the forums if I felt that way.

But at any rate, Ogres and Saurok are my dream playable races for a game I still do enjoy for the most part. Maybe not all aspects of it, but I still have fun in different ways. But seeing both of them as playable Horde races is a dream I feel like at least attempting for. It’s not guaranteed to become a reality, of course, but it’s worth a shot to me to at least do some reasonable methods of support. It could very well not happen, but who knows what the future currently holds?

Still, I keep hope of someday being able to recreate my Ogre Berserker character as an Ogre Fury Warrior someday. The hype levels of seeing playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde for me would rival Smash Bros character announcements. That is something that is hard to rival, for sure.

Playable Horde Ogres will always be important to me, and I’m happy to see that there are others who would love to see it happen as well. Hopefully we’ll be able to make them and run around Orgrimmar someday!

As always, dream big Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I have at least 3 names saved for ogres. I’d have more but I love alts and Blizz is dragging their feet on playable ogres so I used up slots. One of my biggest beefs with Blizz is the lack of a playable ogre race.

I’m still upset they removed the unique abilities pets had. That was a very cool idea to give most pets their own skills.

I use to have one for disarm, one for movement CC, one for spell interrupt, and one for reduced armor for when I PvP’d. Then for PvE I use to run either a cat or wolf for the group buff. I think other pets may have had some other abilities I used in niche situations but those were my main ones I can remember.

“Fun detected so lets remove it” is 100% true. I can’t think of any one thing I found fun in the game from back when I use to play between 2008 - 2011 that is still in the game today. They have gutted all the fun things I use to enjoy.

Only reason I am even back right now is because my nephews were asking me ALL these WoW questions and they were telling me about their recent dungeon and PvP experiences and after 4 hours of talking it got me in the mood to play even though I have zero interest in Shadowlands at this point. WoW is not fun to me in its current state as far as I am concerned but they are enjoying and that’s all that matters.

To each their own.


Moths used to have a brez.

What I hated even more than the unique skills being taken away though was the specs being taken away. Now I have to use certain pets to tank, certain pets for PvP, etc. It sucks.

I came back specifically for that quiver that Sylvanas will drop in 9.1, and to see Kael’s story now before they change his voice actor.