The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Love the idea and I’d definitely play one. Heck, an expansion that centered around a new found continent that housed, among other things, an undiscovered ogre empire would be a great way to bring this new playable race in.


I’m planning to in a little bit. Had some college work and other RL obligations to attend to.

Trying to finish them in a timely manner has caused this in my head:

Will post some findings either later today or tomorrow. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So I played around with the Volunteer Guard Day. If anyone is interested in what this is, you can find details here:

There doesn’t appear to be any achievements or rewards for it. It’s just a for-fun thing.

So far, it seems that you can only turn into guards at capital cities. Despite that, I checked out the Ogre guards at Brackenwall Village and Stonemaul Mound, and sadly they didn’t work.

However, there happens to be a couple of Ogre guards at Shattrath, as mentioned previously. This is the mob you /salute to turn into:

They’re using the old Ogre model, as opposed to the Draenor Ogre model, so they are missing animations such as the ability to mount, use a bow, and so on.

Also you can go to other areas and attack with this 24 Guard buff you get from saluting them. I think it wears off in instances, however.

I did a few size comparisons screenshots as usual:

This is without an elixir of Giant Growth. This was also done on this character before I saw there was no bow animation. So I hopped onto my Horde Arms Warrior to be more fitting.

This is with an elixir of giant growth, which…honestly, isn’t too bad in terms of height.

The rest also use an elixir of giant growth.

Model size comparison with a Tauren. Seems just about right to me. I wonder how manageable it would be for other aspects.

And a quick model size comparison to other player characters at the auction house.

I did take more screenshots, but I’m going to sort through them later and post them in another post. Right now, I wanted to spread the word for those interested in trying out being an Ogre too. This only lasts for one day, thus the need to get the word out ASAP.

Makes me wish I had organized an event involving this so we can have a bunch of Ogre guards bashing baddies for da Horde. Ah well, maybe another time…or maybe, we’ll be able to be real Horde Ogres someday!

I’ll post more screenshots later when I can. I may play with the event a bit more too if I get the time to do so. All I know is that it has made me REALLY want playable Horde Ogres more, and that it’s giving me some inspiration for in-game Ogre events in the future. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


She could have done an illusion like the Dazaralor raid and turn us into a base race/class that exists at the time, but would it really be all that fun not playing your character for that long? Guess it’s a compromise type thing.
Could just say it’s done and have npcs refer to us as such, but leave our character looking the same to us, but saying others view it differently :wink:

With the way it’s set up for the intro zone, I’d fully expect them to change it to the most recent previous expansion anytime a new one comes out, so Shadowlands would be the next, arrive in Stormwind having left Exile’s Reach to then be sent to the portal and Darion outside the keep for example.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if we were squished back to 50 before each expansion.


I sorted through the different screenshots I took as an Ogre guard for Volunteer Guard Day and thought up a little story for them.

The Volunteer Ogre Guard

One day, Orgrimmar was having a problem with invaders trying to cause chaos within the city. The Stonemaul Ogres, having heard of issues, sent in one of their Ogre champions to assist the Horde.

The Ogre champion arrives at the gates of Orgrimmar. “Dis place look neat! Me ready ta bash some baddies!”

The Ogre Champion, now a voluntary guard, patrols the city. A few Death Knights try to get his attention for something. “Wut ded tings want? Prolly nothin’ as 'portant as helping da Horde protect city!” He pays no attention to the Death Knights.

The Ogre guard stands around. Not a whole lot of activity going on until…

Finally, some action! The Ogre guard rushes to help bash the baddie!

One down, but countless many to go!

One baddie tries to interrupt the Horde’s economy by attacking the auction house! The Ogre guard helps put a stop to that!

Hearing the war cry of the Tauren nearby, the Ogre guard rushes to help fend off baddies in that area.

After awhile, it quiets down in Orgrimmar. The Ogre guard decides to enjoy some munchings and crunchings of his lunch!..however…

An ambitious Gnome tries to gain the advantage! This infuriates the Ogre guard, and he must teach this Gnome a lesson: Never interrupt an Ogre’s meal.

“Poony Gnome! Me bash yoo gud for stopping lunchtimes!”

Hearing more sounds of action in the area, the Ogre guard lets out a huge warcry with a loud: “FOR DA HORDE! WWWAAAUUGGGHHHH!!!”

The Ogre guard just starts swinging in the general area of the battle. His allies luckily know not to get in the way of an angry Ogre.

In a manner of moments, the Ogre guard proceeds to act as a cyclone, swinging his axe around and around and sending the bodies of the city invaders flying! This frightens off any nearby invaders, who proceed to hightail it out of the city!

“Yeah! Me bash dem gud! Me victor…vic…tor…me win!”

The Ogre guard has a celebratory dance at the end of his shift. There is no further trouble with any city invaders. The Ogre guard shows off some Ogre power with his dance!

The Ogre champion, done with the day’s work, proceeds to head back to Dustwallow Marsh to report his success to his clan. He stops along the way to stare at a Horde banner. He hopes this gives good word for his clan and shows how dedicated they are to the Horde’s cause. He hopes someday to be a full member of the Horde…and one of its champions!

The event was really fun to engage in as an Ogre. I’m really happy there was a way to turn into one for it. Maybe next time, I’ll see if we can get a group of Ogre guards together to bash some baddies for the Horde! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Checking in for support, hoping a return to Azeroth will bring these folks.


I hope so as well. I really want to see what the Horde Ogre clans are up to currently. Rumors going around of another old world revamp have me thinking we could see what the Dunemaul are up to, where the AU Stonemaul went, and whether the MU Stonemaul got their home back and succeeded in getting Dire Maul for the Horde in Feralas.

And to be honest, playable Horde Ogres in an old world revamp would be very fitting. Especially when tying those loose ends. I know I would be really excited to see it happen, that is for sure!

Another rumor I see involves the Dragon Isles, and I feel like the MU Stonemaul at least would love to get some revenge against the dragonkin that took over their home before. Between the two, I feel like they’d be more likely to appear in an old world revamp, but I feel like there could be some potential in a Dragon Isles expansion. Really depends what all would be in that type of expansion, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


As a longtime supporter of High Elves coming to alliance (among other races) I support making Ogres available to Horde. Both are races long featured in the relevant factions but omitted from being available to players for no good reason at this point. In an RPG of this age there needs to be a bigger push for player choice and Blizzard dropping new races like these for players along with fixing existing allied race customization is much needed.


Customization options should be something that is continuous, since making your character would be, in my opinion, the most important part of any MMORPG. I’m hoping they get back to that and don’t abandoned it.

As for new races, I am a believer in “the more the merrier.” They’re an exciting announcement for any MMORPG and most are capable of adding in races that would add a lot of flavor to the game. WoW is capable of having several types of races that could have a broad appeal to several people who like a particular type of race. You can have races like Saurok and Sethrak for reptilian races, Ogres as a dumb brute of a rate, Arakkoa as an avian race, San’layn as a vampire race, Kelfin and Jinyu/Ankoan as aquatic races, Saberon as a feline race, and much more. WoW in particular has a lot of potential for a diverse character creation screen.

I also feel with new races, it helps to evolve the Horde and Alliance. They’re going to continue to get bigger and gain more allies, which in turn makes them more interesting and given plenty of storyline opportunities. It’s also pretty cool for something like the Horde to see it start as something small with big plans to become something on a more grand scale with several members banding together.

Not to mention that there are members of both factions that should be represented as a playable race and have more of a presence. It’s pretty annoying to see something like Ogres be completely forgotten when a Horde council is made to give all members voices…when not all members get a spot on the seat.

But yes, especially in terms of a RPG, the more options, the better. And with that new character creation screen, I do hope we’ll see more new races gradually added over time with races that people have requested for a long time. Some dreams would be made, and given how important characters are to players, it can go a long way in keeping players both happy and invested. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Wowpedia made a mention on the Stonemaul Clan page that they assisted in the attack on Theramore in MoP, citing the Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War novel in Chapter 16.

I took a brief look at the novel and it mentions some unnamed Ogres helping the Horde, who would be Stonemaul Ogres of course, and Brackenwall Village briefly a few times. Oddly enough, no mention of the Stonemaul Clan’s home at all despite naming other outposts in the area, which I assume they were either still fending off the dragonkin there or were in the process of rebuilding it.

I did look at the Fall of Theramore scenarios on youtube, both Horde and Alliance, and didn’t see any presence of the Stonemaul there, unless I missed it. Since the novel focuses on the outside of Theramore and the scenarios focus inside Theramore, that might explain why.

I don’t blame the Stonemaul at all for assisting in the area. They were likely following the command of Garrosh and wanted to do their part to help the Horde since they are part of it. Kinda funny that Garrosh remembers and utilizes the Ogres within their ranks for something while the Horde has kinda forgotten about them. Go figure.

Seeing as the Stonemaul Clan were involved in the death of Jaina’s father and the fall of Theramore, I feel like them assisting the Horde in BfA would’ve added more to the direction Blizzard was taking Jaina. Especially seeing as Rexxar made an appearance…and also a disappearance at the end of BfA. As I said before, missed opportunities seems to be the general theme of BfA. Still feels like a huge opportunity squandered when it comes to the Horde Ogre clans.

Anyway, the Stonemaul assisting in the fall of Theramore something I wanted to look into when I read about it. I didn’t see much else mentioned about the Stonemaul in that chapter, and that was the only one cited. No named Ogres in it, just a “even Ogres were helping!” type of mention.

Still hoping the Horde remembers they have three clans within their ranks and utilize them to help out in the near future. Hopefully earning the Horde Ogres a place on that character creation screen.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Not exactly related to Theramore’s Fall, but I do remember that Or’dac hangs out in Domination Point and is tagged as “Brackenwall Emissary”.

Sadly you don’t get to do anything with him as the Horde, as he’s an objective for the Alliance to kill. Even in the Alliance quest, he’s only referred to as “an Ogre emissary”.

Though apparently it mentions that Garrosh “passed through Brackenwall for reinforcements” in Tides of War, chapter 14.


Yeah, that would be the Stonemaul emissary I’ve talked about before, who pretty much just acts like a jobber for an Alliance daily quest there. You can’t do anything with him as Horde, including speaking with him. A shame, as I would’ve loved to hear his story.

Given he is specifically a “Brackenwall emissary,” I would say that the Stonemaul would be managing both Brackenwall Village and their home in Dustwallow Marsh as Horde outposts. Sadly, we have yet to see what all has happened to their home in-game, as it is stuck perpetually in Cataclysm-era until we get another old world revamp or something involving the MU Stonemaul gets Dustwallow Marsh in another time instance.

Or’Dac is pretty much the last known part of the MU Stonemaul Clan, which was during MoP. We haven’t seen or heard from the MU Stonemaul Clan since, which is something I’ve grumbled about MANY times over. It’s a really big shame since the MU Stonemaul Clan are both a part of the Horde and have had pretty important ties to them since Warcraft 3.

I really hope we get to see what they’ve been up to in the near future. Them missing out on a big war in BfA was very disappointing, and I don’t want them or the other Horde clans to be forgotten. <- <

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This always bothered me about Cata, even when it was announced.

I knew the zones looked much more specific than the original versions, so that just makes it sillier to be time-locked there.

The original versions were by and large more generic, and at least then they had the excuse of “it’s always been this way” but oh no, they had to leave it in an even sillier state than it would have been had they just left it alone.


I’ve never been fond of the idea of time-locked zones. In my own personal opinion, it makes the game feel less like a world and just causes headaches in general. I also wasn’t a fan of phasing either, which has caused a number of issues overtime, such as the Worgen starting area being as broken as an aggravated minotaur in a fine china shop.

We also just don’t see things get resolved, like Sentinel Hill still being on fire, and we usually have little reason to travel around the world (of Warcraft!). Not to mention all the time travel malarkey that was mentioned earlier before the idea of Chromie Time was implemented.

However, even if time locked zones never became a thing, I feel like areas would still be stuck in limbo. The MU Stonemaul Clan likely would still be in Brackenwall Village, begging people to help, and then…still not moving into their home. Not sure if it would be better, since it is implied that things got better after we chased Mok’morokk out of the area.

I get that WoW had different design philosophies and that a narrative became an important feature, but I do miss the world being dynamic. Like how events in Everquest 1 would randomly happen, such as the Frogloks taking over the Troll city of Grobb that you could attend and help. Word of mouth getting people to immediately stop what they’re doing to engage in big events that could have an impact in the area was cool to be a part of. It’s something I don’t really see happening easily in WoW sadly, fun as it could be. It can still have events of course, like the pre-Cataclysm events that were awesome and would be cool to see events like that again leading to big changes or new playable races and such.

At this point, seeing the rumors of the old world revamp part 2 may be the only way to see those areas get updated…for at least a bit until they end up being time-locked as we move on in expansions and more time-related questionable things happen that don’t flow well with the events going on in the game, novels, and other forms of media.

It is what it is. Much as I grumble about it, I can’t claim to have a solution to this. It can be workable in some ways, and as I said before, Chromie Time is a great idea to at least explain some parts of it and let others experience events in the game’s storyline, even if it isn’t perfect.

…though I still always grumble about the Horde Ogre clans being forgotten and not included in events. Would love to see Dustwallow, Feralas, and Tanaris updated to show the three Horde Ogre Clans being part of the Horde and also show what they’re doing in those areas. <- <

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I agree, time-locked zones are never something I wanted, but inevitably it was going to happen.

Still, it would be nice if we got an update to Azeroth, especially if it would include Ogres joining the Horde.

I can think of no better time to bring the big guys in.


I mean, at the very least both Stonemaul Clans are official members of the Horde, with the MU Stonemaul joining in Warcraft 3 and the AU Stonemaul Clan joining with the Mag’har in BfA. Now them becoming full members, including a seat at the Horde council, would be great to see.

The Dunemaul “joined” the Horde, but I don’t see why Megs Dreadshredder would keep their allying with the Horde a secret if she is trying to earn some brownie points with them…then again, we don’t know what she has done with them so maybe she hasn’t gotten around to it yet. I still want them to be official members regardless, though. Especially if Blizzard went with the multiple clan route with playable Horde Ogres.

Still, it would be great to see the Horde Ogre clans get some recognition and full membership. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yeah, by “joining” I meant as a playable race with a seat on the council.

It’s been long enough, the big guys should be playable already.


Ogres are indeed long overdue. They also deserve better than to just be forgotten and not utilized by the Horde at all, especially given how much the MU Stonemaul Clan owes them.

In thinking about it, I feel like BfA should’ve been a time where the Horde and Alliance gather up all of their members and allies while also recruiting new ones to engage in this big war. It’s really odd how many members of both sides are just AWOL and forgotten for a war that would have been on a bigger scale. Several huge opportunities missed there.

Not to mention we have situations where instead of using any members of the Horde not present, like Ogres who are a glaring omission, that could’ve been helpful to the battlefield and faster to mobilize, the Horde instead does the time warp thing to the alternate dimension to recruit alternate universe Orcs that could’ve ended poorly. I’ve grumbled about it multiple times, but it seems like the priorities were…less than stellar and war planning could’ve gone a lot better.

Then of course, the Horde Council is formed, and…not all members are given seats. Ogre Clans, Taunka, Dragonmaw Orcs, Forest Hozen, and others don’t get voices. Kinda odd how the Highmountain Tauren have a seat but the Taunka don’t when they’re full members and have been full members for far longer. Not exactly giving a voice to all members there, guys.

It’s kinda like if the Alliance had something similar, but only the Bronzebeard and Dark Iron clans were part of it and while the Wildhammers, members since near the beginning (they even have a statue of a high profile member of the clan at Stormwind’s entrance), get no representation of any sort. It’s mind boggling to me.

I like the concept of the Horde and the Horde Council, but the Horde really needs to look at its current members to make sure they all have voices, as well as giving seats to future members of course. However, it seems a bit worrying to potential members to see the Horde claim that all members have representation, when that is far from the case.

Especially when it comes to the MU Stonemaul Clan, who have been members since near the beginning of the Horde, just being forgotten. It’s something I’ve grumbled about and will likely continue to grumble about until we see them finally remembered and given some representation of some kind.

The sooner that occurs, the better. All members of the Horde deserve a voice, even the Horde Ogre Clans.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


What’s broken with it? I’ve seen others say that as well.
Niece and I had been playing through it, I don’t recall if we’d finished it, but hadn’t encountered anything broken…yet.
It’s a bummer it just goes unused after that.

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Maybe they fixed it by now, which would be good for those wanting to go through the Worgen starting area.

The issue was that the Worgen starting area suffered from massive server lag. It took several seconds for spells to go off, phasing was busted, and mobs were fairly glitchy among other things. It was barely functionable and it wasn’t the first time this happened to the area.

In fact, I made a Worgen Druid and tried to go through it, only to not be able to proceed in the part where you’re with Genn’s son trying to storm the city. The stages in the quest did not work at all, and you had to abandon it and wait to try it again…only for it to fail. I had to level my Worgen Druid up to where she learned how to teleport to Moonglade to get her out of the area.

To be honest, I’m personally not a fan of closed off starting areas for new characters. They can be cool once, but then it becomes a bit of a slog if you want to make multiple of that race. Not to mention that if you want to group with others, you have to wait until everyone who wanted to make a Goblin finishes their starting area. I prefer starting areas to be connected to the world (of Warcraft!) like the Blood Elf and Draenei starting areas. Also seems to avoid problems like the Worgen starting area seems to have, and phasing seems to hinder more than help in that regard.

That said, I don’t know what to expect if Ogres become playable. Either they start at L1 and go through the new starting area or they’ll start at L10 like with other allied races. I don’t really see Blizzard making brand new starting areas for races again, since they do take a lot of time and resources to make.

Then again, maybe that rumor of a new revamp of the old world will come true with some new races, and we can level up newbie characters starting at L1 there if we wish to…or level up there after finishing the new starting character area. Ogres can start off in Dustwallow Marsh, either as a newbie zone or a racial hub, regardless of what they do with them.

Plenty you can do with making playable Horde Ogres. The important thing, of course, is that they would finally become playable! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: