The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

There are non-clawed races with unarmed anims that look better when not holding something too, like blood/void elves and night elves.


Imagine if we could hide weapon slots. Weā€™d have Ogres just punching and bonking mobs on the head. Something about that really amuses me.

ā€œMe gunna punch dat Jay-lor in dah face!ā€

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



So I had a bit of an idea regarding another potential leader for the Stonemaul Clan, and I donā€™t think I talked about it much before.

As of right now, Tharg is the best fit for being leader of the Stonemaul Clan. One of the issues stems from comments in-game of how he is a bit old and has injuries of some kind, likely from various battles. Not to mention that his wife getting killed may have taken a toll on him. And yes, thatā€™s another female Ogre mention in the game.

If that would prevent Tharg from becoming the faction leader, then the next person I can think of is this guy:

You may wonder who this Ogre actually is, and for good reason. He isnā€™t in WoW at all and was only named awhile ago.

Simply put: This is the Ogre in Warcraft 3 who ran for help for his clan and the Horde found in Rexxarā€™s campaign. He was given a name in Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Iā€™ve talked about this Ogre a bit before, but thinking about him, itā€™s possible he could be a potential leader if Tharg is too old and wants to retire or something. There are a few things going for this Ogre:

The biggest thing for him is that he is the reason the Stonemaul Clan was able to free themselves from one tyrannical overlordā€¦granted, it was temporary until another tyrannical overlord took over again, but still! He braved the wilderness while wounded seeking someone to help, where the Horde found him collapsed from exhaustion.

The other thing going for him is that he hasnā€™t been shown in WoW yet. This could be an opportunity to give him a pretty neat model with big weapons or so. He does have two heads, so itā€™s possible he could be more magic oriented. If two-headed Ogres were related to the Shaman class, that might be a fitting class for him.

Anyway, this is just me throwing a suggestion out for an alternative to Tharg. Iā€™d prefer Tharg to be given more love with a more unique model and looking really imposing and such, but if it wasnā€™t meant to be, we do have another Ogre that would be meaningful to lead the Stonemaul Clan. Iā€™m sure something could be workable with either of them as the leader.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Well thatā€™s interesting. I donā€™t know if I would have noticed that character didnā€™t have a name before but now does.

I actually think heā€™s a great candidate for a leader and thatā€™s not a bad name. We talked before about how the ogres being silly is part of their appeal, but I still wouldnā€™t want someone like, say, Drazā€™Zilb (Blizzard backward) as leader. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Crolā€™ka makes me think of Golka, but itā€™s not a bad name and him being the one to have sought help is a great backstory.


If Blizzard went with the multiple Ogre clan idea as the playable faction, I had the idea of having Drazā€™Zilb become the leader of the Gordunni Clan after Dire Maul was taken for the Horde. This can work for a variety of reasons:

First, it would be an Ogre leader. The Gordunni decided, after the events of the Traveler books, that only an Ogre would be able to lead the clan.

Two, I think itā€™s easier and more fun to have the Gordunni join the Horde this way as opposed to slaughtering them. Also saves the Horde some time and gives them more troops in general.

Three, Drazā€™Zilb would be trustworthy to lead the clan.

And four, Drazā€™Zilb is proficient in magic, which would be useful in maintaining and excavating Dire Maul for its magical artifacts and such.

Itā€™s something I imagined for a second pre-expansion event leading to playable Ogres, where the Horde move in on Dire Maul to take over it after a bigger Gordunni threat than before appears out of nowhere. Itā€™s also something Iā€™ve been meaning to write up as an idea for a long time.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



No Ogres.


Yes ogres.

Isnā€™t this a fun conversation?


I took a few screenshots of using a Draenor Ogre model and an Elixir of Giant Growth to show off size comparisons.

I originally took some with the Draenor Ogre model roughly around Tauren height, which you can see here:

And the item I used to grow a bit was this:

And the results:

Comparing model size to a couple of NPCā€™s.

Comparing model size to a Tauren.

Comparing mount size to another mounted player nearby.

Comparing model size to other players at the auction house.

I actually grew in size a bit more than I thought I would. While I do like being big, I donā€™t know if I would see playable Ogres being roughly twice the size of other players. I do feel that the previous size, slightly around Tauren size, works just fine. Maybe slightly bigger than that would also work.

I do think finding the right size for playable Ogre models is important. They should be reasonably big, since it is a defining character trait of them. It does seems very workable to find a balance in size, too. Iā€™ll likely see if there are any other items that grow your character different sizes and do screenshot comparisons with them to illustrate potential sizes for playable Ogres.

At any rate, whatever size they would be, I still hope to see Ogres on the Horde size of that character creation screen someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™ve sorta gotten back into WoW Classic again, in which I mentioned looking at Dustwallow Marsh to see what the Stonemaul Clan were like during Vanilla in case there was anything of interest.

I suspect itā€™d mostly be similar quests in Cataclysm, just without the storyline of us chasing off Mokā€™Morokk. Mostly, I wanted to see quest text and dialog there. Regardless, I try to leave no stone unturned when it comes to Ogre research.

Itā€™ll take me a bit to get there. Iā€™ve been busy doing college work, and even then Iā€™m trying not to rush WoW Classic, which takes a bit of time to play through it in general. Iā€™ll report on anything of interest, of course.

I also donā€™t think the Stonemaul in Feralas was a thing in Vanilla. I could be wrong of course, but I vaguely remember them being there added in Cataclysm. Iā€™ll look into that as well just in case, though.

As for the Dunemaul, I donā€™t think they were much during Vanilla, but Iā€™ll also check that out for fun. Their joining the Horde was also a Cataclysm thing, if I am correct.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I would rather play a rabbit or die in a fire than a lumbering slow Ogre, whereā€™s the fun in this?

Ogres arenā€™t for everyone. Different players have different tastes and interests, and that makes for a great community in my opinion.

For me personally, itā€™s the idea of being a big, dumb, and strong oaf that goes around bashing things and could potentially punt almost anything that is just really fun to me. Not to mention the possibility of getting to speak in broken English and imagining them as the Horde Champion.

As I said, it doesnā€™t appeal to everyone. Some people want to be a beautiful elf archer, some want to be the drunken Dwarf, others want an honorable Orc, and some like me just want to smash things up and play hacky sack with their enemies. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Took a couple of screenshots in Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar.

First is at the throne. We may not see an Ogre warchief, but hopefully the Horde Ogre clans would get a representative on the Horde Council.

As for the other screenshotā€¦

ā€œHey! Yoo not spose ta be here!ā€

So funny thing about the game. Despite getting one of my Horde Rogues to L60 and going through some Shadowlands storylines, Sylvanas is still in Orgrimmar. Likely, this is because my Rogue hasnā€™t beaten up Nā€™zoth yet. Or maybe she is hiding in Orgrimmar since noone would bother to look for her there. Who knows?

Iā€™ll continue to think of different locales to take Ogre screenshots in the near future. Iā€™m happy I found a model I can turn into that looks like something a player character Ogre might look like with heritage armor.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The whole leader situation is a mess.

I just picked up a quest to go to the newly uncovered Uldum for King Anduin.


One of the problems Iā€™ve had with the game is the whole areas being set in a specific timeline, with dragons to bounce you between different timelines of the areas, as opposed to being updated continuously as time goes on. It really causes a lot of confusion and becomes a bit of a bumpy ride when leveling.

Iā€™m hoping that if the rumors of an old world revamp are true, they might be designed to be expansion neutral in terms of fitting in the timeline. There are a number of areas that need to be brought up to current times, such as Sentinel Hill not burning since Cataclysm.

It also would show us what has happened with both Stonemaul Clans and the Dunemaul Clan. Seeing the MU Stonemaul getting their home back would be a huge relief. Maybe the Dunemaul Clan will become a Horde outpost run by Megs Dreadshredder. Maybe a beach resort of sorts? Seems like Tanaris would be a good place to do that for profit, if Gadgetzan hasnā€™t done that first. :palm_tree: :beach_umbrella:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This. Especially with most of Azeroth stuck in Cata.

At least we have Chromie Time now. It was even worse when I was forced to do unexplained lore breaking time travel to level my void elf through Cata, then go back in the past to Outland or Northrend.


Chromie Time I admit was a clever way to work with it, allowing newer players to go through the older storylines and giving a reason for being there. It isnā€™t perfect and has some issues still, but it is still a good idea.

As I did mention before, an old world revamp sounds like a really intriguing idea with lots of possibilities. It would make things a bit easier and grounded for newer players, who get to experience the old world and be closer to the feeling of Warcraft IMO, and offer opportunities for new races, race/class combos, and so on. I like the idea the more I think on it, but itā€™s among a few other rumors of what is to come next to the game. Iā€™ll temper expectations, of course.

Though I will admit, a chance of seeing in-game what the three Horde Ogre clans were all up to is exciting. As well as Horde Ogres potentially becoming playable finally. But weā€™ll see what happens, I suppose.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The lore on it is a little shaky, cause NPCs still call me a void elf or a Nightborne or whatever else theyā€™ve never heard of, but itā€™s nice we get to pick where to go.

If one wants to avoid nonsensical time breaking shenanigans, they can level entirely through BfA, where every current playable race is canon.

Itā€™s the Freedom that Chromie Time provides that I enjoy most. The scaling though, mechanically, could definitely use some tuning.


This sounds like a game limitation, even though it really doesnā€™t make a lot of sense. Like in Grizzly Hills with that NPC asking Worgen players if they were bitten, Dwarves complaining and openingly being dubious to Dark Iron Dwarf enemies while asking your Dark Iron Dwarf to beat them up, and Pandaren asking your Zandalari player to beat up the Zandalari enemies.

Itā€™s silly, but I donā€™t know what else they could do. At least seeing those events in-game donā€™t deter those races from becoming playable.

This is another reason I was thinking about an old world revamp. As we go through expansions, will new players still start at BfA or will they eventually start at Shadowlands?

Seems like with an old world revamp, especially if you can make it expansion neutral, it would work a lot better at getting players attached and interested in the world as opposed to being suddenly THE champion of the Horde/Alliance just because they started adventuring. Not to mention starting new players with something like Shadowlands justā€¦doesnā€™t seem like the best course of action, in my opinion.

Having a new old world would save some resources in having to constantly change where new players would start. If it is feasible, it seems like there would be a lot of benefits to an old world revamp, IMO.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :meat_on_bone::japanese_ogre:


For some races, nothing.

On a void elf, if they just called me ā€œelfā€ I could just pretend I was some other kind of elf that actually existed back then.

Oh, itā€™s Volunteer Guard Day now. Have you tried out those Ogre guards yet?