The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

To find that out, you’d have to find where a mob is with that model and see if they are pick-pocketable and also if it would turn you into the mob.

However, in my own personal opinion, I think it would be best to keep any illusions on to be Ogres. Sure, the female Dire Blood Troll models could be used as a female Ogre model, but I think for such an event, it’s better to stick with actual Ogre models as the theme. It would likely cause confusion for those that would see the event and any screenshots taken, and as you said, it’d likely dilute the impact to have Blood Trolls mixed into it.

Also if people were to get illusions on, I’d prefer there to be as many Ogre illusions possible there as opposed to having some of them being that Blood Troll model. It would look a lot better to see a bunch of Ogres gathered together to better visualize them as player character Ogres as well.

As I said, just my own personal opinion. I just feel that having a variety of Ogre models is the best way to go about doing this event is all. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Turns out it is:

I agree with Bagzak on this.

It was a good thought, but we should probably try and keep the Ogres as Ogres, for simplicity’s sake.

EDIT: Huzzah, my TL3 has returned to me.

The power…



Yeah, I almost didn’t post the suggestion, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt since we’re just brainstorming for something off in the future.

Part of the reason I said it, though, is because in the past I’ve noticed that, while the historical lack of canonical female ogres has obviously made it hard for anyone to be particularly hyped for them, they do seem to have a certain symbolic weight to the argument for playable ogres. A lot of people will go, ‘oh sure ogres have a good model and lots of animations and are practically already borderline playable… but there aren’t female ogres so they’re not really playable material.’ It’s true that the work involved immediately makes them harder to do than just ‘boom, make them an Allied Race’, but it makes me wonder if sometimes I should have pushed a fan version of female ogres harder. I’ve avoided it because I don’t really have the skills to do anything really convincing on that front, but as I said it really seems to hold a lot of symbolic weight.

I just thought that trying to cross that gap as best as we could might help make it look more serious.

The other reason I offered the idea is that they do seem to have a good shape for female ogres :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (troll feet aside, you might have been able to convince me they were actually ogres when they were first datamined and I may not have had any other context).

I’m not saying that to argue for my ogre event idea, just to give more context to why I presented it.


Blizzard wouldn’t be allowed to use a fan created version or anything that too closely resembles it because of messy legal tangles, so don’t worry too hard about it.


I agree the shape would work well as a base for female Ogres. Kul Tiran females could too, since the Kul Tiran male skeleton is used a base for Rexxar’s updated model, and he’s half-ogre.

They could work from either of those models to make female Ogres if they wanted.


Two human pallies walk into a bar, and talk about playable ogres on the Horde.


Oh, certainly. I guess I’m just always thinking of things from the perspective of turning a lot more heads when something gets viral, and even if a fan concept isn’t used for legal reasons, a good enough idea could turn enough heads to get a real one made. At least in theory. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Even as-is the dire blood troll is pretty good though, not just using them as a skeleton. If you compare her to the female ogre Halloween mask, the face is very similar, with even the paint around the eyes looking similar from what you can see of it. It’s not exact by any means and the blood troll skin and the body paint everywhere else has them very much scream “blood troll” which is a good reason to not bring them along, but they make a good “what this might look like” already, which is fun.


It would also be a way to get that great model playable, so I’m game! :heart:


I’ve seen several suggestions of converting that Blood Troll model into a female Ogre model. I don’t know how much work would go into making it possible, since it would need a new body with customization options, but if it was workable, it would likely go very well.

I also did a small update to the main post, mostly adding a “How You Can Help!” section near the end of the post. It’s something I’ll add to overtime, along with thinking of newer sections and possibly revamping sections. Suggestions are always welcomed, of course!

There is a two hour maintenance on the forums tomorrow, so I figured it was a good idea to update the main post with something. I’m hoping the maintenance goes smoothly and doesn’t make my megathreads look like the quadratic equation exploded.

So far, I didn’t see any issues pop up for this megathread like I did with my Saurok megathread. I’m always a little nervous when I go to edit the main post, so hopefully things remain ok after tomorrow.

I’ll likely work on a script soon for the Ogre event if we decide to do it as a “March of the Horde Ogres” type of event. I also need to replan the route and time it and so on.

Keep brainstorming ideas, though! Never hurts to plan ahead with something like this. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Well, I decided to give a Blood Troll to Ogre Female conversion a quick shot:

EDIT: Removed Troll ears.


Ogre Priests must be a thing. They can be shadow priests and many have heals as well. Theya re 100% a priest race. Just like trolls have witch doctor priests ogres through out azeroth have priest classes


I am willing to give Shadowlands a mulligan and even stay subbed if I get a 100% confirmation that Ogre Priests will be released. I would race change in a heartbeat.


Oh, you managed to change the hands and feet and stuff. That came out pretty great!

Definitely. We already have “Gronn-Priests” in canon, but the void side of them is too famous, even if it’s associated with the bad guys.


Yea, and can’t be any worse than undead holy priests. Seems like everything can be anything in WarCraft lore at this point.

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I only play BE For the racials but would switch ASAP if Ogre was a thing just so i can be ogre

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Yes, dragonkin look stupid. Ogres are master race

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Wow +1 for effort

I do recall people mentioning that Blizzard, at least at one point, did look at fan works to generate ideas for things. Obviously, there are some legal issues to dance around as was mentioned, but it’s cool to potentially inspire some ideas.

I also recall reading that most official forums of games, such as MMO’s, have a policy of some sort that they can get ideas from people that post on there. I’m unsure of the specific details, legal and such, but I assume these forums also operate with such a policy. I mean, I’m perfectly fine with Blizzard using any ideas I’ve presented if it means getting playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde.

And to be honest, female Ogres do need some idea inspiration since there isn’t a whole lot to go on for them aside from a few things. I’m not the person to do that, since I lack artistic skills (I doubt drawing Ogres as stick people would inspire very much), but at the very least I have mentioned how I would personally view them. So sharing fan works is a good idea for that, in my opinion.

As I said, not a guarantee we’d see our ideas become a reality, but I still find it useful to share them. You never know what may sprout from them!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Blizzard, you have full legal rights to use this awesome art I just whipped up here.


Racials based off Wc2:

  • Blood Lust: Gains the Blood Lust spell as a racial. If already on a class with Blood Lust, gains 1 charge not affected by Sated for 1 Blood Lust (Like in Torghast).
  • Runes: On attack, chance to hit enemy with exploding rune dealing X damage.
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