The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So today is of course April Fools Day, otherwise known as the worst day of the year to get gaming news of any sort. I don’t have a post to make nearly as fun as the one I did for my Saurok megathread, but I wanted to bring up the Two-Headed Ogre April Fools Day thing that Blizzard did a long time ago:

Obviously, the whole two-players in one Ogre body was a joke, though I do hope that a two-headed option for playable Ogres could still be made for players that want that customization option. I’ve seen a lot of people, here and elsewhere, that have mentioned wanting a two-headed option, and to be fair, it would be a fairly important thing to see if it could be implemented (without the whole multiple players for each head thing).

As I mentioned before, if Blizzard figured out how to do two heads on one body, each with separate customization and transmog options, it would be pretty big news and something fairly unique compared to other MMO’s. I can only imagine how much of a nightmare it would be to code and test it, however.

For me personally, my planned Ogre character would have just one head, but I would like to see Ogre fans in general satisfied as well. Thus, I hope everyone wanting to make an Ogre character would get the customization options they want.

And you have to admit, if Blizzard did get two-headed Ogres working as a playable Ogre customization option, it would likely be pretty amazing. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It’s really fun to play 2 player Cho’Gall in HotS. It’s a shame it would be impossible to balance for an MMO.

If they ever get the separate shoulder mog thing working, the separate heads might use similar coding.


Since this megathread has been gaining a bit of traction, I wanted to mention the idea of an Ogre rally event in Orgrimmar, which is something I’ve thought about doing before.

The idea of it is that several of us have Ogre illusions on, whether it’s from Glyph of Disguise or reflecting prisims, and we take screenshots as we gather together at Orgrimmar to rally support for playable Horde Ogres. It’d be mostly for screenshot taking, though a march around Orgrimmar sounds like it could be fun.

If you frequented the old Ogre megathread, you may remember I had such an idea before. In that idea, I had planned to get others in Ogre illusions and have others as their actual characters, where I would be an Ogre emissary from the MU Stonemaul Clan and march around Orgrimmar while shouting history of the Stonemaul Ogres. It was to conclude with meeting with the warchief, who at the time was Sylvanas, to make a case for the Stonemaul Ogres to become full members.

Unfortunately, I never got to do that. When I had free time to set it up, things came up that took away said time. I also attempted to get some interest within the old Ogre megathread, which nobody at the time really commented on. Since I had things come up and nobody seemed interested, I decided to shelf the idea.

I had thought with the Horde council, that would be a better NPC to walk up to and make the case for the Stonemaul Ogres joining the Horde as full members, but with newer characters starting during BfA, Sylvanas is still there in Grommash Hold, so it kinda screws up that line of thinking.

Anyway, for this newer event, I was thinking the earliest I’d be able to do it would be summer time. It’s during my last semester of classes and people might have more free time then. A lot would depend on when the next patch hits live servers, which could be within the next few months when that happens.

It seems like a Horde Ogre rally event is something I should look into doing at least once a year, and it makes for a good way to show off playable Horde Ogre support. Granted, I’d need to plan ahead for the details of how to go about doing such an event.

I wouldn’t expect a lot of people to show up, nor would it likely be a grand event of some sort, but it’s something that sounds fun and a good way to show that others want playable Horde Ogres. I wouldn’t mind being able to pass out reflecting prisms and such to anyone who walks by and would like to join in being an Ogre with us.

Anyway, if anyone is particularly interested in attending such an event, please mention it. I can’t promise it would be anytime soon, but I’ll keep it in the back of my mind as I find other avenues to show off support for playable Ogres and Saurok for the Horde!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’d show up if I am free the day it goes down.

Ogres should have been a thing years ago.


Exactly! Just look at Taur. Does he look pleased by the lack of ogres? No!


To be fair…

Few orcs ever look pleased.



I would definitely be down for an ogre event in Orgrimmar. I’m probably going to forget about it by the time you do it, but I’ll try my best to remember and keep an eye out.


I fully support Ogres on the horde, if they are small, agile ogres from an unknown clan from an unheard of world.

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Very big understatement here. Still hoping the Horde will soon remember that they have a few clans within their ranks and get them on their side of the character creation screen to “bash tings foe da Horde!” :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Please let me know if you end up deciding to do this, I’d love to take part. I genuinely feel if you put the word out there you could get a good sized crowd.

I’m in a Ogre community Discord that I could advertise this in too. Keep us updated!


I didn’t realize there was an active Ogre community discord. The only one I knew of seemed to be pretty inactive with barely any members and not much in the way of activity in any part of it. Good to hear there is one somewhere that has an active community!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I am interested, although time might be an an issue since I’m Oceanic, but I’d def try my hardest to be there!!!


We don’t really need to lay these things down so early, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt either.

Do we have a server in mind, like Rexxar or Stonemaul (just for the theme)? Do we want to make a guild? (I’ve seen another event use a guild to keep everyone together.)


Edit: Typed this up when I was tired and dealing with a hurt back from yard work, so if something doesn’t make sense I typed here, I apologize in advance. x- x;

I’ve been bouncing back and forth between what to do for picking a server. I seem to recall seeing the Sethrak megathread doing it on Wyrmrest Accord, which I think is a RP server. Likely, I’d want to use my character I plan to reroll as an Ogre character if they become playable, especially since I can get him a reflecting prism stack more easily on my home server (Rexxar and Misha are connected realms). Granted, there is a way to invite to different servers to get around that.

It might be an idea to do it on Wyrmrest Accord if I go for a more RP themed event, such as I mentioned the idea of pretending to be a member of the Stonemaul Clan marching around Orgrimmar to shout out history and reasoning for the Stonemaul and other Horde Ogre tribes to become full members. Would also get other players to just walk with us as their own characters too at any point to join in on the event. Since some of the Horde Council is stuck in the Shadowlands and Sylvanas is still in Grommash Hold for newbie characters, I could have it end with pleading our case to Ji at the embassy to “spread da word” of the Horde Ogres wanting to become full members. This could work on any server, though.

I don’t remember how Foxtober, the yearly Vulpera support event, did it with the server selection, but I think I recall it being more of a casual event of handing out reflecting prisms to get as much people to run around as Vulpera in the area as opposed to being a RP themed event as a whole. I don’t know if any of the events other race support groups in general made had any issues with CRZ bouncing people out of the instance the event was being held or not, though. However, handing out prisms and stuff to those interested in general can work regardless of what is done, granted it would have to be characters on the realm or connect realm if we did it that way since you can’t trade items outside of your realm or any connected realms.

As for a guild, I don’t really see it as necessary currently, since I was thinking it would be an event for anyone to jump in and join. Granted, once I figure out a direction for my Ogre/Saurok partnership, I could always make a Horde guild with the name I have in mind, assuming it isn’t taken. Might add to the events doing that, but not too sure on the practicality.

And for those wondering, I’m planning to do both an Ogre and Saurok event for those interested in supporting either in-game as a playable Horde race. :smiley:

I do think it’s a good idea to bring up general ideas, contingency plans, and whatnot ahead of time as it’ll help us plan out the event better. Maybe then when I get a better idea of how to do the event, I can plan on a date for it occurring. But for now, general brainstorming would be very useful to do.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I like this idea. This is probably your best option with how the leader situation is rn.


Seems like going to Ji at the embassy would be the best thing to do if I go this route.

My previous idea I actually got when I went into Orgrimmar one day, and people were marching in a conga-like of everyone on a specific mount (I think either a mammoth or yak mount). It was quite a long line that went from the bank to the Drag where you can get the cooking daily which marched around Grommash Hold. I had previously thought of an Ogre event in game and I got the idea of doing something that others could join in if they saw a bunch of us marching.

Originally, the idea was that as a representative of the Stonemaul Clan, I’d march at walk speed at least once in a path I set out of Orgrimmar. As I mentioned, I’d likely utilize /shout or something to talk in Ogre speak about the Horde Ogre clans and their history.

At the time, I planned for it to end at Grommash Hold, where Sylvanas is and I’d make an official case for the Horde Ogre clans to become full members and join in the war “ta bash da lie-ence!”…which as you could imagine, I’d likely get more sympathy from a concrete wall.

Unfortunately, she is still there for new players since they technically start at the beginning of BfA now. Even if new players started at the beginning of Shadowlands, the Horde council wouldn’t be there since a few members were Horde-napped.

So ending at the embassy at the moment and discussing it with Ji sounds like it would go better. This could be done until they possibly put Thrall and the Horde Council back in Grommash Hold, though I would hope we’d get playable Ogres sooner than later. Anyway, if Ji’s role is to act as a recruiter for the Horde, then it would be a good start!

I’ll be planning some things out to see how viable this all is. If I go with this idea, I’ll try to work on a script again and set up macros and stuff. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas for an event in general, please share! We’re in the brainstorming phase currently and I could use some input from fellow Ogre fans!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I actually had a character hanging out in the embassy I tried to roleplay with last year. I wasn’t going to bring it up because I thought Grommash Hold was fine since we can always pretend that the canonical situation is before us, even if we aren’t seeing it. Of course, the embassy is actually a fairly popular location nowadays between Allied Races and Chromie Time, so it should be fine when it comes to giving the event exposure.

For the record, I didn’t think being part of a guild needed to be a requirement for the event. It’s just that an event I did in the past used guild(s) made for the event to help coordinate some things, though it’s probably less relevant for us if we never leave the capital.

That said, I still think it would be fun if we made guilds like Stonemaul Clan and Dunemaul Clan and really hammer in the different canonical origins for Horde ogres.


I’ll definitely keep the guild ideas in mind. They could come in handy depending on how big the events get or if we did them in places other than Orgrimmar. :smiley:

I’ll also make sure that all the current Horde Ogre clans get some acknowledgement of some kind in any event we do. It’s bad enough that the two Stonemaul Clans, MU and AU, seem to have been forgotten. I don’t want the Dunemaul to be completely forgotten either. I want them to stand with the Stonemaul Clans if we got playable Horde Ogres!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Maybe someday they’ll add those tough lady ogres into the game! :smiley: Ogres in the Horde are long overdue.


That gives me an idea. Is it possible to use Glyph of Disguise on any female blood dire trolls? I don’t want to dilute the brand or anything (I’ve certainly seen requests for blood trolls as an Allied Race and stuff and don’t want to step on anyone), but it could be a fun way to try to pretend we’ve got female ogres with us. We could make an Ogrezonia guild just to make it clearer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think it might impress some people if we tried to go the extra mile.