The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Oh I know, I fully intend on having fun as a Ogre by being silly. I mean, just ask my main…

Edit: I am a crazy little guy on my main lol.


Yo (My main)


Took some screenshots using the Draenor Ogre model, without an elixir of giant growth, in Oribos! Mostly wanted to show off how an Ogre player could look in Oribos.

Here is what I came up with:

At the inn in Oribos.

Riding a mount around Oribos!

Comparing model size to one of the guard NPC’s.

Another guard NPC to compare model size to.

Comparing model sizes with a Kyrian and some other NPC’s.

Horde Ogre champion standing with Bolvar in a meeting.

Staring at the entrance to the Maw, pondering just how many “tings ta bash in dere!”

Still hoping for the day we see player Horde Ogre champions arrive in the time of Azeroth’s need to bash the current big bad and their minions of the current expansion. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


There has been a lot of speculation about what the next expansion could be about. One that seems to recently be making rounds around the internet seems to be a rumor of an old world revamp, likely of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, in a similar way Cataclysm did it.

The rumor isn’t based on anything for the most part and likely comes from speculation that we’d see a time skip of some kind after we’re done with the Shadowlands. Despite thing, I wanted to ramble a bit on the idea some.

Honestly, a revamp of the older areas do seem to be needed. The areas are time-locked to Cataclysm and haven’t seen a lot of development. Westfall’s Sentinel Hill is perpetually on fire and damaged, the Stonemaul Ogres have yet to reclaim their home, and several other areas have damaged not yet fixed or storylines that just seen to go nowhere.

I also was thinking about new players. Sure, veterans can pick their starting areas, but for players new to the game in general, would they still be forced into BfA or would they then just get shoved into Shadowlands before they can move on to the next expansion? Shadowlands in particular seems like an odd expansion to start off new players in, given how disconnected it is from what feels like Warcraft to begin with. Seems to me with a new world revamp, it could be more fitting and interesting to let new players start there.

There could also be opportunities for several new races, customization options, and race/class combos people have requested for quite a bit. Honestly, these were among several reasons I enjoyed Cataclysm when it came out, especially with the pre-expansion events leading up to it. It feels like it would be cool to see a bunch of each of these categories as an expansion feature.

It also seems like it could potentially breath some new life into WoW being able to revisit a lot of the older areas again. I don’t know how easy it could be, but with several assets and continents already there, it could be a bit easier than creating an expansion from scratch.

And as I mentioned, it would be neat to see several new races appear and be able to level through these new starting areas. Ogres in particular could start off in Dustwallow Marsh or maybe at Dire Maul if they help the Horde Claim it, and go off adventuring wherever they feel like. Seems like it would be a great opportunity to bring them back into the storyline to me.

Now, as I said, the idea of an old world revamp is just an unfounded rumor. Still, I kinda like the idea myself, and having missed Azeroth greatly, it would be neat to be able to level in the older zones again, as well as a good place to plop newbies who finish the new starting area. I hope whatever the next expansion is, it’s better than Shadowlands and doesn’t have a lot of corners cut and stuff to get it out.

Besides, it seems like it would be a great opportunity to add in some requested playable races. We’d likely see something with the Horde Ogre clans, and with luck, we could see them among the races chose to become playable in such an expansion. Wishful thinking, of course, but hey, a Darkspear Troll can dream. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Took a couple of screenshots with a new Draenor Ogre model I found that I could pick-pocket!

An Ogre champion of the Horde sets off, ready “ta bash da lie-ence!”

An Ogre champion of the Horde on Sylvanas’ ship, ready to set sail for adventure!

These screenshots kinda bring what could’ve been for BfA, which became such a missed opportunity. Not bringing in the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans and the Dunemaul Clan as an allied race during this huge war with the Alliance was a frustrating thing to see. Moreso since the MU Stonemaul were one of the main reasons Jaina’s father was killed, which could’ve played off some of what Jaina was going through at the time. So much potential squandered…

Ah well, it is what it is. Hopefully the Horde will remember they have Ogre clans within their ranks and will utilize them in the near future…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Can’t believe we got Vulpera’s before Ogres.



Get them in already


The theme of BfA, really.


Quite the understatement there. As I said before, I feel like I could write a thesis paper on that subject. :v

Still, for all its problems, I do miss it. I did enjoy it in general, even with the very lacking story, and unlocking allied races. It got me to start posting on here and meeting others, as well as getting my creativity to flourish. It’s a shame Shadowlands has been quite the damp squib as a whole so far. I’m hoping the next expansion will be more fun and interesting.

Also, now that I have an Ogre model that could pass as an armored player model, I’ll be looking for some locales to take more screenshots in. I also should get an Elixir of Giant Growth just to see how they would look slightly bigger.

I’m also planning to go over the main post of the megathread for another update in the near future. Been a bit swamped with my class having started, but if anyone has any suggestions for things to add or revamp, please feel free to!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Gonna be posting this in both my megathreads, though with some slight differences. :smiley:

Today is the day I turn a year older…and I sure feel like I’m getting older. Time really does seem to fly, doesn’t it?

I just wanted to again thank everyone who helps support both my megathreads. It means a lot to me to see others banding together to show off their support for playable Ogres and Saurok.

For Ogres in particular, they’ve been a race that I’ve wanted playable for a long time. I’m happy to see that there are others who have wanted them playable as well, and even after all this time, the passion and hope for playable Horde Ogres still shines brightly!

I don’t think it’s an impossibility to see them eventually become playable. I mean, I wouldn’t be here if I thought it were impossible. I still think it’s important to keep showing off support for playable Horde Ogres as best as we can. It isn’t a guarantee to see them become playable, but I firmly believe that showing support of some sort is better than silently hoping.

So long as I keep playing the game, I’ll continue to support playable Horde Ogres as best as I can. We’ll likely see more expansions in the future for WoW, and I can only hope that we’ll see Ogres get on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday!

But until playable Horde Ogres become a reality…

I’ll keep at it to try and get this space filled with an Ogre allied race banner!

As always, dream big Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Bagzak!
Happy birthday to you!

Your continuous even handed fair and extremely descriptive posts are a massive boon to everyone interested in the races you touch.

Thank you.


I’m sure you can tell what my b-day wish was. Probably involving a few races being playable and some ability to get more character slots for an account. :smiley:

While going through Orgrimmar, I came across a really neat opportunity to take a screenshot. So I quickly got my Rogue to pick-pocket a mob and position them as best as I could to take the following screenshot:

With help from the other Horde Ogre clans and the Horde itself, the MU Stonemaul Clan has slayed the offspring of Onxia and their army who was causing chaos and destruction on Horde lands. Having reclaimed their home for good in Dustwallow Marsh and securing Dire Maul for the Horde, the MU Stonemaul Clan, along with the AU Stonemaul Clan from Draenor, the Dunemaul Clan from Tanaris, and the Gordunni Clan who had been taken over by one of the MU Stonemaul Clan Ogres, were offered an official place within the Horde.

It’s great when I come across awesome opportunities for screenshots like this. Hopefully, this could become a reality someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I hate the limit so much. I’m always struggling for room.

Some of those characters I never play, sure. But like, I don’t wanna delete my only character with an old Brewfest Stein on them. It’s a nice piece of history.


I have about 40 characters and have reserved some slots for if a few specific races ever become playable. I barely have any slots for any other characters and it’s frustrating as there are characters I’d like to make, but I just don’t have the room to do it.

I don’t really want to maintain two accounts in order to get more character slots, but I hope that we’re able to expand the 50 character limit somehow in the future. I’d even be willing to pay some money in a one-time fee to buy more slots. Making characters is one of my favorite parts of a MMO, and I’d love to be able to do more of that and not have to worry about future new races and classes coming out while being forced to potentially delete my characters to make room. x- x

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Since Ogre illusion toys were mentioned in a few previous posts, I wanted to share what ones I could find that are in the game.

The one that seems to be the most readily available, albeit with a lower drop rate nowadays, is this:

This drops off this mob:

The drop rate use to be really high when the BfA patch adding the new Arathi Highlands area, but it apparently has lowered since then. Not sure if it was a bug or intentional, but hopefully it goes back to normal in the future.

There are two other Ogre illusion toys I am aware of, which came from the physical WoW card game back in the day:

Since the WoW card game has been long out of print, it will be hard to get these toys.

I did also find this consumable that is apparently a quest reward and something leatherworkers can make that gives an Ogre illusion, though it seems like it might be a Classic-only item:

Maybe when I get around to leveling my Classic characters, I can make these and take some Classic Ogre screenshots!

At the moment, these seem to be the only Ogre illusion toys I am aware of. Do I think these hinder playable Ogre chances? Not likely. The WoW card game Ogres were put in at point where Blizzard was considering Ogres as a playable race, so I see no reason why these toys couldn’t coexist with playable Ogres. If anything, playable Ogre models could look a bit different than those Ogre models, especially since playable Ogres would have armor graphics and such.

This is just something I wanted to share in case people were wondering if there were any Ogre illusion toys in the game. Hopefully, we’ll have playable Horde Ogres someday and won’t need toys like these to run around as one. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


100% they don’t. There was a Demon Hunter illusion toy before the class became playable.


I would love playable ogres! Mag’har orc introduction was one of my immediate favorite races. Ogres would be close behind them and would fit some of my character ideas a bit more.


I think a variety of Ogre appearances should be useable to indicate multiple clans or ex members of clans have joined the Horde. I hope they also become a core race, rather than an allied one.


Ogres as a core race, and Mok’nathal as the AR equivalent.

That’s what I’d do anyway.


I do feel that Ogres would get a lot more love and care if they were designed as a core race. As an allied race, I’d worried about them being rushed to meet a deadline to be put in the middle of an expansion as opposed to possibly being planned in advance and getting more of a chance to be designed better. Not to mention that it could allow better planning for customization options, such as a two-headed option.

Not to mention that the idea of a pre-expansion event that leads into Horde Ogres becoming playable sounds like it would be really amazing and hype. I feel like there are a lot of possibilities, there.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre: