The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Yep. Within the Horde there are:

Stonemaul from our universe

Stonemaul from WoD’s timeline

And the Dunemaul.

As for roles within the faction, I’m sure something could be written for Ogre roles within the Horde. They would be great either as muscle or for those magically inclined, could help bring magical research, artifacts, and such within the Horde as well as assisting the other races who dabble in magic.

There is likely more you can do for them than this in terms of characterization, but I feel that it would be much easier to do so for the Horde as opposed to the Alliance, where they would be rather odd to see running around Stormwind and Ironforge. I don’t see them getting more benefits being an Alliance race in that regard, let alone in general.

Just how I personally feel, of course. I do think if the Horde Ogres were given more love and presence, we could see them form more of a solid role within the Horde. Then, characterization could evolve for them. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Yep, I’ve also linked to that thread after someone else had linked it.
It’s a pretty nice setup.


So when I went to create this thread, I took two different possible screenshots to work as the intro screenshot. I used one of the Dustbelcher Ogres for them, which were much bigger than the Draenor Ogres when you use Glyph of Disguise on them.

For reference, this is the intro image I used with an Elixir of Giant Growth:

And this was without the Elixir of Giant Growth:

As you can see, the model is still a bit big and likely not how I would envision the height of playable Ogre models, but it is something I wanted to show off.

I did showcase the Draenor Ogre models without an Elixir of Giant Growth before, and I should take some more and use that to see how they would compare next to Tauren, Pandaren, and other playable Horde race models.

Playable Ogre model height is an important aspect. I’d like to see them reasonably sized, as they should be big but not necessarily gigantic like in the intro screenshot I used. Sure, it’d be weird to see playable Ogres run up to enemy Ogres in the old world that are much bigger than them, but model size is a weird thing in general for gameplay reasons. You had Jaina and other NPC’s towering over others, for example, but they aren’t that tall in lore.

I plan to play around with Draenor Ogre model sizes when I can and see how they look with an Elixir of Giant Growth applied. I think it does help to actually be able to visualize it to inspire some ideas on a good size for playable Ogres. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’m betting they’d be Tauren sized. more or less.


Well, Tauren size would be ok, but I’d personally prefer them to be a bit bigger. Just how I envision playable Ogres. Shouldn’t be too many issues with mount size and going through doorways from what I’ve seen.

I would also prefer more in terms of size as opposed to less. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Oh yeah, definetly would want then bigger myself.

I just suspect they’d be Tauren sized because blizzard seems to not want to go bigger.


Tauren are suppose to the tallest race in the game. I think some fan threads on reddit estimate them at around 8+ft tall at the hunch. Ogre’s vary in size but it seems the median is about 3-4ft taller than a Tauren which would put them at 11-12 ft tall. Imo this makes sense considering Ogres are meant to be descended from giants. But it definitely does create a problem with narrow doorways. Models and animations are much more advanced than they used to be in Vanilla. Maybe there’s a way to make a duck head animation for them entering certain buildings



Ogres could probably sit fairly comfortably at whatever Blizzard considers the maximum height for a playable race.

It’s not unusual. Ogres have undergone the same size escalation that most non-playable mobs have. I think Cataclysm might have replaced some of them, but definitely in Classic you can find some ogres that are well within a playable size. Loch Modan, I believe, has or had some tauren-sized ogres.

Aside from being large relative to most races, it isn’t really that important. Even ignoring scaling for the sake of visibility in raids and important story moments, the actual playable races sizes honestly have some issues as it is. That grey area definitely has room for ogres big enough to feel like ogres while small enough to fit through doors.


Zandalari height would probably be adequate, they’re a bit taller than tauren.

(That looked way better in game, didn’t realize it was that dark)

Ideally for me they’d take the difference in height between and male tauren and Zandalari and add that to a male Zandalari for ogre height. I personally think ogres should be the largest playable race in the game.

Careful, they’ll start asking for Alliance Mok’nathal (just typing that is smh) now.


I’m surprised. I’m not used to the topic of ogre height being a question of “how tall should they be” rather than “are they too tall to be playable”. It’s refreshing.

I don’t really need to be towering over everyone as an ogre, especially as it would cause some clipping or collision issues at some point, but they definitely need to be in that upper end (though I’d kinda love to see an automatic ducking head animation).


Same, I used to have a notepad file I’d copy paste because of how often I’d see people tout that argument. There are ogres well within playable height range both in lore and in game.


To add, there’s toys to turn you into an ogre, so there’s that for size reference (I forgot how big they get though). So if a toy can do it, and it’s too big, just shrink them slightly to yeah, Zandalari height. People argue this with Vry’kul too, but I don’t think height should be a deterrent.

Racial idea: “Crouch”. :stuck_out_tongue: If people have that much of an issue.


I agree. I think them being big is a defining trait of Ogres. Granted, I don’t need them to be super huge, but big enough that it would be reasonable for enemies to see an Ogre charging at them and panicking.

I remember back in the old days of Everquest 1, where Ogres and Trolls were big enough that they would have to duck to get through some doors and dungeons (some of which required shrink potions!). It was an annoyance, but there were pros and cons to playing each race as a sort of balance. Yeah, it was a pain at times to get around as an Ogre, but you were immune to physical stuns from the front, so it was a trade off you had to make.

I mention this because it really added to the world building and gameplay to see things like that with the playable races. It’s one of the reasons I really like seeing all the features of a new race and a variety on the character creation screen.

I’ve seen some suggestions before of an ability to duck in case your Ogre/Vrykul couldn’t get through a door, which would be amusing to see added but could also work as a workaround. Then again, I’d deal with having my Ogre’s head clip through the top of the door if it was ever that much of an issue. It’d be worth it to finally have playable Horde Ogres.

If anything, a fun racial could be something that Ogres in Everquest 2 had, where they could grow bigger and stay that way unless you canceled that ability. Could work for those wanting to have bigger Ogres, though I could see it being hard to see mobs if your Ogre group members were all around what your group is attacking.

Maybe have it be Goblin related, where they blasted Ogres with some kind of ray to make their size more manageable, which they can toggle whether they want to be big or BIG. That or some sort of berserk-like racial that breaks them out of the ray’s effects and they grow big for a short period of time.

Regardless, I personally want them decently big size in general. :smiley:

I think the general agreement is that Ogres should be a playable race, so the issue is moreso what height they should be as opposed to whether or not they could be playable. Their height shouldn’t disqualify them from ever being playable, as there are plenty of ways to work with it. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


So I came across a WoD achievement I think I may start working towards for fun:

It apparently can take quite a bit of time to accomplish, but seeing as we have some time between patches, I figure it’s a fun goal for me to work towards. I mean, as someone who has been studying a lot of Ogre stuff, it would be a very fitting achievement for me to work towards. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


So I’ve been in a bit of a screenshot taking mood and thought I would show off a Draenor Ogre, via glyph of disguise, on a mount and compare sizes with a few things. This is without an Elixir of Giant Growth.

I’ve mentioned Draenor boars as a possible mount for Ogres, likely they could’ve come with the AU Stonemaul that came with the Mag’har since the NPC Ogre mobs on Draenor have been seen riding them before. I took one of the boar mounts I had that would fit an Ogre from Frostfire Ridge and compared the size to a few things.

A really neat sight to see, isn’t it? If only this could be a real playable race someday…

I took a size comparison to a nearby player, with the name hidden for privacy of course.

Ran into a small group in front of the auction house to compare sizes with a mounted Ogre to people on foot.

I also took a size comparison to a nearby door. Some mounts are small enough for you to be able to go into doorways while others aren’t. This doorway in particular was just big enough to fit! Of course, doorways do come in various sizes.

Then I took one fun screenshot to compare on-foot sizes to a NPC Orc:

“Me want ta fight foe da Horde! Where me sign up?”

Honestly, the Draenor Ogre model is a pretty decent size. It’s big enough to still be tall and kinda imposing and seems like it could be workable in general. I’d honestly be fine with it. If you need it bigger, there are items like an Elixir of Giant Growth to help with that.

If anyone wants to see other size comparison screenshots I took, check out this post for more with the Draenor Ogre model (withot an Elixir of Giant Growth) here:

I’ll likely be taking more screenshots to compare Draenor Ogre model sizes to other places in the game. Still hope to one day be able to run around as a real Ogre, though! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Kul Tiran’s are big fat playable toons yet I hardly ever see one. Yet there is a desire to play a big fat ugly ogre? (who are notoriously stupid)

Personally, I don’t care. I won’t ever play one. I would like, before something like this is done, to finish working on the existing races and expand customization to be at least as good the human customization.

Honestly that is fair enough. Blizzard really needs to reconsider their decision on character customization for this expansion. Like, really, seriously reconsider. We’re not asking for instant miracles after all, just that we see some sorts of updates in a reasonable time-frame.

…waiting three years is of course, completely unreasonable; especially when there’s those in the community who can make it happen. (Hire them Blizz!)

…hell, just seeing what people this thread have done with concepts for playable Ogres; even how Bagzak has made use of the Ogre toy, all show it can be done.

Hey Bagzak, still got my support mate! I hope this happens eventually.

I want Ogres too…


I have tried to make a Horde main, with all the combinations to race and class that normally allow me to enjoy my time on the Alliance, but alas none seem to have helped “keep” me on the Horde side as I do not like balancing time between two different factions. So I just stay with Alliance as I enjoy my time here more.


I have said to some before that being able to play as a Ogre may be the one race that may actually work out for me to keep a Horde main for once. Nothing too specific as to why, I just find Ogres to be funny and I imagine I can enjoy my time much more as a Ogre than any of the other races on the Horde side.

So yeah, I am for the Horde getting Ogres, or them being Neutral or whatnot.


lets get down with the thickness!!!
but id prefer if the female version was a little more pretty qwq i know. I’m sorry.
i dont want a princess of stonemaul. i want a big ol chonker from the blood trolls.

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Well, I mostly use the Glyph of Disguise on my Rogue characters to take these screenshots. It turns you into the model you pick-pocket for 5 minutes, though it breaks if you enter combat or a mob aggros you.

Still, they do show that playable Ogres can work very well and would fit running around places like Orgrimmar and such. I plan to take more in other locales to show off how they could look, since I feel it is important to be able to visualize how these races would look as potential playable races. :smiley:

I think a number of people would make Ogres to be a silly character, but here is the important part: They would be having fun!

Some will make serious Ogres and some, like me, will make Ogres a mixture of dumb and silly but also savage in combat. There is quite a bit you can do with Ogre characters when it comes to RPing them or just regularly playing them. Even more options if two-headed Ogres are a customization option. The key is that there is variety to work with in terms of playable Ogres that will attract players of different types to making and designing their Ogres!

Given how Ogres are pretty iconic to Warcraft as a whole, there is a lot of potential for them as a playable Horde race in more ways than one. Lots of ways to play them and design NPC’s for them as such! I really hope we get to see playable Horde Ogres someday, as I do think a good amount of people will be excited for them. Especially if they are designed well. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: