The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Happy to see this up :smiley:

I had seen you talk about it a bit in a thread or two, I support Ogres :heart: one of my favorite things about the Allied Races was recruiting them, for Horde especially I liked the fit of all the ARā€™s (personally) but it reminded me I like the idea of seeing the races of the Horde playable, like they take part in the wars or trials and should be playable.

Theres a story aspect that even for someone like me who only plays Elves (maybe get a Zandalari and Vulpera in one day) but thereā€™s a story aspect I feel I would benefit from by having Ogres playable, they fit Horde, the playable races arguably get at least some constant screen time though it varies, and I would like to see them more involved which I think would come from having them playable.

It kind of is one of those races that would help complete the Horde, both for fans who want to play as one, and for Horde fans experiencing them in the story where ever that may take us!


I am here to support this, duh. No Horde player in their right mind should EVER vote against getting ogres. They shouldā€™ve been implemented before BEā€™s imo and I wanted them instead of goblins. Was miffed we got gobs before ogs.

You seem to have classes covered. Just from playing WC1 and WC2 and the racials that WoW shamans and locks have I would say that warrior, mage, shaman and warlock are a given.


Bloodlust - Now, I played WC1 & WC2 and I want the Bloodlust racial with the same, though updated for 3D graphics, animations and sound. I can still remember it like it was yesterday. Unfortunately shamans have it so that is out. :frowning:

Eye of Kilrogg - Canā€™t get Eye of Kilrogg either as a racial since Warlocks have that skill. But playing your ogre as a warlock makes a lot of sense.

Runes - How about rune traps? In WC2 (?) It says that runes could work on friendly units also but that is not good imo. Should only work on enemies and they canā€™t see the trap. Maybe have something like the Zandalari Loa racial where we can choose what type of rune we want. Heal, haste, increased damage for friendly or deal damage, slow, stun for enemies. Thatā€™s just ideas from WC2. Iā€™ll think of more original ones later.

:+1: Playable ogres for Horde
:+1: :+1: Two-headed ogres


These two things Iā€™m very interested in actually.


You can play ogres already but you have to switch to alliance.


Would be sweet if two-headed was a barber shop option, and with it on we could mog separate helmets on each head.


I would trade my soul for a two-headed ogre Warlock and Mage.


I think Iā€™d make a mage.

Homage to their history as powerful magi.


Yea our model is pretty jank. But after playing a male tauren big races are a pain to play. At least as melee.

What have you done to your mog?

I rather enjoy my melee tauren personally.


New thread!

Iā€™d most dig a warrior, to be honest, more than a mage (I want both though). BfA added two weapons that seem quintessentially ogre:


Me hit like button (This would amuse us to finally leave the maul)! <3


I updated it. But it has yet to update it on the forum. I had it because I triggered my brother

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Way overdue addition.
I fully support ogres and mokā€™nathal!
Iā€™d happily play both.

Itā€™s based off the male Kultiran =P
Would work great.


Mokā€™nathal maybe. Ogres hell no

I think the difference is Kul Tiran humans are just fat humans. And the bulk of Kul Tiran NPCs arenā€™t even fat humans.

Thereā€™s a lot more culture to ogres and theyā€™ve been involved in the Horde since its formation.


Good to see you got the Megathread going! Definitely hope to see playable Ogres one day!

The Dire Blood Trolls definitely seem like they could be a good basis model for a female Ogre, and they already have male Ogres in the gameā€¦we might have to wait until after Shadowlands but, hopefully we will get playable Ogres!


Metzen wanted orges in game if blizz had any decency they would add them ingame to honor his wishes.


Ogres are dumb and ugly.

I donā€™t get the attraction.


Mokā€™nathal are huge halfblood ogres and orks.

More folks like Rexxar! Whoo!