The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Anyone else praying Ogres get announced at Blizzcon!


Praying? Maybe not. Hoping? Very much.


As cool as that would be, it’s hard for me to imagine the Horde Ogres getting involved in the Shadowlands story unless we amass an army to take on the Jailer in the Maw. Then again, we didn’t see any Horde Ogres take part in the war against the Alliance in BfA, let alone any other world-ending threat, so the chances of that happening are sadly slim. A huge missed opportunity in more ways than one, sadly. x- x;

The closest thing to anything Horde Ogre related in Shadowlands could involve those Stonemaul Ogre spirits from that one quest in Dustwallow Marsh, though I’d be surprised if we ran into them at all. Not sure what they would do there unless we set up a Horde outpost and we see Stonemaul spirits in said outpost. If we go back to Azeroth, maybe we’d see the Stonemaul and Dunemaul helping to fend off undead sieging Orgrimmar, but who knows if we’ll go back to Azeroth anytime soon or at all during Shadowlands, sadly.

Honestly at this point, the only time I could see Horde Ogres finally announced as a playable race would be when a new expansion announcement occurs. Mostly because of the amount of work to make Ogres playable, which hopefully would not be rushed, and also the huge marketing hype it would cause. Not to mention it would make a neat pre-order bonus to make your Ogre character and have pre-expansion events with them and whatever the Alliance would get to lead into them becoming playable, which would also be fun.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see a playable Horde Ogre announcement. Even seeing Horde Ogres get some recognition of some sort would be great. I always keep hope of playable Horde Ogres getting announced, but cool as that would be, I’d be surprised if we saw that at Blizzconline for Shadowlands content.

At least February is coming up fast. Hopefully, it’ll come here soon and we can see what is in store for WoW in the near future, though to be honest, I’m looking more forward to what comes after Shadowlands than currently within it.

Definitely plan to do that with Ogres and Saurok. I’m keeping a few character slots reserved for if we get lucky enough to see them playable. I’ll continue to march for them as best as I can in the meantime!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


As I mentioned in my Saurok megathread, I’m slowly working on a Necrolords character to see if I find anything of interest, with this case being anything Ogre-related. I feel like if we saw any Ogre spirits, Maldraxxus would be the most likely place. I suspect the Theater of Pain would be of interest for most Ogres, so they’re likely feel the most at-home there enjoying the fighting and non-stop action. Granted, we have yet to see much of Ogres in the Shadowlands at all, but you never know. I figured it would help to be prepared just in case.

As I mentioned before, I’m also thinking of going to WoW Classic and checking out Dustwallow Marsh, roughly a L36 zone, as a Horde character to see what it was like there. Likely, there would be mainly quests from Cataclysm, only not as fleshed out and without much in the way of events. Still, I figured I’d leave no stone unturned when it comes to the Stonemaul Clan and Ogre research.

Speaking of Classic, I think I speculated before, but allegedly Ogres were considered as a starting race when WoW launched. I suspect it would involve the Stonemaul, where they would’ve started in Dustwallow Marsh. It would’ve been interesting to see what kind of quests they would have there, whether they would’ve been kicked out of their home similar to the Gnomes and Darkspear Trolls, and other aspects. It would’ve been cool to see the majority of Horde races also meet up in the Barrens at some point to continue leveling.

Anyway, if I find anything of interest, I’ll be sure to report it back here. As I said before, I don’t expect to find much in the Shadowlands that is Ogre related, unless we run into some Stonemaul Ogre spirits, but you never know!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


If memory serves, they were being considered, but were passed over since Tauren had already been chosen to be playable and Blizzard didn’t want two “big guy” races on the Horde. I believe they then filled the fourth slot with trolls.

It would’ve been awesome to have had ogres since Vanilla, but can you imagine if trolls hadn’t been playable?


Not having Trolls playable at launch would’ve been a bit of a glaring omission. Perhaps they would’ve been a bit busy trying to fight Zalazane over the Echo Isles, which could’ve been a capital city in the future if they were to be an expansion race. A lot would’ve changed in Vanilla, as well as what expansions would’ve come forward and their features if Darkspear Trolls missed the launch party.

As for the “big guy” races, I don’t really see the problem with there being two of them. Tauren and Ogres are completely different races in terms of culture and looks, so they could’ve co-existed just fine, IMO.

I mean, Everquest 1 made it work with Trolls and Ogres. Big were big and dumb races, but had plenty of differences to make them stand out from each other. Their racials at the time were a big deal and really defined them, too.

To be clear, I’m not saying one race deserved in over another in Vanilla WoW. They only had enough time and resources for a specific number of races at launch, and they were all important ones to add in. Still, Ogres are long overdue for the Horde, and I keep hoping it’s a manner of “when” instead of a manner of “if.”

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I think their problem with the idea was that if two of four races were both “big guys”, it would’ve felt less diverse.

Big understatement.

Same here. Honestly, if I could choose just one race to add to the game, it’d probably be ogres. The Horde just isn’t fully complete until all of its founding races are playable. All that’s missing is ogres.


Which brings up a good point: Thrall must’ve offered the Stonemaul Ogres membership in his Horde after the events of Theramore, which considering how instrumental the Stonemaul were in attacking Theramore, I don’t see why Thrall wouldn’t have offered Horde membership at the time. If Ogres were considered to be a playable Horde race at different points of WoW, especially in Vanilla, then it’s possible Blizzard at the time considered the Stonemaul full members of the Horde.

Granted, I don’t remember a scene specifically stating this in Warcraft 3. The Warcraft 3 scenario mostly ended with Thrall telling Rexxar what a great job he did and Rexxar triumphantly going back to the wild. The Stonemaul Clan kinda went back to Dustwallow Swamp without much fanfare, from what I remember, and reappeared during WoW.

Sure, a couple of entrance guards and the destined-to-be-deceased leader, when Rexxar first went up to the clan, said that Thrall’s Horde was weak, but that was just the views of two guards and a jobber, and that tune likely changed quickly when Rexxar became their leader and all the Stonemaul became free at the time.

Since then, the Stonemaul offered their makeshift home, Brackenwall Village, as a Horde base and fought for them in Feralas, complete with a “FOR THE HORDE!” battle cry against Cho’Gall. They even helped attack Theramore again apparently, right before Garrosh got it bombed. They’re pretty much members of the Horde and very much support it.

As such, I feel like they should have become full members during Warcraft 3. If for some reason they aren’t full members yet, I would like to see events lead up to Thrall officially making them a member of the Horde when they become playable, complete with Rexxar present at the time too.

At this point, they’ve done so much for the Horde and are loyal to them, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t be full members of the Horde by now.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Forest trolls!

But yes, ogres need to be a thing.


I’d love if they’d add a green forest troll skin to trolls (who already have “For Zul’jin!” as a /charge), and maybe someday a model toggle option for swoll troll. The model toggle would also basically add playable ice trolls too.


For founding members of Thrall’s Horde, I don’t recall Forest Trolls being there at the beginning. The Revantusk became allies during WoW while the Amani, part of the Old Horde, didn’t want anything to do with Thrall’s Horde, from my understanding. Please correct me if I am wrong.

But yes, Forest Trolls very much should become playable and are a key missing race from the Warcraft 1 and 2 days. I support the Revantusk, myself. :axe:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


According to the Revantusk they never left the Horde from what I read.

They just didn’t get contact back until then.

Please? Please blizz?


I’ve been going over the old posts and saw this, lol. This would be very Ogre-like to have as a mount. You summon your mount like other races but instead of riding it you pick it up and run with it on your shoulder. I would love to have that.

Obviously the mount you have on your shoulder would have to change with the mount you actually summon which would be very expensive animation-wise. Well worth the investment IMO.

Still not sure why we got Zandalari trolls instead of Forest Trolls except that it fit with Zandalar. Another Blizz decision I wonder about. First one being Horde getting BE’s instead of Ogres.

We could’ve gotten Forest Trolls first and then asked for Zandalari assistance later on. I was annoyed I couldn’t play through Zandalar the first time as a Zandalari and instead had to unlock them after having explored the area which ruined it for me.

But I seriously think most of these AR’s could’ve just be customizations for original races and we could’ve saved a lot on animations. Even huge Forest Trolls could’ve used the same rig as Darkspear Trolls. They could’ve added customizable dances, which they were suppose to do back in WotLK (?), at a later date/patch. Even customizable druid skins and other such things.

:+1: Playable Ogres
:+1: Playable Forest Trolls


We already have playable ogres… just reroll as Kul’tiran and runaround with no shirt or pants…

I played through it on a Darkspear. It was pretty cool to recruit one group of trolls to the Horde on another.


It’s just a personal preference but I’d prefer to not recruit and rather just play that area for the first time with a race that is from that area. Would also love to have different interactions with NPC’s depending on my race.

If I’m a Zandalari then I should be treated differently but others in the Zandalari Empire. If I’m a Goblin then other Goblins should know they can’t pull one over on me and have different conversations. If I’m an Orc talking to other Orcs then we should be talking about us being the alpha race and include war stories or other such things in our conversations. I don’t RP but those little RP tidbits do add somethings to a play through, at least for me.

To each their own.


They sometimes have this, but it’s not really consistent. Would be nice if it was expanded on.

I wish this kind of thing also expanded to click on quotes too.

When playing a demon hunter for instance. I go to the class hall and click on an NPC and it’s like
NPC: “I’ve sacrificed everything! What have you given?”
Me: “The same as you. Plus, I’m your boss.”


Likely because the Zandalari played a huge role in BfA, much like the Kul Tirans did as well. Not to mention the huge fleet the Zandalari had as well, which makes them a very valuable ally…of course, it is puzzling how Ogres, who are great shipwrights and make their own ships (reminder that Orc ships come from Ogre designs) missed a huge war that had a slight emphasis on naval combat.

Part of me does wish that it was a general Troll Tribes allied race slot as opposed to specifically Zandalari. There could’ve been some interesting storylines with the different troll tribes joining up with the Zandalari, and the customization options would’ve been awesome to see.

As it stands, it’s still possible to see other Troll Tribes join up as customization races, but as I’ve mentioned before, I worry about them just being slapped on a race and them making them seem like that parent race LARPing as opposed to the customization race having any semblance of their culture or presence in the storyline.

…then we have something like Sand Trolls which are just there. Still no idea if they’re one of the existing Sand Troll Tribes, a new Sand Troll tribe, or if they’re just Darkspear Trolls with a skin tone. if it’s the first two options, it’s also not explained how they joined the Horde, especially when the existing Sand Troll tribes don’t like the Horde.

Hopefully Forest Trolls have better luck and love if they become playable. Customization races are a good idea, but they need more than to be slapped onto a race without fanfare or afterthought.

Ah yes, the infamous Dance Studio feature that never saw the light of day. Honestly, I can understand why this didn’t really see the light of day, as it would take a lot of resources to make dances work for all playable races, as well as future ones. It’s a neat idea, but I’d personally would prefer that the focus be to give new races their own dances instead.

Definitely agree. I’ve mentioned before how I really like flavor like this when playing as different races. Really makes it feel more like a world than a game to be able to see fun things like this around alts.

Blizzard seems to have been trying this out in a way off and on, such as being able to say where your character is from in Shadowlands. They also did this before in other ways, such as a Blood Elf vendor in Eversong Forest refusing to sell to Darkspear Trolls.

It doesn’t have to be a huge thing, but even small things can really enhance the game and make it more meaningful.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


You do see other tribes hanging around Dazar’alor. It was my impression that the new race skins for trolls were supposed to represent them. Putting them in the troll slot makes sense both for the model, and the name, simply troll. Darkspear were easy to switch into a generic slot by their slot’s name and their lack of voice lines which would be too specific for other tribes.

Out of all the trolls to be a separate AR, Zandalari actually fit the most imo. They’re the oldest type of troll, and notable for being unique compared to the others. They’re tall and regal in a way that sets them apart, and they’re in control of the big troll empire.


Honestly, I’d be pretty hyped for different Troll Tribes customization for Darkspear Trolls, and in my opinion it makes a lot of sense. The only thing I really want is something in game to explain them joining the Horde, as well as potentially options for beefy-Troll models, such as what you’d see in Forest Trolls. As it currently stands, it’s still weird to see just Sand Trolls added with no explanation as to why they’re part of the Horde now.

One good thing about Ogres is that they would be their own race slot, so there shouldn’t be a worry about them being slapped onto another race. It also ups the chances of seeing a two-headed option with them being their own race, though I’d hate to imagine the coding that would need to be done to get that to work.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre: