The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

2021 and still no ogres? What a joke.


Looking back at BfA, I don’t recall Rexxar really doing much at all in the later part of BfA.

The last I remember was him mentioning that others will hear of the bad things Sylvanas did
only for nothing to come of it. Granted, it could’ve referred to anyone in general, but it seemed like there was going to be a revolt against Sylvanas being formed, and it would’ve been a great time to get the Horde Ogres into the storyline again.

needless to say, all that happened was Saurfang getting Thrall to learn the true meaning of Winter Veil, yelling at Sylvanas, and getting then killed by her. Not much of a rebellion of others hearing about Sylvanas being formed. Then we had Sylvanas bravely running away, us beating up N’zoth, and then partying and forgetting all about Sylvanas and the whole war that went on.

Aside from Saurfang’s funeral, I recall not finding Rexxar anywhere in Orgrimmar after beating up N’zoth, so it’s unclear what exactly he did during BfA’s ending, where he went, and what he was up to. Not to mention that he wanted Jaina dead and thought it would be for the best, so who knows what he thinks of the current situation?

As I mentioned before, missed opportunities seems to be the theme of BfA to the point where I could write a thesis paper on it. It would’ve been cool to see the Horde Ogres get utilized in the war, and seeing Rexxar rally the Stonemaul Clan against Kul Tiras would’ve made for an interesting callback to Warcraft 3. Instead, the Horde Ogres are nowhere and sadly forgotten.

Of course, I don’t really expect Rexxar to be the leader of the Stonemaul clan again, nor should he be in my opinion. The Stonemaul already have a leader in Tharg, which would lead Rexxar available to be leader of the Mok’nathol if they ever became playable in some fashion.

It’s disheartening that Horde Ogres have been treated as such and have been missing for so long, but I still maintain hope we’ll see them eventually. I do have to wonder what direction we’ll be going story-wise after Shadowlands, though whatever it is, I hope we’ll be back on Azeroth again.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


A long time ago, I took some Ogre screenshots in Orgrimmar, where I used Glyph of Disguise on an Ogre from WoD. I had taken several screenshots to show off how an Ogre would look around Orgrimmar, as well as to compare height.

Oddly enough, the WoD Ogre illusion is Tauren sized (without a potion that increases size), whereas the model I used for the main post, a Dustbelcher Ogre from Badlands, is bigger (even without the growth potion).

I thought I would share those screenshots here again, and will likely do it again with the other Ogre model to compare sizes.

That said, here are the images I took for the WoD Ogre (roughly Tauren sized, no growth potion used):

Ogre in front of embassy

In front of the Horde embassy.

Ogre on a hawkstrider mount

“Me ride on cheek-kon ta bash dah lie-ence!”

WoD Ogres are able to ride mounts, whereas the Dustbelcher Ogre model is not able to. Likely, this is because the WoD model shares assets with some Moonkin forms.

Ogre fishing

“Hmm, dis taking long. Dem fishy-fishes not hungry yet
but tumbly be rumbly right now

These Ogres have a fishing animation. Likely, this is a result of assets being shared with the moonkin forms.

Some size comparisons (again, roughly Tauren sized):

Ogre doorway comparison 1

One of the doors in Orgrimmar.

Ogre doorway comparison 2

Another door in Orgrimmar.

Ogre compared to Tauren

Comparing height with a Tauren NPC. A bit hard to do this as the NPC was walking, and I only had a 5 minute buff timer for the illusion.

Ogre comparison to Tauren 2

An attempt at comparing height with the Tauren.

Ogre hanging out with Pandaren

Comparing sizes with Pandaren.

Ogre hanging out with Vulpera

And for fun, comparing sizes with Vulpera. I imagine Ogres giving Vulpera rides on their shoulders.

Ogre at the bank

Ogre at the bank.

Ogre at auction house

Ogre at the auction house.

Ogre at auction house 2

Another angle at the auction house. Yes, that is a yeti there. Someone had a buff at the time. I recall they had a size buff on them, but it wore off shortly after I got into position to take images.

That’s all I took in that session, though I know there are some other doors to check for sizes. I also want to test out sizes with the Dustbelcher Ogre model, since they are a bit bigger.

For me, ideally, Ogres would be a bit bigger than Tauren. They don’t need to be monstrously huge like in the first screenshot of the main post, but decently sized would be welcomed. It just adds more character to them, in my opinion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


If I recall correctly, Tauren were actually bigger than Ogres in Warcraft 3, but they switched it in WoW since they made Tauren a playable race.


Tauren were said to be bigger than Ogres from what I remember reading. I’m not sure if that is suppose to be true nowadays, since the size of beings in WoW is inconsistent and weird. Often times, you have people like Jaina towering over everyone for gameplay reasons, as she wouldn’t be that tall normally and wouldn’t be regarded as being that tall in canon.

In-game, Ogres range from Tauren size to about twice the size of them. They’re also fairly big in different media portraying them. My guess is that Ogres would officially be of different sizes, with Tauren size being the lowest height roughly.

As I said before, I’d like a decent height for playable Ogres, but they don’t need to be massive. I’d be fine with slightly above Tauren size, myself, though I’d personally like Ogres to be as big as reasonably possibly. Being big is important to Ogres, but finding a decent size for playable Ogres is an important thing to consider, in my opinion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I added a couple of dance suggestions for female Ogres to the Dances section. Will be looking to add more in the future as I find more potential dances.

I do want to think up some ideas for Ogre racials so I can make a racials section. I also wanted to think of some jokes/flirts for them also. So far, I can only think of one flirt for either male or female Ogres:

“Me might get crush on you, but me need ta find big rock first!”

Obviously, I need to think up more later. I’d like to hear any ideas others have. I’ll give credit if I put them up on the main post, of course, along with racial ideas.

I’ll also be looking to see what other sections to add or to revamp for the main post. I feel that it’s good to keep offering ideas and such for playable Ogres, as you never know what they could inspire.

Also, the main post seems to be intact, but if you see any broken images or it looks like the quadratic equation exploded, please let me know. When I updated my Saurok megathread, I had a really fun time trying to figure out why my custom screenshot images weren’t showing until I found another way to link them. I was worried about the post, since I was getting “drafts offline” and other weird errors when editing the main post, but as far as I can tell, it seems to be ok for now (knock on wood).

If anyone has any suggestions for the main post, please share! I’m open to suggestions on things to add or if a particular section needs a revamp. The main post of the megathread will continuously be updated to reflect new ideas and such as time goes on, so suggestions are welcomed!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


My next semester of classes have begun, so posts might be a bit slower than usual. I’ve been working on preparing for them, and with any luck, it’ll be my last semester for the degree I am currently working on. Then it’ll either be job hunting or continuing my education.

As for now, I wanted to talk some about Dire Maul and the Gordunni.

I’ve mentioned before how a possible route to getting Dire Maul for the Horde is by having a member of the Horde become Gordok of the Gordunni clan, which would effectively allow the Gordunni to then work for the Horde and fix the problem the Horde was having with them in Feralas while also allow the Horde to take over Dire Maul.

Since Dire Maul was suppose to be empty during the Traveler book series, one idea I had was to have Mok’morokk take residence there until the Gordunni came back. He would then challenge the Gordok leader and win, which would lead into the Horde needing to do something in Feralas from the increased Gordunni threat there, as well as a fun pre-expansion questline (along with helping to reclaim the Stonemaul Clan’s home in Dustwallow Marsh for good!). This would help tie the loose end of the Stonemaul Clan in Feralas and also gives something for Megs Dreadshredder and the Dunemaul Clan to help out with.

From my understanding, only an Ogre is allowed to become Gordok, which was mentioned in the WoW Traveler book series. A human did become Gordok, but after events of the book series occur, I could see them Gordunni reinstating that policy of only having Ogre leaders.

So if that was the case, who would be the most likely Horde Ogre to take over the Gordunni for the Horde? My nomination would be this Ogre mage:'Zilb

He’s part of the Stonemaul Clan and is smart enough to have loyalty assured. The other important part of him would him being an Ogre Mage. Dire Maul has a lot of magic involved to it, so to have someone magically inclined there overseeing things would be very useful.

Not to mention that other members of the Horde would have an interest in excavating Dire Maul and studying its magical properties. Blood Elves and Nightborne in particular would have an interest (along with San’layn if we’re lucky to have them join the Horde too). Goblins would likely have an interest in helping out (likely for profit) and the Vulpera would also be interested in finding treasures and such there too.

Now, at any time, someone could challenge the Gordok for leadership. However, a humorous way to do it is to have this event spawn every so often where Draz’Zilb is:

Random Ogre: -runs up to Draz’Zilb- Me challenge Gordok!

Draz’Zilb: Very well. -punches and immediately knocks out the Ogre- When they wake up, tell them to start cleaning the latrines.

A fun scene meant for humorous world-building.

The idea of the Horde taking over Dire Maul was inspired by this video, which I’ve linked before several times. Dire Maul is talked about at the 5:35 mark:

The idea of the Horde taking over Dire Maul is an opportunity to tie up several loose ends involving the Horde Ogres, and works very well as a second pre-expansion event (again, along with helping the Stonemaul Clan reclaim their home in Dustwallow Marsh) that would lead to playable Horde Ogres.

All in all, a fun idea I’ve talked about before that I wanted to share again. I’ve harped many times about all the loose ends with the Horde Ogres, and seeing them all tied up and leading to playable Horde Ogres would make for a fun and memorable event.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Been asking for this since Wrath I think. Maybe even BC.


Same. I was very upset we got BE’s instead of Ogres and still to this day don’t know why we still don’t have them. :angry:

This is probably my last post in this thread. My sub is up in a day or two and I am not planning on resubbing. Unless some miracle happens I might not be on these forums again.

I want to thank Bagzak for taking the time to make a new, more friendly, ogre thread. :bowing_man: I wish I could’ve contributed more but I saw early on that everyone basically has a different idea for ogres and it kind of threw me off. I even stopped posting Ogre art, which I will work on while away. If ever I return I hope to have some pieces Ogre fans will enjoy and hopefully by then we have playable Ogres.

To all the Ogre fans. I hope you get playable Ogres. Sooner rather then later. :peace_symbol:

As King Bagzak says "Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Murlocs first.

I think taking breaks from the game is a good thing, especially if you’re not enjoying the game currently. Enjoy your break, and if you ever decide to come back, you’re always welcomed here.

I guess technically I am King of at least two Ogre clans since doing that questline in Blade’s Edge Mountains:

Becoming King of the Ogres!

If only I could get them to fight for the Horde. <- <

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


If only . . .


When it comes to playable Horde Ogres, there are quite a bit of loose threads that need to get tied up involving them.

I made a list of what I could think of a long time ago, and thought I would repost it here with some edits and such. I went over it as best as I could to update it to the current story of the game (Shadowlands having recently launched). That said, it’s likely I missed some editing in case some parts don’t make sense or seem outdated. I tried to do this after a day of college work, so it’s always possible I missed something.

The following are what I can think of that should be tied into playable Horde Ogres:

What is the Stonemaul Clan doing currently?

The Stonemaul clan has not really been that active since Cataclysm, and kind of Pandaria. The last we really have heard of them is an emissary, named Or’Dac, of their clan being sent to Pandaria. Sadly, this NPC was just a jobber for an Alliance daily quest, so what he was up to there is
unknown really.

The Stonemaul Clan in Feralas, at the end of their questline, is said by Orhan Ogreblade to just be mustering up Horde forces to help defend Horde territory against the Alliance. If the Gordunni have completely left Dire Maul, according to the Traveler book series, then likely any Horde there would be having skirmishes against the Alliance and whatever Gordunni are still in Feralas. Now, I don’t know when exactly the Traveler books occur in the timeline, but it was assumed that the Gordunni Clan may have come back to Dire Maul at the end of the book (Dire Maul in general needs to be addressed as a whole).

This leads us to Dustwallow Marsh. At the end of the questline involving the Stonemaul, we destroy most of Onyxia’s eggs, kill off a lot of the dragonkin mobs, and after running off the corrupt warchief, the Stonemaul clan can finally
sit in their makeshift village and continue wanting their own village back

This to me is one of the biggest loose threads. It isn’t shown that the Stonemaul ever got their home back, nor is it addressed at all in-game. Likely, something happened for them to be able to assist in Feralas and send an emissary to Pandaria.

Come to think of it, we dealt with Garrosh’s shenanigans on Pandaria, had to fight off the Iron Horde in WoD, then had to fight off a whole legion of demons in
Legion. Then we got into a huge war with the Alliance, lost Undercity, almost had a coup started, and fought off an evil Old God. Now we have scourge running rampant across the world (of Warcraft!) and the afterlife is in disarray. And yet, the Stonemaul Clan don’t appear to assist in any way from what we can see.

So I just scratch my head in thinking about what exactly they’re doing during all this time. Considering how much they owe the Horde, you’d think someone would have remembered them and ask them to pull out of Feralas and spare who they could in Dustwallow to help against the Legion/Alliance/Jailer. A lot has happened since Cataclysm, including several world-ending threats and a big war with the Alliance. And yet
they didn’t even appear as a grunts in any army.

Thus, we need an update on what the Stonemaul have been up to since Cataclysm. Did they actually their home back? Are the dragonkin in Dustwallow Marsh still sipping tea and discussing financing options?

I will say that an event that leads to playable Horde Ogres should involve helping the Stonemaul finally get their home back for good. Whether they’ve been fighting a stalemate ever since Cataclysm or if they got it back and lost it again, it would be a fun way to tie up this particular loose end.

Did any of Onyxia’s eggs survive?

During the Dustwallow questline, although we destroy a bunch of eggs, and if I recall correctly, it was implied that not all the eggs were destroyed. After all, the quest asks us to destroy a small handful of eggs. I would be surprised if some of the eggs did not get taken and hidden away to safely raise elsewhere. This storyline could be used as a reason why the Stonemaul have not been able to reclaim their home or lost their home again.

What happened to Mok’Morokk?

At the end of the Stonemaul Clan Dustwallow questline, we run off Mok’Morokk. Not kill, but run off. We have not heard from him since. If I were to guess, he may have ran off to form his own clan of whatever creatures he could beat up and get some form of power again. I don’t see him joining the dragonkin mobs, and I would hope he wouldn’t just join them as that wouldn’t make for good writing. His whereabouts should be addressed and taken care of.

As I mentioned before, a fun way to handle this is to make him reside in an empty Dire Maul, then challenge the Gordunni leader when they return, and then become their Gordok King, which we then have to deal with the chaos the Gordunni is causing from Dire Maul. Once beaten, one of the Stonemaul could become the Gordok King (potentially bringing the Gordunni into the Horde) and Mok’morokk would be forced to do fun things like clean the latrines.

What is Megs Dreadshredder doing with the Dunemaul?

At the end of the Dunemaul questline in Tanaris, Megs is sending the Dunemaul clan off to “help the Horde.” Whether this is actually helping the Horde or herself can be very much debated, but since then
we haven’t really seen what happened to the Dunemaul. In fact, I don’t think Megs has done very much since then either, and that was also during Cataclysm.

Another thing to note is that during the Legion invasions, if one occurred in Tanaris, the Dunemaul would get enslaved, granted the player character could rescue some of them. I’m unsure if this would be canon or just a fun aspect of the Legion pre-patch event, but it doesn’t really explain what they were doing for Megs, let alone what they were doing back in Tanaris at the time the Legion pre-patch event started (or where Megs went to begin with). If anything, it could be that Horde members helped save the Dunemaul, since they were kinda part of the Horde.

Addressing the Cataclysm Tanaris storyline could go in a few directions. Either the Dunemaul become NPC’s doing stuff for Megs and other Goblins, or it could lead into there being multiple Ogre clans in the playable Ogre faction. I’m more of a fan of the latter, myself. It would be good to see the Dunemaul join up with the Stonemaul in any event that leads up to playable Ogres.

Regardless, Megs’ whereabouts and the Dunemaul being part of the Horde should be addressed, preferably with them staying as part of the Horde of course.

What happened to the AU Stonemaul Clan that came with the Mag’Har Orcs?

We know a group of them came with the Mag’Har Orcs, and they haven’t really made any appearance of any sort during BfA or afterwards. Even if it shows that only a few Ogres came, only a small group of the Mag’Har was shown in their unlock questline, and there is enough of the Mag’Har to adventure and control a lot of creatures from Draenor in the fight against the Alliance.

Because of that, it can be assumed that a reasonable amount did come, and I doubt they just waddled off to make their own huts or caves to just survive in the wilderness and to have whatever meager power they would have on their own. Besides, the AU Stonemaul that came with the Mag’Har Orcs were loyal to them, which is why they traveled to our world (of Warcraft!).

The simplest thing to do with them is have them join up with the MU Stonemaul Clan to help them with whatever it is they’re doing right now. It also adds some great roleplaying opportunities to whether your Ogre is a MU or AU Stonemaul, as well as any other Ogre clans that make up the playable Ogre faction.

At the moment, those are all the loose threads I can think of. If anyone can think of anything else, please feel free to add! As I said, I edited this from a much older post, so if something doesn’t make sense or might be outdated, it means I missed that part of editing.

Tying all these loose threads can easily be done with a couple of events (one in Dustwallow Marsh and one in Feralas) meant to lead into playable Ogres. I often think of something similar to the Cataclysm pre-expansion events.

Hopefully, we won’t have to wait a long time for the Horde to remember they have Ogres within their ranks. And hey, if done right, events leading up to playable Horde Ogres can lead to some really fun and memorable gameplay and marketing opportunities!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


It’s been a bit since I last swung by to actually say anything here, and I’m glad to see the discussion is still going on! Keep it up, Bagzak! Eventually playable Ogres will become a reality.

We just need to keep talking about the possibilities and making suggestions on how they could be implemented :slight_smile:


I think I’d rather have Ogres than a new AR. What would be a really core race for Alliance to pair up with Ogres? It would need to be as old and storied as Ogres, probably something from vanilla. I’m thinking Broken fit the bill nicely, but they better get warlocks.

Bonus: Both Ogres and Broken need custom female models, and are both monstrous. The perfect pairing imo.


I’m of the opinion that Vrykul would make a great Alliance counterpart to Ogres for a few reasons:

  1. Both are big, savage races.
  2. They both make their own ships (Orc ships are designed from Ogre ships) and make excellent shipwrights.
  3. They are both the progenitors of Humans (Vrykul) and Orcs (Ogres).

Seems like it would make a great pairing to me, in my opinion. Granted, a pair of new races coming out doesn’t have to share any connections, but it is cool when they do have some similarities or rivalries with each other.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Vrykul would be pretty sweet too! Might not be vanilla old, but definitely hits the nostalgia vibes.


Give the Horde Ogres for all that is green.


Found a neat custom creation of an Ogre Death Knight using Mega Bloks on Deviant art. The user who created it is named “Rohmi” and it was published on May 21, 2013.

You can see the image on the Deviantart website by clicking here.

On the subject of Ogre Death Knights, they would fit fine in any timeline for Death Knights. There likely were some Ogres of different clans that would’ve become Death Knights, including the Stonemaul clan when they were on Eastern Kingdoms or when they went to Kalimdor.

A long time ago and for fun, I did a scenario of if Ogres were added and put in the original Death Knight scenario. It was during the “A Special Surprise” quest where you have to kill someone who recognizes your character and implores you to fight against the Lich King. I went ahead and copied it to paste it here:

"Male Ogre: So dis be it, den? Well, me not going wit out fight! Let’s
(player-name)? Dat yuu, (player-name)? Me recognize dat mug anywheres! Wut did dead tings do ta yuu?

Yuu not remember me? Me protect yuu when little 'gainst da bullies. Me trained yuu to defend self. Become strong Ogre. We wuz like family.

Tink back. 'member da Stonemaul Clan? Yuu Stonemaul Ogre. Yuu not one of dem dead tings! Yuu stronger den dis!

Listen (player name), yuu can do dis. You strong nuff ta bash da dead tings. Break free. Be hero of da Stonemaul Clan. Show dem wut means ta be Ogre!

Knight Commander Plaguefist: What’s going on in there? What’s taking so long, (player name)?

Male Ogre: Dere not be much time. Yuu kill me, den yuu can live. When yuu can bash dead tings, find da Stonemaul Clan in Dustwallow Swamp. Let dem know wut happened. Neba forget yuu are Stonemaul. Now do it, (player name) so yuu can bash da dead king un make difference in wurld!"

Not perfect, of course, and with the new allied race Death Knight starting area, it’s unclear where Ogre Death Knights would start.

In terms of Death Knights in general, my hope is that every new race going forward would have the option of being able to become a Death Knight for those that would like that option. I’m not sure what is going to happen in the future and whether new races would get put in one of the two current Death Knight starting scenarios or if another one would be made, but I’m hoping that them being timelocked won’t affected the chances of future playable races being able to become Death Knights.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Keep up the good fight until Ogres are added.

It’s not Ogre until you say it’s Ogre!