The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Happy holidays and merry Christmas!


Had a slight Ogre sighting in Bastion involving this mob:

To get this mob to spawn, you have to take one of the little Unstable Memory Fragments, aggro it, and then drag it into about 10 other Unstable Memory Fragments. It then spawns this rare.

When I spawned this rare, I noticed it was an Ogre very briefly. Sadly, I wasn’t able to take a screenshot before it took the shape of that shadow-spirit model for combat. It changes to its real form shortly after you engage it.

This video shows how to spawn it, and in this case it turns into a Murloc before turning into its real form:

So I’m guessing it is random what it turns into.

Not much else really to it, but I wanted to share it. Hopefully, the Horde Ogres will be more than a memory in the near future!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


+1 Playable Ogres.

I like the Ogre Lego video. Very cool imo.


+1 for playable ogres.

Really would like to have ogres… I’d be a great rock vendor.


So a fun thing that you come across when you first start questing in Bastion is being asked where you come from. Some races have multiple answers, such as Orcs and Mag’har Orcs being able to say they are from Azeroth or Draenor.

An example is taken from this reddit post:

In terms of Ogres, if they become playable, it should be something that they would be able to have choices to respond with. With the Stonemaul Ogres in particular, they would have the original group on Azeroth as well as the group from Draenor that came with the Mag’har Orcs. Thus the choices for Azeroth and Draenor for playable Ogres would be the most fitting here.

It doesn’t really do much in-game, seeing as the responses and events that follow are more or less the same, but little things like this are awesome for world building and role playing. I really like seeing things like this in the game. It really adds to those like me who make backstories and so on for their characters. It also goes well for those that roleplay.

Just a fun thing I wanted to share. As I said, it doesn’t do much in-game, but it goes a long way for players who like those kinds of options for their characters.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


“Never mind? What do you mean never mind? I was asking you a question! That really hurts my feelings you know.”

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Been kinda wondering about those models and their animations.
The female is definitely a vrykul/kultiran model, but the male isn’t
From what I can tell, it’s a fairly modified variant of the ogre, it’s also used for the Goliaths in Bastion.
It does seem to be missing some of the expected player animations, which can always be added.
Has almost the same death and a few other animations as the ogre, but others have been changed a fair bit.
Was trying to figure out if anything else uses that exact animation set, but so far, I’m only coming up with those two, the Male gladiator and the Goliath.

Makes me wonder what an ogre would look like if the model was applied to those animations. They do seem more player-like compared to the older stiff ogre animations.


More support for ogres and OPs hard work ^^ Dream big indeed. It’s been a Horde race that’s been asked for a while now. The whole “dumb” argument doesn’t hold up when it’s been shown that there’s several intelligent ogres.

My favorite ogre will always be this fella <3


Happy New Year, Ogre fans! As I mentioned in my Saurok megathread, it has been a rough year for everyone, but there are no rainbows without rain, so let us hope some bright sunshine awaits us soon!

Although it has been disheartening to see the Horde Ogres forgotten in game still, I keep hope that someday, we’ll finally see them on the Horde side of the character creation screen. For Ogres and Saurok, they are races I will march for support as much as I possibly can.

As we go into a new year, I plan to continue showing off playable Horde Ogre support as best as I can. I’m still planning to look over the megathread and add to it. A few things I need to add currently:

References for potential female Ogre dances.

Ogre Hunter pet ideas (likely a post I’ll do in the near future to gather some opinions).

I may look into working on an Ogre event in Orgrimmar idea I had a long time ago, which I may see if anyone is interest in attending it in the future. Depends on how free I’ll be and how free people would be to attend it.

And much much more!

Ogres are a long overdue playable race for the Horde, and I still feel it’s important to continue showing off support as best as we can. Even if we don’t see Horde Ogres show up to help in the Shadowlands, hopefully they will be remembered and finally come back into the gameplay story in the near future (and on that character creation screen, of course).

I also want to thank everyone for their support also. It means a lot to see people come here, give their support, and post their ideas and such. Thank you!

Playable Horde Ogre support will continue strong in 2021 and beyond. I will always dream of seeing Ogre characters walking around in Orgrimmar and “bashin’ tings foe da Horde!” as they quest in the world (of Warcraft!).

Please have a fun, happy, and safe New Year, and I’ll see y’all in 2021!

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Happy new year! May we finally get Ogres this year!

(been long enough already…)


Happy New Year, everybody! As I mentioned in my last post, I wanted to look at potential hunter starting pets for Ogre Hunters.

First of all, I see no reason why Ogres wouldn’t be able to become hunters. Whether they would bash stuff as a survival hunter or possibly blast things with a gun, hunters fit them as a class to me. We’ve also seen a few Ogres in different clans utilize pets in some fashion, such as hyenas for the Gordunni and some Draenor clans using boarso f some sort.

For the Stonemaul specifically, the obvious place to look would be in Dustwallow Marsh. Thanks to Petopia, we can see all the types of beasts there:

You’ll want to go to the Zone field and select a zone, such as Dustwallow Marsh, to see what beasts are there.

The most notable animal I see so far would be the crocolisks. No other current playable race has them as a starting pet, the Stonemaul live in a swamp, and there is something amusing at Ogres raising crocolisks from eggs and having bite marks on their arms and such.

There are also spiders, but the problem is that the Stonemaul Ogres don’t like spiders much as you probably can tell from the following quest text:

"-The following is written in very large print.-




-A crude drawing accompanies this.-"

Of course, it seems like said sign was made by a non-Ogre, but it still brings up the point that OGRE NO LIKE POISON. MAKE OGRE SICK. MAKE OGRE SAD.

As such, it doesn’t seem like the Stonemaul would make friends with the spiders anytime soon. I mean, sure, they could tame them after becoming playable, but as a starting pet…doesn’t really fit, in my opinion.

There are raptors, though with Darkspear Trolls starting with them, I’m more inclined to look at other animals.

There are some elite hydras on the island northeast also, granted it is a bit out of the way for the Stonemaul to get to easily to get eggs and swim back when they could just get crocolisk eggs. They’d also have one mouth of teeth to contend with as oppose to three.

Aside from some random named animals here and there, that’s about it for beasts in Dustwallow Marsh. I mostly focused on that area since it is where the Stonemaul Ogres reside, though they could always go to the barrens also to tame beasts there.

If the playable Horde Ogre faction consists of multiple clans, other than MU and AU Stonemaul, then starting Ogre Hunters could come with pets where their clan has resided for some nice roleplay flavor. For example, Stonemaul could start with a crocolisk, Dunemaul could start with something in Tanaris, and if we with Gordunni via a Horde Ogre becoming their Gordok, they could start with hyenas since Gordunni mobs already utilize them.

Looking at the beasts in Tanaris, the Dunemaul eat bugs, so they’re out. Seems like birds, basilisks, and hyenas are the likely choices for them. Scorpions are around also, though since OGRE NO LIKE POISON, it might not be the first choice of pets for the Dunemaul.

In a multiple clan situation, I could see them utilizing hyenas to make things simple. They’re either where the clans reside or, in the case of the Stonemaul, they’re close to where they reside.

With regards to the AU Stonemaul Ogres, I would guess that they would be more likely to tame whatever is around as oppose to taking beasts with them. Sure, plenty of Draenor beasts did come with them and the Mag’har, but it seems like the Mag’har have control over the Draenor beasts that came with them. Still, something to think about. Perhaps they could start with Draenor boars, which would still be unique to them even if regular boars are a starting animal for another race.

So in terms of starting Ogre Hunter pets, my opinion is that if it’s just the Stonemaul, then crocolisks could work. If it’s multiple Horde clans, hyenas for everyone to make things simple or a different starting pet depending on your Ogre’s clan.

If anyone has any thoughts on what should be the starting Ogre pet, please share! I’m wanting to hear some opinions. I focused mainly on the areas where the Horde Ogres reside, but if you can make a case for a specific starting pet, go for it!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I like either crocolisk or hyena, for the reasons you stated. I don’t think they could pull off having a different pet for each clan. No race has more than one starting pet as far as I know.


I wouldn’t really expect different starting pets for different clans, but I figured I would mention it for fun.

Actually, if they went with the multiple clan route and treated Ogres like allied races with their own starting racial hub, it could be at Dire Maul after having taken it over for the Horde. It would make some sense there for the Ogre clans to have hyenas as Hunter starting pets then. Moreso if the Gordunni were one of the clans, given the whole Gordok rules and such that could make it a possibility.

They have a lot of tamed hyenas and could share some of them with the other Horde Ogre clans, maybe training other Ogre clans in the art of being a hunter, if they were to become part of the Horde. Just a fun thought, of course.

I remember back in Everquest 1, Ogre Beastlords had a bear pet that was really fitting. In WoW, I don’t think Ogres reside in many places with bears, and even then Dwarf hunters start with bear pets. Still, Ogre Hunters with big bear pets would be neat to see. :bear:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Yes, this!
Give us Ogres!

You mean the Amani? No I get what you mean, the Ogre Juggernaught.
But never forget the Amani destroyer.


Was disappointed we didn’t get them and instead got Zandalari tbh. I like the height of the Zandi’s but I prefer Amani trolls.

+1 Playable Ogres


I love the Zandalari, but Amani would also have been cool.

Still hoping we get playable Ogres though. Really want Ogres!


I’m happy Zandalari became playable, though I do wonder if it may have been better to make the allied race slot a general Troll Tribe slot similar to the Mag’har Orcs. It would’ve been interesting to see all the tribes and customization options involved, as well as likely giving a reason why we have Sand Trolls in the Horde now.

Forest Trolls are definitely something that should become playable, given that Forest Trolls were involved with the old Horde in the older Warcraft games. Granted, I’m more of a fan of the Revantusk, who already support the Horde and are happy to work with them.

As for Ogres, I still have hope that we’ll see them playable someday. I’ll always keep a character slot reserved for my Ogre character I hope to be able to make someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Money to be had? Yes? - Blizzard will do it.

Too much time and effort for little to no return? No? - Blizzard will not do it.

All this company thinks about is money. At the expense of quite literally everything else, look at player’s general attitude, it’s piss poor and Blizzard could care less.

Give it up Deelishis you look like a man.

I’d rather see a main race slot, then you click it and choose from the subraces which would be the various troll tribes (or whatever) all given the proper allied race treatment.

Click dwarf
Then choose between Bronzebeard, Dark Iron, Wildhammer…all with their own customizations, racials, heritage goodies, etc.

That’s how they should all be done.
Hire more artists and just start pumping out all the cosmetic/race options people want. =D


I have to agree Zandalari were my favorite / most wanted race for Horde, they are my favorite Trolls by far.

Still hoping for Ogres, and some others though.

Seeing Ogres especially will be nice imo filling out the Hordes roster/vibe.