The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!
The spirits there take a random form when attacked and sometimes become ogres.

The only other place ogres might appear is in The Maw.


I think KT not being played much has more to do with them just being another human with a horse mount. I go back and forth in making one, just because it’s the closest thing this game has to Ogres.

Most importantly, due to Blizz creating a new rig to make KT, there’s a perfect skeleton for Ogres.


A lot of people equate the earth to nature, but in Azeroth, it’s an element, a hallmark of shamans. Druids care more about life: plants and animals.


We can only dream atm :frowning:

When BC came along I was hoping for Ogres, instead we got floozie Blood Elves :frowning:

Since then it’s been a disappointing wait…


In Warcraft 2, I used to make armies of Ogres to run into towns and punch the buildings. Sometimes, I made them just to click and listen to their two heads argue. Ogres are the best.

And, yes, if they give us Ogres I hope there’s a two-headed option.


I’m of the mindset that ogres are a “when” not an “if.” Unfortunately, I think this is where them being evergreen backfires on them. The fact that they’ve been considered for launch and Cataclysm, at least, is a good sign, but it’s sort of double-edged. It’s been sixteen years of “when” so far, because there is always another opportunity for them. They aren’t like Demon Hunters where it’s like “we’re dismantling the Burning Legion this expansion, it’s now or never.”

Of course, it would definitely help if we could nudge them from “core race we’ll get around to” to “we need to capitalize on this.” I don’t really know how to do that, though. There are some people who seem to have a knack for making a topic ubiquitous, but for everyone else it very much seems the luck of a “right place, right time” sort of thing. I know they have the potential (one of the things I liked about Warlords of Draenor was giving ogres some solid, serious lore and a thematic niche that did not take away from their existing elements).

Though, as I said, the new customization could be a huge boon there. If it allows them to really go all out with multi-head customization that may not have been possible before, that’s definitely the sort of thing to show off and have fun with.

As for classes, one of the fun things about ogres is that there are examples of almost every class for them somewhere, even ones you wouldn’t expect.

Rogue, obviously, is a silly one, but Dagg is still getting referenced so he’s definitely got some fans at the company.

Paladins, of all things, have something of a precedent in the Lightbound ogres and in Hearthstone.

The magic breakers in Warlords of Draenor were this weird mix of Demon Hunter aesthetics and Spellbreaker combat themes.

Speaking of, even classes that aren’t playable themselves yet like Necromancers have ogre representatives.

I wouldn’t go out of my way to push for playable ogres to have some of the odder class choices, but the precedent is certainly there to keep their options open.


Bumping for Ogre support! Hopefully one day soon we’ll get them!


I believe I ran into that Ogre spirit I saw mentioned in a post on the EU forums. It would be this guy:

His name is Tod:

He was found in the Halls of Atonement area of Revendreth. I actually saw him when I was farming some Avowed rep, thinking he was one of the spirits that randomly turned into different races.

He assisted a mob I attacked, which I’m pretty sure I didn’t use AoE to pull it. I’m guessing he aggros anyone and that you can’t really interact with him much other than beating him up. He didn’t drop any interesting loot that I noticed.

I’m going to guess that he is from a clan that is not related to any of the Horde clans, as I can’t imagine any proud and loyal member of the Stonemaul or Dunemaul winding up in Revendreth. Thus, I can only assume this is a bad Ogre that is there to be redeemed in some fashion.

Not much else to him that I saw, really. If I see anything else of interest, I’ll be sure to report it here.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


In terms of Horde Ogres, BfA was a huge missed opportunity to have them at the very least come back in some fashion.

I’ve harped on this a lot throughout the entirety of BfA, mentioning how a big war occurred with the Alliance, and there were no Horde Ogres in sight to help out. This after the Stonemaul Ogres again fall into debt with the Horde after the events in Cataclysm where we ran off another corrupt chieftain and, what we can only assume, helped get their home back in Dustwallow Marsh. Not to mention the issue with going back to AU Draenor to get AU Mag’har to assist in the war as opposed to seeking out all possibly allies within the Horde first, as well as the AU Stonemaul disappearing into fat air after the fact.

A thought occurred to me that the Stonemaul making another appearance would’ve been very fitting during BfA, and not just to play hackey sack with members of the Alliance. If you recall, the Stonemaul Ogres were a big help in attacking Theramore to take down Jaina’s father. Jaina, around this time, thought less and less of the Horde as time went on, and with an area that her father had a lot to do with, having the Stonemaul in the area might’ve helped play into her character at the time.

The Stonemaul were one of the main aggressors that lead to her father’s downfall and death. As such, they somewhat had a tie to the Kul Tiran area, where potentially the Kul Tirans, especially Jaina’s mother, held her father in high regard.

As such, having the Stonemaul there to help out the Horde might’ve helped play into her character. Sure, likely the armistice would’ve still occurred all the same, but it would’ve been another factor that could’ve played into Jaina snapping as she did to fight against the Horde. Seems like the Stonemaul would’ve helped with regards to that as well as assisting in a big war with the Alliance in general.

The only things I can think of with both the AU and MU Stonemaul during BfA is that they were helping to protect Horde territories, Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas, against possibly Alliance invasion (Feralas being moreso at risk). For the Dunemaul, likely they’re off doing things for Megs Dreadshredder likely for her own gains and possibly to get brownie points with the Horde.

The whole idea of Jaina and the Stonemaul wouldn’t be anything epic or be a huge part of the BfA storyline, but more like an ingredient or even a condiment to the recipe that was Jaina’s anger. While not the main part of the dish, it was a part of the dish that feels missing if not there. Considering Rexxar was also there, it would’ve felt complete as a callback to Warcraft III had the Stonemaul also been there too in some fashion.

This is just something I wanted to bring up as I thought about it. Missed opportunities is a general theme of BfA, but I still have hope that we’ll see the Stonemaul clans, both MU and AU, come back into the story again to repay Horde debt…and get a spot on the Horde side of that character creation screen.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Got hit with a little art inspiration so made a quick sketch of an ogre I’m going to work on. I actually made about 4 different sketches but ended up deciding to work on this in the future. Was going to be a two-headed druid ogre but turned into a one-headed warrior or shaman.


The bottom half is actually a cut and paste from the female ogre I was working on just altered to be taller so if you notice a sharpness difference between the top and bottom that is why. Your eyes are fine. :laughing:



Thanks for the link.

I love the little things Blizz does. From adding in the dead characters you can find to the tribute to actual living people. I knew about the Stan Lee tribute but I just found out they have a Robin Williams tribute and a Chris Farley tribute. And what’s even better is that the Chris Farley tribute is named partly after the character from SNL that the Ogre dance is copied from.

A Guide to In-Game Memorials - Guides - Wowhead

Big :+1: Blizz for the little things like this.


Since it is the season for holidays, I wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy December!

I already know a few things I hope to see under my Horde Winter’s Veil tree. :crocodile: :japanese_ogre: :bat:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Safe and happy holidays to you also Bagzak.

My holidays would’ve went a whole lot better if Cyberpunk 2077 let me key map ANY key but they don’t so I asked Steam for a refund. I can’t play with W,A,S,D, space, etc. I use the arrow keys, NumPad and PageDown, PageUp, Delete, Insert, RightShift, and RightControl. Smh, not sure why all keys can’t be mapped in games in this day and age.

:+1: Playable Horde Ogres

EDIT: Steam refunded my money so doing better now. Sad that games these days put out crap products. Feel bad for young gamers. :frowning_face:


I was thinking about the Dunemaul some and was wondering what could be done with them, depending on what direction Blizzard would go with playable Ogres.

For reference, according to this quest, Megs Dreadshredder says this about her utilization of them in the Tanaris questline:

“My other assistants are making sure our proud new comrades are put into comfy cages and shipped to where they’re needed most. For the Horde.”

What exactly is “where they’re needed the most” has yet to be shown in-game. It’s certainly not the Horde side of the character creation screen, where Ogres are needed the most, that is for sure. ← <

Actually, thinking about it, she does say this at the start of the Dunemaul “recruitment” questline:

"As I may have mentioned, I’m trying to get these Dunemaul ogres to join the Horde…and work for the Bilgewater Cartel as cheap local labor.

To pull this off, we’ve gotta pay lip service to the actual initiation process and all that, or I’m going to catch flak later on. So I’ve gotten this charter drawn up, and slapped the initiation rites onto our own limited time offer labor stipulation contract."

So more than likely, I would assume Megs sent them to do stuff for the Bilgewater Cartel. Again, what that is where they went to since Cataclysm is not known.

There are two things you could do with the Dunemaul that I see:

The first is keeping them as a NPC clan and having Dunemaul Bodyguards around various Bilgewater NPC’s, as well as helping out at a questing hub in the future wherever Megs is and is utilizing them.

The second is if Blizzard went with the multiple-clan route of playable Ogres, where you can choose what clan your Ogre hails from and possibly get customization options and possibly some buffs based on that (similar to how the Zandalari get to choose a loa to worship that grants buffs).

I’m more of a fan of the second option, as I do like the idea of having multiple Ogre clans being represented as the playable Ogre faction (MU Stonemaul, AU Stonemaul, Dunemaul, and any other clans that join the Horde).

Regardless, though I favor the Stonemaul the most, I don’t want the Dunemaul to be forgotten. If at all possible, I want them to get some love too since they kinda-sorta are part of the Horde in a way. It would be good to see them doing stuff for the Horde and adventuring along with the Stonemaul.

Having more options like multiple Ogre clans just adds to the world building, IMO. It opens the doors for roleplaying opportunities, gives more potential customization options, and it’s good to see members of the Horde who are around and helping out with current events.

So long as the Stonemaul Clan, both MU and AU, get represented on the character creation screen, I say the more the merrier. Let’s hope the Dunemaul get some loving too!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


As I did with my Saurok megathread, I went ahead and took some festive screenshots with an Ogre for Winter’s Veil in Orgrimmar! I used one of the Ogres in Draenor to be more likely for a specific animation to be applicable to something in particular I’ll touch on in a bit.

First, I took a pose in front of a Winter’s Veil decoration:

Then, I went to check out the yummy food at the Smokywood Pastures vendor, which I imagine Ogres would love to try out:

I also decided to take a quick pose in front of Grommash Hold. I haven’t taken the character I was on to Shadowlands yet, if you’re wondering why that NPC is glowing:

Now, as for that animation I mentioned before? Turns out, Ogres can ride flying sleighs!

Santa Ogre flies off to deliver presents to good members of the Horde:

Another angle:

And finally, of course I would do something with the tree:

Happy Winter’s Veil from the Stonemaul Ogre megathread! May everyone have a fun, happy, and safe December! May we hope to eventually see Horde Ogres be able to enjoy the festivities in the future as a playable Horde race, too!

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:


I found an interesting video that shows off old Ogre models and compares them to the ones they upgraded to (before the Shadowlands Ogre models). From my understanding, they may have come from early Vanilla, and there were even older models than the ones shown here used in beta.

Here is the video:

Apparently, the Ogres managed to go on a diet and got into some Wii Fit or Tae Bo workouts or something, as they look a bit more muscular and less fat.

Anyway, just something interesting I wanted to share. It’s cool to see how models have evolved since WoW launched, and I gotta admit, I do like the fat Ogre look some. Granted, the models they upgraded to look better and more fitting, IMO.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


So I came across a really neat video of someone building a two-headed Ogre from Warcraft out of Lego blocks. It doesn’t have any commentary, but it shows you the pieces used and how to actually build it. Here is the video:

It’s a little goofy looking, but in a good way as it adds character in my opinion. Way more creative than I would ever be, that is for sure. Still, it’s really neat to see what people can come up with.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Happy Winter’s Veil, Ogre fans!

I took a quick walk around Brackenwall Village to see that there were a few decorations there. Several Winter’s Veil trees were put up in multiple locations of the village:

There also were lights that were put above the entrance to the cave in the village as well:

I also checked on the Stonemaul Ogres in Feralas. They didn’t have as many decorations there. There are some festive lights over a few of the stalls:

And there was a single Winter’s Veil tree there:

Not a whole lot going on there, but at least the Stonemaul there get to celebrate!

It’s good to see the Stonemaul Ogres getting to celebrate Winter’s Veil in some fashion. I hope someday they’ll be able to do it in their actual home someday…as well as be able to visit Orgrimmar to celebrate it there too (preferably as a playable Horde race of course). Still makes me wonder what they’re up to in the storyline…

I did check on the Dunemaul, and all I could find is one tree where Megs is:

Didn’t see any decorations around where the Dunemaul actually were. Hopefully whatever they’re doing, they get to enjoy the holiday as well.

Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe December, and as always, dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Hope your holidays are going well! Maybe sometime soon we’ll get ogres we can dress as playble–in festive garb. I know that’s a sight many would love to see.