The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

If I can body slam it, it can be a race. I can, in fact, body slam an ogre.

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I now want to see an Ogre - Kul Tiran match.


Ogres really need to become a playable race in the Horde now. Forest Trolls and Taunka need to become playable in the Horde. The Horde needs them to be complete. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


It is a crime that they are not yet playable. I would love it if the Warcraft Direct (This year, Blizzcons’ replacement) reveals them.

I know it’s important to temper expectations, but the 20th anniversary event having a new Amani war bear mount and Amani gear being datamined as Trading Post items, while the Weathered Northrend Sigil gives us that Taunka label when we turn into one can’t help but make me suspicious.


I didn’t realize there was going to be a presentation of any sort this year. Makes me feel better that there will be something that could have some potential announcements. Expectations tempered, of course.

And as much as I’d like to see an announcement of playable Horde Ogres for the Warcraft anniversary, I feel like they would be part of an expansion since they would need a lot of work put in to make them playable and meet player expectations. Also I would think they would help to sell an expansion they would be in, given all the hype that would be around playable Horde Ogres finally.

Still would be neat, of course.

I think there are several NPC races where the NPC race name will appear when you mouse-over the player.

I assume some of it is because a lot of NPC races are classified as playable races to make it easier to put armor graphics on them and such, if I recall correctly. I don’t think it would really hint towards them actually becoming playable, as it would be a pretty big leak that I think would’ve been unintended.

Still a good thing to keep those races in mind among several others for the next two expansions, though. :smiley:

To have the Horde complete, in my own personal opinion, it needs the following races that are part of the Horde playable in some fashion, assuming I haven’t forgotten anyone:

Dragonmaw Orcs

Add in the following races as well since they have allied with the Horde:

Forest Trolls

And if it were up to me, I’d also add the following:


Assuming I didn’t forget anyone, all the above would make the Horde perfect for me. Any other races would be icing on the cake. :birthday:

-19 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yep, its an online thing. I dont know when it will be, but some people were saying late October/early November.

I didn’t consider the hype factor. Though we would also see how that could factor into players returning. We’ll see when it get Warcraft Direct.

I understand that. Its just odd that only the Iron Dwarf doesn’t have the race label, when the others do. So I can’t help but be suspicious.


I mean, it would be a good way to get players interested in the game again and come back, which would also depend on what the Alliance would get.

Looking at this from a business point-of-view, I do think with an expansion, Blizzard would have the budget to be able to put towards making Ogres as a playable race, especially with two-head customization optionss. And then it gets players interested in the game, getting the expansion, and they would have Ogres and whatever Alliance would get (I vote for Furbolgs, personally), and an expansion to play through.

Though if Ogres did come at any point during an expansion, it could be any time. Their storyline could be independent from the current expansion’s storyline and then have a role in the current expansion and future expansions after that.

Hopefully however they’re put in, we’ll have playable Horde Ogres sooner than later. :smiley:

-17 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


New playable have been a draw for new expansions and it would be fitting irony for the Blood Elves to fight alongside Ogres and Forest Trolls to defend Quel’Thalas during Midnight.

That is very true. For example, I could see Gazlowe wanting some extra muscle as he goes to Undermine but doesn’t want to distract the Horde army from the fight against Xal’atath so he turns to others within the Horde, like the Stonemaul. At the very least I wouldn’t be surprised if the Kelfin show up.

Alternatively since Blizzard has done twists like the High Elf requests into the Void Elves or the Mag’har into the AU Mag’har, they could always Lantressor of the Blade leading his Boulderfist into the Horde. Either playable Ogres coming from them or their joining triggering an Ogre clan union storyline. Though I would prefer the later.

To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Boulderfist ended up joining the Horde. Lantressor’s appearance in the Orc Heritage armor, made me hope for it, but I figured it was about establishing the Burning Blade being the Orc Warlock clan based on the context. However him being in the Anniversary event, outright mentioning how the Horde had changed and that his Boulderfist currently were not ready. That just really feels like a tease, much like Velen’s offer to Hatuun feels like a tease to playable Broken.


:fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:


The sooner the better. They’re long overdue for becoming an Allied Race and are still standing on the shores of Durotar, just waiting to get that official invitation. A shame we just left them without much of a word to them in BfA… :frowning_face:

Having them be part of a Horde Ogre faction is great. Them as the sole playable Horde Ogre faction, though? While better than nothing, it would still be disappointing to see the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans get left out.

If there is one important Horde Ogre clan, it’s the MU Stonemaul Clan, and I strongly feel that they need to be the playable Horde faction or be at least a part of it. The AU Stonemaul Clan helps to bring AU Draenor designs with them. Not including them in the playable Horde Ogre faction makes it feel flat, disappointing, and like a huge, gaping hole that would be really feel missing by players.

Still, I’ve been liking the idea of a Horde Ogre council more and more as time goes on. I know that would require a lot of work, but it would really work well if Blizzard went with multiple Horde Ogre clans as part of the Horde Ogre faction. You could do the same with Furbolg on the Alliance with multiple tribes as a parallel of sorts too. Also a parallel to Orcs, who have multiple clans in the Horde.

At any rate, we’ll have to keep an eye on Lantressor and the Boulderfist Clan. Hopefully they’ll both officially join the Horde someday! :smiley:

-16 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That is a shame and if Orgrimmar gets updated as speculated, I could easily see the Unshackled being set in an Orgrimmar harbor. I just really love the idea of a harbor actually being in the city, with juggernauts and sea giants bein within.

Speaking of the Kelfin becoming an allied race, I could easily see an Undermine patch doing it. Undermine would be Goblin content and they could do a Goblin kind angle with it. Though I have no idea what the Alliance could get in that scenario though…

Edit: Perhaps if the Kobyss invade, that could lead to the Jinyu and/or Ankoan becoming playable.

I know what you mean. I really like the idea of a Ogre council and it would also give us the benefit of knowing who is governing their people when one or more are included in the current content. Like with the Desolate Council we know that Calia and Faranell are governing, while the others are in Khaz Algar for the conflict against Xal’atath and the Nerubians.


Ankoan is the best option for Alliance to go with Kelfin joining the Horde. Both would have storyline presence and importance when Azshara decides to come back, having likely been up to no good since she disappeared in BfA. Having similar aquatic themes would also be helpful and really add to the pair being announced. :shark: :japanese_goblin::trident:

That could be another good way to introduce the Ankoan and Kelfin back into the current storyline. Between that and an likely inevitable Azshara threat, there is good reason to bring both of them back. Especially as playable races!

I also like the idea of a checks and balance thing to make sure none of the Horde Ogre clan leaders go into business for themselves. Granted, being part of the Horde and being able to be alive are pretty good things, so I would think the Horde Ogre clan leaders would be happy with their situation as opposed to getting smacked upside the head something fierce.

Between the Horde Ogre clan leaders and the Horde itself, I don’t really see any of the Horde Ogre clans or potential Horde Ogre clans deciding to go for a power grab. Make a mention of a checks and balance system, but keep the Horde Ogres happy and proud to be part of the Horde is what I would do. :smiley:

-15 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This is official artwork of a Mosh’ogg Enforcer from Hearthstone, but I’d like to think of it as the Horde Ogre clans being excited to get an official notice from the Horde that they’re getting full membership and becoming a playable Horde race. Hopefully we’ll someday get to see some happy and excited Horde Ogres…

Keeping the dream alive as always! :smiley:

-14 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


what size would you be

Next month’s Trading Post items have been officially announced:

And the monthly reward is this jellyfish mount:

Nothing really Ogre related I saw. However, I was amused at the idea of seeing an Ogre with that harvester transmog set on. Especially if it were a two-headed Ogre.

Anyway, I’ll keep an eye out on each month’s Trading Post items in case more Ogre related stuff appears in the future! :moneybag:

-12 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Apparently there is an Ogre NPC in the upcoming WoW anniversary event, though I don’t know who he is or what clan he comes from:

I’ll have to see for myself whenever the event goes live. At least there is one Ogre getting to enjoy the event! :smiley:

-11 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That’s a fantastic find.


Looking at that Ogre in my last post, I was thinking some about Ogre customization options.

Usually with an Ogre clan, they look mostly the same when it comes to aesthetics like tattoo color, along with the loin cloth thing they wear. I assume this was mostly because they were treated like a NPC race and enemy Ogre clans were meant as mook jobbers. However, if Ogres become playable, we’d see those types of customization options open.

If we deal with multiple Horde Ogre clans part of the playable Horde Ogre faction, then that could explain that. Otherwise, if we went with just the MU Stonemaul Clan with the AU Stonemaul Clan mixed in, I can still see options for different color tattoos and such.

Maybe the MU Stonemaul Clan opened up on letting Ogres express themselves or something in that case. Or maybe it was that way since the beginning and it was just limitations as a NPC race that showed them with red tattoos and loin cloths.

Although with multiple Ogre clans, it does open the reasoning for all the different customization options and having variety in them. Would also make for some great RPing opportunities along with world-building flavor. :smiley:

-10 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I now can’t help but wonder if the Stonemaul Ogres will get updated to actually wearing some kind of armor over remaining loinclothed, like the enemy Ogres. At the very least, I can see newer Ogres either wearing clothes or armor.

Perhaps we could have clan tattoos and perhaps by then we could also have the option to have the Horde symbol tattooed on like Baine.


Speaking of customization options, I need to go through all the various Ogre models in-game and collect images of them and such to show off potential customization options.

I’m assuming that the majority of tattoos on Ogre NPC’s are the same. It would be neat if there were some unique designs for various Ogre clans, especially ones that are either part of the Horde or candidates for becoming part of the Horde. I know different clans have different color themes, though some use the same color themes, so I don’t really know if there would be an in-game reason for it. I assume it’s just easier to make as an NPC race model when they were implemented.

Some I think would still use loin cloths and whatever the equivalent would be for female Ogres, but I can see Horde Ogre models being updated to having various armor, weapons, and even casual clothing aside from the loin cloth.

Imagine Ogre guards that were armed to the teeth with giant weapons and had some intimidating armor on, both with things like spikes on them. It’d be pretty awesome! :smiley:

-9 days until our megathread’s 4th anniversary! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If speculation about Warcraft Direct occurring in late October/early November holds true, then we could be getting more information about the stream this month. Should we get anything Ogre related announced, I will be quick to share.