The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I thought Thursday was launch day.

Thanks and I am.


It is already Wednesday where I live.


Ahā€¦ gotcha.


I will most likeley play it all day long so I can be max lvl fast and get my Earthen.


Iā€™ll be gradually playing TWW when it launches tomorrow, assuming servers are stable. Main goals are to unlock Earthen, get the Kobold pet that can repair, unlock static flying, and level my tradeskill characters. And of course keeping an eye out for anything Ogre/Saurok related to report in the appropriate megathead! :mag_right:

Tomorrow is also when there will be TWW stuff at Gamescom, though as I said before, Iā€™m not expecting a lot other than a launch trailer at best. Maybe weā€™ll be surprised, though.

And as always, Iā€™ll still be continuing the playable Horde Ogre/Saurok support through TWW and beyond. :smiley:

-5 days (1 day with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


what size would the ogres be

Think Tauren/Zandalari size.


+1 for playable ogres.




The real question is: Could we play an Ogre when we will get WoD remix?


I dont think Blizzard would add playable races to a remix over/before retail. So it will just depend on when we get playable Ogres and if its done before a potential WoD Remix.


The question could be: Will we get Ogre as playable race in retail before or after having WoD remix? :dracthyr_yay_animated:


I just thought of an interesting way the two versions of the Stonemaul clan could merge together: marriage.

Say the MU Stonemaul have a Chieftain, the AU a Chieftainess, and they either fall in love or someone suggests it as a means to unite. Plus we then would get the chance to explore Ogre culture.

Since we helped save one from the tyranny of Mokā€™Morokk and the other from the Lightbound, we could easily be the guest of honor.


Hanging out with other players as I wait for TWW early access to launch. Iā€™m sure my Ogre buddy there is going to have quite the adventure. Still hoping we see some of the Horde Ogre clans at some point, but at least Iā€™ll bring some Ogre presence! :smiley:

-4 days until TWW releases for everyone! Early access users start today!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We can obtain another Ogre pet by streaming our own play time for 15 minutes.


Well, thatsā€¦disappointing. I was hoping Parrlok would be on the Trading Post.

Unfortunately, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to do it since for various reasons, I primarily play WoW on a laptop thatā€™s very old and likely canā€™t handle streaming and WoW at the same time. A new laptop is currently scheduled to arrive after this promotion ends, assuming it doesnā€™t crap out. Also not particularly keen on streaming my WoW gameplay even without voice chat, since Iā€™m far from being anything close to a decent player.

Maybe if I have time, Iā€™ll try to figure something out. Otherwise, Iā€™ll have to hope Parrlok ends up on the Trading Post at some point. Sighā€¦ -o -

-3 days until TWW releases for everyone! Early access is currently live!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I agree with you.

Iā€™ve never streamed before, never really had a desire for it, and I prefer playing the game without an audience. Like Iā€™ve had my nephew come see what Iā€™m doing and it just felt awkward him watching my screen.

Its one thing to show off my characters and mounts, but trying to get in the zone is a bit more difficult.


So I had an idea on how we could get both Ogres and Forest Trolls announced as playable races for Midnight. We could have Lorā€™themar voice a feature trailer for Midnight, where as he mentions the Second War we witness the High Elves fighting against the Old Horde, and then as talks about how life had taken turns he never would have expected, he could end it with ā€œAnd I never expected for my people to stand with those who once sought our destructionā€ and then the screen flashes to Blood Elves fighting alongside the likes of Orcs, Ogres, and Forest Trolls as ā€œNew Playable Racesā€ flashes across the screen as it zooms in on a Ogre Magi and Forest Troll shaman.*

  • Classes picked at random.

Looking at the Wowhead comments on the article linked a few posts above, I found out that you can get Parrlok by using two accounts in your own Discord server, with your main Discord account using the Discord desktop app to stream.

Iā€™m glad I was able to do it that way, as I felt a lot better doing it myself (social anxiety is really hard to deal with at times). I also discovered that my current laptop, which surprisingly was able to stream, has an internal microphone. Something I never knew in the almost 10 years Iā€™ve had it, so Iā€™m definitely glad I was able to do it myself. That was fun to find out! :exploding_head:

Funny thing is that someday, I do have an interest in streaming and making YouTube videos for fun. When it comes to WoW, however, itā€™s not really something I want to stream myself doing. If anything, I might have an interest in streaming the launch day of playable Ogres and Saurok, assuming we ever get them as playable races, if there were enough people to do an event. I remember the Vulpera Hype Caravan did a streaming event when Vulpera became playable, so something like that would be fun to do if we could coordinate. But weā€™ll see about that if we ever get those races playable.

Anyway, I now have the ability to have a full team of Ogre children. And like a responsible guardian, I have them battle other creatures for personal gain and glory!..I mean, they are pretty strong and like to brawl, so itā€™s good for them to get some exercise.

Not sure if there will be any other Ogre children battle pets in the future, but Iā€™ll keep an eye out in case there is. In the meantime, Iā€™m happy to have my little Ogre family. Just hope to have my Ogre Warrior become part of it someday! :smiley:

-2 days until TWW releases for everyone! Early access is currently live!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


what would be the racial bonus for orges??