The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’ve mentioned the Stonemaul having sent an emissary to Pandaria a few times, which is the last known activity of the Stonemaul of any sort. I’ve talked about him in depth before, but I figure another look is in order.

The emissary in question is this guy:'Dac

He is more or less a jobber for an Alliance daily quest in MoP:

Of note is that he has the title of “Brackenwall Emissary.” There was some speculation that this would imply that the Stonemaul still haven’t taken their home back, but I don’t really see that. Even with the Stonemaul having taken their home back, they would still have and utilize Brackenwall Village as a Horde outpost, likely to be protected by the Stonemaul still.

Speaking of, according to Wowpedia, the Stonemaul Ruins were previously known as “Stonemaul Village.”

So it’s possible that emissaries that represent the Stonemaul Clan as a whole would just be called “Stonemaul Emissary” as opposed to specifically referring to their home.

Anyway, getting back to Or’dac, this was the last known activity of the Stonemaul Clan. His being there was to help spread Horde presence on Pandaria, though what he specifically did there isn’t known. Sadly, all he ends up being is just a mook for the Alliance to beat up for a daily quest.

If you find him as a Horde character, you can’t interact with him at all. He doesn’t respond to emotes, that I can tell, and he just walks around in a circle. Shame I can’t ask to see if he knew what his clan was up to.

Another thing of interest on him is that he is a mage. This is another example of the Stonemaul Clan being capable of becoming mages. It’s one of the reasons I put the mage class on the possible class list on the main post.

I’d like to assume with the Stonemaul having sent members to Feralas and having sent this emissary, that it is possible they took back their home finally. If they were still fighting to take it over, it’s hard for me to imagine them being able to spare its members to do stuff for the Horde elsewhere. If only Dustwallow would get updated so we could see what exactly the Stonemaul have been up to…

Maybe if we deal with the Stonemaul again, we might see Or’dac, alive and well, and still doing emissary duties for the Horde. Time will tell if he managed to survive his jobber duties, as he deserves better than to just be constantly killed by the Alliance.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’m already playing as an ogre.

Ogres? Ugh, I’ll quit the game if that is ever implemented. Ogres are dumb mentally handicapped lumps that don’t fit the elements of a playable race. All the playable races are intelligent and cultured and don’t have an impulsive need to be violent and many individuals can have a personality. I don’t find giant violent man babies in loincloth to be appealing. I prefer Pandaren as they are fully clothed, have a high culture, intelligent, and were actually popular in WC3. Ogres are dumb f***s that don’t deserve to be playable.

And no, NO MURLOCS OR NAGAS. I hate frogs and snakes.

That’s not an ogre!


Not really true. Some are dumb but they have every capability to be intelligent. In fact before their societies were ravaged on Draenor they were the most “civilized” group around.

Would recommend changing this. Hiding swear words often will count against the coc.


It actually makes me sad that this effects you so deeply, but if bringing Ogres makes part of the community happy I’m all for it.

Personally I love race diversity, I love joining a raid or pug seeing everyone different.

WoD and the Gorian Empire actually proves your statement false, they are not mindless brutes, considering they enslaved half of WoD and built a great and thriving empire…and we only got too see a small fraction of it… not even where they originally came from.

I’m all for Ogres :heart::+1:t4:


And I’m guessing that no matter where you believe you are going, such as Ogri’la, you will still end up in the Shadowlands so they must be there. Maybe in future updates they add more characters and some ogres can be included.

Hey, they could always say there was a “real” Ogri’la all along, as a realm in the Shadowlands. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I wouldn’t expect a patch or zone dedicated to that, but it could be a fun reference to make.

I haven’t noticed any ogres in the actual Shadowlands, but they’re certainly in the expansion: Exile’s Reach! I really appreciated seeing the Gorian architecture and newest ogre models on Azeroth. That was some of the best stuff to come out of Warlords of Draenor and I definitely want ogres to make use of those ideas going forward.

Ogres are a sort of evergreen race. They’ve appeared in some form in more expansions than not, even if they don’t really have anything to do with it. That’s one of the reasons I want them. They’re clearly still treated as a core Warcraft race, and considering they were once a major Horde race it really stands out that they’re not playable.

I’m crossing my fingers that the new customization is a good sign for ogres. They made a big deal out of how they can do some unusual things with body customization that wasn’t possible before, and what’s more notable on that front (aside from naga) than two-headed ogres? I for one have always wanted to play a one-headed ogre, but doing fun stuff with two-headed customization choices would definitely be a big draw.


Ogres are terribly overdue - I’ve been wanting them ever since BC announced we would be getting new races to the roster. I’d ideally love to see them added as a core race but I’ll settled for allied at this point. The Maldraxxus brutes added in Shadowlands look like a perfect skeleton base for M/F ogres to be reworked off of if they ever go the allied route.


A small harmless bump for Ogres :slight_smile:


hear me out OP i love this thread and i support it.
however. you missed a class. ogre rogues.
they exist in-game.
Dagg the ogre rogue follower from your garrison.
also id like ogre females to ahve a skinny option…
tripple chin is fitting but id prefer a blood troll matriarch look


Ew no.

I’m kidding you do you. I personally wouldn’t want that though.


yea i understand its just that… i dont think female kultiran was a good look… and if they replicate something like that id be super sad.

I said the same thing, the Maldraxxus brutes are perfect for Ogres, we nearly got Ogres in Cataclysm till they changed them to goblins :sob:


I have nothing against the idea of Ogre Rogues being playable. In my own personal opinion, it doesn’t really fit, and I view Dagg as more of a unique circumstance as opposed to being a regular sight in Ogre society.

That said, I’d happily take Ogre Rogues if it means we’d get them playable on the Horde side, so I have nothing against them at all. I will consider adding Rogues to the list when I start revamping sections of the initial post and will mention Dagg if I do. :smiley:

Been wanting them since I first started playing during BC. I had thought they were inevitable, given the history of the Stonemaul and events in Warcraft 3, but…well, here we are.

Given the new character creation screen, I’m not sure if there is much difference between the two, other than one having unlock criteria. I will say that I’d likely jump through several hoops to get them playable on the Horde, though.

I’m happy Goblins became playable, but it does seem like Ogres get the short end of the stick. From allegedly being considered in Vanilla, to Blizzard changing their mind during Cataclysm development, allegedly being considered in WoD, then being forgotten altogether during BfA. So close, yet so far…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I see what you mean. side question while i have your attention, whats the possibility of druid ogres?
ogres seem deeply connected with the heart of the earth.
also, if they where to come in as a core i would suspect it would be with a overall class aswell.
maybe witch doctor?

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We don’t see a lot of Ogres focused on nature magic.

Much more of a focus is on arcane and elemental type magics.

That said I can’t think of a good reason ogres could not be trained to be druids.

(side note: my personal story for this toon has him train several ogres in how to use druidic magics. Clearly non-canon of course.)


I haven’t seen any evidence of Ogre Druids in-game, so I don’t think they’re likely. I’m not against it if something can be written for them, of course. It’s just not something I personally see.

Honestly? As long as we get playable Horde Ogres and I get to make my male one-headed Ogre Fury Warrior, I don’t really mind what other classes they get. Sure, the classes I listed before are what I feel fit the most, but I’ll take additional ones also. The important thing is that Ogres would finally become playable. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I can definitely see ogre shamans. I wonder what their totems would look like. Probably rather interesting.

I saw people mentioning that ogres coming from Maldraxxas would be a neat idea. It’d be crazy if each covenant brought in an Azeroth Allied Race related to them.

Ogres would, honestly, fit the bill for Maldraxxas, I reckon, with how their cultures work.


Yes they would, and that’s why I’m triggered I’ve only seen them in Revendreth and there’s 0 in all of Maldraxxus.

At most there might be some in the Maw.


I know exactly how you feel when it comes to not seeing races in areas you think they should be, trust me :frowning:

Hopefully for ogres, we will see more content for them in 9.1, since it is fitting for them in Mald. Really hoping we see more Azeroth race stories.


There are Ogres in Revendreth? Could I get more information on where they are and what they’re like, please?

I did a search, and found a mention of an Ogre spirit, no name given if they have a name, in Revendreth, but I haven’t seen it yet in person. I suppose it isn’t impossible for Ogres to wind up in Revendreth if they were bad enough in the living world.

Looks like I do have some more investigating to do in the Shadowlands!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre: