The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’m going to guess that the Harronir, if they became playable, would become neutral. I honestly don’t know what to think, since we’ve had expansions with races that seemed like they were being lead to becoming playable, only to not have that happen.

If they do become playable, I would hope it would be before Midnight, and that Midnight would give use races people have been asking for that could fit in the storyline (San’layn and Forest Trolls as playable Horde races come to mind as examples). But it’ll be a bit before we get news for that expansion.

I’ve talked about this before a few times, but if there is any hope of seeing playable Horde Ogres get the time needed to design them well, especially if two-head customization is possible, they would have to be a Core Race.

You can still have events leading up to them being playable, taking place in Dustwallow Marsh and also Feralas with Dire Maul. But I think in the long run, Ogres would be best treated as a Core Race and not quite as rushed compared to as an Allied Race.

Ultimately, I’d want players to be able to make the Ogres of their dreams, and I only see that as a possibility with Ogres as a Core Race. It’ll be a lot of work to implement them as a playable race regardless, but a Core Race just seems like more could be done with them.

But regardless, I just want playable Horde Ogres, of course. :smiley:

-35 days (31 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I know what you mean. Like I thought the Tuskarr would have become playable at the of Dragonflight.


True and to be honest as much as I liked the World Soul Saga announcement, I sometimes wonder if it was the right call to reveal all three expansions. Its just my usual expansion excitement is more focused on Midnight than the War Within.


I’d roll an Ogre Mage or Warlock in a heartbeat. Especially if they could be a two-headed Ogre. C’mon, Blizz! Make it happen.


I’m kinda surprised as well. They would’ve made a much better and more well-received neutral race than Earthen as well, in my own personal opinion. Now they’re among several candidates as a playable race for when The Last Titan info gets announced, but we’ll see what happens then whenever we get there. :person_shrugging:

I’m assuming this is a business decision related to Microsoft buying Activision-Blizzard. I could speculate on the why, but there are a lot of potential business related reasons that it would be quite the post.

As for whether it was a good idea or not is very much a debatable thing, since I can see both sides of it. I will say that I’m a lot more interested in Midnight and The Last Titan, if only because of what we know of The War Within isn’t quite that exciting. Moreso with Earthen being, in my own personal opinion, a rather banal announcement.

If these expansions are suppose to be about as long as Dragonflight’s was, we could hear some news about Midnight later this year or early next year at the latest. I of course heavily recommend to temper expectations, of course.

But in the meantime, I’ll keep an eye out for anything Horde Ogre related in TWW to help report on. :smiley:

-34 days (30 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I got plans for an Ogre Mage, Monk, Death Knight and Priest. Most excited for the Mage now that I’ve made their story a bit…


next week they will be there

So the Warbrands feature is now live and I have to admit seeing my main with my top three alts is rather cool. However I do hope that they give us an option to have five characters on the screen, because I would like to include my future Ogre on it, but I don’t want to remove one of alts present.


you have dreamt of ogres for years

I’ve wanted playable Ogres for a long time and its bizarre to me that we are getting playable Earthen, a dwarven variant on the Horde, when Ogres remain unplayable.


how big will the ogres be??

Player sized. Im thinking they’ll be roughly Tauren/Zandalari height.




With Chromie time, I have set paths for certain races. For example if I make a Mag’har, I’ll take them into WoD, when Forest Trolls go live I’ll do BFA for a sense of troll unity, a Taunka will do Wrath, and I realized that I’m not sure where to take my future Ogre.

I’m currently thinking Legion.


I’m hoping they increase the number of characters there at some point also. 5 would be great for taking pictures of parties, which would be useful for when I get around of writing some adventures my different parties of characters would have.

And yeah, when it comes to Ogres and Saurok ever becoming playable, I’ll be wanting a spot there for my Ogre character and at least one Saurok character there. But I’ll figure that out if/when that ever happens.

I’m still curious if the Earthen will get a spot on the Horde Council. If so, them getting a spot there before the MU Stonemaul Clan, who has done quite a bit for the Horde since Warcraft 3, and other long time members like the Taunka really isn’t that great of a feeling.

I’ve shared my thoughts on the Earthen as an Allied Race before and it hasn’t changed much at all, but I’ll spare people my grumbling for this post. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not really sure what I’d do with my Ogre character. Normally I go through Cataclysm with my alts for Orgrimmar/Stormwind rep, but that may not be needed in the future if those reps become account wide and with mount skill costs having been removed.

I lean a bit towards BfA, if only because I could pretend to see what it could’ve felt like had Ogres become playable then. In some ways, I have a lot of nostalgia with BfA, since it was what got me to come to the forums and start supporting playable races I wanted to see. Granted, BfA had so many missed opportunities that it’s frustrating to see, but on the other hand, I’ve met a lot of awesome people on the forums here because of it.

I could also do Cataclysm still to see how it would’ve felt like if Ogres were playable during then, seeing as they were considered as the playable Horde race that expansion. I’d definitely do the Horde Ogre questlines in Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Tanaris as I always do with Horde alts, but it’d feel special with my Ogre character.

I’ll have to think on it if/when playable Horde Ogres ever become a thing.

-31 days (27 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Think I’ll start mine in Warlods just so I can get the garrison setup. Mines going to be a very recently grown Ogre so… he’d be technically for the current expac when they come up. lol


Don’t worry fellow Ogre fans, I’m sure Blizzard will eventually run out of elf variants to make playable!

sigh Yeah I can’t keep lying to myself. We all know they won’t. We’ll get Toilet Elves from the magical land of Dumptopia before we get Ogres.

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As far we know the Dracthyr don’t have one either and it makes me curious on how Blizzard would address the council increasing.


We got Human: Widescreen edition and Dranei alt skin #9, we got Emo-er Night Elf, we got Dwarf, Dwarfself and now we are rounding the set out with “I can’t belive it’s not Dwarf” Which will make Dwarves the second most common base behind Elves at four. We got voltron gnomes and humans with body hair issues that can change back into a human if they want. Pandas and Scalebuddies, both sides got, really, in all 24 available races the Vulpera and Goblins are the only races which are wholly unique.

Short version of my point, next cool unique race should be alliance. I vote we get Arrakoa or Furbolgs, but it’s way more likely we get something lame like Jinyu.

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I think if they do a each side gets a race concept again it would be a neat pairing for Ogres (H) and Furbolg (A).

Both have old allegiances to their respective factions and have been in their respective factions for ages already… Just not playable.


The fact that they included the Stillpine in the Draenei Heritage was a nice touch and shows that they remember that their are Furbolg in the Alliance. Furthermore we got further Broken hints with Hatuun considering Velen’s offer of rejoining their people. It makes me wonder if we could end up playable Furbolg and Broken at the same time, like how the Alliance got the Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei at the same time.

Now when it comes to the Horde and mirroring the Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne set, I’ll admit that my top two desires for future playable Horde forces are Ogres and Forest Trolls. However between the Revantusk becoming playable in the War Within and a Forest Troll reunion storyline unlocking them in Midnight, I would prefer the later.

Thus if War Within gave us Alliance Furbolg and Broken as a set, I’m not sure who I would want as apart of the set with the Stonemaul Ogres. Perhaps the Kelfin, the Taunka, or Mok’nathal.