The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

just randomly grabs the largest boulder in the general area and lobs it at the opponent


Will we need to wait 20 years to see female Ogres models in WoW?

A little late in posting this, but the TWW Pre-Patch officially launches on July 23rd:

This is mostly stuff like the Warband feature being implemented, which Iā€™m pretty excited for. The event with memories and big baddies you have to beat up begins on July 30th, which is a week from tomorrow.

Speaking of which, Iā€™ll be checking on the MU Stonemaul Clan when that event starts on July 30th and helping to report on any findings. Really not expecting very much, seeing as the MU Stonemaul Clan home is still shown to be in ruins, but itā€™s still worth checking out.

Also, the jokes and flirts for Earthen have been shown off in the following Wowhead article, with both text and video links in the article below:

Whenever they are available, Iā€™ll be taking a look at the Horde and Alliance embassies to see how they look with a new banner placed in there. Iā€™m sure there would still be room for more Allied Race banners, of course!

Anyway, Iā€™m going to dream of having my Ogre character as part of my warband. I think if Horde Ogres ever become playable, Iā€™ll have him as one of the characters on the character selection screen. :smiley:

-42 days (38 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Really want to be able to make my ogre mage someday. Recently got a bunch of story setup for himā€¦


someone needs to make a thumbnail meme like how when people say i canā€™t believe its not butter but instead you say i canā€™t believe its not ogre yet


When it comes to supporting playable Horde Ogres, it ainā€™t over until itā€™s Ogre! :smiley:

-39 days (35 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know when the day comes, I hope Blizzard cites or at least aludes to this thread.


As fun of an idea as that is, I donā€™t expect any acknowledgement of our work in any megathread and honestly, Iā€™m not looking for any either.

I recall that Blizzard has stepped away from references to people IRL in the game for various reasons, so I donā€™t really expect that to change much. Even then, weā€™ve seen three race request megathreads get their wishes granted (Vulpera, MechaGnomes, Dark Rangersā€¦kinda) and I donā€™t recall any acknowledgements to their respective megathreads as best as I can remember. If anything, youā€™d think the Vulpera megathread mightā€™ve gotten something, given how much work the Vulpera Hype Caravan did and with the Vulpera megathread being one of the biggest megathreads.

But as Iā€™ve said, I donā€™t need acknowledgement from Blizzard or fame of any kind. I do what I do because I want certain races to become playable, which would be reward enough for me. And if we get those races playable, I take no claim of saying I had any part in that. Iā€™d just be concerned with reporting information on those playable races when official info was released.

Besides, it isnā€™t just me running the show, especially when it comes to playable Horde Ogres. Lots of Ogre fans have been at it since the game launched and there were two Ogre megathreads before this one, so Iā€™m definitely not the only one here.

So I just keep my eye on the prize and do what I can to help support playable Horde Ogres and other races I want playable. Just being able to have certain races playable on their preferred factions is enough of a reward for me. :smiley:

-39 days (35 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I hear ya and Ill admit if Ogres were announched, after cheering and what not, I would rush here to report the news.


So thinking on that racial idea of throwing a boulder, I got a funny image in my head.

Imagine, if you will, a raid comprised of primarily Ogres against whatever big bad of the expansion is. They get into place without aggroing the raid boss and then proceed to pelt them with giant boulders!

Obviously they wouldnā€™t stun or do much damage to raid bosses in actual gameplay, but the idea of a raid boss just getting pelted with endless boulders being launched by Ogres who are using them as target practice sounds like a fun time. Maybe we couldā€™ve stopped Zovaal or Fryakk sooner with a boulder to the face. :stuck_out_tongue:

Although come to think of it, having a boulder tossing mini game also sounds fun. Not sure how players who arenā€™t Ogres would do it, but Iā€™m sure it would make for a fun quest and even a world quest.

Anyway, just a fun thought I wanted to share. :rock::japanese_ogre:

-38 days (34 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So I finished Chronicle Volume 4 and sadly the Horde Ogre tribes are not mentioned. Since it was a board overview, and the Horde ogre clans havenā€™t done much it makes senseā€¦ though I still find it disappointing that nothing was even seeded.


I wasnā€™t really expecting much to begin with, given that from MoP, the only thing involving the MU Stonemaul Clan was Orā€™dac, the Brackenwall Village emissary who unfortunately was a daily quest jobber at best.

Iā€™m also assuming that the AU Stonemaul Clan wasnā€™t mentioned at all with the AU Magā€™har Orcs joining in BfA? Wouldnā€™t surprise me, since they seem forgotten and have more or less disappeared into fat air. Really glaring omission to not see the Horde Ogre clans involved at all during BfA. Especially with the new clan joining during a particularly active war going on andā€¦nothing coming from that happening.

Still annoyed at the missed opportunities in BfA, given that Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolg couldā€™ve easily be written in BfA. Who knows what the Horde Ogre clans were up to during BfA and since then, and I doubt Iā€™ll ever stop complaining about it, but I digress.

Still doesnā€™t stop me from hoping to be able to do this in-game to the bid bads of future expansions as my Ogre character someday:

Never forget the Horde Ogre clans! :smiley:

-37 days (33 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You are correct. It just focused on the AU Magā€™har, while revealing Warchief Garrosh Hellscream died nobly in battle against the Lightbound, as the Overlord Geyaā€™rah and the others escaped to Azeroth.

I agree with you. It truly was a missed opportunity. There were plenty of moments to have the Stonemaul show up. They could have been among Eitriggā€™s forces in the Arathi Warfront, they could have been included in the faction assaults, or even feature among Varokā€™s forces. After all the Horde revolutionaries were based within Dustwallow Marsh.

Meanwhile they could have easily included Alliance Furbolgs in the Darkshore Warfront actively aiding the Alliance against the Horde, or had been be apart of the faction assaults.


If we got playable Horde Ogres during BfA, I feel like the assault on Teldrassil in the beginning wouldā€™ve been the best time to do it while having Alliance Furbolgs also becoming playable.

The MU Stonemaul Clan was on the same continent and did owe the Horde several big favors, and assuming Dire Maul was temporarily empty depending on when the Traveler book series took place, that wouldā€™ve freed up the MU Stonemaul Clan to help in a pretty big assault. Even if Mages didnā€™t port them, the MU Stonemaul Clan couldā€™ve easily mobilized to help out in the area.

The Furbolg, in the meantime, get in the crossfire and become displaced, which would give them a reason to assist the Night Elves and then go with them after the event and get involved in the war since the Horde wouldā€™ve taken over their territory and they wouldnā€™t have any allies around.

And with a huge war, it wouldā€™ve made sense for the MU Stonemaul Clan to have gotten full membership and sent off to fight in the war. Moreso with Rexxar getting involved, since he could help rally a group of them as an attack team with the MU Stonemaul Clan leader.

Unfortunately, BfA just became the poster child for missed opportunities. Several races that couldā€™ve joined respective factions during it got shoved to the wayside, got the short end of the stick, or just flat out ignored during it. (Ogres, Saurok, Sethrak, Sanā€™layn, Kelfin, Saberon, Botani, Furbolg, Ankoan, etc). But thatā€™s something Iā€™m sure I could type up as yet another thesis paper.

Regardless, I still think Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolg are a pretty great combination that has a lot of potential to be tied into a storyline together. And of course Iā€™ll keep hoping to see them playable someday. :japanese_ogre: :polar_bear:

-36 days (32 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It definitely would have, especially at the end when Saurfang and his revolutionaries are preparing to attack Orgrimmar. They are literally in Dustwallow Marsh, Rexxar is with Saurfang. The opportunity to have the Stonemaul march with them against Sylvanas was right there. That we didnā€™t get it in-game, is criminal.


In realizing that there are certain races I want to go the allied race route, (ex: Forest Trolls with a Forest Troll tribe reunion quest chain) I realized that I would prefer the Stonemaul Ogres as a core race. Like Blizzard just announcing them and us getting to play an Ogre from the get go, them starting at a revamped Dustwallow Marsh in a rebuilt Stonemaul Village or even the retaking of Stonemaul being their starting zone, like the Dracthyr have their awakening on the Forbidden Reach as theirs.

If Blizzard did go the allied race route, I would be fine with that since I would get my Ogre either way, but if I had the choiceā€¦ I want that core route. Which of course makes me wonder, does anyone else have a preference?


Weā€™ll get that dumb half night elf/half troll elf reskin before we get the noble ogre.

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That might happen. There are hints that the Harronir could become playable, but itā€™s unclear as to what side they could join. I have a lowkey theory that we could get Alliance Harronir and Horde Humanoid Nerubians.

Either way, as long as we get Ogres, I donā€™t mind what other races become playable. Though the Earthen are rather difficult because I canā€™t help but see them as a Dwarf variant and it bothers me that we are getting an Alliance race variant when Horde classic races remain unplayable.


Ogres in the Old Azeroth of Cataclysm Period needs huge update from Draenor so far we have in Blasted Lands, Blackrock Upper Spire, and Arathi Highlands but would like to see a update of their model. Been playing through the Old Zones and makes me wish that blizzard would finally HD Updated the whole contents of Azeroth.


theyā€™re one of the few npc race models in old world areas that still have the pre WoD low res models most are still being updated maybe theyā€™ll get a update weā€™ll just have to wait n see