The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

The biggest problem with Warlords of Draenor was that it effectively only had one patch. Yes, things like a Karabor capital were cut, but even the cut stuff has been overblown over time. One of the reasons we didn’t get Farahlon, for instance, is because the concepts planned for it were merged into Gorgrond. Remix would actually be a great way of “redeeming” the expansion by showing how solid what we did get was. 6.1 not adding any new gameplay and the expansion ending in 6.2 doesn’t matter in a Remix.

I am very much looking forward to the rewards such a Remix would have, and I think even people who hate Warlords of Draenor might even like some of those rewards too. From what I understand, some of the Mists of Pandaria Remix-exclusive rewards are recolors of mounts and such that were made back then but never made available in game. Like I said earlier, I know of at least one gronnling mount from Warlords of Draenor that’s true of as well. Skipping that would be a huge waste.

I know a lot of people want to see a Legion Remix, but the thing is that if they do a Warlords of Draenor Remix next, then we’re going in order and Legion is just around the corner anyway, so there’s no reason to worry. But if they skip Warlords of Draenor, then there’s no order and no peace of mind about what we might get.

Edit: Oh yeah, and it would be a much nicer way to be able to get the Magic Pet Mirror toy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I gotta say, it is remarkable we’re so far into WoW’s lifespan and don’t have Ogres.

I don’t know whether I would play one, but they absolutely should be a playable race. Certainly worlds more exciting than Kul Tirans or Earthen.


if the ogres were a remix reward i’d farm endless hours until i obtained it, its what i did when mag’har were first introduced to being playable


Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!

Whatever plans y’all have today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday! :smiley:

-71 days (67 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


i wonder what will happen when you obtain all the ogre children because rn including the game files theres 4 of em


There were four found? I remember there being three: Garrlok, Marrlok, and if I recall correctly, a blue Ogre child that hasn’t been released yet. I don’t remember there being a fourth one, but if I’m wrong, then that’d be great as it would be more Ogre themed collectibles to get! If anyone knows of this fourth child, please share! :smiley:

Maybe I’ll have my Ogre character form a crime fighting team with all the Ogre children. We can pose like the Ginyu Force, only we’d be doing good instead of evil. Lots of Ogre strength to protect the world (of Warcraft)! :muscle:

-70 days (66 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Go Go Ogre Rangers!


Bump for playable Ogres (and Naga)!


If Midnight added playable ogres and naga because of their shared connection to the Void, that would be the perfect expansion. At least the naga could even fit the “help reunify the scattered elven tribes of Azeroth” summary we have. The Crushridge is the highest north I think ogres go, though at least they’re ex-Stonemaul, so that’s something.


but are the crushridge ogres gunna want to rejoin? we still have the forsaken and thats gunna be a bridge to cross when it happens

At this point, we’ve had eredar rejoin, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Besides, their main beef was with Sylvanas, and thanks to Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands, that’s actually something the Crushridge can bond with the Horde over. The interesting thing is that Cataclysm actually kept Mug’thol alive, so if we got the Crushridge we could actually have a Warcraft III leader for ogres, which is pretty cool. There aren’t many named ogres with a history that aren’t irredeemably evil or haven’t been killed.


I’ve had some thoughts about the MU Stonemaul Clan trying to reconnect with the Crushridge Clan for some reason. I could imagine Or’Dac making a return to work as a mediator between the two clans.

I don’t know what caused the two clans to split, but it could make for a fun backstory to see them reconcile. Mug’thol could also work as the leader of that clan if Blizzard went for the multiple Ogre clans route for playable Horde Ogres. He might even be more inclined to consider it since Sylvanas has been kicked out of the Horde.

Bit of a missed opportunity to have Mug’thol involved in BfA and Shadowlands, seeing as I’m sure he would love some revenge against her for enslaving his clan during Warcraft 3. Then again, BfA is pretty much missed opportunities in digital form more or less.

Obviously, something would need to be written to why the Crushridge Clan would be interested in working with the MU Stonemaul Clan again and have any interest in joining the Horde also, but I’m sure something could be written for that.

-69 days (65 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Because Ogres will be a playable race one day, we need weapons for them. So here are the gorian weapons we can find in WoW:


It really would.

You know I think they split because of the happenings of the Third War. Like the arrival of the Scourge had those in the clan wanting to leave for safer lands, while others stubbornly refused to give up their holdings.


I guess no Ogres for TWW but still a bump for support for them in future!


Anything new on the Ogre front? I am still waiting to finally make my two headed ogre mage somehow.

As of now, no.

In the future, hopefully.


Came across another video going over the upcoming Prepatch Event, this time from MrGM:

There is a mention that the memory mobs we beat up are thematic to each area, so I assume that we’ll be beating up memories of Onyxia’s minions in Dustwallow Marsh.

Wowhead also posted an article saying that the Prepatch Even may start before July 30th:

I’ll keep an eye out for any other news to report on it. And I’ll be participating in the event a lot to get rewards, so I’ll keep an eye out for anything of interest to help report. Of course, I’ll also check on the MU Stonemaul Clan, though I don’t expect much there even if I’ve completed the questline for the whole zone some time ago.

Never leave any stone unturned when it comes to Horde Ogre clan research! :smiley:

-68 days (64 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Summer officially has started today! Huzzah! :beach_umbrella:

Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe Summer time! :hotdog::japanese_ogre:

-67 days (63 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


May Ogres rise to greatness again.