The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

That trailer makes me wonder if we’re going to get Harronir. I’m all for that, but it continues my concern about the entire World Soul Saga when it comes to ogres.

I almost wonder if we’d have better luck with Remix. Mists of Pandaria Remix doesn’t really have anything new except some recolors that weren’t available before, but there might be potential there if it’s popular enough. I still want other race options for Demon Hunter, but I believe it’s been said before that there’d need to be a reason and with the Legion gone there aren’t many opportunities. Remix is sorta canon though, which would make a Legion Remix one of the only other ways to justify more Demon Hunter races.

Perhaps a Warlords of Draenor Remix might be an opportunity for ogres.


There are still a lot of Dreadlords around who are up to no good. Moreso with them having rescued Denathrius, which could be an issue in the future. So it wouldn’t hurt to train more Demon Hunters to keep an eye out for any Dreadlords infiltrating the Horde or Alliance. Thus an important need for current Demon Hunters and likely more in the future.

It’s a possibility, though we have gone through expansions where a race that seems like they were being set up to become playable never did. Tuskarr being the most notable recent example of this.

I’m not against Harronir being playable at all or brand new races being made playable in general. I do wish there would be a bit more of a focus on existing races people have been wanting to become playable, however. Especially when a race like the Earthen gets better treatment over something with a long history to Warcraft like Wildhammer Dwarves. Bronzebeards LARPing as Wildhammer Dwarves isn’t a good feeling.

I’m reserving a character slot in case Harronir become playable, since I try to have at least one character of each playable race, but we’ll see what happens during TWW.

I don’t really see it to be honest. Revisiting WoD in a Remix fashion doesn’t sound like it would have anything like that. I’d be surprised if Blizzard even added cut content to it from before.

Not saying it can’t work, just how I honestly see it given the context of Remix in general. I still think playable Horde Ogres would be introduced in a current storyline or expansion if anything, which in my own personal opinion, would likely be for the best long-run and more memorable. :smiley:

-77 days (73 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yeah, there’s no reason to expect it right now. I just mean that when it comes to things only being added when they’re “relevant”, Remixes are a good timing for Blizzard outside of expansions and I think they should consider that going forward (for any little thing).

I’m still looking forward to a Warlords of Draenor Remix though, because I want one of the Gronnling recolors that exists but has never been made available in game before. :stuck_out_tongue:


A WoD remix would be interesting, I’m unsure if we would actually get one. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a Legion Remix.

With that said I do wonder if we could get an event on AU Draenor around the Mag’har- Lightbound war.


I hope people are excited to get yet again another elf(neutral of course) but hairy and no ogres.

Maybe after the entire world soul saga and a few years their ideas for new elves will dry up and they can add ogres

As I’m a big fan of both Trolls and Elves, a proto elf troll hybrid is actually somewhat interesting to me.

That said I would prefer if Blizzard gave us the races that are already in the Horde and Alliance first before focusing on these new races… and honestly I’d like the races that have actually been requested before the new races per expac. >.>

So like I’d love to see the furbolg, ogres, frostborn, taunka, jinyu, hozen, ankoan and kelfin all get added as they’re all already a part of the factions already.

Then I’d like to see things like the Saurok, Ethearals, Arrakoa, Broken/Krokul, saberon, alteraci humans, san’layn ect ect.

Then things from the recent expansion. Harronir look cool to me though.


While not officially Summer time, lots of people are on Summer vacation. Even Ogres and their families! :beach_umbrella::japanese_ogre:

So whatever plans y’all have for the Summer, please have a fun, happy, and safe season! As for me? I’ll be going through MoP to get as many alts leveled and as many rewards as possible! :panda_face:

And of course playable Horde Ogre support will be continuing onward as well. :smiley:

-76 days (72 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I agree.

I’m sick of surprise races from nowhere when we have races that have been part of the factions for literal decades and races with established lore that could be added.


It’s starting to feel like they are keeping what people ask for in reserve for emergencies.

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The reason is literally that they are dumb and ugly, as well as fat and tall, its not about attraction its about love

The weird thing about that is the reserve just keeps getting bigger and bigger and it never seems to get pulled from. After Shadowlands, Dragonflight could have been a good emergency time, but the Dracthyr and Evokers were completely made up and handled in a very strange way when there was popular existing stuff that could have been pulled from. At this point I think Blizzard could pull from the reserve once an expansion and never run out before they stop supporting the game.

To not sound like a hypocrite, I have to give credit to the Earthen. The Earthen are an older race at this point and one that’s been on my list of “sub-races” back when that’s what we’d call them.

It is hard to feel good about them though. Between them being a neutral race (and potentially robbing other Horde cultures from being involved in their docks and forges), and them being expected as a “sub-race” due to their nature, getting them as the sole expansion race just feels incredibly underwhelming, especially in a post-Allied Race world. The work put into them is great, don’t get me wrong, but at the same time, basically any race that gets made playable gets that sort of effort. That’s part of the reason I want playable ogres.

I think that’s also part of the reason I’d love confirmation about Harronir sooner than later. Even just knowing Earthen won’t be the only race over the course of War Within will make them feel less weird as a choice, regardless of what those other races are.

The most direct answer we tend to get is the whole “when it’s the right time”. I’m not fond of that one either. It took almost 10 years to find the “right time” for Demon Hunters again after Burning Crusade (and it’s almost been another 10 years and I’m still waiting for more races options for them). It’s a reason I hate knowing about the World Soul Saga ahead of time, too. We already know about three whole expansions that aren’t likely to be the “right time” for ogres.

That’s part of the reason I mentioned the Remix idea earlier. Not because there’s a precedent for it, but because I want to offer it to them as a great way to open up significantly more “right times” for things instead of only once a decade. If we can get Allied Races and maybe Harronir in a patch, why not other things tied in with a Remix patch?

I feel like I’m coming across as super negative, but this is one of those things that’s hard to deal with when you only have one side of the conversation. From attending events, I know there are ogres fans at Blizzard. I know there fans at Blizzard of other classic races we still haven’t gotten.

I’m not aiming this at individual employees, or even Blizzard as a whole, for what seem like weird choices for a lot of us. I’m not even sure I’d want to know the answer why we’re not getting certain things (good chance there’s some metrics or vetoing publisher that we’d never convince). I just wish I knew there was anything we could do, or say.

Like, if “what to do about female ogres” was really holding ogres back, let us assuage your fears about it! It’s really not that big of a deal. A few have been slowly starting to show up between some art and Hearthstone, and they’re fine.


one more ogre child and you’ll have a 3 man group to do scenarios


Signs of Kelani made a video going over the TWW prepatch event and some of the rewards you get from it:

As a reminder, we do go to Dustwallow Marsh and fight a memory form of Onyxia.

I suspect that we go there just to beat up mobs and then a boss mob spawns at the end, and that the areas are mostly unchanged. As such, Dustwallow Marsh would likely still be locked in Cataclysm’s timeline, the MU Stonemaul Clan will still yearn for their home, and NPC’s won’t really react to the event in any form for the most part.

Still, whenever the prepatch does launch, I’ll take a look around just to see if anything has changed in Dustwallow Marsh. I’m wanting some of the rewards so I’ll likely be engaging in the event quite a bit. Not expecting much in the way of the Horde Ogre clans, but I’ll still keep an eye out for anything to help report on!

-74 days (70 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


On a more positive note, thanks to Remix I’ve finally caught up on a bunch of things I’ve been meaning to do for years. When we get ogres, I’ll be ready with titles and mounts and transmogs.

I still have to decide on a class though. I’ve found a way to like almost every class now.


When I made my Ogre Berserker in Everquest 1, the idea I had was that a very angry Ogre with a giant weapon just going on a ramage and throwing axes. It was a fun thought and even more fun to play as. Definitely one of my favorite characters to play in that game.

Translating that to WoW, the idea is still mostly there as a Fury Warrior, but this time, my Ogre would be wielding two weapons that would normally take two hands to wield just one of them, so much more smashin’ and bashin’ of enemies! It’s a very fitting look for him and the whole idea just sounds like a lot of fun. Moreso when you imagine him as the Horde Champion that saves the world (of Warcraft!) many times. Quite their choice of champions, eh?

That is how I decided on my Ogre’s class. Gameplay mechanics can help, but when you have a character idea in mind, it really adds to the gameplay in general and makes it that much more fun.

Sometimes you need to experiment in-game and other times, you just need a vision of your character. But when you find what fits, it really goes well with your enjoyment of playing that character. :smiley:

-73 days (69 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Well, for the longest time I’d make characters in a similar fashion. I’d have a specific idea in my head and build the character around it. Eventually, though, I’d realize I wasn’t always enjoying them, and sticking them in a spec I hated just for the flavor of it wasn’t worth it. It was one of the reasons I basically never actually played my alts.

That’s one of the places Remix helped me. Making alts is so easy I was finally able to convince myself to experiment.

In my head, I’d love a very angry ogre with a giant weapon just going on a rampage. At least until Warlords of Draenor. Now I also like the idea of a sorcerer king ogre.

I haven’t really been able to get into warrior though. I know I’d like playing an ogre paladin, because I’ve always found paladin fun to play, but it’s probably not a likely option for now. I could always use transmog to make him look like a rampaging berserker if it was. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Death Knight is pretty close and is more likely, but I’d prefer not having the glowing blue eyes all the time.

My best transmog collections are in plate because I’ve played paladin for 97% of my playtime, but I’m not too worried about for an ogre, because the ogre will definitely become my second main and make up for that collection in any class I pick.


Not entirely true.

People have asked ages for a draconic race the drakonids and dragonsworn as a class.

What blizz did was trying to give people what they want, but, perverting twisting in their own way, to say is something unique and clever they though about.

No surprise people didn’t like the design of the race, the visage restriction and how they forced the race and class to be one and the same(they did basically DH 2.0 and called a race as well). If it was not so broken, it would be less popular.

Ogres are not playable yet by the simple fact people working on wow don’t like it, they like elf stuff, so elves are going to be playable, not other races.

im 100% sure they just did these dwarves to say they are doing something else, cause the furry elves with quills will be playable next.

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It wasn’t very clear, but that’s part of what I meant by saying there was popular existing stuff they could have pulled from. Now, to be fair to Blizzard, dragon stuff hadn’t been as well-defined as others. On the other hand, that also means that any existing dragon stuff could have been easily retooled to tell whatever story they wanted to tell with minimal retcons if any at all. For Evokers, my solution would have been to make it where the class was available to every race, with the race you pick being flavored as your visage form.

Elves get blamed a lot for this problem, but as someone who spent some time in some elf circles as well, the elf fans are probably the next most upset fans after ogres. Elf fans are just as prone to getting something totally made up instead of what they’ve actually been asking for. Certainly, some of those totally made up races become popular anyway, but that’s never been the problem.

Perhaps the problem is simply that story comes first. They write a story first, then try to figure out what races and classes would be appropriate, even if that means coming up with new stuff that fits perfectly instead of using old stuff that’s close. The second time we know ogres were considered was a story they would have fit in, and the only other story they fit in since was an expansion that was too troubled for new races. I can see where that story perspective comes from and I can’t really blame them for it, but sometimes the execution does feel a bit misguided.

I mean, I’d love for a story about ogres. That would be fun, but I don’t need it. I just want them to be playable. If I had to choose between getting playable ogres now but they weren’t represented in the story at all, or a really elaborate story involving ogres but that means they won’t be playable for another 5 years, I’d pick the first without hesitation. I can always make up my own stories, but I can’t make up my own playable races.


Dragon stuff was very well defined with cataclysm. They even had the RPG to draw upon.

Like, it was not something hard. It was the exact same scenario as MOP, you get one race and one class tied to expansion. Imagine how stupid would be to make “pandaren monk” as race and class like the they did dracthyr evoker?

That is rly no excuse for then. They decided to do something cheaper with a twist to say it was unique and something they made themselves in spite on old lore. This is not something new, time and time again we see old lore being erased/retconed or moved away from something they think is “better” or “improved” see: leaders getting killed/replaced, the state of the horde becoming a crap council.

The new team want to build their own stuff, their own elgacy with the ashes of the old stuff.

I’m playing fairly a lot of dragonflight and these dracthyr barely fit, it seems forced shoehorned just because they are a playable race. The drakonid would make much more sense as they have more presence, are more familiar and would fit more into the dragonspawn rebellion plot

But no, dracthyr, and even then they REFUSE to give more visage options, they just don’t want it.

They are setting up to be upset themselves by constantly asking something that is already playable in the game for 17 YEARS. Once blizzard decide to give a compromise - because it was a preposterous request - they lost their minds, and even by giving then the skin colors, they are still, unhinged asking for what is already playable, but in another faction.

That is not even close to what happen here, if ogres became alliance i would rejoice at this point, anything goes, because i like the race, not a vision i made in my mind.

Thats, 100%, not the case.

The dracthyr is a clear example, since the drakonid would fit better, just say it was a different breed with wings, done.

The story is always secondary to gameplay, and for the last expansions story have being subpar that this would not rly matter. Most of the allied races didn’t had any big story, and just a small unlocking questline.

Just say a group of ogres lived underground, they fought with some earthen and now they joined horde ← though of that in 4 seconds and free at that, i bet blizzard can put in the game or even better, but they don’t want it.


Something I thought about with the idea of a WoD Remix is that we’d likely get some Ogre related rewards in it.

MoP Remix has some weapon transmogs tied to the different races on Pandaria, and I could imagine the same with Ogres. Maybe even some ensambles, Ogre related mounts, armor outfits, and maybe an Ogre child battle pet or two to go with it. So there could be some of that at the very least to earn.

I don’t know what the chances of that happening are, however. Especially with how rushed WoD was, had so much cut content, and how most people look back on it like a moldy piece of cheese making flatulence noises. But if any other expansion gets the Remix treatment, I’ll be sure to help report on it! :smiley:

-72 days (68 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: