The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Wrong thread oops


The Ogre picture is pretty nice! It looks almost like something a Blizzard artist would draw. Very nice quality!


I know I said I was going to work on the right most picture but I played around with it a little and nothing worked. Iā€™ve got a creative block as far as that version goes.

I did however work on the middle picture more. The face needs a lot of work to look more female but here is the basic sketch Iā€™m going to try and work off of.



Personally if Ogres become playable they can use those Maldraxus brutes skeletons rig, theirs male and female versions.

When I first saw them literally first think popped in my head was perfect for Ogresā€¦ body wise


I still hope they take the normal Ogre models and modify them to work for it. Ogres are so iconic changing them much would probably be off putting.


Thinking about it from a business point-of-view, assuming that the Ogre model (the ones before Shadowlands that the Moonkin use) can be edited to have armor and customization options, it would save a lot of time and money to work with it as opposed to building a brand new model from the ground up and make animations and such work with them. Granted, work would still need to be done with female Ogre models, but the male Ogre models already have things like many animations and a dance. I would think Blizzard would consider that for the playable Ogre models to some extent, though since I donā€™t know how WoW is programmed, I canā€™t say if it is possible or not.

Iā€™d also be curious if the two-headed Ogre models could be programmed to have customization options for both heads and such. Not sure if it would be easier to do that or build one from the ground up, but I would assume that if Ogres did get decided to become playable, that Blizzard would look into their options for what works best on a playable and design point-of-view.

Also wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe Turkey Massacre Day (US Thanksgiving)! Iā€™m planning to have the appetite of an Ogre and unleash my inner Saurok on some delicious food. :turkey:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I think ogres would love Turkey Eradication Day.


Itā€™d likely be one of their favorite holidays. All sorts of food and then hibernation at the end. What else could an Ogre ask for?..aside from bashing stuff, of course.

If I could collect a lot of ingredients, Iā€™d happily cook up all sorts of meal to deliver them via caravan to the Stonemaul and Dunemaul. Of course, I have to figure out what theyā€™re doing presently in order to find them. <- <;

Point is that the Horde needs to include the Horde Ogres in on any festivities. The Stonemaul especially was a big help in Warcraft 3 and in Feralas, so I think including them and the Dunemaul should be in order for the massive feasts thatā€™ll likely go on.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:

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Fezzy makes a good point. I think most players like the male version in-game. Iā€™m O.K. with them but I think they could be better. It is the female ogres I donā€™t think anyone is going to agree on.

Iā€™ve noticed that out of the 3 or so different female ogres Iā€™ve seen none of them look the same and none of them really capture what they should look like, my sketches included. Iā€™ve even forgot what I was originally intending to draw since I started to sketch them. :confused:

Iā€™m taking a break from drawing WoW art for now. I might try the art style challenge with my vampire elf or my original ogre though just to try to improve my art and learn a little about other styles.

Dream big. . . .

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I flew by Dustwallow Marsh to check on the Stonemaul Ogres, and I discovered that they have some Pilgrimā€™s Bounty celebrating with a table that gives buffs as you munch on stuff, much like other areas that do this:

This wouldnā€™t be a recent change, as Iā€™m sure this was implemented way back in Cataclysm. Still, itā€™s good to see that the Stonemaul Ogres are celebrating in some fashion.

I did check on the Stonemaul in Feralas. It didnā€™t seem like they had a Pilgrimā€™s Bounty table set up there. If I could, Iā€™d gather some food up to send to them as well. They deserve to have a good holiday too!

As for the Dunemaul, sadly they are still flagged as hostile when they shouldnā€™t be, so no Pilgrimā€™s Bounty table for them. Again, Iā€™d be happy to deliver some food for them if I could, since they are technically part of the Horde now.

As for general changes, not much that I can see. The Stonemaul are still wanting their home back, dragonkin stomp around the ruins of the Stonemaul home, the Stonemaul still havenā€™t taken over Dire Maul for the Horde, and the Dunemaul are still in the desert not being utilized by Megs in any way I can see.

As for Orgrimmar, I didnā€™t notice anything of note in the area, but outsideā€¦itā€™s quite peaceful out there. No undead sieging the capitalā€¦or really any undead that I saw in the nearby areas you went to in the prepatch. They even set up Pilgrimā€™s Bounty tables outside the front. Iā€™m assuming this is likely to make the area not much of a hassle for low level characters, though in the story I assume that the undead are suppose to be growing in numbers and going crazy across the land. Otherwise, ā€œthere must always be a Lich King!ā€ is just a lame spooky saying.

Anyway, itā€™s to be expected. Iā€™d be surprised if I did see anything of interest, but Iā€™ll still keep an eye out on the Horde Ogre areas and Orgrimmar as we get patches and so on. You never know if there will suddenly be Horde Ogre activity somewhere.

In the meantime, happy Turkey Massacre Day to those in the USA! :turkey:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Horde fans have wanted ogres for a while, and Iā€™m hoping we see those wishes come to fruition. I run a ā€œCity of Monstersā€ guild, so itā€™d be SUPER neat to see an ogre player join in the fun, since itā€™s a mixture of pretty much everything. Wishing you all well and hoping you get these folk :slight_smile: Besides, itā€™s known now that outlands is still very much a thing, and apparently very easy to access. They kinda pulled Mahā€™gar and Dark Irons out of a hat and gave them to fans due to them being a popular request. I say ogres fit the bill here.


Iā€™ve recently started my journey into the Shadowlands. As I mentioned before, I was curious if we might run into any Stonemaul Ogres there from those that died when the dragonkin took over their home.

From my understanding, there are a lot more areas of the afterlife than the areas we visit. For Ogres specifically, some seem to think that Ogriā€™la is a form of promised land and possible place in the afterlife (likely different from the actual Ogriā€™la we go to in Burning Crusade).

Itā€™s mostly the Ogres in Bladeā€™s Edge Mountains that say these when you kill them:

ā€œOther ogres mention Ogriā€™la as a sort of promised land. For example, if you attack and kill the common ogres in Bladeā€™s Edge Mountains after becoming king or queen of the ogres, they will say various phrases referencing Ogriā€™la upon death:ā€

  • ā€œ[King/Queen] thinkā€¦ there really isā€¦ an Ogriā€™la?ā€
  • ā€œMe go toā€¦ Ogriā€™la.ā€'la

Itā€™s possible there is some form of Ogriā€™la in the afterlife for some Ogres, though not all Ogres might believe in Ogriā€™la. In terms of the Stonemaul, I havenā€™t seen anything that shows what they think of itā€¦if at all.

For all the current areas, it seems like Maldraxxus might be the most fitting. It has a giant area for combat, which Ogres in general really like. Given that the armies in Madraxxus are suppose to defend the Shadowlands, I could see Ogres filling in that role pretty well also.

I havenā€™t really seen any Ogre sightings of any sort in Shadowlands so far, though even if we did see Stonemaul Ogres specifically, I donā€™t know what it would mean. It would be nice to see them remembered at least, but I donā€™t know what it could lead to if anything at all. As I said, theyā€™d likely want to know if their home was recoveredā€¦to which I really would have no answer for them at all, sadly, since that has yet to be resolved or shown in-game.

I do have a character to go for each of the four covenants, so I will have someone to keep an eye on Maldraxxus. I donā€™t think there is a huge chance of anything Ogre-related with them, but you never know. Seeing as we keep running into people we knew or killed back on Azeroth, itā€™s possible some Stonemaul Ogres could show up somewhere.

Although I donā€™t expect much Ogre-related in this expansion, Iā€™ll keep an eye out and report anything of interest I find.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


In my fanfictions of my toons some Ogriā€™la Ogres work with both this toon and my troll hunter as members of their respective organizations.


Female and male rigs??

Looks perfect for Ogres, theirs really no excuse not to get Ogres, same size as Taurens itā€™s perfect.

Sometimes the pic loads sometimes itā€™s a link :man_shrugging:t4:


Is this the image youā€™re trying to link?

When linking an image from a wiki, you have to remove the part of the URL that is after the file name. In this case, itā€™s anything after ā€œGladiators_Maldraxxus.jpgā€ in the URL.

Linking images from wikis in general has gotten a bit wonky, however. Sometimes, either the size is off or the quality looks worse than it actually is. I think itā€™s to do with wiki websites in general. Not sure how to work around it.

You can see the images here for those interested:

I think Iā€™ve seen some mobs in Shadowlands utilize the new Ogre model/animations from Exileā€™s Reach. Not sure if the male gladiator mobs do at all, though it could be fitting in a sense.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:

Ty! Haha yes, how perfect are they for Ogres!

Itā€™s fresh, new, updated graphics, I find it very fitting, especially the female body, itā€™s bulky and muscular like how Ogres should be.

Although the link is to a larger more visual pic, but itā€™s great :grin:

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I have yet to see ogres in Shadowlands now that you mention it. I will definitely have to keep my eyes open but some characters are actually changed in Shadowlands like that human that was a spider nerubian type creature.

I wonā€™t remember any ogre names except maybe the really well known ones. That list would only include Choā€™gall, Dentarg, and Marā€™gok. :frowning_face:

And Iā€™m guessing that no matter where you believe you are going, such as Ogriā€™la, you will still end up in the Shadowlands so they must be there. Maybe in future updates they add more characters and some ogres can be included.

Would be great if we meet an ogre in Shadowlands that starts our quest chain to unlock playable ogres. :smile: Maybe a leader that died somewhere and had the talisman of leadership on him/her when they died. They tell us to bring it back to the Stonemaul clan, or other clan, and then jump through hoops and BAM, playable ogres.


Iā€™ve seen some mentions of NPC race souls inside of the Maw. I havenā€™t gotten to explore it yet, but I figured Iā€™d mention it here in case there are any Ogre souls there. Obviously, if there are, I want to go in and rescue them. Especially if they happen to be Stonemaul Ogre souls. They deserve better than to just be tossed aside in such a manner.

Iā€™ve gotten to 60 and picked my covenant (Venthyr), so I should be able to explore the different areas of Shadowlands as I work towards whatever is needed to unlock flying. I may also work on my Necrolords character at some point to see if anything of interest comes from there, though I havenā€™t seen anything of interest.

I didnā€™t see much of interest in the Necrolords covenant campaign, but Wowhead does have a guide with sections that gives a summary of the covenant campaign and the storyline in detail with screenshots and in-game text here:

Not much of interest that I saw, but I figured of the areas we can currently go to, itā€™s the most likely place to have anything Ogre-related if at all. At the very least, Iā€™ll be keeping an eye out for any Ogre activity as I explore and do stuff in Shadowlands.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I posted this in another thread but figured Iā€™d share here also.

"Torghast tip/FYI for hunters, do not take Frostbite Wand unless your main concern is adds or trash. It does 50% of an enemies health in damage but after 4 secs. they start to regen that missing health back over 10 secs. It destroys trash but higher health enemies become annoying because you, or at least I, canā€™t get an accurate judge on their health seeing as they are regenerating it as you fight them. Feels like the fight is longer when it actually isnā€™t.

The disengage adding perm speed each use in Torghast for the current run is great. Itā€™s amazing on boss fights where they drop pools on the ground because you just barely move with that speed increase and youā€™re out of them.

Hope that helps any hunters. Mineā€™s a BM so I love some of those Torghast skills. I actually feel OP at times. :smile:"

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not a drawback for me neither :)!

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