The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It’s not that we are limiting ourselves, many of us would love having more Ogre clans in the Horde, by virtue of already being in the Horde the Stonemaul can easily have that switch from NPC group ally to playable.

I personally would really enjoy a quest chain where we get to rally the Ogre clans together, but I think it’s more likely for the Stonemaul to become playable, with appearances from the AU Stonemaul and Dunemaul clans to show the Horde Ogre clans working together. Though I would suspect playable Ogres are from the Stonemaul, like how playable jungle trolls are from the Darkspear.


We already have two clans and the Ogres from WoD in the Horde. It should be enough to make something with them mostly when the other Ogres of WoD will come on Azeroth with Yrel.


As you have likely seen by now, there will be an 8 hour maintenance next Tuesday, March 12th:

Speculation is that this is the next patch that may involve whatever that pirate looking symbol is from the road map. Blizzard is of course keeping tight-lipped on what exactly the patch is, and without it going to PTR, all we can do is speculate.

I’ll be covering what it is when it gets officially revealed. I don’t expect anything Horde Ogre related. Maybe we’ll be surprised of course, but who knows what all this patch is. Best to temper expectations.

I’ll be reporting what exactly this patch is when it gets officially revealed and of course I’ll report anything Ogre related that is there, though I don’t expect much other than enemy Ogre pirate mooks or so at best. But maybe we’ll get lucky and get to help a Captain Skullbasher or something. We’ll see when it gets here!

Yarr! :pirate_flag::japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


it’ll probably be the last 3 race/class combos shaman druid and paladin it’ll help me cross 4 character changes off my board, if not feel free to pelt me with snowballs

gor’groths gear is an altered variant of mar’goks maybe it’ll show up on the trading post eventually along with mar’goks?


I kinda doubt this but damn that would be cool.


Happy Mario Day! (MAR10)

Don’t really have anything Ogre related to share for today, unfortunately, but I thought I’d still make a fun post since Mario is one of my favorite game series. I wish I had skills in drawing, as I could maybe draw a two-headed Ogre with a Mario and Luigi cap on both their heads. I have the creativity, but not the skills to utilize it sometimes.

The only Ogre related thing from Mario I am aware of are this oni based enemies:

Reminds me of how in Everquest 2, they had separate models of almost all playable races they made for Asian countries to market the game better there that you could toggle between. They turned the Ogres into oni with those models, which was pretty interesting to see the differences.

Anyway, maybe some music would fit for this post:

Yeah, that’ll do.

I don’t really have any plans myself for today. Maybe I’ll try to play a Mario game if I can, but I’ve been a bit busy. But if anyone has any particular plans, I hope y’all have a fun, happy, and safe day of Mario related activities!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


2headed blue magi


So awhile ago, Blizzard announced that the 8 hour maintenance announced for today, which was actually less than 8 hours, was to work on infrastructure as opposed to the next patch:

So unfortunately, from my understanding, no pirate shenanigans patch today from the sound of it. Which makes some sense, given the Hearthstone event and that there might be some esports stuff coming up. However, if I recall correctly, we’re still in the next patch’s release date window, so who knows when it’ll go live or what it will be.

Whenever stuff about it gets officially announced, I’ll be sure to help report on what it is and if Ogres, Horde or otherwise, are involved in someway, for better or worse. I’m guessing any pirates involved are currently at a tavern or something:

I’ll take some milk in a skull mug, thanks. :pirate_flag::japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Mentioned this in the Saurok thread but I’m betting one to two weeks until the patch. Hard to tell though.

I really don’t like them not putting it on the PTR. Blizzard makes too many mistakes on its own to rely on internal testing… or lore…


Patch 10.2.6 is set to release in March, so either next week or the following. I’m thinking next week though.


when you do get your ogre if you create it from scratch where will your first questing area be?


I think if I can I’d have mine go quest in Dustwallow Marsh first.


I think I would do Dustwallow first as well.


Under normal circumstances, I level my new Horde and Alliance characters in areas where I can get Orgrimmar/Stormwind rep since, if I recall correctly, you get cash discounts from NPC merchants at each level of rep, and given those are the biggest cities they would be at the most, it would be useful in the long run to get those to exalted.

With my Horde Ogre character, assuming the old world (of Warcraft!) doesn’t get revamped, I would make sure to go through Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Tanaris like I usually do with my Horde characters since those are the areas related to the Horde Ogre clans. It would make it even more fitting as an Ogre to do that, and I’d of course try to get rep with whatever the playable Horde Ogre rep would be where applicable.

On another note, I have been camping the Hearthstone area for drops, and one of the bosses you can fight is a Boulderfist Ogre. Not really Horde Ogre related, but still interesting to see that they chose that as one of the bosses you can fight there.

And of course I’m taking the Ogre child with me as I do it:

Still feel like this is a Mandalorian and Grogu situation. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’ll most likely do that too, like how I made sure my Zandalari was exalted with the Zandalari Empire and the Darkspear tribe and did the Hinterlands storyline for the Revantusk.


I want my normal skinned(Brown) two headed ogre mage who can actually speak in full sentences.

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but there aren’t any brown skinned ogres though from any part of WoW
there are ogres from yellowish to greyish complexion to bluish to darker grey skin tones to red

and for some dumb reason it won’t let me post the image of them side by side for comparison

its light brown but still brown.

plus not all ogres are dumb thats just the joke warcraft likes to play on us they’re actually by far the most dangerous of all enemies we’ve encountered the previous Gorian empire is an example of that they’re capable of normal speech its just moreso the lack of education is what makes speaking hard for some. a good example is Tormmok from WoD