The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Lets see if this works. I had to look up other, non-registration, image sharing sites and found imgbb. Hope it works.


If the pic shows up I tried making her a little fatter then the males. I worked mainly on her arms and legs. I had to stop at her calves because my niece and nephew stopped by while I was just finishing the outline of that part. I like her arms but her legs need to be less wrinkled.

Things that need fixing are:

  • her calves are too straight
  • Her upper legs need to be less wrinkled
  • she appears to be wider then the males which could be a problem so might have to thin her out
  • Needs some hair, though bald is an option
  • Her feet are just placeholders. Her toes need to be rounder.
  • Her hands are not proportional. I think both look good but not sure which to go with. Either way, one needs to change. Right looks to fit her arms better while her left looks fatter which is different.
  • Both ogreā€™s poses are just placeholders. I plan on moving their arms after I have a basic look to them.
  • her eyes are just placeholders. I tried altering them once or twice but not happy with shape yet.

This is just the first rendition of a female ogre. It is not the final version just one of hopefully many different appearances.



Looking like a decent concept for playable Ogres right there! Nice to see this threadā€™s still going!


Thanks for the link. Always appreciated.

EDIT: @Bagzak - I did something stupid and decided to try out a game Iā€™ve been wanting to play for over a year now, though it just released within the past 3 months I think, Genshin Impact. Love it so much. That game is fun which is how games are suppose to be.

Only downside is that itā€™s mainly a single player game. The multiplayer part is gimped badly from what I hear though Iā€™m hoping that changes in the future.

Fun fact, the grass in that game looks just like the grass I had in my UE4 game I was working on, exactly like it. And they use elements and combos from said elements which was what I had planned, but never implemented, in my game also. This is just like playing the game I was creating . . .to a degree. Iā€™ve been meaning to work on it again.

Anyway, Iā€™m letting you know this because that might hamper my ogre art. Iā€™m going to try and at least put in a couple of hours a day on the ogre but if it appears like Iā€™ve been lax this is the reason.


Iā€™ve heard a lot of good things about that game, as a lot of people have gotten into it. Itā€™s not quite my cup of tea, but hey if you enjoy it, I say keep playing it. Itā€™ll be a good way to pass time until Shadowlands comes out. :smiley:

Iā€™ve been taking a break from WoW (the game, not the forums), myself. Honestly not that excited for Shadowlands, and letting the chaos of its launch occur before I try playing may not be too bad of an idea.

Iā€™ve been getting back into Star Wars stuff in general, which I usually seem to around this time of the year. Been looking up different things, reading about it, listening to tabletop RPG sessions, all sorts of fun stuff.

It wonā€™t slow down showing off my Ogre/Saurok support, of course. I think I may have just needed a break from the game itself. So if you found something you enjoy, then you should keep having fun with it. That way, youā€™ll feel better when you do get the itch for WoW or drawing again as opposed to forcing yourself to do something.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I never played BotW but I hear it is basically a ripoff from some people and others say it isnā€™t. Iā€™m just burnt out on WoW I think. I think Shadowlands is my last go round with WoW. It isnā€™t fun for me anymore. Fun is what I want in a game. Iā€™m tired of playing games and them feeling like another job.

Iā€™m actually waiting on Blue Protocol mostly but Iā€™d like to try Bio Mutant, Outriders, Ashes of Creation and New World. Use to want to play Crowfall, Camelot Unchained and one other siege PvP game I canā€™t remember the title to but Iā€™m over them for now. I actually need a fun MMO which is why I started to work on my own game for my friends, family and I.

I was really hyped for the MTG MMO but last I heard they are putting very annoying mechanics in it. A game that couldā€™ve been awesome and they destroy it before it has a chance. :frowning:

When you say Star Wars stuff do you mean SWTOR? I wish I could get back into that. Loved the original launch story but itā€™s slowly went downhill after that. I actually tried to get into it again after the very AWESOME show The Mandalorian came back on but couldnā€™t play more then a week or two. Love that they have a Mandalorian inspired transmog even though it is not exactly like it is in the show.

May the Ogre be with you.

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My interest in WoW took a nose dive with WoD, and then Legion got me to quit as I really did not like it at all. BfA, for all its problems, got me playing again and renewed my interest in the gameā€¦then Shadowlands got announced, and mostly because of the theme of it taking place in the afterlife, I really am not excited for it at all. Iā€™m trying to keep an open mind for it, but I feel more apathetic the closer we get to it launching. Iā€™m thinking Iā€™ll wait a week or so after launch before I give the expansion a try at least, if only to avoid a lot of the chaos of an expansion launch.

Actually, no. Much as I like Star Wars, I really havenā€™t had any interest in SWTOR for a few reasons.

First, Iā€™m not especially big on the setting for The Old Republic. It just doesnā€™t really do too much for me.

Second, the race selection isā€¦not that interesting. Especially compared to Star Wars Galaxies (which I never got to play at all).

Third, any races that get added supposedly must fit several criteria, which would eliminate the more interesting races like Trandoshans, Wookiees, and such.

Fourth, as someone who makes up stories and personalities for their characters, I really donā€™t like the way the storylines really work with my character speaking, having a personality, ability to romance NPCā€™s, etc. A lot of that just seems more fitting for a single player game than a MMORPG. It also blocks several races from becoming playable, as I mentioned above.

Right now the only MMO Iā€™m playing is WoW, which I do enjoy playing some aspects of as well as mostly trying to lead the charge to get playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde. Not much else interests me in the way of MMOā€™s, currently, so I havenā€™t really paid too much attention to any outside of WoW.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:

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I thought Legion sounded very cool and when I got to play it about 2 months before BFA launch I loved just about everything in it. It was full of good stuff imo. And when BFA got announced they made it sound like we were going back to the old days with the faction war but I was very disappointed with an inner faction war.

You are 100% correct on the races SWTOR adds. I think that is why I donā€™t play it for very long anymore. I found out they have to speak basic which leaves out all the races I want to play with Jawas at the top.

As they say ā€œYou do you.ā€

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Just also wanted to add, I remember back in vanilla my brother and I wishing Ogres be playable.

Iā€™d honestly make an Ogre Shaman in a heart beat for the Heritage armour instantly, I wouldnā€™t even care if shadowlands released Iā€™d be Ogre all the way to 60 first.

In all honesty for a female model just alter the male model a bit like the Pandarens, just add curves where needed and different stance.

Iā€™m 100% for more Races and Customisation, Iā€™ve always said ā€œ Iā€™ve never heard of a game being bad cause to many races and customisations!. ā€œ

So bring on the Ogres!!. :grin::heart:


When I first got into WoW during Burning Crusade, I was also new to Warcraft in general. I had looked into the backstory and lore of the game and saw that there were some Ogres part of the Horde already. Seeing the new races added during Burning Crusade and seeing Goblins added in Cataclysm, I felt that it was a matter of time before the Horde felt more complete with all its members fully playable in some fashion.

ā€¦fast forward to today, and the Horde Ogres are forgotten, having disappeared into fat air and also not having done much since Cataclysm, other than again the Stonemaul sending an emissary to act as an Alliance daily quest jobber on Pandaria, and having missed several world-ending threats and another huge war with the Alliance. No playable Ogres and not even a presence in-game helping the Horde with something. -grumble grumble-

So why do I want Ogres so much? Well, Iā€™ve mentioned before how I do like playing as the big, dumb, and strong races, but one of the big reasons is to recreate my Ogre Berserker character from Everquest 1 into an Ogre Fury Warrior in WoW.

He was one of my favorite characters to play in Everquest 1, as the idea of a raging Ogre causing massive damage and punting things in his way was just an amusing sight. When I first started playing WoW, I had always kept his name in reserve in the off-chance that Ogres would become playable. Still have that space reserved to this day and I will always have a character slot devoted to making that Ogre Warrior if they ever become playable.

There is something amusing about the champion of the Horde being this dumb Ogre that ā€œbashes tingsā€ and the light RP opportunities of talking in broken English would be a lot of fun to do again. Not to mention that him being a Fury Warrior was because of the idea of two weapons = twice the bashinā€™! Truly a heroic persona for the savior of the world (of Warcraft!).

Itā€™s hard to know what will happen in the future of the game, but I figured I gotta try. Iā€™ll keep showing off support as best as I can while the game is still getting content added to it. I still dream of the day of seeing Ogre players in Orgrimmar. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:

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Well, Shadowlands finally comes out today. Iā€™ve been sharing a few useful Wowhead links for those planning to get into the expansionā€™s launch, and Iā€™ll share them here as well.

A global launch time can be found here:

A survival guide with some helpful information on the launch:

I wish the best of luck for those planning to try out the expansionā€™s launch. I hope it goes smoothly with few problems.

Iā€™m thinking as we get patches, Iā€™ll check up on some of the Horde Ogres and around Orgrimmar to see if anything of note changes. Iā€™m not expecting anything, of course, but keeping an eye out occasionally could be a good idea. Maybe the Horde Ogres will help with the crazy undead attacking the area while weā€™re off dealing with the Shadowlandsā€¦or maybe theyā€™ll be off hibernating or looking at the stock market. Who can say? But if I ever see anything of note, Iā€™ll be sure to report it here.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I was busy last week so didnā€™t get a lot of drawing done but this week looks to be a little better. I am getting rid of the male ogre for now and working mainly on 3 variations of female ogres.

The one youā€™ve seen is going to be the heavy version. I have a thicc version that I see being the ugly ogre with pretty wife variation. And then there is a version in between the two that is not too thicc and not too heavy. Hope it turns out well. We need some options for female ogres since there are very little reference material for them.

Did a little work on the female ogre sketch. Left is the thick model, right is the heavy model, and middle is a between shaped model. The left and middle models are just outlines. #1 is first drawn and #2 is a slight adjusting to middle and heavy models.

` - #1

` - #2

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While Iā€™m here Pepino in the old thread posted this picture which is brilliant. He said it was not his image but did not mention whose it was.


Thanks for the links.

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve seen that before or not. Thanks for posting it. I can use that as a reference.


Posted in the wrong thread ^^ Sorry! anyway as I said, this one is so much better than the old one, and itā€™s nice to have an OP that isnā€™t rude. Accidentally said it in the old one but didnā€™t mean it. Meant for this one <3


^ This right here.



Iā€™ve seen that female Ogre image before a long time ago and thought it was official artwork from a game of some kind. Judging from the watermark in the bottom right of the image, it looks more like someone drew fanart. It looks pretty good and about close to what I would expect from playable female Ogre design. Iā€™m also glad the artist credit is in the image itself.

Some good news: Iā€™m close to finishing my Business Finance class, so Iā€™ll have some free time to work on my megathreads. For this megathread, I want to see if any sections of the first post needs revamping, as well as seeing what I should add to it. Iā€™ll also see if I can think of any other fun things to do with this megathread, such as some screenshot stories that Iā€™ve done before with the Saurok megathread. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to share!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Seeing that I am not enjoying my time in Bastion and canā€™t play it more then 30 mins to and hour at a time I had some time today to mess around with the middle imagesā€™ body shape. The head is more male then female and will change over time. But I did add some gems to horn to show she was more showy then males.

` - Looks like a dwarf body which isnā€™t what I am after.

` - This one is more muscle bound and muscle head, lol. Have to make arms longer if I keep this version. Knuckle draggers would fit or almost knuckle draggers. Probably make her more slouching/leaned over also.

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Pretty awesome! :smiley:

Iā€™ve been busy trying to finish up what remains of my Business Finance class, but honestly from what Iā€™ve seen in various videosā€¦I feel a lot more disinterested than I did before Shadowlands launched.

Itā€™s cool to see that others are enjoying it. It just isnā€™t really my cup of tea for a variety of reasons. Eventually, Iā€™ll give it a go as I have to get to 60 somehow, but for the moment, I feel more interested in doing older content as I wait for the launch chaos and bugs to get sorted out. Iā€™ve even toyed with giving Classic another go, as I wanted to see what it was like for the Stonemaul Ogres back then in Dustwallow Marsh. You never know if anything of interest lies there!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Thanks for linking those pics. Much appreciated.

I decided to just focus on the right most picture otherwise it will be a very long time before I have an actual concept/idea down and not just a rough sketch. Plus, I think that version fits the female ogre best.

Tip for when you do decide to try out Shadowlands. Do all the side quests, at least in Bastion. I found out that only doing the story quest only gets me about half way through the zone before I have to level up to get more story quest unlocked. A bad design imo since I think story quests should level you up enough to continue to do the story.

I was only playing about 30 mins - 1 hr at a time with the Kyrian story, because I didnā€™t like that zone/covenant, so unless you are looking forward to that covenant you arenā€™t missing anything right away imo. The Maw is different but you arenā€™t there that long in the beginning so just take a quick look around and move on.

I didnā€™t like Kyrian but I am enjoying Maldraxxus so far. Iā€™m an orc fan and Thralls parents were awesome in the novels so I have a place in my heart for them especially Draka who has such a great back story imo. Iā€™m liking the way the story is unfolding there also. Kind of glad most players donā€™t like Maldraxxus cause that means more for me. :smile:

With the Kyrian story I was speeding through it and not reading anything but with Maldraxxus I am actually reading what the NPCā€™s have to say which I canā€™t ever remember doing before. I want to know the lore there but even more of interest to me is Draka and any story attached to her and possibly how she left the Shadowlands and went to a demon world. And which one was it? Their home world or another, unvisited, world?

The Maldraxxus guards remind me of ogres that are in shape, lol. Even the females are big, muscular beings that could be ogres that are in really good shape. Like Crossfit shape.

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