The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Not every clan. The Outlands are a lost cause. But those that broke from the Horde when the ylost the war.

The other clans broke off from the horde after the first 2 wars mainly because of the horde failing to take stormwind and being split in a few too many areas especially since during the 2nd war gulā€™dan took a significant amount of their forces to the tomb of Sargeras to claim the Eye of Sargeras, Doomhammer had to send rend and maim blackhand and the dragonmaw clan after gulā€™dan to punish him for his betrayal zulā€™jin and the amani were pushed back from quelā€™thalas

The stonemaul were the first to rejoin the new horde during the fouding of durotar under Rexxar which is the campaign that takes place after WC3


imagne if you are the 1st ogre

Now we need an Ogre in a rabbit outfit with a bunny ears hood and a basket full of eggs for Easter. :rabbit::egg:

Come to think of it. The Wendigo Woolies outfit in-game would look pretty interesting on an Ogre. Moreso with an Ogre with two heads. Hopefully theyā€™ll put that on the trading post someday.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If we do eventually get all of the ogre clans that are willing to unite under the horde banner what would they be called? Because the gorian empire is the ogre civilization of old, kind of like how thrall brought all of the orc clans together and became lord of the clans the Warchief


You know, seeing as Moonkin use the Ogre skeleton and they recently updated that. I donā€™t know. We could see Ogres in the future of WoW.


iā€™d like to know the real reason behind why theyā€™ve never made em playable and not having a female counterpart isnā€™t really an excuse, you could play as thrall in WC3 and there were no female orc character models present, same goes for several other characters and races represented in and throughout WC1 to WC2 to WC3 from vanilla all the way to now

i remember awhile back someone made a comment saying the orcs and ogres have too many similar qualities to bring them in as a player race, well then you need to explain why we have 2 different versions of playable trolls practically every flavor of elf all 4 playable humans yes iā€™m counting the undead humans of lordaeron and 2 different versions of the space goat the other is just a light fanatic and now were gunna have 3 dwarves ones fleshy ones firey the last one is a rock a solid covered in crystals rock


Might have been a size issue. They are canonically larger then Tauren and Tauren already have difficulty with entering some buildings

Donā€™t forget Tauren donā€™t have their true size in the game for the playable model :dracthyr_nod:

And Gamon as the same size as Rexxar :dracthyr_tea:


Not sure. However they could just be referred to as the Ogre clans of the Horde, like the orc clans in the Horde. Alternatively they would be the Ogres of ā€œwhatever their capital is.ā€

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Assuming this all the Horde Ogre clans with some extra ones, itā€™s likely the Horde Ogre Clans faction would have a name that comes from the Ogre language that would get revealed with an announcement of playable Horde Ogres.

Otherwise, if it were just the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans, it would just be Stonemaul Clan as the rep name.

The work into getting them playable had to not be too huge of a roadblock if they were considered in becoming playable multiple times.

Granted, the reasons for why they didnā€™t become playable likely changed as time went on. Nowadays, I know that it would likely take a lot of work and planning to implement, especially when it comes to two-headed Ogres. However, seeing how complicated Dracthyr could have been gives me some hope that Ogres are still a possibility.

As for not having females of a race isnā€™t really an excuse to not make something playable. Many races, playable and NPC, that didnā€™t have males or females got the opposite at some point in the game. I donā€™t see why Ogres would be an exception.

This is the first Iā€™m hearing of it, which is laughable logic. Ogres, while the progenitors to Orcs, they are VASTLY different from each other in many ways, from aesthetics to culture.

Not to mention that we currently have:

4.75 Elves

3.25 Dwarves

2.5 Draenei

2 Trolls

2 Tauren

2 Humans

2 Gnomes

And so on. And at the time of this post, weā€™re getting a new Dwarf race as part of that 3.25 I mentioned. So I feel like the argument of being too similar to another race to be playable is silly when Lightforged Dranei and Highmountain Tauren are playable.

Actually, Iā€™ve seen sources that Tauren were suppose to be bigger than Ogres. I know actual sizes become murky with the game since it treats model sizes different from canonical sizes. To be fair, I donā€™t know if things have changed since then with regards to Ogre size.

Still, Iā€™d be perfectly fine with playable Ogre models being slightly above Tauren size or so. I think there should be an acceptable size for playable Ogres that make them look big but arenā€™t too big to be an issue. Even if their heads might just go through the top of door frames or something just to be able to go into buildings.

Though it would kinda suck to raid Stormwind and have players nuking Ogre players from inside buildings that the Ogres canā€™t get into. Thus why I imagine Ogres just going through some parts of door frames, even if it doesnā€™t look pretty (and I donā€™t mean the Ogre specifically).

I also guess that if they went the neutral Ogre route a la Ogriā€™la Ogres, that would have to get tested as well. Oh well. If they need testers for playable Ogres to report any issues and help come up with solutions, Iā€™m more than happy to help. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


what kinda ogre would you make

Gnoll supremacy.

Got a mage a monk a death knight and a priest thought out.


shaman primalist also member of the twilights hammer cult

Undead Warlord death knight


manhunter Gorrog he hates humans

the last one is a warrior and iā€™ll figure that out when i make him


Gorian Federation?


Might just end up being called the ogre clans i honestly dont think theyā€™ll ever remake the gorian empire as it was most weā€™d get is taking dire maul from the gordunni and sprucing it up to be a 2nd orgrimmar i doubt the nelfs or nightborne have any lingering attachment to the ruin but it is a decent foothold near the ocean so it could end up being another powerful seat for the horde to gain much like the horde council i believe if we do take dire maul the ogre clans could convene the smartest of them forming a council of the clans to then send a representative to the horde, but more than likely you might get a funny back and forth conversation between a nightborne mage and an ogre mage about the arcane