The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Over on the Forest Troll megathread, I did a breakdown of the various Forest Troll tribes and their likelihood of joining the Horde if Blizzard went the multiple tribe route for playable Forest Trolls.

Thus I’ve decided to do the same here, in case Blizzard does the multiple Ogre clan route for playable Ogres. Note: I am only including in-game Ogre clans that can be easily visited in-game via lore. Thus Ogre clans that are on current Azeroth and Outland, as the way to AU Draenor is closed lore wise.

  • Stonemaul: Already in the Horde.
  • Dunemaul: Already in the Horde.
  • AU Stonemaul: Already in the Horde.
  • Boulderfist: While the Azerothian branch of the clan is unlikely to join the Horde (this is the same clan that turned on their Witherbark allies, even as Stromgarde was rebuilt by the Alliance after all), Lantresor’s attendance at the Kosh’harg could signal that he could bring in the Outland branch.
  • Crushridge: Born from the branch of the Stonemaul clan that remained in the Eastern Kingdoms, I give them a 50/50 chance on rejoining their clansmen or remaining enemies against on account of the Forsaken enslaving Mug’thol, who via an Arathi quest is revealed to still live.
  • Deadwind: All that is known about the group is that they live in Deadwind Pass, leaving them a blank state and an easy clan to recruit to the Horde.
  • Dreadmaul: Very unlikely, as they were enslaved by the Horde in Cataclysm, and eagerly joined the Iron Horde in the name of vengeance.
  • Dustbelcher: Highly unlikely, as they outright betrayed the Horde after their services were hired.
  • Firegut: One of the Ogre clans of the Dark Horde, their Blackrock allies rejoining the Horde have the potential to bring back into the fold.
  • Gordunni: While they continue to attack Horde holdings in Feralas, they didn’t fight against Rexxar and Zekhan when they visited the ruins of Diremaul, even though the pair knew they didn’t like them being there. Thus I feel that there is potential for them joining and if they do, it wouldn’t be the first time former enemies of the Horde joined them.
  • Mosh’Ogg: Seemingly wiped out by the Gurubashi tribe, during the events of the Rise of the Zandalari patch.
  • Mo’grosh: Last known to have allied with the Twilight’s Hammer.
  • Spirestone: One of the Ogre clans of the Dark Horde, their Blackrock allies rejoining the Horde have the potential to bring back into the fold.
  • Ango’rosh: Clashed with the Horde in Outland, thus low odds with joining, especially if they don’t want to leave their territory.
  • Bladespire: Their leader Maulgar is revealed to have survived BC as revealed by Legion. As Maulgar is rather eager to watch players die in the Blade Edge’s arena and seems content in Outland, I can’t image him willingly joining the Horde.
  • Bloodmaul: Rivals of the Bladespire. When the Horde Witch Doctor T’chali sought to increase their strength against their rivals, the Bloodmaul showed their gratitude by taking his knowledge and killing him. While the Horde has accepted former enemies, I can’t image them taking in a clan that shows their “gratitude” in that fashion.
  • Ogri’la: Friendly Ogres who worked with both factions. 50/50 odds of joining the Horde, as other friendly nations that worked with both sides like the Highmountain Tauren and the Nightborne did join the Horde.
  • Warmaul: Rivals of the Boulderfist unlikely to join the Horde, especially if the Boulderfist enter the fold.
  • Bloodeye: Allies of the Twilight’s Hammer.
  • Glopgut: While they were open to joining the Twilight’s Hammer, Horde players deceived them into thinking that they were a Twilight Hammer agent when they attacked them and thus potentially started a conflict between them. This conflict could open the door way for negotiations for the Glopgut joining the Horde.
  • Servants of Koroth: These Ogres servants of the Ettin Koroth were last seen with their master as he was tricked into attacking the Forsaken. MIA since, they may have been wiped out by the Forsaken.
  • Bloodfist: Fiercely territorial of their holdings, they didn’t even attempt to open negotiations when Horde forces to the Molten Clay.
  • Mo’gosh: Fiercely territorial of their holdings, they didn’t even attempt to open negotiations when Horde forces to the Molten Clay.
  • Darkmaul: Their first instinct when Horde and Alliance forces arrived on Exile’s Reach was to decide that both were sacrifices for their plot to resurrect the dragon Ravnyr into undeath. Thus, I do not see them joining the Horde any time soon.

i know i’ve commented before about the coded armor on some ogres but what if we got an upres HD version of Mogor the ogre and other similar types of his armor, or do you think the upres HD version is what mar’gok is wearing in highmaul?


I apologize for not having posted for awhile. I have unfortunately lost one of my dogs to a sudden health problem and have not been in the best of mindset for awhile. I would like to ask any pet owners that whatever pets you own, present and future, to make sure to give them lots of love and care each day. You never know when life will rear its ugly head and decide to take them, sadly.

But anyway, something I noticed was that there is a WoW Chronicle Volume 4 coming out July 16th of this year…which if you recall, is the series that Blizzard put out to be definitive lore books, only to retcon several things about it.

This volume is said to be “encompassing story insights and lore from Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands” The only thing of Horde Ogre interest could be the WoD section to learn more about the Ogres from there, especially anything about the AU Stonemaul Clan if they’re even mentioned. However, seeing as anything can be retconned from there as with previous volumes, I don’t know what all to think about it.

If you want more info, Wowhead has an article on the book being available for preorder here:

I’ll be adding it to my wishlist for now. Whenever I do get it, I’ll be sure to go over it and report back anything of interest. You never know what will actually be in it, and when it comes to the Horde Ogre clans, it’s best to not leave any stones unturned.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I just came here to pledge my continual support for two-headed Ogres!

I guess I’ll have to keep dreaming big as Bagzak says :frowning:


I’m sorry for your loss and just take whatever time you need.


Dropping in to poke this thread and reinforce my support for playable ogres. Hope we see them on the Horde sometime soon.


Ogres would have been an excellent pairing with the Wildhammer if blizzard was just going to do another dwarf race.

Earthen are fine and all but I’d have rather had a race that each faction has ties to.


One of the issues I see with that pairing is that the Horde would be getting a very unique race with a lot of bells and whistles while the Alliance would complain about get another Dwarf race. Wildhammer Dwarves would have some unique features, but I don’t know if it would be enough to pair them with Ogres. Granted, there is an issue in general with what the Alliance would get if paired with Horde Ogres that would be hard to avoid.

For Wildhammers, if they were to be a full race, I feel like the Revantusk Forest Trolls would be a better pairing. Both races represent missing factions from the Warcraft RTS days, even if it was the Amani instead of the Revantusk, and both are connected enough in-game to have storylines and such. Maybe even working to make peace between them with the whole armistice thing and some big bad in the Hinterlands that requires both to work together to overcome and see the true meaning of Winter Veil would make for interesting questlines.

When it comes to pairing Horde Ogres with something on the Alliance, as I said before many times, whatever the Alliance gets is going to get overshadowed. I personally lean towards Furbolg for the pairing nowadays as they’d still be fairly unique. Sure, people will complain and draw comparisons to Pandaren, but people are going to complain for one reason or another regardless of what the Alliance would get.

I might go more into detail on that pairing in another post, as their storylines could tie into each other being on Kalimdor and there being an event that could bring them to work together. I know there is that looming Botani threat that is likely to be a thing someday, though I like to tie that with playable Saberon. Something for me to ponder on in the future.

Of course, Ogres could also be neutral, which while good to get playable Horde Ogres in some fashion, isn’t really the best course of action in my own personal opinion. Hard to really know what would happen in the future when it comes to playable Ogres to be honest. :person_shrugging:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ogres and Furbolgs sound like the perfect pair to me.


Its nuts that the best they could come up with was earthen dwarves instead of ogres/mok’nathal they were due way back in burning crusade if not vanilla itself…


I started playing in Wrath, and after questing through the Alliance and Horde stories, I thought for sure that ogres for Horde and furbolgs for Alliance were going to be the new playable races in Cata based on how they were already integrated and allied with their respective factions. Although I am glad that goblins were added, since they ended up being my favorite playable Horde race, I still maintain that ogres and furbolgs could and should be added at any time. These races are some of the longest standing unplayable faction members. It just makes sense!


At this point I’m sure the Alliance would complain no matter what we got. >.>

Though its a fair point.

I’d love that honestly.

Well I mean…

You’ll never get me to be unhappy if they made my favorite pick for a Horde AR and my favorite pick for an Alliance AR…

Ogres and Furbolg would make my year…


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Wailing Caverns got updated with them as the main threat over the Druids of the Fang.

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A winner is me! :partying_face:

This is something we’ve been discussing about heavily in the Saberon megathread. There is a lot of potential with there being a Botani threat and it introducing playable Saberon. So it’s something I hope we get to see in the near future, seeing as a lot of time has passed and the Botani are capable of some scary not-so-nice things.

On the subject of Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolgs, I was pondering on the idea more and was wondering if their storylines could tie into a takeover of Dire Maul by the Horde and Alliance. The Gordunni threat in the area has been increasing, especially from reading Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, and it sounds like something that could make for a fun in-game event.

I still think some storylines introducing the MU/AU Stonemaul Clan and some of the Furbolg tribes, with some events like the pre-Cataclysm events to go with it and also assaulting Dire Maul could make for some exciting game events. I know Furbolg don’t have much to do with Feralas, but if we saved them, I don’t see why they could help with it and join the Alliance as a result.

And I still think having Mok’morokk having taken over the Gordunni Clan and amassing an army that has been causing problems for the Horde and Alliance could still work with the Dire Maul event. Obviously, all these things would need a lot of fleshing out again, but it’s still a fun thought.

I’ll be thinking on it some more to see if I can maybe flesh out the idea more. I do think Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolg would make for an excellent combination and there are some possibilities with this idea. :polar_bear: :japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Furbolgs have a tendency to go mad, so an easy storyline could be the Stillpine wish to aid their brethren and learned that from the Shen’dralar that there’s an artifact in Dire Maul that could free their people from corruption. Thus the Furbolgs have a more personal motivation to get involved in Diremaul.

I really like this idea. As not only would it deal with the lose thread of Overlord Mok’Morokk, but it would make the fight more personal for the Stonemaul over it being a matter of Ogres being brought in to fight other Ogres.


General ideas I had was that with the Night Elf areas on Kalimdor in shambles and them moving to the new world tree, I imagined it would be prime time for some type of baddie up to no good to try and take over the area.

I keep thinking a Satyr could be behind that. Something about it seems very fitting with the whole situation of planning to take over Kalimdor with a demonic army, wanting to get and corrupt magic from Dire Maul in doing so, and trying to corrupt the Furbolg tribes again while also adding the Gordunni Clan to it to keep the Horde and Alliance busy on two fronts while they gain power seems like an interesting plan.

With Mok’morokk, he is a bit vulnerable since he left the MU Stonemaul Clan, so I could see this Satyr offering him power and by doing that, Mok’morokk would take on the Gordok King, win, and rule over the Gordunni Clan. While that goes on, the Satyr would have had dealings with Onyxia’s old minions and a surviving offspring, which helps to drive the MU Stonemaul Clan out of Feralas back to Dustwallow Marsh.

Through this, the Alliance has events helping the Furbolg, the Horde has events helping the Horde Ogre clans, and then an assault on Dire Maul event to take on Mok’morokk and the Satyr that both factions are apart of to end the threat. This would end with Alliance Furbolg and Horde Ogres while the Horde and Alliance have a joint ownership of Dire Maul.

Theres a lot of this that needs fleshing out obviously, which I may work on for fun, but it is something that feels like it would work really well together. Moreso when you realize that the playable Furbolg and Ogre factions would consist of multiple tribes and clans, which makes for a fun parallel along with the theme of corruption.

Really starting to make a great combo of playable races to me! :polar_bear: :japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Here are some pictures of female Ogres using the female Orc model. The final result is nice. Maybe we should increase a little their belly size.










These are perfect.


I think they need their legs shortened a little, too, but definitely on the right track.


Tol’karg is amazing. Loved those renditions!

A tad too orcish to my eyes but very good for a start and mockup!