The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Winter Veil is now live in WoW Retail. Huzzah!

I’m sure the Horde Ogre clans are excited as well. Hopefully they’ll be able to participate in the festivities someday!

I’ll be taking some festive screenshots like I usually do each year, some of which will be for a few other race request megathreads. I’ll also make my usual end of the year and beginning of next year posts like I usually do as well. It’s a busy but fun time!

Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe Winter Veil! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


As is part of the usual tradition of Winter Veil in this megathread, I’ve gone and taken several screenshots of the Winter Veil sleigh ride, which is one of my favorite parts of the Winter Veil features. I’ve chosen an Ogre at random to be Santa Ogre this year, off to spread holiday cheer for the Horde and hopefully grant some Ogre wishes to come true!

Enjoy the screenshots with some fitting music below:

More festive screenshots to come! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


all i want for winters veil great father winter is to become a real ogre :open_mouth:


I have a few thoughts.

Though I dread the idea, supposedly what if Blizzard is saving the most hardcore races/species for last? Like as in the last expansion?

A: Furbolg
N: Taunka And/Or Forest Troll
H: Ogre

Perhaps more people playing as Kul’Tirans or non pretty and non cute races/species would encourage Metzen and Ion to implement the beastly races sooner?

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I doubt that. Blizzard would implement long requested races like Ogres and Tuskarr to help boost WoW numbers, before it reaches the final expansion.

I could see those races coming during the World Soul Saga.

I don’t think that’s a factor they look for. After all not alot of people play Gnomes and even less play Mechagnomes. Furthermore dwarves don’t have high numbers and we’re getting Earthen.

Blizzard does races they want too, with the hopes enough people will play them.


Blizzard is opening up applications for the Community Council in 2024:

I’ve gone ahead and applied, though I honestly don’t know the chances that I’ll actually get to be on there.

I do want to state that if I get on there, I plan to give every megathread a voice and that I won’t be going into business for myself. Several new megathreads have popped up since the first post on there linking to several, so I’ll want to make sure those new megathreads have representation too.

I’ll also want to bring up some things, such as how Customization Races have been treated and how to improve them, which I’ve mentioned wanting to for quite some time. There are a few other things I have in mind as well to bring up should I ever get on that Council.

But we’ll see if it actually happens. I’m wanting to keep an open mind and not count my chickens before they’ve hatched. Even then, I can’t say I’d be perfect or that anything would come from my posts. Still worth a try, of course.

Speaking of text, it will be interesting to see my megathreads in bright yellow text if I do get on there. Hope it doesn’t clash with things in the main megathread post or become hard to read.

Also, for a future update to the main megathread post, I need to go through the Community Council posts to link posts of interest. I’ll add that to my to-do list when I can.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Good luck on your admission.


An Ogre takes his son to go see Father Winter! And to wish for the Horde Ogre clans to have full Horde membership, of course! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The WoW road map for the first half of the year has been revealed.


Would’ve been a fun WoW Winterveil if they had Ogres carry in the Christmas tree and maybe even have a quest for us to help them actually acquire it or something to kind of set up future recruitment.

You know kind of like the Ogres saying “Hey, I know this champion/hero/whatever, he helped me out during Winterveil.” Could even have us helping Ogres each holiday and when we go to recruit them each of them come forward and speak on our behalf on how we helped them out during this occasion. Just an idea.


I’m not really sure what to expect with that pirate looking banner. I assume there will be enemy pirates we’ll need to beat up or something for reasons.

The War Within looks to have a tentative release between late summer and early fall. I’ll of course report on some Earthen related stuff including analyzing their unlock criteria, their placement on the character creation screen, and also how the Orgrimmar and Stormwind embassies look with their banners in both cities. Honestly, I’m kinda glad the Allied Race system is still being utilized, since it opens opportunities for some races to be playable that they may not have before, and it remains an important topic to talk about for any race request megathread.

I’m curious about the 20th anniversary event, since it’ll be a huge milestone. It would be nice to see the Horde Ogre clans part of it, but I’ll just keep an open mind and report on it whenever official details pop up.

And of course I’m still going to keep up the playable Horde Ogre support in 2024 and beyond. Hopefully we’ll be able to have our own Ogre warbands in the future!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Blizzard has revealed the Trading Post items for next month:

And the reward for doing enough tasks is this watch transmog:

Nothing really Ogre related this time. It’s still a mystery about the other Ogre children models, so I’ll be continuing to keep an eye on the Trading Post rewards in case they pop up on there.

Thinking I’ll be getting that Salamanther and the Pterrodax mount, which I’ll have just enough for both. Honestly, I really wanted that Salamanther when I first saw it datamined on Wowhead, so I’m pretty happy to see it finally available. :lizard:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Winter Veil Day is getting very close and that Ogre child is waiting patiently to open his presents. At least there is quite a bit to do to celebrate the holiday until then! :snowman_with_snow:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


One day, Blizzard will add em in.

They’re a good pick. Old Horde race, well liked, plenty of lore and already a part of the Horde.

I’d love to see em paired with Wildhammer or Furbolg.


Considering that playable dwarves can customize themselves with a Wildhammer look, I don’t see them becoming playable on their own right.

Furbolgs on the other hand I can easily see becoming playable.


Until they decided to run with Earthen I was also doubtful.

Now I don’t really believe there is any requirements or range Blizzard won’t do. If tomorrow they thought Wildhammer would be cool, we’d get Wildhammer.

I hope they do! I have my own thread about it. :stuck_out_tongue:


I found these npcs:

They have the same size as Gamon, the perfect size for playable Ogre.


Playing with a Ogre with two heads would be fun xD


an ogre with 2 heads arguing who they should smash first with a smol gobbo riding on its back saying GO AFTER THE MAGIC CASTER IN THE DRESS!


Now I’m thinking it’d be fun for ogres to have a racial to give other players a piggyback ride, not any faster than ordinary running speed, just give them a ride. :smile: