The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’d love to see this implemented ingame! However, the only drawback I can see is the fact that both Ogres and Balance Druids use the same model skeleton, anyway I wouldn’t mind even having Ogre Druids, as long as we have’em as a new possible race :)!

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Hows that a drawback?

That can only be good. It means the balance forms would get an upgrade and we’d get ogres.


So I mentioned the idea of some pre-expansion events involving reintroducing playable Horde Ogres, possibly to tie up some loose ends in some of their storylines. I also thought back to something similar to the pre-Cataclysm events that lead to the Darkspear Trolls taking back Echo Isles (and introducing Troll Druids) while also having the Gnomes attempt to take back Gnomeregan.

If you weren’t around in the game right before Cataclysm, here are videos of the events:

Darkspear Troll Event

Gnome Event:

These were pretty awesome events that helped to increase hype for Cataclysm. It’s something I haven’t really seen done much with other expansions, at least on the same level, and the idea of having something like this for upcoming playable races that lead into the patch where they become playable would be amazing and memorable.

Ogres are a race that I feel are big enough (in more ways than one) to have such an event, and obviously something could be put in for whatever the Alliance would get.

There are two ideas I have for such an event:

The first is helping the Stonemaul take back their home for good and fighting off some Black Dragonflight in the area.

The second is leading a charge to take over Dire Maul for the Horde, likely involving Mok’morokk causing trouble for the Horde in the area as a reason for the push for Dire Maul.

Both could work as separate phases, but the first one I think would be the most important, as it finally would let the Stonemaul have revenge and also take back their home for good. It would also work great as the starting area for Ogre players if they treat it like an allied race hub.

Anyway, just something I wanted to share. Something like this for Ogres would make for some great hype for an upcoming expansion, as well as get people excited for a race long-overdue for becoming playable.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Well it looks like we got a week until Shadowlands launches. I’ll be keeping an eye out for Horde Ogre activity during Shadowlands, though I doubt I’ll see much of that sadly. Still, I’ll keep some hope.

If anything, we could see some of the Stonemaul Ogres that had died trying to fend off the dragonkin that invaded their home. You actually have to put their spirits to rest in a quest in Dustwallow Marsh:

Not sure if we’ll run into them or not in the Shadowlands…even then, if they ask me if the Stonemaul ever got their home back, I wouldn’t have an answer for them, sadly. ._ .

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


That was probably my favorite event. I really liked what they did there and the story was nice, being a troll hunter at the time. Only downside was them turning my long rare cloak from that event into a garbage normal item. Big plus was the Darkspear Pride toy. Love that thing.

:+1: Playable Ogres.

EDIT: I just remembered something I thought of a while ago but am not sure I’ve ever mentioned. If Blizz is so undecided on a female Ogres body couldn’t they just have one body for both male and female and just add in female faces and lock female gear to those? Could even just take the male Ogre body and add breasts also. Why do the Ogre bodies have to be that different? I’d be fine with either option.

But the option where you just change the face to female and you have a female Ogre would explain why no one sees females. They actually have seen female Ogres, they just never knew it because they look like the males. :laughing:


My own opinion is that Blizzard should take care when designing female Ogres. I’d like to see them become their own thing as opposed to just slapping female faces and equipment on the male model. I’d also like for them to be designed to be savage and Ogre-like as opposed to being a dolled up waifu.

There are a few points that I’ve made previously regarding female Ogres, and will do my best to try to remember them all again.

The first is that, in a marketing sense, one of the big things about a playable Ogre announcement is “what do the female Ogres look like?” This would be a reason to make sure it’s memorable and designed right, as people are going to likely make all sorts of videos showing off female Ogre customization options.

The second is that, as I mentioned, female Ogres shouldn’t just be made to be pretty. They’re Ogres. They should be savage looking. They don’t need to be extremely grotesque, but they also shouldn’t be of the “pretty pretty princess” variety.

The third, relating to the second post, is that having the option to be a typical female Ogre adds some variety for those that want to make such a character. Not all women players want to be pretty and would like to have the option of being a big, dumb Ogre. Even if it wouldn’t be a huge amount of people playing them, it just adds to the game while making it more memorable. It’s like how in Everquest 1, female Dwarves have a bearded option. Not a lot of people will play a female Dwarf with a beard, but it adds to the world building.

Female Ogres shouldn’t be something to be afraid of designing, and instead should be viewed as an asset. Yeah, there will be people who will go “EWWW!” at them, but having them as an option for those who would like to make a female Ogre character goes a long way. Sometimes, just having the option to create some marketing buzz, worldbuilding opportunities, and a few happy players for the game is all you need to have successful design in my opinion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’m not sure a female ogre could really look any different then male ogres tbh. They are ogres and real life male and female ogre type people almost always look similar. They have the same body type with women having visibly female parts but otherwise get rid of those and it’s a male ogre just smaller.

I also don’t see female ogres as thin or even Kul’tiran shaped. I see them as a rather overweight female body type. Kind of like Princess Theradras though less underwater, dead pirate looking and with only two arms and one ogre face.

Maybe this is why Blizz doesn’t have a female ogre type yet. No one can agree on what they should look like. Too many ideas. We’ll just agree to disagree on what the females should look like.

I’m going to attempt a less cartoon looking ogre male today but I was planning on drawing a female ogre the way I think they should look also. They will hopefully be in the picture together and they might be a class not normally associated with them.

To each their own.

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When I mentioned female Ogres being their own thing, I was referring more to making female Ogres their own model as opposed to just taking the male Ogre model and changing it slightly. If it were up to me, I’d make female Ogres similar in being a big, fat, dumb, and ugly, but having their own model, animations, and such compared to male Ogres.

I mean, if Everquest 1 can give us that with their female Ogres and Trolls, I don’t see why Blizzard can’t do that with their female Ogres. As I said, it’d add some flavor for those interested in playing such a character as it would be a lot different compared to females of other playable races.

I do look forward to seeing what you draw for female Ogres. I think that is something that should be shared in general to showcase what could be done with female Ogres in the game.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:

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All of this.

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Well, I got a rough outline of the two. The male is just a two-headed ogre. One has one eye and the other two eyes. It isn’t even what I’m planning on making them it is just a sketch of a reference I found. Will alter it in the coming days but for now it’s just a placeholder.

The female has already changed from original sketch. She actually looks like something I’ve seen before but can’t place it. I thought it was a hobgoblin but when I looked them up it wasn’t them. It’s by no means a finished version just a basic sketch and not at all what I had planned but I might try and work with what I got for now to see where it goes. Not sure if I should post a pic till I have a more clear cut version seeing as to how female ogres have never really been designed.

Besides, her arms are not shaped and they are too short. Her legs are pointing at the wrong angles. She is actually wider then the male though she is shorter. I’ll probably work on only her tomorrow after I finish what I have to do in the morning. I like what I see so far but not sure others will. I will however save the pic to show the evolution of the piece later on like I did with my vampire elf.

EDIT: Trying to upload the basic sketch but Imgur is being stupid telling me I can’t upload that type while I’ve done it all along with my other art.

Grrr, had to switch it to a JPG instead of a PNG. I think PNG keeps the quality but JPG’s lose some quality.

` - This is the first draft/sketch. (Male ogre is just placeholder)

` - This is the 2nd draft/sketch. (Male ogre is just placeholder although I did work on his ear real quick. My other ogre was suppose to have pierced ears with the huge holes.)

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Looking good! Seeing the two heads reminds me of all the different type of customization options Ogres could have for both heads.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Thanks for the links Bagzak. Really hope I can pull some magic out while drawing these, especially the female, like I did with the vampire elf.

Yea, there are quite a bit of options they could add to both genders. And as I 've said before the male is just a place holder. The female is only the first draft idea. The vampire elf I did I think went through 4 -5 variations so don’t anyone get offended or bummed about this first draft. I’m just seeing what works and trying new things since there isn’t many female ogre references to go by.

For instance, I was originally going to give her a neck in the basic sketch but I was using Therazane as my reference and she didn’t have a neck. I also wasn’t even thinking about double chins but Therazane had one so I tried it. Therazane had pointy breasts and those don’t work for me so I dropped them like in real life. Her legs need work and her arms don’t look shaped right. And both of their poses are just placeholders also.

Don’t pull the rip cord just yet. This is only a test, lol.


You nightborne already have that covered.


we already have seen ogre rogues. They would be allowed to be rogues. Just like zandalari have paladins.


Skimming the forums, I read the title as “The Unofficial Sensual Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!”

Think I need to eat something.



Well, I was going to post an updated pic but imgur is being even more stupid then earlier. Now I can’t post PNG or JPEG even though it says it supports those. Getting real tired of that crap.

Didn’t really do much except work on her arms and legs. My niece and nephew came over so had to cut it short. I was hoping to have some time Saturday to work on it but it appears I won’t get any real time till possibly Monday which is Shadowlands, lol. I’ll work on it bit by bit and hopefully imgur works for me.

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Sounds pretty dumb.

Lmao. Horde nightelf calling other races ugly.
Slow clap

Fully support this. It’ll even be better if they can be on both sides