The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Had a video pop up in my Youtube Recommendations about Ogre Magi. Might have been shared before, so apologies if it has been linked in here already:

Seems like a good video to revisit Ogre magic class lore and also two-head customization lore and such, though the latter might need to have new lore created to explain them better.

I’m going to see if I can find some time to sit down and revamp the class section in the near future. Still planning it out some for the next update to the megathread, but hopefully I’ll be able to have it updated soon.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Three individual WoW teams are at work, one focused on live wow, one on the War Within, and another developing Midnight. Hopefully one of these dreams will make the grand vision a reality.


they are planning to join the alliance as the mu-scle

as a community council member, we are depending on you.
please help us be heard. yell from the top of a mountain, do what you gotta do.


In the Taunka thread someone said that in in one of the interviews for the World Soul Sage, a dev was quoting as saying “know which races they want to introduce in midnight and the last titan”.

While it’s unclear if it was related to a race focus, here’s hoping that the dev meant new playable races and that Ogres are on the cards.


Personally from the expansions coming it doesn’t give hope for Ogres, Earthen in War Within, I can bet you High Elves (finally) and Forest Trolls (possibly using the beefier models) be in Midnight which makes sense since going back to Quel’thalas, Taunka and Tuskarr in The Last Titan since it’s Northrend.

Which is frustrating even more.

If War Within does get a 2nd race which I highly doubt because that be an insane way to generate hype stating “more may come”, it’s most likely would be Allied neutral to both factions.

Earthen being announced literally destroyed all my hype for BlizzCon and War Within, not even a tease on new customisations for the races we have.

What kills me even more is Wildhammer Clan is still just a cosmetic option for Bronzebeard.

Personally I feel like War Within has zero hype for me, Hero Talents are purely passive, no change what so ever in gameplay, aren’t unique to the spec and must be shared which already limits them on what they could do, which I feel like is a bad design choice, so realistically every class is going to feel exactly the same for the first time going into a new expansion. No changes, everything is purely passive.

Rant over, Ogres should of been announced, with a unique race for Alliance, giving Dwarf to Horde in my opinion is lazy and horrible for the game and the faction.


I’d totally be for the April Fool’s two-headed Ogre becoming reality. That’d be a good time.

Seriously Ogres need to be playable already.


Since Ogres have shared animations and such with most of the moonkin models, I looked on Wowhead for a moonkin mob in the new area to see all the animations and such for that model, given that moonkin models have been updated in various ways. I assume all the moonkin mobs utilize the same animations and such, so I looked at just one.

The following link should be to one of the moonkin mobs, where you can change out the animations where it says “animation” in the bottom right corner. If it doesn’t load from the link, you can click on one of the models listed in the middle of the ? box or the model image if that ever gets updated in the future:

Most of the animations seem to be about the same ones Ogres use that I can tell. There are some interesting things, such as there being a stealth animation, which I assume has been in the game before since there are times your character is in a stealth animation despite not being a stealth class. Still, it is something to help imagine how Ogre Rogues would look if playable Ogre models would utilize the same animations and such.

I could see playable Ogres utilizing a lot of the animations and skeletons already in the game from NPC Ogres and moonkin mobs, at least for male Ogres. Female Ogres could still utilize them as well, but would need their own dance and so on. Seems like it would save a lot of resources on a race that would need a lot of resources to become playable.

I’ll keep an eye out for other things of Ogre interest to share!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


While I can see Forest Trolls becoming playable, with Revantusk getting the promotion for the Horde and another tribe joining the Alliance, I highly doubt that High Elves will become playable. It’s one thing to have similar race types, but both Blood and Void Elves can look like regular high elves and I just don’t see Blizzard having three playable races with the exact customizations.

To be honest, Blizzard deciding to make the Earthen playable, gives me hope that the Taunka will end up that way over as a Tauren skin option, like the Man’ari and Darkfallen are for the Draenei and elves.

Whenever I think of Ogre Rogues, I immediately think of Dagg.


A new patch was announced

  • World wide dragonriding.
  • The reclaimation of Gilneas.
  • New troll and Draenei customizations.

Nothing Ogre related announced, but seeing the Night Elves with Amirdrassil after it enters Azeroth at the end of the raid, and that the Worgen will reclaim Gilneas, gives me hope that the Stonemaul shall reclaim their home.


As you likely have heard, the 19th WoW Anniversary event has gone live, with several events and goodies available:

19 years. My how time flies. I started during BC and took a hiatus for most of Legion, but it’s cool to see the game still chugging along with new features and stuff added as time goes on.

However, 19 years is 19 years too long before adding playable Horde Ogres. Hopefully it won’t be 19+ years before we see that happen. I’ve no plans to quit WoW anytime soon, and I’m still insane enough to keep at it, so hope still persists! In the meantime…

Happy anniversary, WoW! :fireworks:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


hopefully we get something


Seeing all the customizations that have been added, makes me wonder what the Ogres would be.

For example, would they have tatoo options? Would we have the option of having different chest options (the ab/more slim model they currently have and the fat one they started with)?


I’m guessing outside of the usual face and hair options.

  • Tattoo/ Tribal Markings (face, body).
  • Scars.
  • Lower Jaw Tusks/Teeth (missing one, chipped, larger/smaller or none).
  • Eyes (one eye cyclops or two).
  • Horn options, similar to Jaw Tusks/Teeth.
  • jewellery?? Maybe, Tribal themed?.
  • Skin Colour.

Things I doubt,

  • two head options (mog two helms may be more work, just keeping it simple).
  • different body size options (only Dracthyr has this exclusively).

Of course body 1 and 2 would be standard choice (male and female).

Personally I’d be fine with really basic customisation and wait for further to be added down the line, I just want them playable!.


With giving thanks being a big part of Thanksgiving, I wanted to give some thanks in both of my megathreads. I’ll edit the posts to make them more specific to that particular megathread.

I wanted to thank everyone who comes here to check out our work and ideas and even contribute to the megathread. It really means a lot to me to have gotten so much support and warm reception over the years of supporting playable Horde Ogres.

I knew that Horde Ogres had been heavily requested as a playable race, and with BfA, I was inspired to come here and start supporting them. Making and maintaining a second megathread was a daunting task and I was honestly worried about how this one would be received, but as luck would have it, this megathread has been received very warmly, and we gradually keep getting new forumers coming in here and checking in regularly while contributing.

Without all of you, I likely wouldn’t have lasted a year, but come next October, we’ll be hitting our 4 year anniversary and we’re still going strong. I’ve even seen others on the forums here having Ogres in their wishlists of their wanted playable races over the years, so I must be doing something right here.

For anyone who comes in here, whether you contribute and show support or even just come here to read the posts we make, I am very thankful of all of you. It helps to keep inspiring me to continue onward, and I have no plans to stop any time soon. I feel blessed to see several people interested in and supporting playable Horde Ogres.

I’ll continue to hope that somewhere in that 20 years of WoW planning and beyond that Blizzard is doing, that there is room somewhere within for there to be Ogres as champions of the Horde and among the saviors of the world (of Warcraft!).

Thank you all so much! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Your welcome. To be honest I really like seeing everyone whose come here, hoping for playable Ogres, and the different discussions that we’ve had on them throughout the thread. So thank you, for creating this megathread, and creating a place for those with the same desire.

I hope all those who celebrate Thanksgiving, have a grand one this year.


so i remember hearing in certain posts that the ogres in dustwallow have reinforced brackenwall but what remains of onyxias brood that drove them from their home to begin with? or is that just left up in the air as we adventurers just went in slew onyxia dealt with portions of her brood and somehow a couple eggs are still there still occupying her old lair


Happy US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

Hoping the Horde Ogre clans get to enjoy Pilgrim’s Bounty someday!

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I support all your race ideals Bagzak! Keep rockin’!