The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Bumping for support! One day we’ll get playable Ogres!


Posting my support of Ogres again, would be a great addition to fill out the Horde roster and I’d love seeing them have a playable / visible presence in the game and story that they wouldn’t otherwise have as a non playable race, as player races seem to be at least allocated some story time.


So the Prepatch should be coming in a couple of days, the 10th of November, and I was thinking of a few places to keep tabs on the Horde Ogres as we go through patches and future expansions.

Chances are it will not yield anything, with the MU Stonemaul still stuck in Cayaclysm not having gotten their home back or having taken over Dire Maul for the Horde, the AU Stonemaul Clan still being MIA, and the Dunemaul either loafing around or off doing who-knows-what for Megs Dreadshredder. The Dunemaul are also aggressive still to Horde characters after doing the quest to “induct” them into the Horde, which is said to just be that way for “game purposes” according to Wowpedia (though it doesn’t make sense why they’re not all just neutral where you can still beat them up for quest completion purposes).

I also wouldn’t really know what to look for, other than talking to NPC’s there or seeing if anything changes at all. Still, I think it’s worth checking out a few areas just in case something pops up of interest.

Under the assumption that you’re on a character that has completed the story quests in the following areas, here is what to check:

Brackenwall Village and Stonemaul Ruins in Dustwallow Marsh

Stonemaul Hold in Feralas and possibly the outside of Dire Maul (not in the three dungeons)

Dunemaul Compound in Tanaris

In and around Orgrimmar in general.

As I said, I don’t expect to find much being added to at least the first three areas on the list, as they’re likely to be stuck in Cataclysm.

As for Orgrimmar, that’d be the most likely place to find anything. Seeing any Ogre NPC’s anywhere would be a good thing to report. Maybe around where the Mag’har are would also be good to check, since the AU Stonemaul that came with us were loyal to them, so they could always show up hanging out with them or something. Come to think of it, I don’t know where the Mag’har keep all the creatures that came with them from AU Draenor, seeing as they used them during BfA (though the AU Stonemaul were still MIA).

Anyway, just wanted to mention a few areas of interest to keep occasional tabs on as we go through patches and such. Not expecting much, myself, but you never know if there could be a change of interest in any of those areas.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Oddly enough, but this my own speculation but what if Megs Dreadshredder took the ogres from tanaris to assist in with somehow convincing the female ogres to return to the horde and that’s possibly why they’ve been absent since Cata.


Tying the sudden appearance of female Ogres to Ogrezonia somehow would be a great way to explain where they were.

I don’t know if Blizzard would do that or just put female Ogres in the game without any explanation. A lot of playable races were just male as a NPC race and then had females show up out of nowhere with little to no explanation. Not sure if Ogres would be an exception or not.

Still, it would be great to tie Ogrezonia into the appearance of female Ogres. Having at least a line somewhere or a dialogue option talking to a NPC as flavor text is all you really need for their explanation. Really adds to the world building also, in my opinion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I fully support ogres in the horde. They have been a staple horde race from the beginning of the warcraft franchise and would take minimal work to implement into the game. Animations are already in game, as well as armor fitting them, and lore wise it would make more sense than half the current races.


I get the feeling Blizz wanted to add them but whether it is the lack of a female version or what have you they never did.

We have the Gordok Ogre Suit and the Kovork Kostume toy. We get turned into one during the new island Exiles Reach and also during Legion n Suramar when doing the Nightborne masquerade quest. I am pretty sure there are other times I’ve been turned into an ogre but those are the ones that pop into my head. Seems like all we need is for Blizz to give the green light.

Here you go Blizz, let me help you with that. :green_circle: Now give me. :smile:


Gotta say, this thread is so much more pleasant than the last one. Certain individuals that are a plague on this forum made the last one miserable, but I’m happy to support you guys in here because you’re so much better and coherent. Thanks for that :slight_smile:


Honestly, I found that someone to be hard to work with as well.

It’s good to have more calm voices leading the charge.

Also the last thread hasn’t been well kept.


So as far as I remember in BfA, there were only two instances of Ogre appearances, which I don’t think they were part of any known clan and, at least at first, weren’t members of the Horde.

At the bottom of the Dazar’alor bazaar, close to the docks, there are two Ogre merchancts that sell rocks with humorous flavor text and a box of two hats.

Designer Rocks merchant:

Luxury Hats merchant:

As far as I can tell, their clan isn’t known if they even are a part of a clan. They were also there before the Horde arrived, to my knowledge, so I don’t think they were part of the Horde at the beginning of BfA (I don’t see the Zandalari allowing Horde members in the area before BfA, even if it’s just to sell stuff there but I could be wrong). They might’ve joined the Horde by the end of BfA, however, but maybe they’re just interested in selling their stuff as independent merchants instead.

To my knowledge, this is the only appearance of Ogres in the entirety of BfA. If anyone knows of any other Ogre appearance, please do post it here, but as I’ve harped on many times before, no Horde Ogres made any appearance or helped to fight in the war against the Alliance. A shame and a huge missed opportunity to have at least some of the Horde Ogres as grunts somewhere. I’m sure they would’ve had some uses in fighting against the Alliance somewhere.

Hopefully, we’ll see the Stonemaul, both MU and AU, and possibly the Dunemaul appear again to help out the Horde. I just wish I knew what they were all up to since Cataclysm and where the AU Stonemaul Clan went during BfA. -grumble grumble-

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I was going to say what about Gregg but he was in Legion it appears. Weird, I never noticed him till you pointed him out so thought he was BFA. :frowning_face: I think ogres are becoming as rare as Mok’nathals now. Not a good sign imo.

If you were going to have a race be playable in the future wouldn’t you continue to add them into each xpac so as to keep them relevant and to also leave a foot hold for them to enter? SMH, Blizz and their story/lore/future idea chains.

One way to bring them back is during the possible xpac Dragon Isles. Dragons are powerful and any enemies they have, void lords(?), are also powerful so the Horde would need a powerful race to even stand a chance. In come the Stonemaul Ogre clan intro quest. They have experience battling dragons with Onyxias’ brood. It would be a perfect time to introduce them imo. That is a big dream I could get behind. :wink:

EDIT: Maybe we haven’t heard from them recently because they are already on Dragon Isles. They come back to recruit the Horde and we end up joining forces and hence they become playable. Just another scenario but a rather nice spin in that they recruit us instead of the other way around, lol.


nah man, i want gorian ogres playable.

i’ve always imagined it as a return to AU draenor, with the lightbound in the process of attacking the gorian homeland, the giant continent to the south of orc’s continent.

make it so that imperator mar’gok was only a regional leader, and the main leader of the ogres a powerful mage that’s skilled enough to open a passage to azeroth to request aid. maybe have what remains of the arrakoa joined with the ogres in trying to hold the lightbound off through a mix of whatever titan technology the ogres still have in their possession and the subterfuge of the broken arrakoa.

ogres could be his messenger to the horde, arrakoa to alliance, and thus leading to those two races to those respective factions.

the ogres on azeroth are kinda just a dumb meme at this point, and i don’t like dumb memes. i like cool things, and the roman-inspired gorian empire is cool.

If we see the Black Dragonflight make a return of some sort, it would be a great way to bring the Stonemaul Ogres back into the current storyline. They need to get their revenge, and honestly bashing some evil dragons would be a fun time.

An idea I had, if the Black Dragonflight attacked Dustwallow Marsh again, say in a pre-expansion event idea I’ve mentioned a few times, was to decorate the Stonemaul home and possibly Brackenwall Village with the heads of the Black Dragon Flight after the Stonemaul gain victory and get revenge. Maybe one of the big named dragons, that you could help take down in a pre-expansion event, would be on full skeletal display with their head on a pike in the main Stonemaul home if they became playable. Lots of stuff you could do with this!

I don’t think I’ve mentioned my pre-expansion event ideas here, kinda similar to the Cataclysm pre-events with the Trolls and Gnomes, so I should bring that up again in another post soon.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’m still a little miffed that they turned my rare long troll cloak from that event into a white piece of crap.

It has the same model as the rep troll cloak but it’s longer. Blizz just crapped on a better cloak imo. Could’ve even had both.

At least I got the toys that turn me into a Darkspear/Space Gnome.


Gorian Ogres would be pretty cool, too. Maybe some of them managed to cross over in high enough number to begin settling somewhere in Azeroth? Assuming of course they’re AU Draenor Gorian Ogres. Perhaps there’s a small holdout of Goria somewhere on Outland, or that found it’s way onto Azeroth over the years after BC?

There’s probably a few ways they could make it work. Otherwise, I’d still definitely like to see the Stonemauls gain more prominence.

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So what’s the difference between the Stonemaul Ogres and the Gorian Ogres? I’m not all up on my Ogre lore but isn’t Stonemaul from MU and Gorian from AU?

I think I’d rather have MU Ogres over AU tbh. I’ll take any Ogre race that is made playable but if I had my choice I have to take MU races over AU. As much as I like Mag’har I’d rather we had gotten MU Mag’har. Something about AU races just doesn’t sit well with me and it might be that they are connected to AR’s which have no connection to our timeline and their lore is almost non-existant.

To each their own.

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Gorians are generally smarter while having more of a Roman theme in their armor and such. Stonemaul are more of your traditional big, dumb Ogre with some things to set them apart from other types of Ogres in different media.

Technically, we do have some Gorian Ogres with the AU Stonemaul, though we don’t know where they went. I do think they should go with the MU Stonemaul, and that way we have a reason to incorporate Gorian themes within the MU Stonemaul culture. I’m going to assume some of the AU Stonemaul are smarter like we saw with the Gorian Ogres while others could be the typical dumb type.

Come to think of it, with regards of the rumors of playable Ogres being considered in WoD, what Blizzard have done with the playable Ogre faction? This may have been around the time that we would’ve gotten a starting area for Ogres, so either the Stonemaul would’ve helped out against the Iron Horde or we would’ve met some friendly AU Ogres on Draenor…though I don’t know where they would start as player characters. I assume the Dunemaul would be MIA.

My own preferences is that I like my Ogres big and dumb, which is how I’d have my Ogre be if I get to ever make him. The MU Stonemaul, at the very least, should be part of the playable Ogre faction given their importance to the Horde from Warcraft III, but you can easily add in Gorian stuff if you utilize the AU Stonemaul, since they were part of the Gorian Empire. Make sure the Dunemaul also get represented somehow, and I think it would work best for everyone. Those, like me, who want to be big and dumb can play their Ogres like the MU Stonemaul while those wanting Gorian can have their character be the AU Stonemaul and be more Gorian-like.

Though I focus on the MU Stonemaul, I do think having multiple clans within the playable Ogre faction (MU Stonemaul, AU Stonemaul, Dunemaul) would be the way to go. Even a focus on just the Stonemaul would require the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans, so there could be something for everyone.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Just wanted to say well written!. I hope one day they do become playable.

We’re they not a first choice for the cataclysm expansion and switched it to goblins!, missed opportunity.

I’d definitely play an Ogre Shaman…

My Dreams in WoW is Tuskarr or Ogre Shaman :heart:


Giving this a bump for Ogre love! I’ve been RPing them on Wyrmrest for the past few years and they’re some of my favorite characters. The lore is rich and a lot more established than many people realize. At this point I think the best bet would be to use the KT models for them and make them the same size as Tauren and Zandalari. I think the biggest obstacle right now, bigger than the non-existent female model, would be working out helmets for two heads. Really hope people at Blizz consider giving them another chance sometime soon!


I think it’d be to cool to have an Ogre faction for the playable race that represents the big, dumb brutes, the cunning, deadly giants, and everything in-between of the Ogres.

Maybe the Ogres begin to gather again somewhere to rebuild…