The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Happy birthday to my favorite megathread!


Which again I don’t understand why you felt the need. It doesn’t do anything to the conversation. Best I can add to that is “ok”.

You’re not engaging with the thread like that. You’re just posting “I don’t like a thing” which makes me wonder why you bothered?

I also don’t need to defend my position, nor did I actually call upon you to defend yours.

Happy birthday Ogre Thread!


Happy Birthday to the thread. :slight_smile:


3 years is too long without getting Ogres as playable race. :smiley:


Happy 3 year megathread anniversary! :fireworks:

Yes, it was 3 years ago that a Darkspear Troll had a dream, inspiration, and way too much time on his hands to continue the support for playable Horde Ogres!

And what a dream it is. One I’ve had since I first started playing WoW shortly after BC came out. New to Warcraft as a whole and seeing that the MU Stonemaul Clan were one of the founding members of the Horde, I figured it was just a matter of time before they became a playable Horde race. So I reserved a name and kept waiting…and waiting…and waiting more…and waiting even more…and we’re slowly coming up to the 20th anniversary of WoW next year and no sign of them still. But I’m not one to give up so easily, as you might have seen from my time on the forums here.

So why am I so vocal about supporting playable Horde Ogres? Well, aside from liking their lore in Warcraft as a whole, in particular the MU Stonemaul Clan, I came to WoW from Everquest 1, where I had several characters important to me. Most I can create similar to how they were while others I had to be creative and open. But one of my favorite characters to play was my Ogre Berserker. Being a big, dumb, angry Ogre that wrecks things is a fun time had by all (aside from the enemies I had to beat up of course). So seeing Ogres as a possibility gave me hope I could recreate him in WoW someday as a Fury Warrior. To this day, I still keep a character slot reserved for him. He is that important to me, and I have only a few characters left to remake from my time in Everquest 1 that I have reserved with him as well.

Now making a megathread is a lot of work, often times feeling like a thankless job where you may or may not get listened to. However, if I felt it was a total waste of time, I wouldn’t be here. Perhaps it is wishful thinking, but with Blizzard considering feedback and even implementing some highly requested features, it gives me some hope that they’re looking at the race request megathreads with an open mind and giving some consideration. Maybe it’ll happen, maybe it won’t, but as long as I keep playing WoW, I intend to keep on going.

I do want to thank everyone who comes here and offers their support. It means a lot to me, and we’ve gotten some regulars here to keep up the playable Horde Ogre support. I’m grateful to find others who share my vision and enjoy the work that myself and others have put into the cause. You know who you are and know that I greatly appreciate your support.

So three years and still going strong. Where do we go from here? Well, forward really. As I said, I have no intentions of quitting anytime soon. I keep some hope of seeing playable Horde Ogres as an expansion announcement, but I also keep an open mind at the same time. But regardless of what happens or doesn’t happen, as long as I keep playing WoW, I’ll keep marching in support as best as I can.

And if we get lucky enough to ever get playable Horde Ogres? Then we all gather up information on them and I compile it up with a final revamp of the megathread’s main page. Probably do a celebration here and in-game as well while we’re at it. Then I level my Ogre character up and maybe share his journey along with others sharing theirs with their Ogre characters. Hopefully that will become a reality someday.

While we’ve been going for 3 years, playable Horde Ogre support has been going strong since the game launched. I do feel there is a decent amount of people wanting playable Horde Ogres that it would be a huge announcement in several ways. Almost feels like a missing piece of the puzzle to make the picture more complete in a way as well.

But until that becomes a reality hopefully, I’ll continue to march in support of playable Horde Ogres as best as I can. I still continue to dream of seeing Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen while seeing Ogre players running around Orgrimmar as champions of the Horde.

That said, keep dreaming big Ogre fans. You’ll always have a voice here and we’ll never stop dreaming! May the Horde Ogre clans never be forgotten!

We’re getting closer and closer to 20 years of WoW having gone by. Let us hope it won’t be another 20 years before we see playable Horde Ogres finally!

—25 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! Always! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If not from questing or rare drops from rares or dungeon loot do you think we’ll ever get the gorian roman esque looking armor? Maybe from the trading post?


Because I felt like it? Maybe a dissenting opinion might occasionally be worthwhile in a discussion? Maybe every thread doesn’t have to be a constant echo chamber?

I really don’t think you’re adding anything to the coversation by pointing it out, honestly. You didn’t bother to ask me why or engage in a conversation in that manner. You didn’t bother trying to discuss in a discussion thread. You just replied to my comment like you’re some arbiter of what does and doesn’t belong in a thread. You may not like it, but my opinion is still as valid as your’s.

And let’s not forget that they’ve been considered at least twice before and that up to two more clans have since joined.

It’s a long time coming and I hope blizzard finally adds them.

Still going to have my Ogre monk, priest and DK.


Things you can add to this thread:

(Clefthoof as Ogre racial mount for the Ogres in the Horde - by TheAceofHearth)

(Tabard for the Ogres in the Horde - by TheAceofHearth)

(Shaman totem for the Ogres in the Horde - by TheAceofHearth)


Those are rather neat drawings.


You know when looking over the various leak threads on MMO-Champion, one thing I’ve noticed is that when new races are mentioned Ogres are usually mentioned. It makes me smile and gives me hope that Blizzard can see that threads both on the wow forums and other sites, have the same desire for playable Ogres.


Now that I’ve done a major revamp of my Saurok megathread, my next goal will be to edit the class section of this megathread. I’ll likely do a rough draft in a post here in the near future before I make the edit, then make the change in the main post.

Playable Horde Ogres are very much wanted by a number of people, so it isn’t surprising to see them appear on several “leaks” that like to pop up for expansions and such.

One of the latest “leaks” involved some form of Classic+ that adds Horde Ogres and Alliance High Elves which seems to have been talked about some by content creators on Youtube. It doesn’t seem to hold much weight, given it has been a “leak” with different variants for many years. Not to mention that I would really hope that we would get playable Horde Ogres on Retail and not have it locked to some form of WoW Classic, and I suspect many people wouldn’t be happy with those races not being available on Retail. Myself included.

Best to just keep a salt lick or two when it comes to these “leaks” with an open mind for what is to come. It seems highly likely we’re getting an expansion announcement at Blizzcon, which is said to have a huge focus on WoW. Can’t help but hope we finally see playable Horde Ogres announced each time I see the expansion announcement trailer, though. :smiley:

—22 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! Always! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That would be amazing. Though in thinking about how past races were announced, I realized that how Ogres would be handled depends on the number of races coming. For example in the Cataclysm trailer goblins and worgen had segments, while the BfA features trailer just had the allied races shown.


I just want to be a 2 headed ogre babe shadow priest


Posting this in both of my megathreads since it is pretty big news.

As you might have heard, the Microsoft buyout of Activision-Blizzard has officially closed today, complete with this video to go with the event:

I honestly can’t say whether this will be a good or bad thing for WoW in the long run. We likely won’t see the effects of it for quite some time, and in the case of Elder Scrolls Online, Microsoft seems to be hands-off with them as they do their own thing for the most part. Likely, WoW would have a similar hands-off approach as well.

I’m not expecting WoW to suddenly become the magical land of happy puppies and kittens with cupcakes and all of our dreams coming true. However, I do hope that more resources would be available to allow implementation of a lot of our feedback and requests. Hopefully that is a reasonable expectation, even if it may not be realistic one.

Best to keep an open mind and see where this road takes us. Granted, I’ll still keep hope for my usual wishlist of course. :japanese_ogre:

—21 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! Always! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If nothing else, it sounds like Bobby Kotick is overseeing the merge through the end of 2023, before leaving the company in 2024. And for that, I am at least thankful.


Did you make these? They’re fantastic!


With Halloween coming up, I’ve been trying to find some Ogre related Halloween stuff to share here. It is a bit harder than you think, oddly enough. Last year, I linked a video showing a recipe for Ogre Toes and Witch’s fingers…I’m sure your mouths are salivating at the very thought.

But I did find a few recipes to share, even if they aren’t WoW Ogre related. Granted, you can always alter them to make them more WoW Ogre related of course.

Here is what I found, along with last year’s video I linked which is different from the text version I also have linked:

I’ll keep an eye out and see if there is anything Ogre related for Halloween I can share here. :jack_o_lantern:

—19 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


No I don’t. But yes, they are really great :smiley: