The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

This would be a surprise, for sure!

…but a welcome one.


That would be awesome, but given all the potential work to get Ogres in a playable state (figuring out a good size, two heads, etc), I’d be surprised to see them appear playable during an expansion rather than at the beginning of one.

I’ve said it before, but in my opinion, Ogres becoming playable is an announcement that would be pretty huge (and not because Ogres are big). It’s going to generate a lot of marketing buzz and interest, two of which being:

What do female Ogres look like?

Did they implement two-headed Ogres? If so, how did they implement it?

So from a marketing point-of-view, it might be something they announce at the beginning of an expansion’s announcement to generate more hype. Maybe even make early access to them and whatever the Alliance gets as a pre-order bonus for the expansion. Not to mention that if we get two-headed Ogres, it would likely require a lot of time to design and code, so it’s something I wouldn’t want rushed.

If Ogres were to appear playable in the middle of an expansion, BfA would’ve been a good time to do so. Sadly, Horde Ogres never made any appearance there, so it’s unknown what would have to happen to the world (of Warcraft!) to see them show up. We have a long ways to go with Shadowlands, so it is possible we could see the Stonemaul Clan appear to help out somewhere, but a lot really depends on what is going on in Shadowlands and on Azeroth while we’re in Shadowlands.

Still, it would be great to see them appear during an expansion and then become playable. I know if a Horde Ogre rep appeared, I’d make getting exalted with them my top priority. <- <;

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I scanned in my hand drawn ogre and attempted to make him digital. It doesn’t look bad but now he looks too cartoony for me so will make another attempt after I finish my Sanlayn, followed by an attempt at one of my toons and then an action scene with multiple characters. So will be a while, maybe a month, before I post another ogre attempt.


Things wrong with it imo are:

  1. Ears are wrong shape and not long enough.
  2. I screwed with the original eye color and the new one is terrible.
  3. His rock hair doesn’t look right. Horn on head is too far forward and too thin.
  4. Body shape is not what I want.

Freeze big, frozen Ogre fans. :stuck_out_tongue: Shorts weather over here. :sun_with_face:


I’ll go ahead and link that image for you:

It looks pretty good! It makes me realize that for playable Ogre customization, cyclops eyes would be an option, as there are plenty of Ogres, both one and two headed, that would have one eye. Thank you for sharing!

On the subject of it becoming cold and with people seeking warm food to cook, I thought I would relink a recipe video of Ogri’la chicken fingers I shared before, which comes from the first official WoW cookbook:

I figured I would share it again since it is sorta Ogre related, and it’s something I actually want to try to make since chicken fingers/tenders/strips/nuggets are one of my favorite foods. Ogres liking chicken enough to come up with this recipe makes them that much cooler, IMO. :chicken:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Thanks for the link. Much appreciated.

I actually could’ve done a better job but since it wasn’t anything new I just rushed through it because I wanted to see if I could do it. Didn’t spend more then 4 hours on it. Where as the San’layn I’m working on is only in the sketching phase and I think I spent at least 8+ hours on it but that is because I keep changing the elf. I think I actually changed her 3 times and might be a fourth. Two of which are posted on the San’layn thread.

And for some reason I always picture ogres with one eye so that is how I normally draw them. I think I have a pic or two with two eyes. And I agree that a cyclops option should be included.

And man does that chicken look good. Mmmmm mmmmm good.


IDC if He can’t fit through a door as long as I can bash gnomes into paste and look like a badass while doing so I’ll be happy


I have been thinking some about the rumors of a Dragon Isles expansion, specifically thoughts about the return of the black dragonflight.

The Blackdragon Flight, who chased the Stonemaul Clan from their home, was assumed to have been destroyed by Wrathion without any living members. Of course, there have been signs of other Black Dragonflight members still being alive, as shown in this quest:

So what does this have to do with the Stonemaul Clan? Well, a few things.

First, assuming that all the Black Dragonflight was slaughtered, then there wouldn’t be any of Onyxia’s brood in Dustwallow Marsh, in theory. If so, I really don’t see why the Stonemaul couldn’t have retaken their home since Cataclysm.

Second, if we are dealing with a potential return of the Black Dragonflight, it would be a great time to reintroduce the Stonemaul Clan back into the story, preferably as a playable race. They would not be happy to see the brood of dragons that drove them from their homes, and likely would happily take up the opportunity to “bash dem for da Horde!” Maybe if the Dragon Isles expansion actually becomes real, we could see Stonemaul Ogres finally become playable.

Seeing other surviving Black Dragonflight members is a possibility. There were plenty of Onyxia’s eggs and dragonkin in the area, so it’s always possible some escaped with some of her eggs. Granted, there is a possibility of some good Black Dragonflight members. like Ebonhorn, so a lot would depend on what the story would be of the Dragon Isles.

Anyway, this is something I wanted to think out loud about. It’d be great to see the Stonemaul Ogres get some revenge on some evil Black Dragonflight members, so the idea of an expansion around Dragon Isles could have some interesting possibilities there. Then again, a lot really depends on the story and whether or not the Horde remembers they have Ogres in their ranks.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I suspect any black dragon flight return will be about Wrathion and Ebonhorn finding a cache of eggs and clearing them of corruption. (or maybe with n’zoth gone that’s no longer needed.)

But it would be interesting to see the Ogres take some part in it. Perhaps they instead focus on the fruits of Onyxia’s work, the void dragons. We know from bfa that they are returning…


I would guess that the Stonemaul Ogres would be more likely to want to beat up Onxia’s brood specifically, though they likely wouldn’t be too fond of dragonkin in general after what has happened to them. I could see there being a group of good Black Dragonflight and there being some spawn of Onyxia from eggs that survived the Cataclysm Dustwallow Marsh questline and were hidden away with other Black Dragonflight dragonkin that also survived. If the latter is involved, then it’d be a good time to bring back the Stonemaul finally to get some revenge on them.

I did see that Wowpedia had a section for the Dragon Isles, where the original consideration was for it to be a raid of some sort:

“The Dragon Isles are a group of islands that were intended to be a level 65 - 70 raid in World of Warcraft located north of Lordaeron and west of Quel’Thalas, before being cut.”

It’s unclear if this would end up being just a raid, based around a whole expansion, or be a questing area that appears during an expansion much like Nazjatar and Mechagon.

Also, I think a section I’ll be adding to the main post will be a list of loose threads that should be addressed when bringing Horde Ogres back into the picture, whenever that would be…hopefully sooner than later. I remember having a list before, so I’ll have to double check it. It would be useful to keep track of all the loose threads and have it in one place to glance at.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Yes please. It’s the real next race Horde should have got.

I’d settle for a smaller player model if that’s needed.


Master of Dis Guys +Stealth and Stealth perception bonus


No rogues though.

Mages, Warriors, Warlocks, Hunter.

As much as it would be funny seeing a Ogre trying to be stealthy or using monk fighting styles.

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Yes rogues.

Warr, Hunter, Rogue, Shammie, DKs, Locks, Mages, Priests, maybe monk.

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Not every class. That’s just stupid.

Its not every class. No druids, no DHs, and prob not monks.

They have a history of everything else.


A small harmless bump from me to support the cause :slight_smile:


I like that idea and I’ve also heard Dragon Isles which I wasn’t giving any cred to but they also mentioned Shadowlands before that and we got SL so giving it some decent credibility now.

What could happen is that Ebonhorn wants to cleanse and rescue any eggs he can so as to not let the Black Dragonflight flight die out like the blues did (Is that still canon or was that a retcon?). When we get there they are too powerful for us to defeat alone so we seek out help. We come across the ogres that would gladly kill the dragons but are not in agreement with saving any even eggs.

In exchange for saving the eggs and fighting the adult dragons we are asked to save whomever their leader is at the moment (can’t remember the ogres name off the top of my head but Bagzak probably can :wink: ). Their leader went into Onxyia’s lair days ago and hasn’t returned.

When we get in the lair we fine out that one of the Void lords servants has him and was trying to corrupt him and use him to spy on this world. Apparently one of the Void lords found Azeroth and knows it is a powerful world soul (?) and has been searching for it since it came into existence. We of course destroy the servant but now the Void Lord knows of Azeroths location and is on it’s way while also sending it’s agents and minions to disrupt those that know . . . . that would be us. :frowning: This all leads to Dragon Isles later on, blah, blah, blah.

After rescuing the Stonemaul Leader and saving all the eggs that we could we return to Dustwallow Marsh. The Stonemaul Leader then proposes that if we can help his clan take back Stonemaul Ruins they would forever be indebted to the Horde and would join us. We of couse say YES! YES! YES!, lol.

Insert quest chain to clean up the village. Quest maybe require us to kill mobs around the ruins, then gather wood and stone to rebuild it and maybe even go around ALL of Azeroth recruiting/informing other Stonemaul that the ruins are now rebuilt and they can come home. BOOM! Playable ogres. Me happy finally.


The closest I can say who the leader would be is Tharg, who is hinted to become the new Stonemaul Clan leader, but since his ages and old wounds have come into question, it’s up in the air whether Tharg will become the hero we need and deserve or not.

Sadly, the Stonemaul Clan seems to be stuck in the Cataclysm era, so it’s really unclear what they’ve been up to since then, aside from sending that one emissary to Pandaria who became a glorified jobber to the Alliance for a daily quest. I know I repeat myself a lot when I grumble, but there are several things worth grumbling about when it comes to the Stonemaul having been forgotten. Thus, I can speculate, but it would be really great to get an update on what they’ve been up to since then, including leadership.

I do think with something like Ogres, who have had ties to Warcraft since the old RTS days, would have a few opportunities for some in-game pre-expansion events that lead to them becoming playable as well as tie up several loose ends with Horde Ogres in general. I know I made a post about that in the old Ogre megathread, but I don’t think I did for here. Another thing I’ll need to do when I get some time and energy when not needing to do college work or yard cleanup from the ice storm still. <- <;

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


It sort of a conundrum since, as mentioned, they ARE part of the Horde already, so we wouldn’t need to do anything special to have them join us. If they have to be an allied races, I think helping them solve a problem is still in the cards, but with the purpose of freeing them up to be able to contribute to the Horde more.

Still would prefer for them to be a core race, though.


2 headed Ogre Shammy, heck yeah!