The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Speaking of boar mounts show me yours if you have any, i have most of em besides one from garrison invasion i still need to do

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The Ogres of Azeroth are far to dumb. No side would want them. If we got some from AU Draenor or Outland it would be a bit different.

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Sure because a fox that popped up out of nowhere 5 years ago has more relevance >.<


Hey everyone, don’t mention the Ogre Magi and Warlocks now.

You must be from another parallel universe.

Well Gorian Empire maybe.

All Ogres currently residing in Azeroth came from Draenor…


Many of them are quite intelligent.

They are already in the Horde.

We already have them in the Horde…

Do you know anything of ogres? At all?


I rather have Vrykul as a playable race for the Horde over dum dum Ogres. Why would anyone would want to play the most dumbest race in Azeroth, literally? Ogres has been the goto race for enemies to both fractions. So why ruin it? Plus most of ya saying they would play a Ogre, would drop them asap and go back to their most favorite playable race.

Imagine how the gears look on a bloated ogre model. Not good at all. Also, if there was a female ogres, no one want to play as them. Barely anyone plays a Kul Tiran female. What would make you think they will play as a ugly three neck rolls female ogre?

What the Horde really needs is the Vrykuls. They would be a better choice for the Horde. And it would gave the Horde a humanoid race, thus breaking the cycle. And no, they shouldn’t be Alliance because they’re barbarian vikings. It would be like a biker gang joining the police. Doesn’t make any sense at all.

So in conclusion, Vrykul for the Horde!

Dude, I’ve been Horde since I started playing WoW back in 2010. And never had i thought about having the most dumbest and ugliest race in Azeroth playable.

Murlocs can be mages and warlocks too. And they’re way more intelligent then the Ogres.

Still idiots, just because they can cast some spells.

edit: There were exceptions like Cho’gall but in general by the time they came to Azeroth they had no real spell casting powers and were very dumb compared to those during the height of the Gorian Empire.

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They were used in the first and second wars yes. Now they are just scattered and dumb brutes.

It doesn’t mean we couldn’t find intelligent Ogres somewhere in Azeroth for example in an unknow island and already have Ogres in the Horde is better to recruit other Ogres in the Horde than nothing.

We need to keep in mind there are Ogres from Draenor (WoD) with the Mag’har in the Horde too and there are big chances they are intelligent.


The Horde currently has the Stonemaul (MU and AU versions) and the Dunemaul clans.


There were plenty of still intelligent ogres and continue to be to this day.

They were also the main shipwrights of the Horde and quite capable at engineering.

They are in the New Horde RIGHT now actually. Have been since before vanilla.

Also the Mag’har brought plenty of their ogres as well.

While I don’t begrudge folk wanting them… I just would probably never play one seriously.

They’re just big humans. There isn’t a lot going for them.

And definitely not much for them to add to the Horde.


But the only intelligent ogres are left are ones that are against the Horde. Only to be their own leader in thier own clans.

Only as dumb labor workers. I’ve never seen one Ogre actually fight along side the Horde. And not even during BfA. If they was in the Horde, most of them sided with Hellscream’s Iron Horde uprising. Meaning either most of them was killed or exiled from the Horde for their betryal.

Yet you would play a Ogre seriously? Not even Blizz take them seriously.

Actually, by lore they’re short giants. And there is a lot going on with them since Legion.

Other then right the wrong that Sylvanas did during Legion. She even tricked the Horde to fight for her during her Valkary scheme. The Horde need to make things right for the Vrykuls of Stormhien.

Not true? A lot of Ogres aren’t the smartest but there are several casters among the Horde’s forces. Plus as was pointed out there are plenty of the Mag’har groups ogres in the Horde too.

And even the less intelligent ones are perfectly capable of being playable either way. lol Its such a minor thing to pretend is a block to them being playable.

Blizzard failing to use them isn’t really a concern in any meaningful way. There are not a huge amount of them in the Horde overall so I wouldn’t expect them everywhere. We did actually see a few in BfA though. Mostly in Alliance side world quests or during the assaults.

There is little to no evidence that the Ogres were lost in Garrosh’s Horde. lol

I don’t know where you got that from.


I have three prepped and ready to go.

Ones an Ogre Monk who learned from the Ogri’la and pandaren and is going around looking for peace through what is effectively sumo wrestling. (I like sumo wrestling and watch it regularly and just love the idea of an Ogre rikishi)

Another is a Ogre Death Knight from the 2nd war who lost his memories somewhere along the way and after the Acherus Knights broke off he actually returned to the Lich King and didn’t become “free” until Bolvar took over.

And my last one keeps jumping between priest, mage and shaman and shes going to be a general guide trying to bring more Ogres to the Horde.

I also have a little side story going with one of my orcs where he adopts a baby Ogre and is teaching him how to be a proper warrior (though the kid is showing signs of possible magery or shamanism).

So really I have four ogres ready to go.

I really just don’t see any value to the Vrykul though. They’re just humans. Honestly I’d be more interested in them for the Alliance. Even then though I don’t personally like them.

Not really… At least not really anymore than there was before. They’ve always been pretty straight forward.

Again I don’t begrudge people being interested I’m just not. They have nothing for me.


Why would the Vrykul care enough to have some wrong righted? She failed and nothing occurred because of it. Its not like they were allied before hand.

Honestly due to that event, I’d again see them going Alliance more than wanting anything to do with the Horde.

Still though I have no interest. So your original “no one would want to play ogres” is wrong. I want Ogres and I don’t want Vrykul. :person_shrugging:


Color me not impressed. I do not know why the horde allows those weaklings in and they do not seem to hang out in the major cities for the most part.

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Daz’Zilb is an intelligent Ogre in the Stonemaul and the Ogri’la (smart Ogre group from BC) aren’t against the Horde. Granted they are neutral but as seen with allied races like the Nightborne, neutrality can change.

The Stonemaul fought with the Horde against Admiral Proudmoore in the Founding of Durotar campaign in War3. The Stonemaul also expanded into Feralas in Cataclysm and were involved in Diremaul. Meanwhile the Tides of War novel had them among the Horde forces attacking Theramore and Or’Dac aided the Horde war effort on Pandaria. Granted he was an Alliance quest target so I get not knowing about him.

At the same time Ogres are amongst the Horde forces fighting against the Alliance in the Bloodmire of the Swamp of Sorrows.

That was the Dreadmaul clan, who got enslaved by the Horde in Cataclysm. Not sure on the current status of them.

Meanwhile per Exploring Kalimdor the Stonemaul are still growing strong.


Not trying to impress you.

What you know isn’t my concern.

Ah I can’t wait to see what those ogres are up to again if/when a world revamp happens.


Did they really though? They are better off used as workers and sold to goblins.

I have to ask.

The big bois with the Goblins that you can summon for bank activities. Do you think those are ogres?

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Yes. If you play the Founding of Durotar campaign in War3 or War3 Reforged, you can witness the Stonemaul being recruited into the Horde, train Ogre units alongside the other Horde units in the final mission of Act 2, and then in Act 3 the Stonemaul and Darkspear fight side by side in attacking Theramore from the North in the final battle against Admiral Proudmoore.

Meanwhile in WoW the Stonemaul clan have quests in Dustwallow and Feralas at Brackenwall Village and Stonemaul Hold, alongside a Stonemaul Ogre serving as the Horde quest giver in Diremaul.

The Dunemaul are recruited during the Tanaris quest chain, though they sadly haven’t been seen since, while the Swamp of Sorrows questing has a battle taking place in the Bloodmire that shows off Ogres fighting with other Horde forces against the Alliance.

Lastly the Tides of War movel outright states how Ogres joined the Horde in attacking Theramore and Or’Dac is among the Domination Offensive elites in 5.1 that are targeted by the Alliance.


Nope, those are not ogres. Ogres would be far more useful than those half witted mutations.