The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Have hope. Dream big.



Still dreaming big!

Iā€™m honestly keen to see both designs being a thing for Ogre armor. They could definitely make the Roman Gladiator-looking set a heritage set, perhaps the other one could be one of a few leveling sets specific to an Ogre zone?

Stuff that could be transmogged, preferably!


If they wanted to incorporate the gladiator stuff, it is possible to do so with one of the trials of the Stonemaul.

In Warcraft III, the Stonemaul clan had a few trials: Trial of Strength and Trial of Blood. You can see them both in this video (Trial of Blood begins at 16:03):

As you can see, the Trial of Blood does take place in a ring of some sort. Likely, it would appear more grand in WoW if it were implemented.

Now these trials and even some brand new trials could make for some fun micro events (another post Iā€™ll do in the future), but what if the Trial of Blood in WoW involved a gladiator pit of some sort having been constructed in Dustwallow Marsh?

It gives the roman theme of Ogres even more of a presence, again this could just be ideas the MU Stonemaul learned from the AU Stonemaul who gives them armor design and ā€œfun stuffsā€ like the gladiator arena, and the nearby neutral Goblins could also work with the Stonemaul to help build and maintain it (profit opportunities!). I mean, the Horde loves its gladiatorial rings, so why wouldnā€™t the Stonemaul have built one there at some point?

It goes hand-in-hand with a number of things. Playable Ogres, roman inspired heritage armor, a roman-inspired gladiator arena, and several happy Horde members and players! Sounds like a great deal to me!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Would happily invite Ogres and Amani trolls into the alliance!

I agree. Bring them on!

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OMG you do have a sad life to sit down and write a essay on nuisance. Best giggle had all day. Didnā€™t get pasted the first paragraph.

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I was thinking they looked pretty cool. Nice to hear they got an update, but in a way Exileā€™s reach feels like a showcase of a bunch of cool things players want but canā€™t have. The whole necromancer angle as well as ogres.
Both things Iā€™d love to see added.


Iā€™d love to see both playable Horde Ogres and also Necromancers as a class in some form. Iā€™d even be fine with Necromancers just being a class skin for Warlocks.

So in reading more about the Stonemaul, I noticed an interesting NPC listed on Wowpedia. In Warcraft III, there is a two-headed Ogre that escapes from their current warlord and, while wounded, goes to the Horde to ask for help in freeing the Stonemaul Clan.

You can see the cutscene at roughly 24:57 of this video if it does not automatically take you there:

While not named in the game, according to Wowpedia, this Ogre actually has a name:'ka

Weirdly enough, I donā€™t think he appears much past that initial cutscene above, and he doesnā€™t appear in WoW at all.

I did some research, and by research I typed stuff into google and looked at results for a few minutes, and found that the name potentially came from Warcraft III Reforged. I tried to look up the scene above in Warcraft III Reforged videos, and the only videos I could find just have him as an unnamed Ogre. Iā€™m not sure if the name was patched in later, if the name shows up in a later cut scene or another point in the game, or was something named in the files. At some point whenever I get Warcraft III Reforged, Iā€™ll have to investigate.

So why bring up this Ogre? Well, if it werenā€™t for his bravery, weā€™d likely not see the Stonemaul join up with the Horde. Likely, the warlord wouldā€™ve still been in power, leading the clan to become jobber mooks for quests and rewards without much thought about who or what they are (another Ogre clan to beat up in other words).

However, thanks to his courage, he made it to the Horde, and the Stonemaul Clan was saved from evil leaders obsessed only with power (twice!), and are part of a bigger picture in the wordā€¦well, they would be if the Horde remembered them.

If the Stonemaul Clan comes back into the story, Iā€™d like to see this NPC come back. I think he deserves some recognition for being very important for the Stonemaul Clan surviving. Who knows? If Tharg is too old and his wounds lead him to seek retirement, something that is mentioned in the game, maybe Crolā€™ka could be worthy of becoming the Stonemaul leader.

The Stonemaul Clan has a hero among them. Maybe someday, weā€™ll be among the heroes of the Stonemaul with our Ogre characters!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Stopping by to throw my support behind Ogres again! A long time fan favorite Horde requested race! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Love to see them around Orgrimmar with all the other races in the Horde!


Peddling their rocks and showing some muscle!


Yeah, after reading the fan proposals over on mmo-champ, Iā€™d really like to see a full fledged necromancer class. The guy who posted two variations of it over there did a fantastic job, Iā€™d happily play either one.

The bit about the ogre in WC3 is pretty neatā€¦their names just annoy me though. So many apostrophes and we still donā€™t get to use them =[
I really want one in my zandalari paladinā€™s name. Bah!


Yea, the island I thought looked beautiful and the ogres looked way better imo then the current ones. I didnā€™t notice the necromancy though, lol, must not have been paying that much attention.

With the updated models I can only hope they give us playable ogres at some point just hope I am still playing if and/or when it happens. :frowning:

Was disappointed with no Horde shield drops on the island and no boots. The shield is the transmog I wanted most from there and it wasnā€™t even implemented. And the boots was the only part of the non-set that looks like a set not implemented. Seriously weird imo.


So where I live IRL is going through an ice storm that is suppose to last until Wednesday morning. There is a chance of power outages, so if I donā€™t show up for a few days, Iā€™m probably trying to avoid freezing and also studying college work in the dark while waiting for power to be restored. Hopefully, the power wonā€™t go out at all, but you never know with all the ice covering tree branches and stuff. -grumble grumble-

I looked at Wowpediaā€™s entry of the new starting areaā€™s storyline, and it seems like theyā€™re more into gathering souls than raising skeletons. Of course, there might be some skeletons you have to fight, or if not perhaps it was an uninhabited island to not have any dead bodies to raise skeletons. I havenā€™t tried the new area yet.

You can read the Darkmaul entry here, which also states what theyā€™re actually trying to accomplish:

If anything, it does show that Ogres are capable of being Necromancers if it ever becomes a class, either its own thing or as a skin for Warlocks. I personally will take either.

Fun fact: In Everquest Online Adventuresā€™ first expansion, it brought playable Ogres who could be Necromancers. An interesting choice since it takes place well before Everquest 1, where Ogres could not be Necromancers.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Best of luck in the Lich Kings Blizzard. :wink: Thanks for the info.

That Wowpedia page says that the ogres recruited harpies and quilboar. I could see all three coming over to the Horde. :smile: Unfortunately, those ogres are hostile to both Horde and Alliance so, at least for that scenario, they are out. :frowning:

Dream big, frozen Ogre fan. :stuck_out_tongue:


A little over 9 hours with no power in freezing temperatures. Not a fun time to become a Snogre. :snowman_with_snow:

I wasnā€™t really expecting the Darkmaul to end up becoming our friends, myself. Itā€™s fine to have some Ogre clans be independent mooks, as they can be fun villains in the right circumstances.

Besides, it doesnā€™t change the fact that we have two Stonemaul clans and the Dunemaul Clan within the Hordeā€™s ranks, so if weā€™re looking for friendly and loyal Ogres, look no further than them (assuming you can find them in the current timeline). Granted, if any other Ogre clan would be interested in Horde membership, Iā€™d totally be open to it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Man, itā€™s torn the crap out of the trees. Had no power from about 2 till midnight yesterday. Had a wee bit of firewood, so had a fire going, it came on shortly after the fire died down.
Others have been without power for longer than that. Grandpa said his has been down since about 2 monday. Nice thing is he has a gas powered floor furnace on the bottom floor, so heā€™s camped out around that.

The poor treesā€¦theyā€™re torn alllll up. So many still had leaves, so all the ice buildup just devastated them.

It ends with a very large skeletal dragon being raised.
There is one army of undead you slaughter with a large boar.


Well folks, we got a new release date for Shadowlands and the prepatch.

Shadowlands launch: Nov. 23rd for NA (Nov. 24th for Europe)

Prepatch: Nov. 10th

And we got a story trailer:

Unfortunately, it doesnā€™t feel like weā€™ll see any Horde Ogre activity, but if I see anything of interest, Iā€™ll be sure to report it here.

Originally, I thought the prepatch was going to involve the different continents on Azeroth having undead invasions in different areas, similar to how Legion had the demon invasions. Dustwallow Swamp would have some undead from the previous Stonemaul Clan who were killed when their home was attacked by the Black Dragonflight, as well as Black Dragonflight members that were slaughtered by us (imagine an undead Onyxia causing chaos in the area with undead dragonsā€¦sounds like a fun event to me). However, it seems that undead invasions around the world may not be part of the prepatch.

I also imagined that if the Stonemaul did get overrun by the undead (skeletal Ogres, Black Dragonflight members, etc), they would head to Orgrimmar to help defend the area while weā€™re off in Shadowlands to save the world (of Warcraft!) once again. It would be cool to see a wall of Ogres around the gates of Orgrimmar, helping to fight off the undead trying to attack the city.

Anyway, some fun thoughts, but Iā€™d be surprised if we see any Horde Ogres anywhere. I might check a few areas during the prepatch and the different Shadowlands patches, but I donā€™t expect to find much. Still, if I see anything of interest, Iā€™ll be sure to report it here.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I hope we all get surprised and they release Ogres along the way.