The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Wowhead posted an article about Blizzard teasing us about what may be forthcoming in Dragonflight. This comes from an interview, from the first episode of Blizzard’s WoWCast Developer Chat, with Morgan Day and Maria Hamilton, both being developers.

Article is below with a video inside of the interview:

There is mention of an “Encrypted Embers of Neltharion storyline for another Dragonflight” and also “A censored major story spoiler.” No details were offered on either, however.

Still holding out hope of seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan appearing and helping out, given their history with certain evil dragons. That said, I’m still tempering expectations and recommend everyone else doing the same.

I’ll keep an eye out for anything Horde Ogre related as we go forward to report back here as more info gets revealed. Regardless of what does or doesn’t happen, we march on!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


just a fun but silly idea what if Onyxia feigned her death in her lair like how vanessa vancleef did in deadmines and shes just quietly observing the horde and slowly but surely influencing the stonemaul ogres of dustwallow marsh?

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I agree that its a silly idea and just picturing her alive, made me think of Stuvok from Starcraft. Think about…
Onyxia: Had her head cut off, resurrected by her brother, killed again, and then her bones destroyed. Somehow still kicking.
Stuvok: He was betrayed and killed, shot into space, captured by the zerg, resurrected and infested, cured, given to Moebius to research the protoss cure, and was instead experimented on as the cure slowly failed.

Onyxia and Stuvok could be the friendship we needed to see, but never knew.


It’s hard to imagine Onyxia having survived our raid against her, given that losing your head tends to make it hard to perform one’s day-to-day activities…along with making living in general much more harder. Not to mention the whole skull being used to make a cloak that protects against Nzoth’s insanity corruption thing.

If we were to ever see her again, it could be from her coming into our timeline from an alternate timeline, probably from Infinite Dragonflight meddling. It’s a bit of a stretch, and even then, she’d likely kick the bucket fairly soon after getting to our timeline.

If anything, I’d say that some of her surviving offspring eggs having survived and eventually causing the MU Stonemaul Clan to have another bad day, from influence and such, is more likely and would make for an interesting questline. Moreso if it leads to the MU Stonemaul Clan as a playable Horde race.

Regardless, we don’t know what will happen this expansion, and given how death can be a minor setback, it’s possible we could see an AU Onyxia appear somehow. I’m guessing we’ll have at least one more major patch after the upcoming one before the next expansion gets to be the focus, so anything is possible, I guess.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I could easily see a quest chain where the Stonemaul are starting to rebuild Stonemaul Village only to find themselves under assault by Onyxia’s descendants not wanting to give up “their territory.”


We will never get Ogres, and it’s so stupid because they feel like a core race since the RTS days of WarCraft. I remember Ogres being so boss in WC2 that people banned Blood Lust Ogres. Such a shame and travesty that we got freaking Evokers in WarCraft that look incredibly stupid, but amazing Ogres are still off the table.

all in to dunk this dwarf headfirst into a lava pit?

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Same with High Elves, Forest Trolls, Mogu, and etc. But hey that’s what blizzard is now in days. Cool Stuff of the table.

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I wouldn’t expect High Elves to be a playable race in their own right, especially since the void elves have a high elf skin customization. The decision to make the Darkfallen a customization also calls into question on how certain races could be handled by Blizzard.

For example Fel Orcs, Man’ari Eredar, Taunka, and Leaper Gnomes could easily be a customization by Blizzard. While other races like Ogres, Saurok, Satyr, and Mogu, as their own distinct races that can’t be folded into another race appearance wise, by all rights should be their own race if they were chosen to become playable.

Now with Forest Trolls, I’m actually uncertain on where they would lie on this. After all while the female models match the playable Darkspear female one, the males are more bulkier. So an easy option would be just to make the Revantusk playable, but Blizzard could always make a playable bulkier option for players as they make the Forest Trolls a customization option.

That is if Blizzard decides to make them playable in some way, over just leaving them as they are in order to just avoid the issue.


Not to mention that Onyxia’s old lair is likely still around along with some offspring and minions having fled the area, with the offspring having grown since Cataclysm. It’s an idea I’ve presented that would make for a good return scenario to Dustwallow Marsh, along with leading into playable Horde Ogres becoming a thing finally. Still a lot of potential with this idea.

I’m not totally opposed to the idea of customization races, but I have not been happy with how they’ve been implemented. But that’s a topic I’ve gone on and on about many times to where I really need to type up a thesis paper or something someday.

A lot really depends on if Blizzard would consider other Troll Tribes as customization races for Darkspear Troll. It’s one of the few examples that it could work great as a customization race without a whole lot being changed, provided each tribe can get their own identity and presence in-game of course.

Adding the beefy Troll models could work also, which I assume could be a body type 3 and 4. However, I know that would require a lot of work to get them to work with armor graphics and such, along with making a female version of it. I don’t know if Blizzard would want to do the work to implement that for customization races or just add in skin options for the current playable male and female Troll options.

Realistically, I’d guess adding Forest Trolls as a customization race with other Troll Tribes would be the most likely as opposed to adding in them as another race. It seems to be the trend lately. I just wish customization races had better treatment. Otherwise, I’d be all for them much more.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I would definitely read it.



we need to get this to 3000


We love Ogres 3000.


orc females or males???

I was just making a MCU reference with the 3000 thing… not sure what you are asking here.

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oh I thought you were imagining an adult content section and things would soon go south

blink … I don’t know what to with this.

would you want iron man armor for an orc or ogre

Im honestly indifferent to any wow race having an ironman transmog appearance. I personally wouldn’t use it, but I wont be up in arms over other people using it.

If your curious, my philosophy on transmog is combining that I think is a cool look and what fits. For example while I think the orc heritage armor is cool it doesn’t fit my shaman, where as I feel my current transmog does.

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Slightly late with this, but this month’s Trading Post items and bonus reward have been revealed:

Nothing really Ogre related on there this time. There are some Vrykul related items though, which are interesting.

Speaking of, I noticed there have been some talks about Vrykul increasing lately and occasional speculation off and on about them coming into the picture again. Might be something to keep an eye on, since Horde Ogres and Alliance Vrykul would make a fun pairing, in my own personal opinion.

Also, today is big patch day! So whenever maintenance and any potential extensions are completed, I’ll keep an eye out for anything Horde Ogre related. Not really expecting anything to be honest, but we should have at least one more major patch before the next expansion, so we’ll see what happens when/if it happens I guess.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: