The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

This. So MUCH this.


I used the Narcissus addon to make this. I thought it would be fun, but now I just feel like weeping in my hopeless longing.


I hear ya.


So as I was getting Dark Talon rep for my Dracthyr, I started reflecting on all my other characters are exalted with their home faction. However I realized something, the playable Magā€™har donā€™t have a reputation home base, like the orcs, dracthyr, etcā€¦ do. And it reminded me of how the Stonemaul clan are currently faction tied with Orgrimmar and its member give Orgrimmar rep. So I honestly canā€™t help but wonder if the decision to make them a core or allied would play a role in, if there even is a Stonemaul reputation to raise to exalted.

After all the allied races have a built in heritage armor, while the core require being exalted with their home base.

Though Iā€™m curious if a choice was offered would you all prefer that the Stonemaul had a reputation home base grind associated with it or not? I personally would prefer a rep, because seeing Stonemaul clan: Exalted would make me smile and a quest just focused on them for their heritage would be rather neat to see.


Who would win between an ogre from WoW and a Shokon From mortal kombat?


I think regardless of if the Stonemaul Clan/Horde Ogre Clans become playable as either a Core or Allied race, there would be a reputation given to them.

How that rep would be utilized would depend on whether they get added as a Core or Allied race. If as a Core race, it would be there for some rewards and likely heritage armor for Ogre players. If as an allied race, it would likely be applied to a quest hub area and mostly have the same rewards, just with unlocking playable Horde Ogres afterwards and just leveling them up to get their heritage armor.

Which would I prefer? In this case, I generally lean more towards Ogres as a Core Race. Not so much to do with rep grinding, but just thinking theyā€™d be a huge deal and likely have more development time to give in making two-head customization options and such work as opposed to rushing to fit it in the middle of a patch.

That said, Iā€™m not against the Allied Race system at all. Iā€™m one of the weird players in that I liked the idea of unlocking Allied Races, making it feel like a rewarding journey of sorts. Granted, there are some legit criticisms of the system itself and it is very subjective of course. Iā€™d be fine having to do a rep grind and some other criteria to unlock Horde Ogres as an Allied Race if it meant them becoming playable finally.

And as I said before, if I ever see a Stonemaul Clan rep pop up in the future, this will more or less be me:

It would definitely be top priority for me to work on, and I would help make a guide on how to raise rep with them, as well as helping others with any related achievements. Just in case any of them become criteria in unlocking them as a playable Horde race.

As long as Ogres become a playable Horde race, Iā€™ll be happy to do whatever criteria is needed to unlock them. Whether itā€™s rep grinding and a questline or just buying an expansion. Iā€™m fine with either if it means getting to make my Horde Ogre character!

Ogres get my vote, given how savage they can be. Shokons, while tough, can be fancy looking jobbers to people who know what theyā€™re doing in the Mortal Kombat series. Just my own personal opinion, of course.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™m of the the same mindset.


If Horde gets the Ogres as playable race, I could easily see the Mogu or the Broken for the Alliance. It could be wonderful for the Alliance and the Horde to (finally) get these races.


Hello my ogre brothers and sisters, just dropping by to add further support. :japanese_ogre: :heart:


Ogres for the Horde and Broken for the Alliance would be a perfect fit.


what about those mole people

The Niffen? Blizzard could decide to make them a playable race, as they did for the Vulpera, but I would really prefer Ogres.


Well that was a fun forum outage. Both here and the EU forums were 404ā€™d all day. Glad we seem to be back, though!

We donā€™t know a whole lot about the Niffen for me to formulate a real opinion on them. Iā€™m sure it could be a possibility to see them playable. To be honest, however, I feel like Tuskarr would have some precedence of all weā€™ve met in Dragonflight so far, in my own personal opinion. A lot also depends on where the story takes up in the next major patch after this upcoming one and who else we meet up with.

Not against playable Niffen at all, of course, but for me personally, there are other races Iā€™d rather see playable first. Just how I honestly view it is all.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think Tuskarr are one of the more likely races to be playable over others. And since we do encounter a couple of tribes, the Iskaraa can remain neutral and avoid the complaints that arose when the the Nightborne joined the Horde.


what about the new mole people from the may upcoming expansion

You already asked this and as me and Bagzak have said playable Niffen are a possibility, but we currently donā€™t know anything about them and thus neither of us have a real opinion one way or another about it.

To be honest your best bet would be to create your own thread to get that ā€œI wanna play as a mole personā€ crowd together. And perhaps as 10.1 unfolds and we get to know them, the crowd could grow.


when did i ask this?

literally about 2 days ago buddy might want to get your short term memory looked at

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They probably had some kind of lag in their reply and it sent twice, it happens!
I think the Niffen are neat, especially after i learned one of the quest developers based a lot of the Niffen personality after her pet rats for inspiration (I have pet rats and that spoke to me lol)
Ogres of course are my #1 desired race, but if thereā€™s a thread opening up for playable Niffen Iā€™ll stop by to give a bump!

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That is a rather neat fact.