The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Speaking of the tender, be away that its currently bugged. I only received 100 over the 500 when I looted the swords from the chest. I reported the issue but haven’t heard back yet.


Patch 10.1 will be released on May 2nd:

Not a whole lot that I saw that could be Horde Ogre related, though I’ll keep an eye out as usual.

There should be at least one more major patch in Dragonflight, I assume, so there could be another opportunity to at least have the MU Stonemaul Clan show up, given their history with evil dragons. Not a guarantee by any means, of course, so it’s best to temper expectations and see where the story takes us.

Regardless of what does or doesn’t happen, we march on in support of playable Horde Ogres as usual. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So April 28th is Volunteer Guard Day, which are you likely know, lets you turn into a guard from various cities, including Ogres from Shattrath. It’s also related to one of the tasks you can do to earn tender for the Trading Post.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold an Ogre event with this on that day, in which the 28th is on a Friday. However, it’s something that could work as an event at some point in the future. Not really for marching around Orgrimmar, since it’ll spawn hostile mobs every few seconds, but a bunch of Ogres defending Orgrimmar sounds like a good time.

If anyone is particularly interested in such an event, please let me know. I can’t guarantee I’d be available this year, at best maybe in the evening if I am lucky, but maybe we could see if we can plan something. Again, no promises.

Please keep in mind that the Ogre model utilized is the old one, so a lot of animations aren’t available. This includes not being able to mount and bow attacks just being arrows shooting out of your belly as you just stand there among other types of animations.

And if you want more information on Volunteer Guard Day, info on the Ogre form itself and how to get it, and seeing some screenshots of the event, here are some posts to show that off:

Speaking of, it seems like linking to other posts has become weird. The way I use to do it just leaves a text link and linking it with the “share a link to this post” option has it where it opens another window when you click it. Not sure if that is intentional or not, but it’s weird how it works currently.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I was unaware of this. Thanks for the information.


Do you guys have a larger Ogre/Mok’nathal Discord Server?

For those unaware the forest of Thunder Ridge from War3 is hinted to be returning in the orc heritage armor quest chain. So Blizzard does have an interest in updating the old world and is willing to look back at War3 when doing so.

So I can’t help but hope that they will do the same when it comes to Dustwallow Marsh and give us an updated reclaimed Stonemaul village. Though now that I think about it, with how Blizzard has been wanting us to experience certain updates (ex: The Return to Lordaeron quest chain, the interview where they talk about a reclamation of Gilneas being a quest chain over a short story or just updated in) the restoration of Stonemaul Village might just be a quest chain.


Happy Easter weekend everyone!

Image taken from here:

Whatever your plans are, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday weekend! :rabbit2:

We don’t have a Discord server at the moment. I’ve thought about making an Ogre/Saurok Discord before, but for various reasons, I’ve since been questioning the point of it and if I really should.

If we ever do have our own Discord, I’ll be sure to mention it and link to it in both my megathreads. However, I don’t really plan to at the moment and I don’t think there is much demand for one.

Updating Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms is a rumor that has been going on for quite awhile. I can’t say whether it would be a full on update a la Cataclysm or just specific areas when the current storyline calls for it, but both areas really need it and honestly, revamping Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor for new players to start leveling through with new stories would likely be more interesting than forcing new players to start in BfA and then skipping ahead to whatever is the current expansion…

As I said before, we could return to Dustwallow Marsh this expansion if Onyxia’s old lair and minions come into play. Otherwise, I’m not really sure when we’d ever see it unless we got a full on old world revamp

A quest chain to help reclaim the Stonemaul home for good and seeing it as an actual place for them would be great. I always imagined it as a pre-expansion event, much like how Cataclysm had with the Darkspear Trolls and Gnomes. Hopefully, that would lead to playable Horde Ogres, though I don’t know what the Alliance would get for a similar questline. Maybe Furbolgs? Hard to say really.

We’ll have to see if those old world revamp rumors become true and how they’re handled. We’ll definitely keep an eye on it and report anything of interest we see. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Have a Happy Easter as well, and thanks for the image it was both great and amusing to me.


I don’t think this was posted in here before, but I wanted to share a sketch of an Ogre Magi from DeviantArt. It was created by Bradwhitlam and was uploaded to the website on Oct. 20th, 2014.

“ogre magi sketch” by Bradwhitlam on DeviantArt.

Sharing it for some Ogre customization idea inspiration as well as being a neat sketch in general. I do think two-head customization would be a lot of fun for players to design in the creation screen and would love to see what people come up with. Lots of variety with Ogre customization in general! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That is rather neat.


So I have to admit that while I was collecting eggs/chocolate to get the new Noble Garden toy, I found myself thinking of the Happy Easter Ogre you shared here. I honestly think it would be neat if Blizzard added an ogre wearing a bunny outfit to the event. Like they could be a quest giver, a new rare tied to the event, or just a fun NPC to interact with.



The closest thing I can really think of to a bunny suit would be the yeti outfit, which would look pretty good on Ogres. A bunny suit would also be pretty great for the season.

Come to think of it, seeing Ogres with two-heads would be interesting to see with the above costumes. Or even something like the harlequin outfit from the Trading Post a month ago. I’m sure there could be all kinds of other humorous transmogs people would try out as well.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Edit: Apparently the image below isn’t an Ogre, but is instead Garrosh as a pirate king. Really looks Ogre-like at first glance, doesn’t it? Oh well…

Original post below:

I saw this art piece in another forum thread of an Ogre pirate and wanted to share it:

I don’t know the origins of it unfortunately, though it does look like something from Hearthstone. If anyone happens to know the artist that made this, please let me know and I’ll happily edit the post to give credit!

With pirate gear and it being likely that we’d get Ogre Rogues, I could see some people making such characters as Outlaw Rogues. Especially since Ogres make for great shipwrights. If Hunters could wield big cannons that shoot cannon balls, I could see Ogre Hunter Pirates also. Lots of fun ideas! :pirate_flag:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hrm, apparently it’s Pirate King Garrosh from Hearthstone, so Orc and not Ogre.
Still has a very Ogre vibe to it, I don’t think I’d have known that’s who it was if I’d not image searched it.


Huh. That was hard to see at first glance, but now I see it’s actually Garrosh. Really weird that, given how Ogre-like he looks there. I edited the post above to reflect that in the beginning.

Well, in that case, I did look around and found an actual Ogre pirate this time:

Edit: The above image comes from an ArtStation post by Jim Nelson from Blizzard, which makes it official artwork from the watermark in the bottom right corner. It seems to have been posted there roughly 3 years ago. Link to the ArtStation post is below:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Looks like it’s by Jim Nelson from Blizzard.


That’s really cool. Though I’m not sure if he would be Captain Two-Heads or Captain Three-Eyes. Perhaps those are too obvious… I got it, he can be Captain Tattoo.


Came across a couple of Ogor Mawtribe/Ogre Kingdoms (Age of Sigmar) army showcase videos I don’t think I’ve shared before, which I thought I’d share for the usual playable Ogre idea inspiration.

In the first video, the music does cut off at some point briefly and there are times the video seems to pause, which is a bit jarring.

Videos are here:

Hoping we’ll be able to form our own Horde Ogre army in-game sometime!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


At the very least I’m expecting a Horde Ogre army if there’s a retaking of Stonemaul Village quest chain. Though on that note, I would Stonemaul to be updated as a Ogre Fortress over just remaining the standard Ogre village.