The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Some news came about recently of future patch related stuff.

First, the release date of 10.0.7 has been revealed. It’ll be released on March 21st (US) and 22nd (Europe).

And the new 10.1 patch has been announced with some details:

I’ll be keeping an eye out for anything Horde Ogre related, especially MU Stonemaul Clan stuff. However, I still suggest tempering expectations as nothing is guaranteed, especially given the damp squib that was BfA when it came to Horde Ogre appearances. Still, I’ll keep an eye out, see where the story goes, and if all else fails, we just keep marching onward as usual with our support of playable Horde Ogres!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That’s fine. Back at launch that’s about the size ogres were. It’s only in later expansions their size kept getting inflated larger and larger. Every once and awhile there’s still an example of a more playable-sized ogre, so it’s definitely within canon to be a reasonable size.

Yeah, I’m not really expecting anything this expansion. In general this expansion still doesn’t really interest me at all. Which I don’t entirely mind. It’s a nice break.

I’d be pleasantly surprised if the Stonemaul Clan’s history with the dragons or the ogre’s Twilight’s Hammer history suddenly becomes important, but it’d be a surprise because I’m not expecting it.


You know I think it would be neat if one of the dragons had an Ogre visage form.


We sorta have it, the other way around though weirdly enough. At least two black dragons in Dragonflight are revealed to be Twilight’s Hammer ogres in disguise.

I really appreciate that, too. That’s the sort of thing I wish we’d get from Horde Stonemaul ogres. It doesn’t always have to be a storyline or quest hub, just an NPC or two to acknowledge that it’s part of the setting.


Just saw this and thought it was pretty cool.

ooh this too


It turns out in an update to War3 Reforged, NPCs were added here and there. Among them being Nazgrel at the Battle of Mount Hyjal for example. I bring this up because on wowpedia it was revealed that Ogg’marr, Tharg, Do’gol, Draz’Zilb were placed within the Stonemaul camp when Rexxar and co visit.

I have to admit that I don’t know if it was just Blizzard trying to make more of a connection between War3 and WoW and picked the names at random or if the names were chosen on purpose. After all Draz’Zilb stepped up the plate when Mok’Morokk was lording over them and Tharg was being seen as their future leader, though Ogg’marr is just a meat vendor and Do’gol was apart of a quest chain.


It’s possible that they were trying to link WoW to Warcraft 3. It’s hard for me to imagine those names being picked at random, given they’re all members of the MU Stonemaul Clan. I’d guess it was something specific that someone looked at the MU Stonemaul Clan members and put them in there.

I’m curious when this update happened. If it was recent…well, I wouldn’t read too much into it, as neat as a discovery as this is. I’ve been meaning to get Warcraft 3: Reforged sometime, so that can be something I look into whenever I do get it. Not sure when I will, though.

Now if only Crol’ka would make an appearance in WoW. He deserves some heroic respect as opposed to being totally forgotten.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Well, part of the original pitch for Warcraft III: Reforged (well before we knew things were starting to go wrong) was that it was going to update the entire game to be consistent with modern lore. For instance, it seems a lot of people believe the mag’har were from Warcraft III or even Warcraft II, but no, they were invented for Burning Crusade. Warcraft III established that the orcs turned evil because of the demon blood, but the blood turned them from green to red in Warcraft III, the idea of green itself not being natural to them didn’t come until a few years into World of Warcraft. That was the sort of thing Reforged was originally pitched to address.

So, the Stonemaul ogres from Brackenwall being added to the Stonemaul storyline is consistent with that original plan. Kinda nice to see that. Some people were really upset about the idea of them altering anything at all, but I think something like this is cute without being disruptive at all.

I am curious if they were there from launch or if that was a patch thing, though I guess it probably doesn’t matter too much. It does at least give me hope that these characters (including Crol’ka) will be remembered when they eventually get around to doing something new with the Stonemaul Ogres.


LOL you can expect whatever you please. And then I will do as I please. Looks like we’re at a stalemate.

Fighting all the Djaradin has me wondering what ogre models applied to their animations could look like.


I was a little annoyed when I realized the Djaradin have women and ogres still don’t. It seems like Blizzard is much better about that going forward than they used to be, which just makes it even more conspicuous they haven’t bothered to make female ogres. Exile’s Reach would have been a fine time to do that, and it’s an investment that would pay off whether or not ogres are ever made playable.

Then I considered it might actually be another side effect of the whole “evergreen ogre” double-edged sword. It’s not a big deal to make a quick female version of a random monster you only need a couple of variants of. On the other hand, Blizzard has considered ogres for a playable race, and probably do continue to consider them.

In other words, why waste the effort on a couple of quick female ogre variants for monsters now when you expect to put the full playable effort into them later?


That makes alot of sense and is honestly something I hadn’t thought of before.


From a marketing point-of-view, there are two really big features that would come from playable Horde Ogres.

-Female Ogres

-Two-head customization options.

Female Ogres are going to be one of the biggest features of Ogres. So if, say, that Ogres were to become playable, the marketing buzz would be pretty massive with the above two features, regardless of what is done with female Ogres.

Under the assumption that playable Horde Ogres are still something being considered by Blizzard, I could see that being a reason we haven’t really seen them among among Ogre clans anywhere in-game and may have been on that Ogre continent in AU Draenor, which we could see if we ever deal with Yrel and the Lightbound someday.

Once they are revealed, they can just edit Ogre mobs to occasionally be female and add in female Ogre NPC’s where friendly Ogre groups are in existing areas. Likely another marketing thing of players seeing them and going “oh right, Ogres are playable now. Maybe I should get the next expansion and make one.”

It’s also a question of whether it’ll be explained where female Ogres have been or not. Would Ogrezonia get tied into it or would Blizzard just plop female Ogres without much word on why they suddenly are there now. A lot of planning would have to go with how to implement female Ogres in the game, both gameplay and storyline stuff.

As annoying as that explanation can be, it is partly how I see female Ogres being hidden. Though, as I said, this is an assumption of if playable Horde Ogres are being considered, and even then, there are likely several other factors being considered. Hard to say what is being considered, so all we can do is keep hope I guess.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


When it comes my own ogre, if there is a two headed option, I will let my class decide if I go one or two. For example if I make an Ogre warrior its one head but if I make a mage then it will be two.


That’s a good question, because right now the general implication when we do see or hear about them, like Karrga, is that female ogres are just as common as the males and it’s just a matter of the video game not showing us what’s actually canonically true in-world. However, things that haven’t actually been shown in the game tend to get retconned more than anything else, and there’s also a trend to “explain” new content or features even if they’re “obvious.”

It’d be easy to simply say: “the explanation is simply that we’ve just never had a female ogre model before”. Yet, I’d say there’s a fair chance there will be one or more plot lines about it and an absolute guarantee there will be gags about it.

Back when I first started campaigning I wasn’t a fan of two-headed ogres and, in fact, I may have thought it was more important to campaign for a one-headed option than for ogres themselves (which I never expected to take this long to happen).

Nowadays, with all the new customization stuff that’s been happening in the last couple of expansions, I feel like the possibility of two-headed ogres and the unique customization that will entail will be the primary draw. It might even mean they will either come alone as a neutral race (because of the extra work) or be paired with another race with something unique about their customization, like naga (so they don’t overshadow the alternative).

I’ll still probably play a one-headed ogre myself, in part because I’m leaning toward a class I think it fits with, but I’ll admit the modern ogre lore makes me tempted to make a mage.


I can see something being said about it, possibly tying it into fleshing out Ogre culture some. I do wonder if Ogrezonia may play a part in it if Blizzard went that route, however.

I mean, it didn’t really stop Goblins from being released alongside Worgen. A bit of a different situation, since Worgen used the regular human model, but it was still a different feature.

As such, I don’t know if whatever the Alliance would get would be as elaborate as Ogres. It may get overshadowed regardless of what it would be. If it were up to me, I’d go with Furbolgs for various reasons, which would have some excitement along with adding some much needed variety to the Alliance.

I can’t really see Ogres being neutral to be honest. Ogres have had a strong connection to the Horde and trying to imaginethe Alliance letting them run around Stormwind or Ironforge is a hard thing for me to do. Not entirely against it, since I’d get playable Horde Ogres out of it, but Ogres are one of the races I feel would be best connected to a faction as opposed to being neutral. Just my own personal opinion, of course.

When it comes to my Horde Ogre Fury Warror character I want to make, I plan to only have one head for him. It is how he was in other games and how I see him in WoW. Maybe if we get more character slots in the future, I’ll consider an Ogre character with two heads. That said, I do hope two heads are possible for playable Ogres, since I know a lot of people want to create two-headed Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I can’t wait for Ogres and their two headed option.

My two headed ogre is going to be a Death Knight (and another will be a necromancer if they ever give us that class) who doesn’t remember how he ended up in Northrend years ago, but was once part of the Old Horde. Somehow ended up in Northrend after Arthas became the Lich King was resurrected and made a Death Knight, refused to join the Knights of Acherus until Bolvar became the Lich King and has been kinda aloof from them since.


That’s a really good point with Ogres overshadowing anything the Alliance could get. Ogres are a long time in the coming and there is more of a hype for them, while there isn’t really an obvious Alliance equivalent with that much hype involved.


I don’t understand why the Alliance got the Wildhammer Dwarves as customization for the Bronzebeard Dwarves and the Horde got Farraki Trolls and Dark Trolls.

Forest Trolls or Dragonmaw Orcs could have been a part of the customizations with the Wildhammer Dwarves.

Wildhammer Dwarves fight the Forest Trolls since Vanilla and the Dragonmaw Orcs since Cata. Not the Farraki Trolls and Dark Trolls, they aren’t even a part of the Horde (but I can understand people want to roleplay one of these races).

Now we got the Ogre child, we just need to get the Ogre female model like the Tsukarr in DF. It will be one more step for Ogres as playable race.


I mean, there is one race that shall not be named that would generate a lot of buzz, for better or worse. To be clear, I’m fine with said race being playable, but I know there is a lot of vocal support and kerfuffle about them.

In the grand scheme of things, it can’t really be helped to have Ogres potentially overshadow whatever Alliance would get. As I said, it didn’t really affect Goblins much with how Worgen were with two forms and such, and Goblins still had a lot of hype and support that really added to the game that is still strong to this day. So it isn’t impossible to see that happen with whatever race the Alliance would get alongside Horde Ogres.

My main vote would still go to Furbolgs, though some suggestions are that Vrykul would work well, given some parallels between them and Ogres. Again, just my own personal opinion.

There has been a lot of confusion regarding Sand Troll customization, which I don’t know if that was the actual intention. Especially given that existing Sand Troll tribes hate the Horde and there hasn’t been a friendly one we’ve ran across that suddenly applied to join the Horde.

If it was meant to actually be Sand Trolls as a customization race, it’s one of the worst ways of implementing a customization race, since nothing was shown or mentioned of any Sand Trolls joining the Horde. My best guess was that they’re still Jungle Trolls, just with a skin color that looks similar to Sand Trolls, which is something mentioned about them on Wowpedia.

For Dark Trolls, I think I’ve seen discussions about that not being the case. Same thing would apply as above.

As for Wildhammers, I think the main reason for them just being customization options was to cut costs as opposed to developing them as a full race. Still, it was disappointing to see how they were implemented, as well as other customization races and their treatment. They and other races deserve better than to just feel like their parent race LARPing as them.

It’s definitely something that I’ll bring up if I ever get on that Community Council someday. We’ll see if that ever happens though. Until then, I’m sure I’ll keep grumbling about it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: