The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It seems like there isn’t a specific time period mentioned. Wowpedia’s page does mention this about the timeline for Traveler, which a list of possible explanations of when it could take place:

One of my problems with WoW is that all the areas seem to be time locked, as opposed to being dynamic and having things happen to them in real time similar to how Everquest 1 did it. It caused a lot of confusion for new players leveling to bounce between timelines, before Chromie Time became a thing, and it made most areas become a “one and done” theme park ride as opposed to going through the area to travel or having any reason to go back to said areas. I miss when MMO’s felt like worlds instead of feeling like games.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Having phasing issues, I’m in the Broken Shore intro version of Dranosh’ar, figured I’d drop this guy.

Brought all my big rocks for helpin’ da catapults. Gregg want to join da Horde!


I remember hearing about that Ogre mentioning wanting to join the Horde. He also has a Wowpedia page:

I don’t think he has any affiliation with other Ogre clans, and could be there by himself. Still, I say let him join. I’m sure the Stonemaul would be happy to have him in their ranks.

Apparently he appears on some Island Expeditions as well. Can’t find too much info, other than you help him with something and that it’s part of an achievement of rescuing explores on islands.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’d throw in he’s one of those shorter ogre NPCs that’s in the playable height range.


Bump. I want this too, would be my only reason to play Horde again.


I LOVE this idea


:pensive:<— Me not being able to play a two headed ogre Shadow priest

:smiley:<— Me playing a two headed ogre Shadow Priest

Make it happen Blizzard! :clap::clap:


I’ve updated the main post, showing off the Stonemaul banner as a potential design for an allied race banner and tabard.

I’ve been thinking some more of potential dances for female Ogres. I recall one dance I thought of could be the “Purple People Eater” song by Sheb Wooley. A dance which I think is more or less the official dance is shown here:

I was also trying to look up dances for “Maneater” by Hall & Oats, though I don’t think it has any official dances that I could find. Seemed like a fitting song.

However, I did discover there is another “Maneater” song by Nelly Furtado. The dance is shown here from a Just Dance video game:

Others here have linked some dances that would also work very well. I’ll likely be gathering them up and putting them under the dance section in the near future (giving credit for suggestions, of course). If anyone has any other suggestions, please share!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’d go with maneater.

Just a little more interesting moves and more to work with.


Well, as I stated in the San’layn thread, I was going to leave the forums permanently but figured I’d just stick to the ONLY two threads I’m interested in and that’s Stonemaul Ogres (this one) and San’layn.

Have any of you played the new Exile’s Reach? You get disguised as an ogre for a little bit and you get the ogre dance, lol. The first thing I did when I got transformed on day one of pre-patch was type /dance. They MUST include the Chris Farley dance which I believe was from Saturday Night Live when he was dancing with or against Patrick Swayze. went noob island for the transmogs and had fun as an ogre. :smile: (No other emotes worked from what I remember :frowning: )

Side Note: I am trying out digital art and am working on an ogre. Will hopefully post in the next couple weeks. It’s not great since this is my first or second attempt but it’s not as bad as I thought.

:+1: Playable ogres

EDIT: Forgot to mention that all the other ogres dance with you, ROFLMAO! The ones around fire or whatever it is. That was awesome.


You’re always welcome to check out my Saurok megathread if that interests you any. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

I actually haven’t. I leveled all my alts with the double exp, and am saving my precious few slots for if specific races become playable (1 slot for an Ogre, 3 for Saurok, and 1 for San’layn), with the other 5 slots for either new classes or races. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get more slots per account, as I still have characters I want to make.

I recall it being mentioned on the internet that the Ogre models in Exile’s Reach are new and have a different look to them compared to older models.

Interestingly, the Draenor Ogres seem to have a bunch of emotes and were roughly Tauren sized with glyph of disguise, while the Dustbelcher Ogre model that I used in the screenshots were much bigger and couldn’t mount. Maybe the Draenor Ogres are using the Moonkin’s skeleton and animations in more ways than other Ogres found elsewhere.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


As long as they can choose how many heads they have, I’m on board.


As far as racials go and the mention of stuns or resistance to stuns. I think orcs and trolls had racials similar to the PvP ones, now removed in pre-patch, so that would leave only something similar to Adaptation.

Only instead of it being an activated skill it should be a passive that you ignore one loss of control every 5mins (?). Adaptation can be used every 1 min. but that would be too OP imo so 5mins. sounds decent enough.

I know some ogres I’ve fought use Backhand which stuns for 2 secs. but then we start stepping on Tauren toes with their stun. I’d like to keep racials unique and not a cut and paste like the AR’s where. (talking about AR’s being race cut and pastes not racial cut and pastes to clear things up)

I’ll try to think of more racials tomorrow.


Yes. Orcs have Hardiness, which reduces the duration of stuns on them by 20%, Trolls have Da Voodoo Shuffle, which reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 20%, and the removed PvP ability Relentless reduced the duration of all crowd control effects by 20%.


They just look like bigger dumber versions of Kul Tirans imo. Sorry :confused: I don’t like em.

This is a cool idea. Adaptation auto-triggers like you’re envisioning for this ability (though specifically on loss of control that lasts 5 seconds or longer), so the coding is all there already.


Aside from racials and a female Ogre dance, another thing to consider is the heritage armor for Ogres. There are two possible designs.

The first is what you’d typically see in an Ogre clan, similar to this:

And then there is Roman inspired armor, similar to this:

Now, if it was just the Stonemaul Clan playable, which would be fitting?

The Roman style armor seems to mainly be with Draenor Ogres, in which it could be possible that the AU Stonemaul Clan could craft that kind of armor. The AU Stonemaul, if I’m not mistaken, were at one point part of the Gorian Empire, so it’s possible they could teach the MU Stonemaul Clan how to craft that armor.

None of the MU Stonemaul Clan really wore armor that I can remember, other than Mok’morokk who wears the armor of the first image I linked. The Stonemaul do have blacksmiths, however, so they would have at least some idea of making armor and armor design.

It also depends if we have any other Ogre clans that make up the playable Ogre faction, though any MU Ogre clans likely would have armor similar to the first design.

Anyway, could use some opinions here. Likely, I’ll be making a heritage armor section in the near future as well to show off both types of armor for consideration.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I prefer the Roman gladiator style tbh. I am not a fan of that other style unless they update it. Seeing as how they updated the ogre models in the Exiles Reach I could only assume they would.

I’ll have to look around and see if there are any other styles that might work. I can’t remember anything that just jumps out at me though. In WC2 (?) they looked like they had boxing gloves on and no shirts or possibly harnesses so can’t get any ideas from that.


The style of the first image gives the impression that, while Ogres are capable blacksmiths, they might cobble stuff together to make it work for their huge bodies as opposed to having any ornate design or practicality planning. It at least gives them some character in that regard.

With the second design, there are plenty of Roman armor types, especially those of the gladiators, that could work well for them. Sure, it wouldn’t look too great on Ogre Mages, but Dark Iron Dwarves have a heritage armor that looks better on a warrior than mages, so that may be a moot point.

Even if there aren’t any Roman designs for the Stonemaul Ogres, the easiest explanation, in my opinion, is that the AU Stonemaul Ogres taught the MU Stonemaul Ogres how to make the AU version of armor, which the MU Ogres liked a lot and opted to make more of it for their clan. It gives them a cool look and also gives some benefits for the MU Stonemaul to allow the AU Stonemaul to join up.

I’ll have to ramble more later. My brain hurts from studying and doing college work all day. x- x

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Psh. Playable Ogres will never happen. sobs quietly

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