The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’ve never heard this before and I have to say it was pretty neat.


Thanks once again to Youtube recommendations, I found a video someone did of a creative Ogre “Dance” in Everquest 1:

Back in the days of Everquest 1, doing /dance would just cause all races to kinda do a non-specific dance. Ogres and Trolls would kinda bounce up and down while moving their shoulders for about 2 seconds. Nothing really like how WoW dances are. So some people had to get creative like in the above video. Downtime between killing mobs kinda inspired such creativity.

And if you like the music in that video, that is actually in the game. You can listen to it here:

I’m feeling incredibly nostalgic with all the Everquest videos I’ve been looking at lately. Also missing my Ogre character pretty badly…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Inspired by a post I did in my Saurok megathread, I looked around to see if I could find video tours of Oggok, the racial city for Ogres in Everquest 1. The closest I could find is this short video that shows a brief tour of the city and pronounces Oggok as “Oggog” for some reason:

I also came across a tour of Oggok from Everquest Online Adventures:

If WoW were to ever get playable Horde Ogres, I suspect that they would get the MU Stonemaul home up and running somehow and, if multiple Horde clans were involved, maybe Dire Maul being a racial hub for them. I don’t really expect a grand capital city for various reasons, but I’d be perfectly fine with a revamped MU Stonemaul Clan home. It’d be fitting and a great way to tie up that loose end.

I’ll continue to keep an eye out for stuff to share for playable Horde Ogre idea inspiration!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So over at wowhead, new cosmetic additions such as Gul’dan’s staff were datamined as coming with 10.0.7 and it got me wondering if Ogre related cosmetics were in the cards as well.

And speaking of datamining, there is a Baine quest chain coming with the new patch and which will involve old faces from War3 such as Tagar and Bovan Windtotem. Which I must confess has me wondering if Crol’ka may also enter WoW some day.


Ogre cosmetics would be neat, though nothing would beat putting Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen. :smiley:

In all seriousness, it is something to keep an eye on. If there are any Ogre related items, it is definitely something to report on. Even if it was something added just for fun and not meant for deep speculating, which we’ll likely do anyway, I’m sure.

It would be good to see him in WoW. I don’t know why he never showed up before, but given he didn’t even have a name until WC3 Reforged became a thing I think, it’s likely something that just became forgotten. Seeing as how he was a big reason the MU Stonemaul Clan joined the Horde, he should be important enough to appear in-game someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Please make Ogres playable, Blizz.


what would the ogre vicious war mount be?


A Warlock Ogre would be awesome :slight_smile:

We got Children Ogre model, maybe a model for female ogre in a future.


Do any of you guys have pointers or a thing on how to draw a warcraft ogre? Or should i try my best to make it from scratch?


One thing that crossed my mind is if they do ogres they might do a roadhog joke ref outside of the one already in mechagon


I’ve been asking for Ogres long before Cata. You have no idea how upsetting it was to hear we got GOBLINS over Ogres. WHO EVEN WANTS TO BE A GOBLIN!. Give us Ogres already, they were a huge part of the founding of Org!


On the topic of ogre jokes, I imagine playable Ogres would have a KFC joke for some reason.


Ogre Paladin when


If Warsnarl comes by again, they would be the best person to ask. They’ve drawn Warcraft Ogres before many times and should have some pointers. Unfortunately, I can’t draw at all. Unless I draw stick people Ogres, but I don’t think there is a demand for that.

With regards to Goblins in Cataclysm, as I said before, I’m not mad at them being playable over Ogres in Cataclysm. I have a few Goblin characters I really like, and in another timeline where we got Ogres instead, I’d help support the playable Goblin megathread that would’ve sprouted during BfA. I can only imagine the headaches they would have to go through with regards to neutrality or Horde only debates…

Really, my main frustration is how many times Ogres have been considered, both confirmed and alleged considerations, only to get passed up and forgotten. It seemed like Ogres were pretty much a guarantee, given their popularity and importance to the Horde. And yet they still remain forgotten, not even to assist in a big war. Even as NPC’s.

I don’t really view new playable races in terms of opportunity costs, and it isn’t really fun to maintain such a mindset. Can it be frustrating to see some races come out of nowhere and get priority over others, especially ones that have been requested a lot? It certainly can be, but nowadays I don’t really see the practicality of complaining for the most part, even if it were races I’m against becoming playable (which are only a select few, some I’ve complained about before I will admit). Especially when new races of any sort will have their own fans, and it isn’t fun to get yelled at for such things.

The way I see it is that there is plenty of room on that character creation screen. My hope is that we’ll see it filled with playable races people have been wanting to see. Horde Ogres included, of course. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I have orcs and trolls im just missing one more and thats the ogre


Ogres are the only thing keeping the Warcraft 2 Band from getting back together!


Yep and before anyone tries being technical the Revantusk trolls are apart of the Horde and I’m pretty sure that playable trolls have a green skin option.

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Please make Ogre playable.


March has arrived, and with it some new items on the Trading Post should be available:

Nothing really Ogre related that I saw. Unless you want to use the pirate hat to make a pirate Ogre, I suppose.

It does sound like there are some bugs, however. Some people are having problems with items frozen from before not being frozen with the change, as well as previous items gained not functioning right or not being there (the Ogre child appearing as a giant green block, for example). Supposedly, Blizzard is working on a fix, but I’m kinda feeling like waiting a bit before doing my monthly activities.

I’ll keep an eye on the Trading Post each month in case we see more Ogre related stuff on there. You never know what could pop up!

I think that is mostly Darkspear Trolls being green as opposed to that being Forest Trolls specifically. Revantusk haven’t been offered full Horde membership to my knowledge and they deserve much better than just one skin color on Darkspear Trolls, much like how Wildhammers deserve better than to just have a few of their customization features stapled onto Bronzebread Dwarves, as well as the other customization races deserving better treatment. Not to mention the whole confusion of Sand Troll customization, but I digress.

I’m not entirely opposed to adding Troll Tribes in general as customization races, but seeing how customization races have been treated in general, I’d prefer them to be treated much better. I’ve gone on that rant multiple times, but it’s still worth continuing to mention.

I will say with playable Horde Ogres and Forest Trolls, it will make the Horde feel more complete, given the RTS games’ history. Add some other playable Horde races and they’d be the icing on the perfect Horde cake for me. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I absolutely want to see official forest or ice troll customization at some point, complete with their beefier builds, but the way I see it is: we get ogres and we can celebrate that the Warcraft II band is back together. Then when we get forest troll customization, we can just celebrate it again. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That EverQuest stuff was interesting. I didn’t expect your history with ogres to go back so far. Although considering the old rivalry between the games, I find it funny that your history with ogres goes back to EverQuest while mine goes back to Ultima Online (they weren’t playable in Ultima Online, but an ogre caused my first death, which led to a running joke for me).

Although I did very briefly play EverQuest 2, and the name I’ve had reserved for years in World of Warcraft for an ogre is the name of my EverQuest 2 ogre.

I agree about the original ogre model in EverQuest being best, at least from what I could see in that video. The first one had personality. It wasn’t just a large guy, but a stocky round guy with a large face. The other ones just became tall humans, at least from what you could see through the armor (which was basically nothing by the end).

In hindsight, I feel similarly about the World of Warcraft ogres. The original models (and I don’t remember if that got cleared up in this thread, the fat ogres were there at launch until they were updated with Dire Maul, which is why Classic doesn’t use them) may have been really low quality, but the sheer commitment to “big fat guy” made them really unique.

I can’t place it, but something just looks off to me about the Dire Maul models. I think it always has, but when they first came out I was too excited by the fact that they got updated at all and were way higher quality.

The Warlords of Draenor ones are pretty amazing. Despite basically just being a direct upgrade of the Dire Maul ones, they fixed whatever was wrong with them while obviously upping the quality again. Part of me still kinda misses the purely fat ones though.