The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Came across a video on whiptail lizards I wanted to share for some facts and also the beautiful scale colors they can have:

A lot of these scale colors and patterns would make for some awesome Saurok scale color customization. I feel that having customization features and scale colors based on recognizable RL reptiles would make them very interesting and popular for people to notice and point out. Itā€™s something that would be very unique and special to them.

As usual, Iā€™ll keep looking for videos, artwork, and so on to help with playable Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I came here looking for this postā€¦ We have Dracthyr, now all we need is Saurokā€™s. PLEASE make it happen Blizzard! :smiley:


^ This 100%


I agree.

Dracthyr are great on their own but theyā€™re not Saurok.

They donā€™t meet that desire.


Always happy to see other fans of Saurok! :lizard:

And yes, there are many differences between Dracthyr and Saurok. Dragons and Lizardmen have their own unique features in general that are cool, but they certainly arenā€™t a substitute for the other at all.

The best way I can really describe it is to compare Night Elves with Blood Elves. Back in the days of WoW Vanilla, if you were an elf fan, you only had Night Elves as an option for that. If you were a fan of Wood Elves, then it worked fine. But if you were a fan of High Elves, then it didnā€™t feel quite right. Yes, theyā€™re both elves, but Night Elves had very different culture, aesthetics, personality, classes, and lore compared to Blood Elves, so it wasnā€™t really something that would completely replace them.

And we did get Blood Elves in BC which brought something fresh, exciting, and different compared to Night Elves. Even if Blood Elves were put on the Alliance, there were big differences between them to allow them both to be playable. You can easily see how different Blood Elves and Night Elves are.

This is how I feel with Dracthyr, Saurok, and Sethrak. Theyā€™re all different and can be playable at the same time and on the same faction while bringing fresh and exciting features to the game. I see little reason why one getting in would ever exclude the others forever, nor should any race ever be excluded because another race became playable as a ā€œcompromise.ā€

Itā€™s why Dracthyr, while I think theyā€™re cool and excited for them, donā€™t do much for my wanting an actual playable Lizardman race, which in WoWā€™s case is specifically Saurok. Dracthyr arenā€™t substitutes for them, and Saurok can still bring a lot to the game in many ways should they become a playable race in the future.

Iā€™m still planning to wait until Dracthyr are available to make on Retail servers, likely in the Dragonflight prepatch, before I compare and contrast them with Saurok. It isnā€™t to complain about Dracthyr at all, but moreso an attempt to try and explain better why Saurok and Lizardmen in general is what I want as opposed to Dragons.

I know I sound like a broken record, but itā€™s worth repeating these points and elaborating further to explain how different Saurok are compared to Dracthyr. And besides, if we can have multiple flavors of elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls, and so on in the game, I donā€™t see why we couldnā€™t have Saurok and Sethrak in addition to Dracthyr.

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Trying to think of what my Saurok would do between SLs and DF during the ā€œseveral yearsā€ that have passed.

I think heā€™d probably join up with Horde supply runners to move supplies between cities as a guard. Using the opportunity to help people and to have an excuse to travel to taste different cultures of the Hordes food.

It would probably also give him the opportunity to hunt along the road.

I think heā€™d enjoy that.

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I think my Saurok would be helping their tribe fight off any Mogu that attacks and tries to enslave them while helping their tribe find a place to call home. Then itā€™d be a matter of helping to defend their home, especially if any Mogu found them, and also engaging in hunts and trying out various meat recipes.

Likely, there would be some more to it, but it is what I can currently think of. Still hoping theyā€™ll be able to adventure across the world (of Warcraft!) as champions of the Horde someday! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Another month gone by (is it just me or did July go by quickly?), another round of in-game race request suggestions to do!

At the beginning of each month, I usually send in-game feedback for each of the races I want to see and refer to their megathreads on here for more information. I figure it can only help to gain some interest in our requests of what weā€™d like to see, though no guarantees itā€™ll lead to that ever becoming a reality.

If youā€™re interested in doing something similar, I made a guide in the following post that explains how to do it in steps:

Every little bit helps. You never know if weā€™ll be lucky to see our requests get considered for the future! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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My kid is going to Kindergarten soon and its coming way too fast.

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It should come to no surprise that Chromie plays a role in Dragonflight, and there is a questline of interest involving her I wanted to mention. More info on it is here:

So what is the interesting part of it? Click the spoiler tag below for more info.

Click here to see me ramble on some story aspects of Chromie in Dragonflight that may or may not be Saurok related

Apparently we go through different periods of time in this questline, one of which is the Pandaren revolution against the Mogu.

While Saurok may not directly be involved, they could make an appearance since they were created before this revolution. I donā€™t think they were part of the revolution on either side, but itā€™d still be something to check out and see if they appear in some fashion.

Wowhead mentions it is a timed quest, so I donā€™t know how much time youā€™d have to take in the scenery. Itā€™ll be something I check out and report on any Saurok sightings. Even if there are any Saurok, itā€™d only be interesting if they were helping the Pandaren against the Mogu (which again, I donā€™t recall them being part of it). Otherwise, they could still be slave soldiers of the Mogu at this time or just taking advantage of the situation against both sides. However, from the looks of the two screenshots of it, it could just be Pandaren fighting Mogu, so who knows?

Iā€™ll be sure to check this out ASAP when Dragonflight launches on retail!

Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye out for any potential Saurok sightings in Dragonflight!

Playable Saurok for the Horde, please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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I think Saurok were among the groups that rebelled, but it was only a smaller group of them.

Hope we find something interesting there.

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It was actually the majority, if not all of the Saurok that decided to rebel. It caused the Mogu to want to slaughter all of them and tear their spirits out, though they werenā€™t successful at all consider the Saurok were a big reason one of the Mogu emperors got killed and several of their treasure vaults got raided.

I think the Saurok rebellion happened during the reign of Lei Shen, who was ruling at the time of the Pandaren rebellion. I donā€™t know if there was any cross-over between the two rebellions or if there were any other subjugated races that joined in the rebellion as well.

Most of the Saurok did have a view of strength over all and killing the weak, though I could see it being written how some Saurok, while far from being pacifists, wanted to band together for survival and to overturn the Mogu empire. Seeing how many tribes there are, I assume there was a lot of in-fighting or different beliefs that fractured Saurok as a whole, so I could see some just gathering whoever would join their cause and flee, not seeing much survival against the Mogu and other Saurok tribes.

Definitely several directions Blizzard could go with this towards a playable Horde Saurok faction, with a lot of parallels to Orcs that I mentioned before. Itā€™d be interesting to see the lore of a tribe that became the playable Horde Saurok faction. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Umā€¦ youā€™re getting this in DFā€¦ well, they will have different heads, but that shouldnā€™t matter. :wink:

Dracthyr are Dracthyr.

Saurok are Saurok.

Weā€™re not getting this, thus we continue to ask.

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Well, Dracthyr are actually Saurok with a dragon head stuck on them. So you have the best of both worlds!

Surely you can do better than that. Iā€™ve seen you do better. Come on now.

In thinking of ideas for Saurok racial mounts, I wanted to link this video on the megalania for inspiration as well as seeing some scale colors and patterns on different reptiles in the video:

I can imagine Saurok riding a similar type of mount, albeit with a bit more teeth being shown and looking more fierce. Something that could go CHOMP CHOMP if you get too close to its mouth. Would make for a fun mount to ride into battle, though!

Not sure ultimately what Saurok would get as their racial mount, but with several options, you canā€™t go wrong with any of them.

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Riding around on something like a Megalania would be awesome as all heck!

Blizzard could potentially add them to the Ungoro Crater and have a group of Saurok move in there, like has been suggested a before, and that would be an easy way to kinda make it work out.

I sometimes use Megalania in Arkā€¦ Theyā€™re fun there. Donā€™t see why they wouldnā€™t be here. :smiley:

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They could make some sense there, as well as if we saw them with devilsaur mounts. Unā€™goro Crater would have several of them, so it would make some sense and fit the theme of Saurok to tame and ride them around. Otherwise, we could see some megalania mobs added to the area to explain why they suddenly have them as mounts.

I donā€™t know how big any megalania mounts would be. I think there are some lizard mounts in BfA, though how to get them is unclear. Iā€™ll have to see if any more info has come on them so I can make a post about them. I imagine they could always be edited some into a megalania mount if Blizzard went that direction.

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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So Iā€™m now a bit over 4,000 attempts at getting the Son of Galleon mount. It has a 0.02% drop rate from a world boss, so it isnā€™t that surprising given that others have attempted it 9,000+ times according to comments. Granted, I am cycling through 40+ alts each week to try and get it, so it can be tiring to keep at it and be unsuccessful for so long. The things I do for this megathread and potential future Saurok charactersā€¦

It does make me wonder if mushan would be a choice for a racial mount for playable Saurok. The ones in-game all have a bit a prestige in getting them, at least one you canā€™t really get anymore if I recall correctly. I donā€™t know how much consideration that is when depending racial mounts for new playable, though it could be a factor.

I suppose if mushan were a racial mount for Saurok, they could look different than the other mushan mounts in some way. Otherwise, there are plenty of other options for Saurok racial mounts that would be neat, including devilsaurs and other ideas presented throughout the megathread.

In the meantime, Iā€™ll still keep at it each week in trying to get this mount to dropā€¦fun timesā€¦

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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