The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Tossing support in for Saurok again. Hopefully weā€™ll see them playable someday. Cheers.


If you have some cookies of some kind already made, I found a YouTube video that shows how to decorate them to make them dinosaur related:

You could easily translate this into a Lizardman related theme. Seems like something I would have on the menu if I ever had a Saurok party of some kind! :lizard:

27 days until the next expansion is announced! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Annnd another added to my baking list.

Youā€™re going to get me murderedā€¦ My hubby can only eat so many cookies and doesnā€™t like to waste so I end up eating most of them. T_T

Very neat cookies!

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How about a different direction, then? Like pizza fit for a Saurok! :pizza:

I came across a video that has a recipe in how to make your own meat loverā€™s pizza from scratch. I imagine you could edit the recipe with whatever meat you want, though it still looks really good just watching it.

List of ingredients are on the videoā€™s Youtube page in the description:

Iā€™ve mentioned before the idea of how meat could be important to Saurok culture, and I imagine they would have many different meat-based recipes. Iā€™ve previously linked a ā€œMeatzzaā€ recipe before, where the ingredients are all meat related. I imagine seeing something similar to that as a recipe or sold by Saurok vendors, or just a meat loverā€™s pizza recipe in the game coming from Saurok cooking trainers.

Maybe if I perfect my cooking skills, I could entice a tribe of Saurok with a meat loverā€™s pizza to get on the Horde side of that character creation screen! :lizard:

26 days until the next expansion is announced! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Youā€™re killing me.

I like to toss a lot of meats on my pizzaā€¦ and garlicā€¦ lots of garlicā€¦ and Jalapenoā€¦

Can you imagine if Saurok made pizza as a standard meal for themselvesā€¦

Like it was a staple of their culture?

Just flat dough and EVERY meat that they can find on a mild red sauce with cheese to hold it all togetherā€¦

I donā€™t know why but the idea that Saurok are massive pizza lovers makes me happy.

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If they make pizza, I imagine it would be similar to that Meatzza I linked some time ago. Mostly, the theme of using meat as an ingredient for a lot of the food they make seems really fitting.

In fact, I can see them making things like bread involving meat in some fashion. This is actually something you can do IRL, such as with bacon bread. This is just one example of making bacon bread:

And another example:

I suppose meatloaf could also be used as a bread of sorts for sandwiches and whatnot. There are a lot of cool meat related food items that you could apply to Saurok culture if Blizzard went with the whole meat being important idea. Again, it just seems really fitting for them and gives them a lot of personality. :lizard:

25 days until the next expansion is announced! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Iā€™d almost say it was a necessity.


I made this once. And now youā€™ve dragged that haunting memory from deep within where Iā€™d hidden it so I would never be assaulted by that most wonderful of breads.

How dare you.

I agree with that.

Imagine a Tauren looking at a Saurok whos got a meatloaf sandwhich where the meatloaf is the bread and there are some more meats in the middleā€¦

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I am intriguedā€¦

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gib dinnos pls

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Speaking of dinos, a thought occurred to me regarding when the Mogu created Saurok. They used all kinds of lizards in order to create Saurok, but given there was an island of dinosaurs right near Pandaria, is it possible the Mogu used any of those creatures to make Saurok?

The island is called ā€œThe Isle of Giantsā€ and has a number of different dinosaurs on there. Itā€™s close enough to Pandaria that I assume the mists around the continent wouldnā€™t have completely hindered anyone from going there. Not to mention with a growing empire, I assume Mogu were looking for ways to get past the mists at various points, so youā€™d think they wouldā€™ve arrived on the island or been aware of it.

Not to mention that a lot of reptiles wouldā€™ve been used in creating Saurok in general. Thus, if the Mogu were aware of this Isle of Giants, then they mustā€™ve been interested in turning Devilsaurs and such into their own slave soldiers.

Of course, trying to capture devilsaurs and turn them into bipedal beings would likely be low on the Moguā€™s list of fun, happy, and healthy activities, so maybe they would have captured eggs and used their flesh shaping magic on younger devilsaurs and such. It likely wouldā€™ve made Saurok a more manageable size for the most part.

Itā€™s an interesting thought, since the Skumblade Tribe believe they were created by Kros, a devilsaur loa. Not all Saurok wouldā€™ve come from devilsaurs, of course, but itā€™d be an interesting thought that some of them couldā€™ve come from them.

Of course, most Saurok are very similar to each other, so it is likely that the majority were used with various reptiles on Pandaria instead. I imagine if any Saurok were made by dinosaurs, theyā€™d be something like Dire Saurok, where theyā€™d be bigger and similar to how Dire Trolls are. Youā€™d also see some customization differences, like if Direhorns were used to make Saurok. I could imagine Saurok looking cool with some Direhorn features.

Itā€™s an intriguing thought I wanted to share. To be clear, I donā€™t think all Saurok came from dinosaurs in general. Instead, I view them being created by various reptiles. But still, if any of them did come from dinosaurs, then that would add some more customization option potential for playable Horde Saurok! :sauropod:

24 days until the next expansion is announced! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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The Mists happened after the Pandaren and other races revolted against the Mogu Empire. They wouldnā€™t have had to contend with it.

The mists only came 10000 years ago with the War of the Ancients.

Mogu empire was before that time.

Ifā€¦ Iā€™m remembering right.

To the rest of the post I canā€™t see why the mogu wouldnā€™t have tried to use some dinos. In the creation of Saurokā€¦ Or something else.

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Seems like they wouldā€™ve been aware of it if they were looking to expand their empire if the mists werenā€™t around the continent yet. Itā€™s close enough that I figure they would go there to possibly get dinos for flesh shaping. As I said, there are only so many reptiles on Pandaria in general.

Speaking of, it makes me wonder what native reptiles were on Pandaria before the Mogu went to create the Saurok. Obviously, there are some there still like crocolisks, but I wonder if some species may have all turned into Saurok when gathered up by the Mogu. Seems like something that could play into Saurok culture or personality, where some Saurok ponder upon being a species previously that no longer really exists.

Just some more interesting things to think about! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Holding out hope! I still want playable Saurok!


Well today, I am a year older. I think Iā€™m getting to the point where Iā€™m starting to feel old as I go through birthdays, but itā€™s still a fun day.

I figure today is a good day to show off a lizard who also celebrated their birthday with a party:

Of course, Iā€™m sure you can tell what part of my birthday wish is. :lizard:

23 days until the next expansion is announced! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Happy birthday!

Iā€™m at that point where itā€™s really hard to figure out what to say when folk ask what I want for my birthdayā€¦

Not sure if that happens to you but I hope you get all you desire!


My mother likes to wrap up physical items, so I try to pick some things out I want. It can be hard to find things sometimes, but I usually find things for her to wrap up. She really likes to do some things for birthdays, and I appreciate her for everything she does. :smiley:

As for all I desire, I do hope for certain races to become playable and more character slots for my account. Hopefully, Iā€™ll get them someday! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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So one of the birthday presents I got was the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book I had been wanting for awhile. While I primarily wanted it to see any info on the Horde Ogre clans, I did want to see if Saurok were mentioned in the Unā€™Goro Crater since we do see one during the microholiday, and also given that Hearthstone has Saurok in Unā€™Goro Crater.

Reading the section and its subsections, I did not see any mention of Saurok at all. Not too surprising, since I wasnā€™t really expecting anything. Still, it was worth a look.

An interesting art piece I did want to share from that section did seem pretty cool. It isnā€™t Saurok related at all, but itā€™s something that could be inspiring to Saurok art. Itā€™s of a reptile/dinosaur hatching.

Going to attempt to link it from Wowpedia. If it looks weird or blurry, that would be why. Iā€™ll try to work with it if it doesnā€™t show up properly:

The main reason I wanted to share it is because itā€™s something I could imagine seeing in a Saurok hatchery. Something about seeing an egg hatch and seeing a being that is ferocious with a cunning look seems like something that would fit well with Saurok.

I assume with a playable Saurok faction, they would have a section for a hatchery. Likely taking it seriously to take care of their young and make sure they hatch without any issues. Weā€™ve seen the Darkhatched keep their eggs in an area, though they were corrupted by outside forces, so it may not be indicative of how Saurok would take care of their eggs.

Anyway, if I happen to see anything in this book that is worth mentioning here, Iā€™ll be sure to do it. Not that I expect anything Saurok related, but you never know! :lizard:

22 days until the next expansion is announced! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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I came across some Seraphon Army Showcase videos on Youtube I wanted to share for Saurok customization idea inspiration as well as design inspiration based on the Seraphon models in general. Army showcases are videos where people share their Warhammer army and how they painted them.

Here are a few I found so far:

Iā€™ll likely share more videos like these as I come across them. Iā€™m hoping to be able to start building my own Seraphon army someday. Of course, Iā€™d also love to have my own army of Horde Saurok someday as well! :lizard:

21 days until the next expansion is announced! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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One of the conversations in the Shadowlands epilogue involves the Death Knights. They will apparently have a role in the world (of Warcraft!) seeing as the Scourge is still going to be a problem. This is of interest to future playable races.

The following images are taken from here:

Here are a couple of images of said conversations:

Iā€™m going to guess with Bolvar no longer the Lich King, there is still a way to raise new Death Knights. Undead are still a problem and likely the necromancy school of magic still is possible of working. I could also see some beings becoming undead as part of the Scourge and then getting freed, potentially becoming Death Knights afterwards.

As such, I am hoping that future playable races will be able to become Death Knights. You might remember that one of the Saurok characters Iā€™d love to make is a Saurok Unholy Death Knight, and at least for now, it seems like Death Knights are a possibility for future playable races still.

Granted, Iā€™m not sure how their starting area will be, seeing as both Death Knight starting areas are time locked. Maybe weā€™ll see the one for allied races and Pandaren get edited to remove Lich King Bolvar. Seems like the simplest thing to do, in my opinion.

Whatever the case, Iā€™m hoping Death Knights will still be a possibility for future playable races.

20 days until the next expansion is announced! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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From what weā€™ve seen there the Death Knights of the Ebon Blade have reason to still exist and there is no reason that Bolvar needs to be there to make new death knights. The Lich King was very powerful and able to raise them on his own but that doesnā€™t mean several strong death knights canā€™t raise new ones together.

Not only that but the Deathlord (player death knight) can do so on their own. It was never entirely clear if the Lich King was supplying that power, he kinda implies that you just have the ability.

We also donā€™t know if the helm being destroyed actually means Bolvar can or canā€™t make new ones anymore. Hes still strong all on his own.

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