The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

In my campaigns I operate under the assumption that EVERY race can have its adventurers and heroes.

Often end up bending over backwards to let my PCā€™s get the race they want without it being too OP.

Saurok and Kobolds are very different especially in WoW but I do have a soft spot for Kobolds in DND and seeing them armored really does get me excited for Saurok to have a player model. (That and I like Lizardfolk a lot too.)

Heres hoping we see reptile races on that character creation screen sooner rather than later!

:crocodile: :snake: :turtle:


Wonder if itā€™s sort of a regional dialect aiming for ā€œsaurenā€.
Played Ultima Online with a guy who went by the name of Soren :wink:


Since getting into 5e books, I noticed that several playable races have come from originally just being monstrous races meant to not be much more than enemies for the DM to place down for players to beat up. Itā€™s cool to see many of them fleshed out to become actual playable races for players to choose and roll up.

In fact, Voloā€™s Guide to Monsters is a really interesting read in that regard. It offers some ideas to explain how your character of various formerly monster races could become an adventurer. Itā€™s really cool to see several races as options.

Even MMOā€™s have done that before. Frogloks, who use to be a NPC race that would be there to deter evil characters in a dungeon, got a really cool revamp in Everquest 1 to become playable, which was exciting since they were my most wanted race back then. Even WoW has added several races that use to just be mooks you beat up without a lot of thought as playable races.

So there is still some hope to see Saurok get some love and become much more as a playable Horde race! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I literally was reading that book earlier. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeahā€¦ WoW needs to really refocus on the RPG bit and flesh out many of the races.

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Just wanted to bump this thread in addition to you two doing so because Iā€™m absolutely still waiting for my playable Saurok Warlock. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


If playable Horde Saurok become a reality, my current plans for potential characters are:

Male Demonology Warlock
Male Unholy Death Knight
Male Shadow Priest (Considering saving him for if we get Sethrak)
Male Survival Hunter

Warlock and Death Knight would be the most important classes for me. If we happen to get Necromancers as a class, then Iā€™d replace Warlock with it. Of course, if we got Necromancers as a skin for Warlocks, Iā€™d happily settle for that. :skull::lizard:

Yeah, there are a lot of really interesting races in the game, though by fleshing out, Iā€™d like to see some of them become a playable race, myself.

As I said before, I get that some races were designed to be and are destined to just be NPC races, usually with as much depth as a puddle. At the same time, there are some NPC races that are really interesting and could have a lot of potential in getting fleshed out as a playable race. Not to mention adding some really neat variety on that character creation screen.

Still keeping up hope that Saurok will be something more someday! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Been looking at the datamining of the next patch. Nothing Saurok related, which I wasnā€™t expecting anything in the first place, but there does seem to be an interesting thing possibly involving Death Knights I wanted to comment on. Iā€™ll hide the text behind a spoiler tag if you want to see my speculation.

Click here to see 9.2 Speculation Talk

There seems to be signs that the Helm of Domination will be reforged, which is likely how the whole undead threat on Azeroth will be dealt with.

This would mean that future playable races could be able to have Death Knights as a class option, which is something Iā€™m hoping for with Saurok if they become playable. Iā€™m assuming if Bolvar takes up the mantle again, that they could just reuse the newer starting area made for allied races and Pandaren. Likely, some text would need to be edited and some NPCā€™s of the new races would get added in the area, but that seems like it would work well in that regard.

A new Lich King would mean that another further Death Knight races would need a new area, since Bolvarā€™s starting area would be timelocked to before Shadowlands in such a scenario, unless they just replace Bolvar with whoever would become the new Lich King.

I will say that at the time of this post, there is no indication of what will be done with the helm, nor who would wear it. Iā€™m a bit worried about Sylvanas becoming the Lich Queen, which would have a lot of problems in my opinion, but I donā€™t know how likely that would be. I feel like Bolvar taking up the helm again would be more likely and work better with future events. Not to mention the Death Knights would likely prefer him as their boss over Sylvanas of all people.

Weā€™ll see what happens, I suppose. Since I want to see Saurok Death Knights in the future, Iā€™ll be keeping an eye out and seeing what actually happens with the Helm of Domination and such. Hoping for the best, as usual.

Once 9.2 does come out, Iā€™ll be keeping an eye out for any news on the next expansion. Still hoping to see some reptilian races added to that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:

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With Turkey Massacre Day (U.S. Thanksgiving) coming up, I wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday!

Even reptiles IRL get to celebrate by munching on turkey. This video shows off a person feeding two tegu some turkey:

Tegu are reptiles I donā€™t think Iā€™ve covered in this thread for Saurok idea inspiration. Maybe Iā€™ll do that in the near future! In the meantime, I hope Saurok will be able to celebrate Pilgrimā€™s bounty someday with lots of delicious food! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

I have been waiting a million years for WoW to let me play as a non mammal race, give me scales or feathers! But please donā€™t give female Saurok boobies. Were reptiles, not mammals. Just give female Saurok a slimmer upper torso and maybe different colors or markings.

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Iā€™ve been wanting a playable Lizardman race in this game since I started playing shortly after BC released. Itā€™s a reason Iā€™ve been trying to show off how neat Saurok could be as a playable race. :lizard:

And yes, I agree that female Saurok shouldnā€™t really have breasts. There are plenty of other ways to differentiate them from male Saurok (body size, scale patterns, animations, etc) and something like breasts on reptilian humanoid races just seems silly to me. Several Lizardmen races in other games and media donā€™t have such designs and still appear as feminine, so itā€™s possible to do that with female Saurok.

Since you mentioned feathers, would Arakkoa interest you as a playable race? If so, please check out the Arakkoa megathread:

Iā€™ve seen Arakkoa requested for a long time, so if anyone is interested in them, I want to show them the Arakkoa megathread to help support them as a playable race also. :parrot:

As for reptilian races, as I keep saying, there are several great candidates that would be exciting to see playable and offer a lot of variety on that character creation screen. Hopefully, they get some love and are giving the chance to become something more as a playable race someday! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:

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I got the night fae saurolisk soulshape on my nightfae monk. It definetly feels fun to be a lizard!


I want to role as one so I can kill Captain Kirk!

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Why do we need both an official and unofficial saurok hate thread?

This isnā€™t a Saurok hate thread. Itā€™s a thread to support them as a playable Horde race. :lizard:

As for the unofficial part of the title, itā€™s a thing that a lot of the other race request megathreads did for their titles, likely naming it unofficial since it was a fan made thread, so I named my thread that to fit with the theme of the other race request megathreads.

Nothing but love for Saurok here! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Saurok for the Horde!


Got another video of a tegu enjoying Thanksgiving:

Itā€™s cool to see reptiles getting to munch on delicious food during the week. Hoping Saurok get to enjoy the feast of Pilgrimā€™s Bounty someday as well. I know they would really enjoy some delicious turkey. Likely several pounds of it! :turkey:

Hope everyone has a safe and happy week! Iā€™m likely going to unleash the hunger of several Saurok this Thursday, myself! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Going to post this in both my megathreads, though slightly different to tailor to the theme of both of course.

Since part of Thanksgiving is to give thanks, I wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who comes to my megathreads. Whether you just come to look and see what all Iā€™ve typed up in posts or if you make some posts here yourself, Iā€™m very appreciative of everyone who comes to check my megathreads out.

I feel very lucky in that both of my megathreads have been going smoothly and received positively in general. Yā€™all are one of the big reasons I keep going. I canā€™t say whether text I type on here will lead into anything, but I still feel itā€™s worth a shot to continue on at present. As long as I keep playing the game, I plan to keep going on the best I can. Thank you to everyone who has offered their support to our cause!

Still keeping the dream of seeing Saurok on the Horde side of that character creation screen! As always, more Saurok research and support to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


HAppy turkey munch time my lizard friends, hope the Saurok get tons of good stuff. Hoping to see them playable someday and would roll one. Hope you have good holidays whatever you celebrate :slight_smile:


I love you both, just saying and adding that. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Happy Thanksgiving my friends!

Were my Saurok Ssisko around heā€™d be living the dream right now going between cities tasting their feasts and reveling in the season!