The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Popping in to show some more support for Saurok, hope we get it someday ^^ I did try for the council thing so will bring up these ideas if I get in. (unlikely but hey, why not try!)


To be honest, I think youā€™d make a great member of that council. You provide a voice for those who RP in the game, have a great knowledge on world-building, and are a great supporter for several playable races among several other reasons. Your versatility would be a great thing to have on there.

Iā€™m hoping that community council will be utilized well. I honestly am unsure of what to think about it and need to see what exactly it does, how feedback gets handled from it, and see it supported long-term before I can really give a good opinion on it. I also hope Blizzard will still continue to get feedback from other sources, like the other parts of these forums for example (such as the race request megathreads, of course).

But regardless of what happens, Iā€™ll still be around to support the races I want playable as best as I can! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Aw thanks so much! I really appreciate the kind words. Yeah I tossed my attempt in to see, because I am super passionate and have been talking with tons of people here about what they would like added to the game in terms of active threads. Sure, I donā€™t hop into all of them, butā€¦ itā€™s a lot.

I hope it will be utilized too. Iā€™m not sure when weā€™re supposed to know whoā€™s picked, either. I hope we know soon. I figured I might as well try to help out since I really do care about this community, especially those passionate about story, roleplay, and collecting. And wanting to play cool races in general. I really hope they donā€™t focus on PvE stuff.


Iā€™ve prefer a focus on PvE as opposed to PvP, myself, though I would prefer PvE to be things other than raids and temporary systems. Not saying PvP isnā€™t important, of course. Itā€™s just my own personal preference is all.

My understanding is that they will cycle through people on the council over time, possibly to allow others to give their voices to it. As I said before, Iā€™m dubious at present, and Iā€™m hoping that they will take feedback seriously, both there and elsewhere on the forums.

When it actually takes place, Iā€™ll be able to at least give an initial impression of it, but as I said, we need to see things long-term before I can fully trust the idea behind a community council. Also still hope they take feedback from other sources still.

Hoping for the best, but still feeling initially dubious. Just how I honestly feel at present. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Oh, I meant neither PvP or PVE. I donā€™t want the focus on only PVE stuff, but story/lore and playable races as well, collections, and customization. PvP I really donā€™t care that much about, to be honest. I donā€™t have the time to put into that type of gameplay.

Iā€™d rather dedicate my scheduled stuff to D&D or roleplay sessions. ^^


Ah, I actually lump things like new playable races and customization options into PvE, though I can see how you can put those kinds of features into another category altogether.

I do think there needs to be voices of different aspects of the game, as people play the game for different reasons. MMORPGā€™s can be very versatile, so I hope they look at the feedback for players who voice for each different type of gameplay for the game as opposed to picking and choosing a few things to look at.

I donā€™t know if new playable races are a thing theyā€™re looking for in this council, but hopefully theyā€™ll still look at the race request megathreads in general in addition to it. Iā€™d want those who champion for certain races to become playable to have a voice as well, as it is only fair IMO. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Ooooh okay, yeah I put it in a separate category from PvE so thatā€™s why I made that comment!

Yeah I sincerely hope communities like this and other AR/customization threads are considered for this stuff x.x


Watched this and thought a bit of this thread, I feel people here will really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Reptiles are far more intelligent than people give them credit for.


Reptiles in general are very much capable of being smart. Even alligators and crocodiles have really good memory, as shown in the video below.

Please note that the people in this video are trained professionals and have worked with this particular crocodile and others in the video before. Please do not try this yourself:

I imagine Saurok being capable of being fairly intelligent and cunning as they evolve from being near-feral to something more of a civilization. They would be more than just brainless lizards if given the chance! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Reptiles are incredibly smart and I wanted to work with them (Still do) for a career as a herpetologist or wildlife researcher. It really bugs me that many people assume otherwise.


As many have likely seen yesterday, Shadowlandsā€™ final patch has been announced, which means we should be looking at a new expansion announcement at some point in the future. When is that? Who know! But we should expect one at some point, likely next year.

The biggest rumors for the next expansion are Dragon Isles and a potential revamp of the old world (likely just Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor). Iā€™m not sure if Dragon Isles would be the whole focus of an expansion or just part of one.

For Saurok, I donā€™t know if they would fit a Dragon Isles expansion, but an old world expansion could have them. As I mentioned before, they have been sea faring, and it could be possible they arrived on Kalimdor and settle down somewhere, with Unā€™goro Crater being a fitting place for them. An old world revamp would be a great time to implement some new playable races, especially since I assume it would be designed for new players to go through after going through the new character introduction scenario, and it would be neat to see several of the races people have requested become playable.

Now, those two possible expansion ideas are just rumors of course. We donā€™t really know what will happen next expansion until it gets announced, but I do wonder where we go from the afterlife. Iā€™m hoping to be back on Azeroth, myself, so that would at least keep me interested.

And for Saurok, they can work as a playable Horde race in different situations. They could play a smaller part of an expansion, like the old world revamp Iā€™ve speculated on a lot with some Mogu as antagonists, to being a bigger part of an expansion, such as if we run into a new continent and if Mogu are the main antagonists. Saurok are fairly versatile in that regard, though a lot will depend on where the storyline will take us past Shadowlands.

Iā€™ll be clear in saying that my expectations will be tempered, but there is still a part of me keeping a small amount of hope. At any rate, Iā€™ll keep an eye out for any expansion announcements and see if there is Saurok involvement of any type when we do see what the next expansion is.

In the meantime, Iā€™ll keep trucking along with the playable Horde Saurok support as best as I can! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


They cool. I am slightly moving to the Birds men and weres in WOD here lately. I think both add flavor to game. Since we can not have the moose tuarens.

Came across a couple of interesting facts from Wowpediaā€™s Saurok page, under the notes and trivia section. You can find the link to that page here:

The first of the facts is that when you use Saurok as an adjective, the word used is ā€œSauroken.ā€ This comes from the following item:

ā€œThe saurok were originally dispatched to maintain order in the far edges of the mogu empire. A sauroken culture of superiority and hatred for weakness developed, fueled by the ego of their mogu masters.ā€

Sounds like a word to add to my dictionary! :open_book:

The next interesting fact I saw is that some of the Pandaria residents in Krasarang Wilds refer to Saurok as ā€œSorenā€ for some reason. This comes from the following item:

ā€œThere appear to be patrols of raiding lizardfolk. The locals I have encountered refer to them as ā€œsorenā€ and they are an ill tempered lot.ā€

The Wowhead comment on there wonders if it is an older name for them, since there is apparently evidence of ā€œHozuā€ being used in the game, possibly for Hozen. I assume by older name, it may mean from Pandariaā€™s history as opposed to a name the devs used before settling on Saurok for them. Either way, could be good to know this in case I come across it next time I search Pandaria for Saurok stuff again.

And the last interesting fact is that Wowpedia mentions that the name ā€œSaurokā€ may have come from the ancient Greek language, where Wowpedia says the word ā€œlizardā€ is ĻƒĪ±įæ¦ĻĪæĻ‚ /saĆ»ros in ancient Greek. Using Google Translation, it tells me that modern Greekā€™s word for ā€œlizardā€ is ā€œĻƒĪ±ĻĻĪ±/sĆ”vra.ā€ To be honest, itā€™s all Greek to me. :v

Anyway, just some interesting facts I wanted to share. Thanksgiving is coming up for those in the USA, so I plan to unleash a Sauroken appetite on lots of food that day! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I never knew you had this thread or the other but I checked out, liked and followed both so I can support a friend. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


Now this is all interesting informationā€¦

Sounds like there is in fact more culture to the Saurok than it seems.


Really appreciate it! Iā€™ve been at this whole Saurok support march for a little over 2 years. Iā€™ve been on the Ogre support march here since BfA was announced, where I eventually made my Stonemaul Ogre megathread about a year ago. Theyā€™re both races I dream of becoming playable Horde races, so I do my best to show off how they would make neat playable races! :smiley:

I imagine Saurok culture could be really interesting if it got fleshed out.

Your typical view of Saurok is that they are all about the strength over all and slaughtering the weak, though that isnā€™t the view of every Saurok as weā€™ve seen from several of them in-game. Part of me wonders if that may have been inspired from the Mogu. I mean, you were just a lizard, relaxing and enjoying being a part of the ecosystem, then you get taken away from your habitat, are changed into something entirely different through a painful process, then are forced to become slave soldiers with crappy health insurance. Chances are, youā€™d get pretty angry too, and with the Mogu as your main frame of reference, might want to believe in the power of being strong.

In such a case, I wonder if Saurok who get raised outside of that scenario might develop other beliefs, which would depend on each of the tribes of course. You have some like the Skumblade Tribe that keep those ā€œslaughter the weak!ā€ beliefs, but maybe you get others who go away from that while still keeping strength in mind. The Glintrok Tribe, for example, incorporates some form of honor, so itā€™s possible different tribes could have different beliefs.

As generations of Saurok are born, Iā€™m sure they would have different experiences than their previous generations that were slave soldiers, so that could be an explanation of seeing some Saurok that donā€™t prey upon the weak for the lawlz. There is also the idea Iā€™ve presented that some Saurok couldā€™ve gotten artifacts from Mogu vaults that increased their intelligence, changing their views on several things possibly. There are several ways to go about explaining how a playable Saurok faction is more open to working with others, especially if theyā€™re in a situation where they donā€™t have a choice but to seek out help.

Just some food for thought I wanted to ramble on. Iā€™m sure I could go into more detail, of course. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Today starts the 17th anniversary event for WoW! If youā€™re wanting to know what all is involved, Wowhead has a guide here:

17 yearsā€¦of course, that is 17 years too long to not have some playable reptilian races. Especially when you have some pretty awesome candidates and all that room on the character creation screen for them! Still keeping hope after for playable Horde Saurok someday, myself. :lizard:

Letā€™s hope it wonā€™t be 17 more years until we see some reptilian races on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Blizzard! Put in reptilian races damnit! :snake::crocodile::turtle:


So I came across this neat artwork of what appears to be a Heroic Kobold of the D&D variety. Unfortunately, I have no idea where it originated from, or if this is a fan artwork or official artwork. If anyone knows, please let me know so I can edit this post and give credit to the artist.

Anyway, here is the heroic kobold picture I found:

While Kobolds are quite different than Lizardfolk, I wanted to share this as it looks really awesome and can give inspiration for what potential heroic Saurok could look like. Hopefully someday, weā€™ll see Saurok champions of the Horde doing heroic stuff like this! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


While trying to see if I can find where the image in the last post came from, I came across another neat Kobold that was more of the D&D variety. They come from a board game called ā€œThunderstone Quest,ā€ and is apparently a hero I assume you can play as in it.

Kobold Hero shown here:

Taken from the following tweet from Ambrose H.H., who has a lot of neat fantasy art in general, on Twitter here:

As I said, Kobolds in D&D are very much different from Lizardfolk, but they still have some interesting designs that could work well for some Saurok idea inspiration. Seeing lizard races in armor and such also is great to help imagine how Saurok could look in similar armor.

Besides, if a Kobold from D&D or other worlds can become a hero, then surely Saurok are more than capable of being heroes someday! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: